Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1859: Sakura Tsubasa's ambition

In the next period of time, Mu Qing relied on the Book of Emperor Shepherd to enter the celestial dimension, trying to create magical powers, but also ready to deal with the affairs of Heiyan City at any time.

In fact, the way to break the game is very simple.

The Black Demon Sovereign must have prepared a strong enough opponent for him to hold him for enough time.

Three years later, it will be the Black Territory Competition, which means that the possible crisis in the Black Flame City will hold him back for several years.

As long as Mu Qing didn't show up on the day when the Black Territory Competition started, it would be useless even if Elder Mo Zi had signed up for him.

If Mu Qing did not solve the crisis of the Black Flame City and went directly to the Black Territory Competition, then the Black Demon Sovereign would have enough reasons to attack him.

The reverse is also true. If Mu Qing settled the Black Flame City matter before the Black Territory Competition, then he would participate in the Black Territory Competition in a fair manner, and the Black Demon Sect Master would not be able to attack him.

First, the Black Demon Sovereign acted on Mu Qing, and it was very likely that he would be discovered by the Dark Sky King.

Second, Mu Qing's current identity has become the son of Emperor Mu Xing with the help of Mo Zi.

Regardless of the rumors that have fallen, but actually still alive in the celestial dimension, the Emperor Shepherd.

The elder of the Holy Treasure Temple alone has enough weight.

Mu Qing's forged identity now has quite a background. His father is the Emperor Shepherd and his mother is an elder in the Holy Treasure Hall.

And that elder is even more of Elder Mo Zi's best friend!

Although these two would not give Mu Qing any substantial help, they verbally acknowledged his identity, making the forged identity authentic.

If the Black Demon Sovereign wants to attack Mu Qing, he must also consider the Holy Treasure Hall.

Don't look at the Holy Treasure Hall far away in the sanctuary, but the Lord of the Holy Treasure Hall is a half-step Dharma body.

At the same time, the Holy Treasure Hall is different from the ordinary sects. It is a giant that spreads business across the five domains and cannot be provoked.

A few days later, Mu Qing had a further improvement in creating supernatural powers. Based on the framework he conceived, he was able to initially form the two real stars in the immortal starry sky into the mirror of life and death.

But after all, Mu Qing still only has a prototype of the magical powers of the mirror of life and death, and it is not perfect yet. He can only form the mirror of life and death with the stars of destruction and creation for a short period of time.

That is an ancient mirror located in the deepest part of the imaginary universe. It is the only real thing in the immortal starry sky!

The mirror of life and death is red on one side and white on the other. It holds the power of destruction and creation, and has the power to command life and death!

Mu Qing was looking at it with satisfaction, and after a while, the mirror of life and death collapsed on its own, turning into two red and white stars, returning to their original positions.

"Unfortunately, this magical power is just a rudimentary form, at most it just combines two stars into a mirror of life and death, and it doesn't have power yet."

Mu Qing sighed with regret.

However, this can be regarded as an extraordinary talent, and in such a short period of time, there has been a most basic prototype.

This is also due to the various experience and experience given by Mo Zi and the blessing of the celestial dimension.

"The next goal is to allow the combined life and death mirror to exert some power, even if the time to form the life and death mirror is limited, it is better than the previous crude way of using power."

Mu Qing whispered.

He wasn't in a hurry, he could slowly improve the magical power of the mirror of life and death.

Now it can only form the Mirror of Life and Death for a short period of time, and still can't exert its power.

The next step is to let the Mirror of Life and Death be able to exert its power in this short period of time.

In fact, Mu Qing's magical powers in the mirror of life and death also have a shadow of a combination of magical powers.

Destroying the stars and creating the stars, these are two opposite extreme forces, which should correspond to two different magical powers.

However, Mu Qing was influenced by Mo Zi, and after digesting the other party's experience, he created a mirror of life and death, which was a bit of a combination of magical powers.

Of course, this is definitely not as good as Mo Zi's opening flag, which is a combination of magical powers of eighty-one doors.

At this time, Mo Zi suddenly came to the door, and the other party changed into a black dress, but the skirt was very short. The black knee-length stockings cut the flesh on the thighs, which looked very sensual, while the knee-length socks and the skirt The absolute field composed of time is also white and dazzling.

"The Black Demon Sect's meeting of elders has begun, with elders from the Dark Sky Gate participating, mostly for the Black Territory Grand Competition."

"How about it, do you need me to sign up for you?"

Mo Zi smiled and said.

Mu Qing nodded, and said solemnly: "It's troublesome, I will solve the problems in Black Flame City by myself, and come back as soon as possible before the opening of Black Territory Competition."

"If you really can't solve it, you can come to me." Mo Zi deliberately flirted with Mu Qing somewhat teasingly.

Afterwards, she became more serious, with a little disdain: "The Black Demon Sovereign will probably stare at me, but it's not that I don't have my own contacts. It's easy to ask someone to help you."

Mu Qing did not refuse, and of course he did not immediately ask for help.

If there is really no way to deal with it, it is not impossible to come to Mo Zi for help at that time, after all, I even gave her the super holy weapon, the ink shadow and dark axe.

Mo Zi chuckled lightly, and the power of billowing darkness enveloped her graceful body and disappeared in the same place, apparently going to the elders' meeting.

Seeing Mo Zi leaving, Mu Qing took out the storage ring sent by the previous suffering master.

There are many second-level treasures in it, which are of great value!

In the Black Demon Sect, most of the benefits of the principal are like this. Although the positions of the principals are not exactly the same, the benefits obtained are not bad.

Generally speaking, the benefits obtained are a large number of second-level treasures. After all, the third-level treasures are quite rare, and you need to fight for it by yourself.

However, there are also some principals in the Black Demon Sect, who have accumulated enough second-level treasures to go to the Saint Treasure Hall in exchange for a holy artifact.

Mu Qing naturally didn't have any needs for this. He directly threw all the second-level treasures in the storage ring into the star book.

"Unfortunately, I'm still too poor, and I don't know how long it will take for the world's snake ability to improve."

Mu Qing sighed in his heart.

Dozens of second-level treasures were thrown in, but the fire of the starry sky that contained the world's snake power only grew a little bit.

Want to complete this starry sky fire completely, do not know how many resources it will cost.

But Mu Qing believes that it must be worth it!

The world snake abilities he now mastered were already comparable to those of the world's snake clan in adulthood.

And once the world snake ability exceeds the limit, it is a realm that can be entered at will for a long time!

Mu Qing then studied the Starry Sky Book for a while, and then put it away.

Since he guessed that there might be a connection between the Starry Sky Book and the legendary Life Zulong, he has studied the capabilities of the Starry Sky Book from time to time.

Since Xingkongshu grew up with him, he has also improved several times and his abilities have become stronger and stronger.

Mu Qing believes that this starry sky book may continue to improve, or there may be hidden abilities that have not been discovered.

For example, last time, he also discovered that the Starry Sky Book can also imprint the magical powers in other people's scriptures, which can be integrated into his Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra and transformed into his own magical powers.

Mu Qing is planning to continue to the Star Dimension to perfect the magical power of the Mirror of Life and Death.

And at this moment, Mu Qing paused, looked into the distance, and said lightly: "Big brother, it's not a good habit to break into someone else's True Inheritance Peak without saying hello."

"Hahaha! Junior Brother Mu is really amazing, maybe in many true biography, you have the ability to become a senior brother, you are ashamed of it."

Sakura Wing's figure gradually emerged, and said with a big smile.

The expression in his eyes also showed shock. His own concealment method has always been enough to be proud of, but he didn't expect to be seen through today.

After coughing slightly, and after covering up his embarrassment, Sakura Tsubasa smiled lightly: "Sorry, Junior Brother Mu, the main thing is that the matter is urgent, so I just broke in."

"It's urgent?" Mu Qing was shocked.

Sakura Wing nodded, "Yes, I saw Ji Zhou burned with jealousy before, and thought he was going to target you, so I deliberately reminded you."

"But only now I discovered that Ji Zhou seems to want to directly deal with Elder Mo."

Mu Qing couldn't help feeling a little amused, "Big Brother, Elder Mo is a strong master of the Eight Tribulations, and Ji Zhou is no more than the ultimate genius, how could it be a threat to Elder Mo."

Sakura Wing smiled mysteriously, "There must be no way to get Elder Mo with ordinary means, but this Ji Zhou is noble, relying on his father who has a half-step Dharma body, and he wins over the contacts, and I don't know where to get a bottle of Drunken Dew. , It is rumored that even the powerful masters of the Nine Tribulations can fascinate their minds!"

"Of course, Drunken God Dew is just a nice name. The real name should be called Soul Control Water. It is an extremely rare thing in the Undead Realm. Even if it is recruited by a strong master, it will lose control for a short time. Become a temporary slave."

Mu Qing showed a look of surprise.

He was a little suspicious, looked at Sakura Wing, and said, "Does the source seriously?"

Suspicion arose in Mu Qing's heart. In the Black Demon Sect, it is rumored that Sakura Wing and Ji Zhou are true stories under the command of the Black Demon Sect Master, and they are like brothers.

Why did Sakura Tsubasa betray Ji Zhou?

"Naturally take it seriously." Sakura Wing said firmly.

He saw the skepticism on Mu Qing's face, and explained with a smile: "Although Ji Zhou and I are the true heirs of the Sect Master, Ji Zhou is arrogant and extravagant, and he also occupies most of the resources, but there is also his father Hei. The asylum of the demon lord is almost the next lord by default!"

"If anyone in the Black Demon Sect is looking forward to an accident in Ji Zhou, it must be me!"

Sakura Wing's face was heavy, and he sent a voice message to Mu Qing, "Although I have a certain talent and strength, but I don't have any contacts at the Antianmen."

"If Ji Zhou is allowed to develop, the next suzerain must be his. No matter how good I am, it will be useless."

"But if Ji Zhou has an accident, then I can completely condemn the position of the suzerain!"

At this moment, Sakura Wing exposed his ambition in order to win Mu Qing's trust.

That is the seat of the Sect Master of the Black Demon Sect!

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