Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1822: Taisei Boundary

"Speaking of which, the two fallen Dharmakaya powers, Yuehuang and Dark Sky Law King, are all related to the Origin Realm. Is there any connection between them?" Mu Qing thought and found that these two powers have something in common. Place.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing continued to look down. The fifth fallen Dharmakaya Mighty was also a familiar name.

The saint of reincarnation!

Mu Qing and Xinrui looked at each other, shaking their hearts.

According to the records in the jade books, the saint of reincarnation offended the death demon because of something, and was later killed in a place called Taixuan Universe.

Even, according to the description in the jade book, the Death Demon easily broke the Supreme Profound Universe with his hand, and stripped the saint of reincarnation of the vitality of the saint of reincarnation, and caused it to fall completely.

And the fragment formed after the Taixuan universe was broken, wrapped the corpse of the saint of reincarnation, floating in the multiverse, becoming a place called Taixuan Forbidden Land.

"What's going on? The saint of reincarnation has fallen?" Mu Qing was surprised.

The memory of the saint of reincarnation fell on Xinrui, and he also deliberately left a message to make Xinrui stronger and rescue the opponent.

If it succeeds, Xinrui will be cultivated as a direct disciple; if it fails, Xinrui will be used as a tool to reincarnate.

In the imagination of the two, the saint of reincarnation was mostly sealed in a certain place, but now with the help of the information of the king of life, it is discovered that the saint of reincarnation is actually dead?

Moreover, the saint of reincarnation has been dead for many years. When the opponent fell, it was the peak of the death demon and the life ancestor dragon.

"Perhaps the saint of reincarnation meant to let me go to the forbidden place?" Xinrui also frowned, feeling puzzled.

It is possible that the saint of reincarnation was not killed by the death demon in this way, but left a life, but was trapped in the forbidden place, so Xinrui was asked to rescue the opponent.

Mu Qing also nodded, but this possibility is greater.

Putting down the jade book in his hand, Mu Qing is quite satisfied, knowing some useful information, for example, his shadow shadow axe is actually a super sacred artifact, and Senior Brother Xinrui also got a slightly clearer message. The saint of reincarnation fell in the Taixuan Forbidden Land!

The two left Crystal Palace No. 1 and went to the Life Dryad again. After learning that the two Life Dryads were very enthusiastic, they quickly asked: "My Excellency, is there anything else I need to help?"

"I'll check things about Tai Xuan Forbidden Land again." Xin Rui said to Mu Qing.

Under the leadership of the tree demon, he entered a space teleportation array and left.

Mu Qing went to the Tree of Life and asked: "Can I check the dominating scriptures here? Also, can I take it away?"

His current focus is still on perfecting the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra. For this reason, he needs more master-level scriptures to observe and study to accumulate himself, and then use the power of dominating sacred objects to slowly integrate these accumulations into the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra.

"Yes, sir! But what you took away is only the phantom scripture, and it will dissipate on its own in about a month." The tree demon quickly replied.

"Take me there." Mu Qing nodded. One month is enough.

Immediately afterwards, he entered a space teleportation array set up by the Tree of Life, and came to the 36th Crystal Palace, which recorded all the dominator-level scriptures of the entire Life King Court.

As the old man Long once said, the dominance-level scriptures are not worth mentioning in the court of life, and their value is much lower than that of the second-level supreme treasure.

On the contrary, those scriptures at the Great Domination level are much more precious, and most of them are qualified to practice by joining super forces, and the number is also relatively small.

However, after all, other people's scriptures are used for transition. If the goal is to dominate the realm, then after all, it is necessary to abandon other people's scriptures, which leads to the low value of the dominating scriptures.

Similar to Mu Qing, there are many people who observe other people's scriptures to accumulate. Therefore, members of the royal court who have such ideas can pay a certain price and leave the master-level scriptures needed by rubbing the scriptures, presenting phantoms. The scriptures can last for about a month.

Of course, Mu Qing is a member of the Time and Space Gate, and all these expenses are unnecessary and completely free.

This is probably the reason why many people want to join the Gate of Time and Space. They have privileges in many ways!

Mu Qing glanced, and found that there were many people in the Crystal Palace on the 36th. They all had the same idea with him. Most of them wanted to create their own scriptures or further improve the scriptures of the royal court members, but they were all in realm. The second-order supreme.

As for what kind of scriptures to choose, Mu Qing naturally rubbed all the scriptures related to the stars, stars, and the universe in the royal court into ghost scriptures, a total of 1,486 scriptures!

This number is far beyond Mu Qing's surprise. There are nearly 1,500 scriptures, all of which are somewhat related to the starry sky.

"It's a lot more than I thought. These should be enough." Mu Qing rubbed the phantom of these scriptures on a blank jade book, then registered with the tree demon, and left Wan Wan. Know the planet.

After returning to his residence and instructing the butler Poppi to retreat for a period of time, Mu Qing entered the quiet room.

A scripture of the starry sky appeared in front of him, and Mu Qing quickly sank into it.

Behind Mu Qing, a gloomy starry sky appeared, dotted with golden light, and he himself sat in the center, absorbing the power of the star stone, digesting the accumulation and understanding gained from various scriptures.

He absorbed the power of the stone of the starry sky, drew out the shining star lines with his fingertips, and continued to perfect this immortal starry sky.

In this process, Mu Qing discovered that as he continued to perfect the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra, the illusory universe of the immortal starry sky would gradually solidify.

Could it be that the illusory universe will be transformed into a real universe in the future?

A curious look appeared in Mu Qing's heart.

"Junior Brother, I plan to go to the Taixuan Forbidden Area to observe. Although it is called the Forbidden Area, there are actually many supreme and powerful people who enter it to explore, and it is also a place for experience."

At this time, Senior Brother Xinrui contacted Mu Qing through his identity crystal.

After returning from Wanshi Planet, Xinrui had already received some news about the Tai Xuan Forbidden Land, and it would not be dangerous to go forward with the strength of his enchanting level ultimate supreme.

So Xinrui planned to go to the Taixuan Forbidden Land to inquire about the whereabouts of the saint of reincarnation.

"Be careful of everything!" Mu Qing nodded, he had already guessed that Xin Rui would go to Tai Xuan forbidden to inquire.

And he didn't worry about Xinrui's accident. After all, the other party had just joined the Gate of Time and Space, and he still had a door charm in his hand. Even if there was an accident, the critical moment could be completely out of danger.

After Xinrui left, Mu Qing continued to immerse himself in the study of various scriptures. At present, if he wants to improve, he can only continuously improve the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra.

Simply, relying on the power of the starstone stone, which dominates the sacred object, Mu Qing's progress is fairly fast.

After a year of blinking, Mu Qing suddenly opened his eyes, and the illusory and immortal starry sky appeared behind him, with a gloomy void, followed by densely woven star lines.

Suddenly, two beams of light rushed out of Mu Qing's body, penetrated into the immortal starry sky, and turned into two bright stars hanging in the deepest part.

Those two beams are the Avenue of Destruction and the Avenue of Creation. Under Mu Qing's control, they evolved into two stars, the Destruction Star and the Creation Star!

"The realm of Yuanshi Huanyujing has also reached a great achievement!"

Mu Qing let out a long breath.

During this full year, I went to the planet of Wanshi several times in the middle, rubbing various dominator-level scriptures to study.

The effect is also quite significant, Yuanshi Huanyu Jing has reached the realm of Dacheng, and its strength has recovered a lot, at least it can stabilize the level of the evildoer-level ultimate supreme.

"However, there is still a lack of magical powers." Mu Qing quickly realized his shortcomings.

After this year, he was only concerned with perfecting the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra, but his magical powers in combat were less involved.

However, he now fully integrates the Avenue of Destruction and the Avenue of Creation into the immortal starry sky, becoming a part of the Universal Classic of Yuanshi, and can also use his power to confront the enemy in peacetime.

It is estimated that before the Great Domination Realm, he is rarely able to let the illusory universe exert its power.

But it is also limited to the destruction stars and creation stars derived from the double avenues.

In Mu Qing's view, the power and composition of these two stars are still quite rough, and they can be improved together with the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra in the future!

"By the way, the Starry Sky Book is still imprinted with some of the previous magical powers." Mu Qing suddenly remembered and took out the Starry Sky Book.

Although Mu Qing abolished all the various scriptures he cultivated, the Starry Sky Book branded some of the magical powers and secrets with amazing methods.

Mu Qing only needs to realize, then he can integrate these supernatural powers into the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra, and use it as his own. It is not impossible to surpass the original supernatural powers in the future!

Even these imprints of supernatural powers could not be obtained through the usual methods, burning the treasures and condensing the fire of the stars, but needed Mu Qing's own perception and integration.

For Mu Qing, who temporarily lacked magical fighting methods, it was tantamount to sending charcoal in the snow. He immediately sank his consciousness into the third page of the Starry Sky Book, which was originally a page belonging to the Sun Sutra.

Now, there is only a phantom imprint of the Supreme Divine Sun on this page. When Mu Qing's consciousness is immersed in it, it seems to be on a huge fiery ball of fire, golden flames rushing toward his face.

Mu Qing's eyes reflected the golden sun in front of him. He seemed to be in a daze, but he was actually crazily comprehending the true meaning of God and Sun before him.

At the same time, the immortal starry sky appeared behind him, and in the illusory universe, golden suns condensed and formed.

This time, the sentiment lasted for three full years!

Three years later, Mu Qing's eyes burst into golden light of the sun.


In the illusory universe and the immortal starry sky, a supreme **** sun surrounded by divine beasts with countless visions is located in the depths.

The first magical powers are successful!

After Mu Qing's improvement and integration, this magical power was completely attributed to the Yuanshi Huanyu Classic, and at the same time the magical power imprint on the Starry Sky Book was exhausted and dissipated.

The sun's magical powers that I realized are called daily punishment! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1822 Dacheng Realm) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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