Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1882: Breakthrough

"The location of the secret realm is in a place called Bone Abyss. It is rumored that the Nine Tribulations Lord in the Dragon Realm was fighting with many powerful men in the Undead Realm. After a long time of fleeing with serious injuries, he completely fell in Bone Abyss."

Zhang Zhen said with a smile. He was wearing a Taoist robe, with shocking electric light flowing all over his body, and his breath was full. Obviously, he had accumulated profound accumulation and could break through the dominance at any time!

Wu Xuanyi also showed a faint smile on his face, saying: "There are secret realms near Bai Bone Abyss. In fact, many people know that it is not a secret. There are also many people who speculate about this secret realm and that dragon. It is related to the dominance of the Nine Tribulations.

"It's a pity that many people have not gained anything from entering it, and they are basically the strong in the Undead Realm."

"And I have a dragon bone in my hand, which is a token. Naturally, I can open the real burial site and look for the remnants of the Lord of the Nine Tribulations!"

Wu Xuan's clothes are well-established. Although the secret realm they are going to has been explored, the real good things are still there.

At the same time, when he learned from Mu Qing that the Dark Sky Lord would help them leave the Origin Realm, he laughed: "Okay! When we get the opportunity to break through the dominance realm, we will return to the multiverse!"

Soon, his face became solemn again, and said: "I think you already know that the domain master of this undead realm is the high-level of the once dead hell, the first generation Lich King!"

"If you encounter undead creatures in the Undead Realm, try to take the initiative as much as possible. It will hardly be kind to us."

Mu Qing and the others nodded, and they all knew this too.

They followed Wu Xuanyi and began to rush towards the location of the secret realm.

At present, everyone's location is only near the Black Flame City.

This place can only be regarded as the junction of the Undead Realm and the Black Realm.

Their goal is to completely enter the Undead Realm, a place called Bone Abyss.

Bai Bone Abyss is a dangerous place, and the secret realm they want to enter is near Bai Bone Abyss.

During this period, it is inevitable that you will encounter undead creatures, so Wu Xuanyi reminded everyone to wake up in advance. When encountering undead creatures, don't hesitate to do it directly.

A few days later, the group completely entered the territory of the Undead Realm, and successfully found the Bone Abyss.

Bai Bone Yuan looked at the white bones, filled with terrifying resentment, the dark resentment almost condensed into an unfathomable pool of water, which was daunting.

Fortunately, everyone does not need to enter it. The secret realm they want to enter is a nearby space node.

Wu Xuanyi quickly found the space node, and after activation, led everyone into the secret realm.

This secret territory, like dusk, is full of broken spaces, and void storms are flowing, as if they have just experienced a doomsday.

The environment here was unexpected. The earth was full of potholes and smoke and dust. What caught your eye was the skeleton of a white giant dragon, which could reach a thousand feet.

The Dark Demon Sect, the land of the Dark Demon.

As usual in the Black Demon Sect, most of the disciples also wandered around the Ten Thousand Demon Tower to practice.

Many people are still talking about Mu Qing's feat in the Black Territory Grand Competition, and many Black Demon Sect disciples are discussing when Sakura Wing and other true legend disciples will break through the realm of dominance.

"There seems to be no news about Senior Brother Mu recently. It's a pity. If it weren't for the Sovereign to protect the Ji Zhou, I'm afraid Senior Brother Mu could enter the Holy Land and get the opportunity to break through the realm of dominance, just like Senior Brothers and others."

A disciple of the Black Demon Sect sighed.

They all got news that Ji Zhou, Sakura Wing and An Shaomu were all preparing to break through the realm of dominance.

Recently, many Black Demon Sect disciples have talked about these three true disciples. I don't know who will be the first to break through to the realm of dominance.

At this moment, the entire Black Demon Land shook, and a tyrannical aura rushed into the sky, alarming countless Black Demon Sect disciples.

A disciple of the Dark Demon Sect raised his head and looked at a certain mountain peak.

"That is An Shaomu's True Transmission Peak!" Someone recognizing the identity of the True Transmission Peak, quickly exclaimed.


Dark clouds shrouded the sky, covering the sky, and then the color of the dark clouds changed to gold, and the power of metallic rules gathered together.

At the same time, another True Transmission Peak, which also ignited the rules of heaven and earth, made a huge roar, and also was enveloped by a golden dark cloud.

"It's the true biography of Sakura Wing Brother! He is also about to break through the realm of dominance today!" Someone exclaimed.

No one expected that Sakura Wing and An Shaomu would make a breakthrough in the same day.

That golden dark cloud is precisely the power of the rules of heaven and earth that will only appear when it hits the Domination of One Tribulation, and it contains the rules and disasters of metal.

Dominating the realm, the top five catastrophes are relatively easy and simple. They are the catastrophes of the five elements, corresponding to the rule power of the five attributes.

Of course, to hit the Lord of the Five Tribulations in one breath, the difficulty is different.

Now, above the two true transmission peaks on the left and the right in the Dark Demon Land, two tyrannical figures soared into the sky.

Among the golden dark clouds, the terrifying metallic rule force condensed and turned into a heavenly golden sword penetrating down.

At the same time, golden light filled the sky, everything was a soldier, countless swords whizzed down, piercing through the space.

Sakura Wing and An Shaomu both had calm faces, calmly dealt with them, and each displayed their magical powers.

In contrast, An Shaomu's methods are more eye-catching, a sword contends, and the vast sword light merges into a sword energy, which is slashed and shattered countless golden rules!


The sky seemed to collapse, and two golden dark clouds were broken open one after another.

In the Black Demon Sect, the major elders are watching the breakthrough of the two Tianjiao.

The penalty elder touched the white beard on his chin with relief, and sighed: "These two are both Tianjiao-level figures, and they have accumulated a lot. I don't know where they will reach in one breath."

Ordinary people break through, that is, to survive the first catastrophe and become the master of the catastrophe.

But obviously, both An Shaomu and Sakura Wing broke through the first calamity quite easily, and had enough energy to face the second calamity.


The buzzing occurred again, the dark green clouds in the sky appeared, and the rules of the trees spread.

The dense green awns illuminate the world, and the plants soar like crazy, and the young seedlings become towering old trees in the blink of an eye.

"The calamity of wood is endless. If you don't break it with force, the longer you drag it, the harder it will be to pass."

The white-haired elder said solemnly, as a high-level master, he naturally has his own opinions on this, and he deeply understands how to deal with the disaster of the wood.

An Shaomu was still calm, accumulating his whole body strength, and raising his hand was a sword.

Everything is one, the only sword in the world!

The scripture he created is to follow this path, converge all the strengths in one sword, and become benevolent if you fail to succeed!

Coupled with the fact that he absorbed part of the power of the Heavenly King's heart during the three formidable ratios, An Shaomu's potential was quite high. At this moment, he left with a sword, and his sword intent rushed into the sky with great power!


Before the disaster of the wood broke out completely, it was cut to pieces by this sword, and a large amount of sawdust was flying randomly.

The second catastrophe passed smoothly!

On the other hand, Sakura Wing was caught in a hard fight, being killed by a huge wooden figure and a huge wooden dragon.

But with the passage of time, the rules of the wood condensed a wooden figure to come, just as the white-haired elder said, the disaster of the wood is endless, the best way to overcome the catastrophe is to give a thunderous blow at the very beginning!

Sakura Wing naturally cannot be ignorant, but it is a pity that his thunder blow did not completely smash the cloud of disaster.

In the distance, the white-haired elder who was watching the process shook his head.

"It's a pity, it seems that Sakura Tsubasa has stopped the Second Tribulation."

The penalty elder on the side also nodded and agreed.

Sakura Wing seemed to have more energy, most of which was able to survive the disaster of wood.

But because he couldn't solve the disaster of falling wood cleanly, he would be dragged for a long time, consumed a lot, and his state dropped rapidly. Obviously, he was unlikely to attack the third calamity again.

At the same time, An Shaomu had already begun the third calamity, and a dark blue cloud appeared, covering the top of his head.

In an instant, countless ** pouring down, there was a tendency to engulf the entire Black Demon Sect.

The violent storm vented out, and every drop of water contained terrifying power, enough to crush the stars!

An Shaomu was calm and calm, but he still felt the pressure.

Taking a deep breath, the sword intent on his body converged on the long sword in his hand.

In the face of the heavy rain, he roared, exhausted all the strength in his body, and slashed out a sword!

This is the gathering of all his strengths, and success or failure is only under this sword!

Hundreds of thousands of feet of sword light swept away, shattering all the drops of water, and a sword pierced through the sky and pierced the sky.


**Being cut in half, the sword intent is twisted, and it evaporates directly!

The dark clouds were also shattered, and the clouds dispersed, leaving a deep sword mark on the sky, which could not be broken for a long time.

A sword breaks the robbery!

An Shaomu gasped and fell down on one knee. His sword also condensed all the energy and spirit, relying on the peculiarities of his own scriptures and greatly increased his strength to cut it out.

This sword also worked and successfully defeated the catastrophe.

It's a pity that he can't deal with the fourth calamity, that's it!

However, this is still amazing, and the elders in the distance also admire it.

"One step and three calamities, this An Shaomu will be limitless in the future, and maybe he will become the absolute powerhouse of the half-step Dharma body, hitting the level of the three calamities in one breath!" The penalty elder sighed.

At the same time, several elders turned their eyes to the other side.

Sakura Wing finally survived the second calamity, but he was more embarrassed than An Shaomu and suffered a lot of injuries.

However, his aura gradually became stronger and stabilized at the level of the Domination of the Two Tribulations, and the power in his body completely transformed and reached the level of the rules!

Two great true stories successfully broke through, one with three calamities and one with two calamities!

In fact, being able to hit the Lord of the Two Tribulations in one breath is already at the level of Tianjiao, and achieving the Lord of the Three Tribulations at once is even more extraordinary!

Just when the elders and the disciples of the Black Demon Sect were happy that they had two more powerful masters in the Black Demon Sect, the Black Demon Sect Master was in the Sect Master Hall, frowning.

The movement of the two breakthroughs was so great that it was naturally impossible for him to notice.

In the deep and secluded palace of the Sect Master, the Black Demon Sect Master frowned and walked to a certain secret room.

He felt quite confused, Sakura Wing and An Shaomu both broke through, why his son has not moved.

I didn't want to disturb Ji Zhou, but now that I think about it, it's better to check the situation.

However, when the Black Demon Sovereign opened the secret room, his pupils suddenly shrank like a needle!

The figure in the secret room is not Ji Zhou, who is attacking the dominance in retreat, but a figure full of majesty.

The figure slowly turned around, revealing a handsome face.

Dark Sky King!

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