Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1812: The means of mastery

"Secrets of reincarnation?"

Mu Qing was dumbfounded. He didn't expect this kind of thing to happen when he participated in the three-for-one competition.

The pale demon **** has been reincarnated successfully, not only retaining the memory of his previous life, but also completely getting rid of the influence of the curse of time, now he has joined the black world and started to practice again.

"That is to say, that energy torrent came from the power of the old emperor after his death?" Mu Qing finally realized that it is no wonder that the energy torrent fits him so well, and it also carries a curse force.

Mingxuan nodded and said, "That's the way it is, and according to the situation of the pale demon god, the improved reincarnation method of the old emperor is effective and has no other negative effects. The only drawback is that it will give up all the power. , We have to practice from the beginning."

He looked at Mu Qing and asked curiously: "Have you joined the gate of time and space? Have you found any clues from the traces left by the rule of time?"

Mingxuan didn't directly use the reincarnation secret method. First, he had to deal with the Emperor of Heaven. Second, he wanted to see what Mu Qing could gain from the Gate of Time and Space.

"There are no small gains." Mu Qing touched his chin, and said in deep thought: "However, the God of Chaos and the God of Heaven are worthy of the geniuses of the sky. This improved and improved secret method of reincarnation is about the same as the sealing method of Time and Space in terms of value. ."

"Seal method?" Ming Xuan was taken aback.

Mu Qing nodded and explained: "The sealing method is different from the secret reincarnation method you get. Your secret reincarnation method can completely eliminate the threat of time curse, but there is no power."

"The sealing method can keep the power while sealing the curse of time. Even as long as you are careful, you can continue to use the power of time. However, the flaw is the hidden danger that the curse cannot be completely cursed. If there is an accident, there is a risk that the curse will be detonated."

One can completely eliminate the curse, but the power and realm cannot be preserved, and the other is that the power and realm can be preserved, but the curse cannot be eradicated.

At the bottom of Mu Qing's heart, he is more inclined to solutions such as the reincarnation secret method. However, who can give up his strength so indifferently when he has cultivated to this point?

If the secret method of reincarnation was given to Master Crane and even the original time master, Mu Qing felt that they would not use it.

"There is still a risk of the curse being detonated..."

Mingxuan fell silent, so it seemed that both the reincarnation secret method and the sealing method had certain flaws.

"The sealing method is only controlled by the Crane Master of the Time and Space Gate. I cannot give you the sealing method without his permission. However, you can join the Time and Space Door and become a disciple of the Crane Master. "

After thinking about it, Mu Qing said again: "Of course, if you don't want to be a disciple of Master Crane, I think you use the reincarnation secret method to exchange the sealing method with Master Crane, and the other party will definitely agree."

Mingxuan thought for a moment, then nodded, "I'll talk about joining the gate of time and space later, but can you contact the Master Crane? It's okay to exchange the reincarnation secret method for the sealing method."

"No problem." Mu Qing agreed, and then said: "Maybe Crane Master can further improve the reincarnation secret method in the future, and get rid of the threat of curse while retaining the power."

"Hope! But the most urgent matter is that you contact the Gate of Time and Space first, and I'm afraid I can take action only after the seal is exchanged."

"Also, the Emperor of Heaven has also reached the level of the ultimate supreme. I previously resisted backlash and used the power of time on him to force him back."

Mingxuan said solemnly.

He can no longer make a move, so he can only hope for the sealing method that Mu Qing brought.

If it really endangers his life, he will directly use the reincarnation secret method to get rid of the power of the curse!

"Have you reached the ultimate supreme?"

Mu Qing's face became solemn, thinking of Ehun, who looked very similar to the Emperor of Heaven, he knew that there must be no small secret behind the Emperor of Heaven, and it was not too surprising to be able to reach the ultimate supreme.

However, in order to be able to completely kill the Emperor, it is better to wait for Mingxuan to regain combat effectiveness, otherwise an accident accidentally occurs, even if Mu Qing has the ultimate power of the enchanting level, he may not be able to leave the Emperor 100%.

Taking out the identity crystal, Mu Qing contacted Wu Xuanji. The other party should have ended the high-level meeting.

Soon, Wu Xuanji's phantom appeared in front of Mu Qing.

"What's the matter?" Wu Xuanji looked at Mu Qing in surprise. In his opinion, Mu Qing should be practicing in retreat at this stage to prepare for breaking through the realm of dominance.

Mu Qing didn't talk too much nonsense, he went straight to the point, and told the other party that Mingxuan planned to exchange the reincarnation secret method for the sealing method.

"Can you completely get rid of the power of the curse?" When Wu Xuanji heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Although he does not have the power to practice time, he is also within the gate of time and space, but he knows that the Master Crane and Master of Time have spent an unknown amount of effort in order to completely eliminate the effects of the curse.

Unexpectedly, this elder of Mu Qing has a way to do it!

"Wait, I will go to the Time Rift to find Master Crane." Wu Xuanji thought this matter was more important, and immediately went to teach Master Crane after breaking the contact.

After all, Crane Palm Sect has always been under the influence of the curse of time. If it can help him to completely eliminate the influence of the curse, then the gate of time and space will have a powerful combat power, rather than the power of the law body.

After a while, a phantom of an elderly old man emerged from Mu Qing's identity crystal. It was the Crane Head Teacher whom he had seen before.

"Is the secret method that completely eliminates the power of the curse true?" Teacher Crane asked with a solemn expression on his face.

Mu Qing nodded and explained: "It is indeed possible to get rid of the power of the curse. There is already a successful person, but the price is that the strength and realm of the whole body are completely wiped out, leaving only the memory of the previous life, and everything is done from scratch."

"That's it..." Master Crane nodded, but he was not too disappointed. In fact, the fact that he could completely eliminate the power of the curse was enough to be pleasantly surprised.

"Your elder needs to use the sealing method immediately? In this way, I will ask Master Wu to send a secret method seed to you directly, afterwards, you can bring the reincarnation secret method back to the gate of time and space to find me."

Teacher Hezhang meditated for a while before giving advice.

For him, the secret method of reincarnation is mainly the stone of the mountain. Perhaps he can get some enlightenment from the secret method of reincarnation and completely solve the hidden danger of curse.

As for the use of the reincarnation secret method, it is basically impossible. After all, Crane Sect is a powerful dharmakaya, a peerless powerhouse who rules the realm, how could it give up a strength unless the curse unexpectedly broke out and reached the point of desperation.

After the phantom of the Master Crane Master dissipated, Mu Qing saw Wu Xuanji's figure from the identity crystal again.

Wu Xuanji smiled faintly: "It was supposed to take you and your elder back to the Gate of Time and Space to conduct transactions in person, but the high-level meeting has just ended. We high-level people need to look for the traces of the catastrophe and clues to the origin world, so No time to take care of you."

"It doesn't matter, it just happens that I have something to deal with in the Chaos Universe." Mu Qing nodded, expressing understanding.

After Wu Xuanji's phantom also collapsed, at almost the same time, there were violent spatial fluctuations in front of Mu Qing and Mingxuan.

A silver-white seed emitting a soft light came from the air, suspended in mid-air, and slowly floated in front of Mu Qing.

Mu Qing and Mingxuan were dumbfounded.

Is this the powerful method of the Law Bodies?

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