Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1797: Eucharist

Tianze universe, the third realm.

Shen Mietian's eyes appeared astonished, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

What happened just now?

He looked at Mu Qing and saw that the opponent's body swelled with unimaginable power in his body. At the same time, the poisonous cloud above his head collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a wave of power and blending into Mu Qing's body.

"What exactly is going on?"

Shen Mietian suppressed the injury, frowned and looked at Mu Qing.

Because when time was suspended, consciousness also stagnated. From his point of view, it was Mu Qing who was about to be killed by himself. A terrifying force broke out in his body and shook him back!

He didn't know where this power came from, but no matter what, he definitely couldn't let Mu Qing continue to maintain this state.

Shen Mietian can perceive that Mu Qing's strength is increasing at an astonishing speed. If he doesn't make any moves, I am afraid that the opponent will reach the enchanting level!

Divine lights bloomed one after another, and Shen Mietian's body was surrounded by terrifying rays of light, and the golden fist was crushing away with a monstrous force.

At the same time, the kingdom of God stretched, and there was a sacred breath everywhere, and countless ghosts appeared, worshiping the king of gods.

The ancient mirror of the gods also shined brightly, and the tricolor light swept towards Mu Qing.

Suddenly, Mu Qing opened and closed his eyes, and his swollen body quickly shrank and returned to its normal state.


There was a loud noise, and Mu Qing's body instantly burst out with hundreds of millions of feet of light, and the dazzling lines of stars were intertwined to form a starry sky after another.

The starry sky presents substance instead of phantom, and the vast and majestic breath spreads to the surroundings.

The starry sky of ten realms rolled up, enveloping the entire sky of the third realm!

With the help of the torrent of energy and the poisonous cloud derived from the dominating holy thing, the two forces violently clash, greatly stimulating the physical body, and the progress of condensing the Eucharist is so fast that it is unimaginable.

At this time, Mu Qing's cosmic eucharist opened up ten starry sky and completely reached completion.

And Mu Qingxin understands that at this time, he has already noticed that from the original Star God Body to the current Universe Eucharist, it is a complete method of condensing the Eucharist!

Even if there is no secret method of sacrament given by the heaven, as long as Mu Qing continues to practice and opens up the ten world starry sky, the true sacrament will be condensed.

However, Tianzang's secret method of the Eucharist also has its advantages, which is to use the power of dominating the holy objects to make the Eucharist take shape quickly.

Mu Qing originally thought that more pressure and stimulation would be needed to condense the Eucharist, but now the torrent of energy coming from the air has allowed him to complete it ahead of schedule.


A stormy wave of energy spread, and the endless starry sky appeared, and the shining star lines were intertwined. At this moment, Mu Qing is like the emperor of the universe, and one person is a universe.

The Holy Body of the Universe Starry Sky!

"The power of the energy torrent is still..."

Mu Qing frowned slightly. He didn't know the origin of the huge power of the energy torrent, and even this energy torrent contained the curse of time.

Even the torrent of energy tried to blend into his body and become a part of him.

This makes Mu Qing quite vigilant.

Although the arrival of the torrent of energy helped him resolve the crisis, Mu Qing would not easily let the power of unknown origin merge with his body.

What's more, now Mu Qing's cosmic body is complete, the power of the starry sky is continuous, endless, and the energy is unimaginable, and no other power is needed.

"In that case."

Mu Qing's mind moved, and under his control, the torrent of energy in his body was quickly consumed.

His body bloomed with dazzling golden light, and every inch of flesh and blood flowed through the power of the vast starry sky. With a punch, the boundless universe appeared, shattering the sky.

Mu Qing backed hundreds of meters, but was not injured, and the power was dispelled by the Holy Body.

Afterwards, he turned into the highest **** sun, and the terrifying temperature burst out, accompanied by endless light and heat, super-giant suns appeared all over his body.

There are three thousand super giant suns!

After the Holy Physique was completed, Mu Qing's strength also entered the enchanting level.

And now, he even gave up the shackles of the core of the rules, and directly exploded the full power of the consummation scripture, no longer balancing.

This power, but incomparably terrifying, is at the apex of the ultimate supreme!

If other ultimate supreme beings do not limit the power of the consummation scriptures, they can reach quite an astonishing level if they burst out completely, but the consumption is too huge, and one or two moves will almost consume all of their energy.

But now Mu Qing's state is different, he unscrupulously burst out the full power of the consummation scriptures.

After the sacred body of the universe is completely formed, it has a characteristic, that is, the vast energy like the universe!

Originally, Mu Qing's energy was quite vigorous, but the energy he possessed at this moment was so vast that it had reached an indescribable level.

What's more, Mu Qing is now consuming the power of the torrent of energy, and he won't have any consumption himself.

Three thousand super-giant suns fell like golden meteor showers, blasting towards the kingdom of the gods.

At the same time, Mu Qing held a snake knife and displayed the burning sun blade with full power. A thin golden line that penetrates the sky and the earth traversed, followed by a horrible scene of star explosions, bursts of explosions set off, and the impact of the three. The **** is crushed by the light.


The super giant sun fell one after another into the kingdom of God condensed from the body of the gods, the flaming gods burst into pieces in an instant, and a phantom **** screamed with a scream, the golden sun's fire was like a piece of fire. Wang Yang swept all around.

Shen Mietian's face was gloomy, and he quickly gathered the kingdom of God, and the ancient mirror of the gods hanging above his head burst out with a dazzling tricolor light.

And he even displayed the strongest punch, Twilight of the Gods!

The ancient divine text on his chest flickered crazily, providing power, and the endless divine glow rolled away, shaking the entire Third Realm.

A strange purple light appeared in Shen Mietian's eyes, and a heavy phantom enveloped Mu Qing.

Three methods were used to attack Mu Qing with a terrifying posture!

He has completely regarded Mu Qing as a great enemy, and the opponent not only has been promoted to the enchanting level, but also has a high-level sacred weapon, and even has an immense energy, directly urging all the power of the consummation scripture to fight.

It's a pity that Mu Qing has become vigilant after hitting once.

The rules of illusion are indeed powerful, but now Mu Qing's sacred body is formed and has resistance to the power of rules.

He screamed, his body swelled in the wind and turned into a giant, with the sky above his head and his feet on the ground. He took a deep breath, and the poisonous cloud that dominated the sacred object was sucked into his body.

The snake knife in his hand bloomed with golden light, and the light of the sun burst out!

He slashed away, and the terrifying golden spots appeared little by little, and then there was a terrifying explosion, and everything that was affected was annihilated into nothingness.


The illusion was shrouded, then it was cut, turned into countless illusory fragments and scattered around.

The high sacred artifacts plus the power of the Eucharist and the full power of the consummation scriptures exploded, making Mu Qing's strength beyond the ordinary!

Mu Qing yelled violently, and then cut out two consecutive scorching sun blades, extinguishing the three-color divine light, and at the same time knocking off the divine mietian.

Shen Mietian retreated for the first time, he coughed out a mouthful of blood, his entire right arm was scorched, and there was a hideous wound on his fist. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1797 Eucharist Consummation) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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