Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1875: Mysterious Obelisk

Outside, after seeing the situation in the Black Territory Dabini, many sect disciples exclaimed again and again.

"I'm afraid it is the dark creature ruled by the Nine Tribulations, right?"

The elder of the ink shadow pavilion stood up abruptly.

"Everyone at Antianmen! Please also stop the Black Territory Competition!"

Elder Mo Yingge was anxious and quickly contacted the elder at Antianmen.

The sudden appearance of a Nine Tribulations dominating the dark creatures surprised everyone.

Although they know that there will be dominator-level dark creatures in the Black Territory, but after so many times in the Black Territory, there has never been a high-level dark creature!

Of course, the most important thing is that the two men imprisoned by the black mist monster are the two ultimate true disciples of their Mo Ying Pavilion!

If these two true disciples had fallen, then their Mo Ying Ge would have suffered a great loss.

What's more, one of the true disciples of the ultimate supreme is still a Tianjiao from the headquarters of the Holy Treasure Hall.

If that person died in the Great Black Territory, the relationship between their Ink Shadow Pavilion and the Saint Treasure Hall would be froze.

The elders of the Antianmen were also aware of the seriousness of the matter, although the previous Black Territory Grand Competition often had true disciples being killed by dominating dark creatures.

However, the dark creature presenting in the form of black mist is probably a dark creature that has reached the rule of the Nine Tribulations!

It seems that this black mist monster has even entered a state of rampage. If it is allowed to go on unscrupulously, I am afraid that the black domain will fall more than all the true disciples of the sect inside!

The elder of Antianmen immediately contacted the owner of this important matter.

Above the sky, the Antian Sect Master, who was a half-step Dharma Body, had a weird expression. He transmitted the sound to the Antianmen elders below, saying: "Don't worry, the Black Territory Competition will proceed as usual, nothing will happen."

The Black Demon Sect Master and the Ink Shadow Pavilion Master were stunned for a moment, "The black mist monster really doesn't need to worry about it?"

Even the elders of the three top sects might not be able to deal with a dark creature of the Nine Tribulations Domination level, let alone the true disciples in the Black Territory Big Bi.

The Black Demon Sovereign and the Ink Shadow Pavilion Master are both very puzzled. At the moment, there is such a big disturbance in the Black Territory Big Bi, why hasn't it stopped?

The Antian sect master also shrugged his shoulders rather helplessly, "No way, this is the meaning of the King, saying that there is no need to worry about the black fog monster, and it will not cause any casualties."

At the same time, Antian Sect Master's order was passed on, and the many sect disciples who learned the news were all taken aback.

no need to worry?

Immediately afterwards, they looked back at the screen, and saw the black mist shrouded, and after engulfing Mu Qing, it retreated like a dark cloud.

The black mist monster did not cause much movement, nor did it threaten other sect disciples.

However, the two ultimate supreme and Mu Qing of the ink shadow pavilion were swallowed by the black mist monster and taken away, and disappeared.


Even the many elders of the Antianmen looked at each other, this has never happened before.

However, the Black Mist monster did not cause more casualties, which is considered lucky.

Above the sky, the Black Demon Sect Master frowned tightly, and he felt very strange.

In the past in the Black Territory Big Competition, the Dark Sky Law King had never intervened, only this time he issued a clear order to the Dark Sky Sect Master.

What's more, this black mist monster appeared too abruptly!

You know, they are in the outside world, but they can pass through the light curtains to see anything that happens inside the Black Territory.

Under the gaze of so many people, the two Ultimate Sovereigns of Ink Shadow Pavilion inexplicably provoke the black mist monsters and lead them to where Mu Qing is!

In the end, the three were swallowed by the black mist monster and disappeared.

Come fast, go fast!

This is like doing it deliberately, with a special goal, and then leaving directly after it succeeds.

Reminiscent of the rumors, the dark creatures in this small world were all created by the Dark Sky Law King, and the Dark Demon Sovereign could not help but have some thoughts in his mind.

The two Ultimate Supremes of the Ink Shadow Pavilion were caught by the Black Mist monster, but none of them stopped the Black Mist monster.

Does this mean that these two people are just bad luck?

It wasn't until Mu Qing was swallowed that the Black Mist monster retreated, meaning that the Black Mist monster's target was Mu Qing?

The dark hand behind all this, could it be that the Dark Sky Lord is leading?

The Black Demon Sovereign has many thoughts in his heart. In his opinion, this powerful black mist monster must have been instigated by the Dark Sky Law King.

It's just that he couldn't guess, what is the connection between the Dark Sky Law King and Mu Qing?

Mu Qing is a Tianjiao from the Holy Treasure Hall, and a descendant of Emperor Mu Xing.

Could it be that the Dark Sky Law King and the Shepherd Emperor had a communication?

The Black Demon Sovereign Consciousness Tu speculates on the power of the law body, but unfortunately he doesn't know much information and can't start.

He stared at the light curtain below, but wanted to see what was going on with the black mist monster taking Mu Qing away!

At the same time, in the small world.

Mu Qing woke up from the coma, the terrifying power that had originally shrouded him had disappeared, and his freedom was restored.

At the very least, he is able to act.

"This is... the body of the black mist monster?"

Mu Qing looked around, there was a thick black mist everywhere, and he was trapped in the black mist. Although he could move around freely, it seemed like another space here. No matter which direction he flew, he couldn't get out of the black mist. The shrouded range.

After a long time, Mu Qing explored in the black fog and found two figures.

It was the two people who were previously imprisoned by the black mist monster and told him to run away.

These are the two ultimate supreme, Mu Qing guessed, most of them are true disciples from the Mo Ying Pavilion.

After all, in the entire Black Territory Competition, there are only a few who can reach the ultimate strength.

The other sects, even if they can really cultivate an ultimate supreme, there will only be one who has topped the sky.

And the three top sects are basically around two or three.

Mu Qing had encountered the Antianmen team before, and after excluding the Antianmen, the answer was obvious. Most of them were the true disciples of Mo Yingge!

He stepped forward and was about to observe the situation of these two people. Suddenly the black mist in front of him rolled and opened a hole.

The bright light shines in, it is the crack leading to the outside!

Mu Qing was stunned, but still seized the opportunity and rushed forward.

However, a cloud of black mist condensed into tentacles, binding Mu Qing. That powerful force was the power of extremely high-quality rule-level darkness, and Mu Qing couldn't resist it at all.

Immediately afterwards, under Mu Qing's stunned eyes, the black mist around him condensed into big hands, and the two people who had passed out of the coma slapped them away.

The crack healed, and the surroundings fell into darkness again.

Subsequently, the black mist tentacles that imprisoned Mu Qing also collapsed, turning into a thick dark mist, lingering around.

Mu Qing frowned, he was quite puzzled, what does this mean?

The two of them were voluntarily driven out, but they were the only ones who wanted to go out but were imprisoned!

Obviously, this black mist monster was conscious, and the other party didn't want him to go out.

"What are you trying to do? What do you want to catch me?"

Mu Qing shouted, trying to communicate with this dark creature.

It is a pity that the response received was indeed a low and long roar, the voice was thick and slightly calm.

It's just that Mu Qing didn't even know what this black mist monster meant.

In the body of the black mist monster, Mu Qing was also surprised to find that his world snake ability was useless. Although he could still be displayed, there was no way to take him out of the body of the black mist monster.

After a variety of attempts to no avail, Mu Qing fell into a sigh, he wanted to see what the black mist monster wanted to do!

"Mo Zi is also the daughter of Law King Dark Sky anyway, she shouldn't let me die here, right?"

Mu Qing muttered in his heart.

He remembered that the entire Black Territory Competition would be captured by the light curtain, and the team he had robbed of so many sects would most likely be focused on.

Now that something happened to me, people outside must know.

The Black Demon Sect Master is definitely unreliable, but Mo Zi should find a way to rescue him.

I don't know how long it has passed, Mu Qing suddenly felt that the black mist around him faded a little, and light came in from all around.

After a while, the black mist trapping Mu Qing completely dissipated, and the billowing black mist rolled backwards.

Mu Qing finally got out of trouble. He quickly looked behind and saw that there was still a huge black mist over there. In the middle of it, the black mist rolled violently, revealing a pair of terrifying golden eyes, exuding a faint coercion.


It was still a low and long roar from the black fog, but this black fog monster did not attack Mu Qing, but just stayed there.

Although Mu Qing was out of trouble, he still remained vigilant. After all, the black mist monster in front of him still did not retreat, but he didn't know why he was suddenly released.

After confirming repeatedly that the Black Mist monster would not attack him, he had time to look around at this time and found that it looked like a ruin.

The most eye-catching thing is the obelisk in front, almost translucent, containing densely packed ancient characters, blooming in a variety of different colors.

Mu Qing noticed that the black mist monster had almost surrounded the entire ruins, and there was no other way.


The black mist monster's roar came again, still looking so plain, but Mu Qing was a little surprised this time, feeling that he heard what the other party meant.

"Do you want me to touch this obelisk?"

Mu Qing was a little surprised.

However, the black mist monster did not answer him, except that the golden eyes stared at Mu Qing calmly.

Mu Qing hesitated for a moment, then stepped onto the steps of the ruins and came to the obelisk. He was still thinking about whether it would be harmful to him.

Suddenly, a light burst from his body.

It turned out to be a star book!

Mu Qing's heart was shaken, and the star book resonated with the obelisk in front of him!

Immediately afterwards, under Mu Qing's gaze, the obelisk trembled lightly, and the brilliant brilliance flowed out, shrouded in the starry sky book.

Xingkong Book released the ultimate light at this moment, filling this space!

When the light gradually dimmed, Mu Qing saw that the starry sky book suspended in mid-air was being decomposed and turned into stars and dots.

Then, cracks appeared in the obelisk, and the ancient writings inside also poured out, like a magnificent torrent of energy, all the forces decomposed by the starry sky book were absorbed.

The power of the star book is broken down and swallowed!

Mu Qing exclaimed in his heart, but found that the torrent of energy that had absorbed the power of the Starry Sky Book was pouring toward him.


In an instant, countless ancient texts and various profound imprints penetrated into Mu Qing's body, imprinting on every inch of his flesh and bones!

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