Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1854: Eighty magical powers

"I don't know, I don't know what his intentions are, but there is no doubt that until I took over, that guy was still in control of the Ink Shadow Axe!"

Mo Zi gritted his teeth and said.

She is the only one in the world who can call the Dharmakaya Powerful as that fellow.

Mo Zi originally thought that Mu Qing's appearance was just an accident. After feeling the aura of the shadowy dark axe in the opponent's body, he planned to get the shadowy dark axe in his hands.

Now that I came back to my senses, it was as if the Dark Sky Law King had deliberately handed the Ink Shadow Dark Axe to Mu Qing, and then handed it over to her!

Hearing this, Mu Qing was relieved.

That being said, the Dark Sky Law King always has control over the Shadow Shadow Axe. Could it be that he dragged himself and others into the Origin Realm to transfer the Shadow Shadow Shadow Axe to Mo Zi?

Whether it is the case or not, at least it seems that the Dark Sky Lord does not have any malice towards him at the moment.

"I'm tired today, and I will teach you some experience of creating magical powers tomorrow."

Mo Zi, who was obviously a little disappointed, put the Ink Shadow Dark Axe into his body and waved his hand, with a hint of indifference on his face.

She asked the maid to arrange a temporary residence for Mu Qing, and then returned to her Qiong building to rest.

Mu Qing didn't care, just slandered. This woman turned her face faster than she turned a book.

When the shadow and dark axe was on his body before, he couldn't wait to tempt him to death, but now he looked cold again.

"If entering the Origin Realm really meant the Dark Sky Law King, then after giving the Ink Shadow Dark Axe to Mo Zi, the other party should send me back, right?"

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart that what he cares most about is naturally this.

After combining Mo Zi's words, no matter how you look at it, the Dark Sky Law King is controlling him and the others when they enter the Origin Realm.

Of course, Mu Qing wouldn't have resentment against the Dark Sky Law King, and it would be better to say that the other party saved himself and others.

When facing Chu Ying at that time, everyone could not be opponents at all. Had it not been for the shadow of the shadow axe to resist Chu Ying's blow, I am afraid that he would have died out long ago.

Entering the origin world, it can be said that they saved their lives!

As for the contradiction in the father-daughter relationship between Mo Zi and Antian Law King, Mu Qing didn't want to mix it up.

I only hope that Mo Zi can let Dark Sky Law King send himself and others out of the world.

After a rest night, Mu Qing was called to the top of the Elder Peak by Mo Zi.

Mo Zi wore a black tights today, perfectly showing the curve of the forward-curved body.

"What I promised you, I will do it naturally, but the shadowy shadow axe fell to a level that is not a sacred weapon, and it doesn't help me much anymore."

"Therefore, things that help you return to the outside world need to be considered."

The corner of Mo Zi's mouth raised a beautiful arc, and he looked at Mu Qing with a smile, "Maybe you will be trapped in this Origin Realm forever."

Mu Qing nodded, her face as usual.

This reaction stunned Mo Zi. She curiously asked, "Aren't you afraid of being trapped here?"

Mu Qing faintly smiled and said: "If you really can't leave the Origin Realm, it is good to live here. After all, the Origin Realm is not a cruel and dangerous place."

"It's a big deal in the future to break through the Great Domination, achieve the Dharmakaya, and leave the Origin Realm with my own hands to go outside the realm!"

Mo Zi looked at Mu Qing somewhat amused, and couldn't help but pour cold water: "Do you know how difficult it is for the Great Master to break through this realm?"

"Even if your body possesses the characteristics of the Dharma body, it is useless. The half-step Dharma body state that is condensed into an incorporeal body will discourage countless people. How many people can reach the half-step Dharma body in the world?"

She felt that Mu Qing was a little lofty, and now she didn't even have a realm of dominance, so she began to think about the realm of great dominance.

"If you don't aim at the Great Domination Realm, what is the point of cultivation?"

Mu Qing has deep eyes, and his goal is from the beginning to the end at the level of the power of the law body!

Although the realm was too far away, but the recent encounters, the ghost master and Chu Ying's shots made him feel weak.

Even if it has become the ultimate supreme, in some ordinary universes, it can rule and dominate the existence, and the stars can be destroyed with just one hand.

But in the entire multiverse, my own strength is still not enough.

The realm of dominance is already a strong man above the individual universe. A universe can have at most a few people. However, the entire multiverse does not know how many single universes there are, and there are so many dominators.

The ghost master and Chu Ying are the pinnacles of the dominance. They have been dominating the Nine Tribulations for many years, and they have built the holy towers, and they are the pinnacle powerhouses.

If you want revenge, naturally you have to work hard in the direction of the power of the law body and keep moving forward.

Mu Qing also knew that these two were powerhouses in death hell. Even with the strength of a half-step Dharmakaya, I am afraid that there is still no way to kill them, only the Dharmakaya is powerful!

Because they have the high-level shelter of death hell, this type of powerhouse is not so easy to kill.

Just like Mu Qing, he has a certain ability to save his life. If it weren't for Mo Shan, the undercover who entered the royal court, I'm afraid that even Mu Qing's whereabouts would not be detected on the side of death hell.

As for whether he can break through to the power of the Law Bodies, Mu Qing is not easy to say, but at least he has a better chance than others.

Having the characteristics of the Dharmakaya alone, this alone is a big step ahead of others.

The most important thing is that the existence of Star Book makes Mu Qing more confident.

Mingxuan once believed that the Starry Sky Book was just a condensed and evolved core of a certain universe after it was broken.

But now, Mu Qing has some guesses about the origin of the Starry Sky Book.

Mostly it has something to do with the legendary life ancestor dragon!

The ancestor dragon of life is one of the two supreme masters that existed at the beginning of the multiverse.

Later, Mu Qing learned of the existence of the Deathly Hallows.

Since the Death Demon, as the Supreme Lord, possesses a deathly sacred instrument, does the ancestor dragon of life who are also the Supreme Lord also have a sacred instrument of life?

When he was on the World of Knowledge, Mu Qing also took the time to look up relevant information, but he didn't get any results.

However, in his own view, most of the existence of the sacred artifact of life is there.

The Starry Sky Book is likely to be part of the sacred artifact of life derived from it!

This is Mu Qing's own guess about the starry sky book.

He had seen the fragments of the Deathly Hallows, the **** chalice that evolved, and even the Heavenly King of the Tianze Universe broke through to the Great Lord!

Then the Starry Sky Book is also possible to help Mu Qing break through and rise to the realm of great dominance!

Moreover, the abilities of the Starry Sky Book are quite amazing. Even the ability of the World Snake can be raised to the point where it exceeds the limit. Mu Qing does not believe that it has nothing to do with the Holy Artifact of Life.

Mo Zi snorted coldly when he saw this, and said, "The realm of the power of the law body cannot be reached by faith. If you really reach that realm, the old lady can climb on your bed to serve you. !"

She was full of disdain, feeling that Mu Qing hadn't even reached the realm of dominance, but wanted to touch the realm of the power of the law body, which was too arrogant.

Mu Qing smiled, did not continue, but changed the topic, and said: "I hope you can help me create magical powers even more."

Mo Zi hugged his hands, holding the fullness of his chest, and frowned slightly, saying: "Actually, you don't need to be so anxious. You can only do things like creating your own magical powers after you break through to the realm of dominance."

"What's more, supernatural powers consume a lot of power, because the power of rules is involved, and ordinary strong people who have entered the realm of dominance may not be able to use them many times.

"Of course, you are different, even I can't see how vast energy is in your body."

Mo Zi glanced at Mu Qing curiously.

Previously, Mu Qing’s performance on the tenth floor of the Ten Thousand Demon Tower was quite astonishing. He used all kinds of supernatural powers desperately, especially those few kendo supernatural powers, replaced by a powerful newcomer to dominate. To be squeezed out of the body's strength.

As a result, Mu Qing himself showed no signs of excessive consumption, and his stamina had reached the stage of shocking the world!

In fact, Mo Zi wanted to let Mu Qing accumulate well, and wait until later about the matter of creating magical powers.

What's more, Mu Qing himself already has a lot of magical powers, so many magical powers in her body, in her opinion, it is an out-and-out enchanting evildoer.

"It doesn't have to involve the power of rules, it just needs to have a prototype."

Mu Qing shook his head. If the power of rules is really involved, even with his vast energy, it can't be supported.

The magical powers integrated into the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra from the Starry Sky Book are actually considered prototypes strictly speaking, because they do not involve the power of rules, and are inspired by the power of Mu Qing's starry sky.

It still needs to be further improved if it breaks to the realm of dominance in the future.

"I want to combine these two powers to create a magical power."

An illusory universe emerged behind Mu Qing, and the two red and white stars were particularly dazzling in the deepest part of the immortal starry sky.

He expressed his thoughts and informed Mo Zi.

After thinking about it, Mu Qing said again: "It is also possible for two stars to correspond to a magical power. After all, I am using the power of the two to be too crude to exert all the power."

When facing the extreme ice storm of the green hairy corpse, Mu Qing also deeply felt the power of creating the stars, and almost instantly lifted him back from the severely injured state, ensuring that he still had a little more energy.

If you can create magical powers on this basis, it will definitely be stronger!

"Dharmakaya characteristics?"

Mo Zi leaned forward, and the fragrance was drifting. It was only at this time that she was truly observing the characteristics of Mu Qing's Law Bodies.

She discovered that the rest of Mu Qing's illusory universe was similar to others, except that the two deepest stars exuding dazzling light were the products of real existence!

"Unbelievable, how is this done?"

Mo Zi tut was amazed, she was actually quite curious about how Mu Qing possessed the characteristics of the Dharmakaya.

But she didn't even reach the half-step Dharma Body, and she couldn't see any Mingtang.

Mu Qing also smiled and didn't say a word. In fact, he didn't know why his double avenues would evolve into real power.

His own guess is that it may have something to do with the Starry Sky Book.

"Come on, come with me." Mo Zi turned and walked, and said at the same time: "Although I don't know much about the characteristics of the Law Bodies, I still have a lot of experience in creating supernatural powers!"

She was a little proud, raising her velvety white neck, and proudly said: "Even if the ordinary master reaches the Nine Tribulations realm, there are only three or four supernatural powers in battle, and there are several other auxiliary supernatural powers."

"And I, from breaking through the dominance to the current dominance of the eight calamities, I have created a full eighty magical powers!" Starry Sky Dominates the latest chapter address: Sky Dominates Full Text Read Address: Domination txt download address: https:/ / starry sky dominates mobile reading: https://m.wuxiaspot. com/read/147180/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 1854 Eighty Magic Powers) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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