Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1884: Bone Abyss


Mu Qing and the others exclaimed. Before they could react, they fell into Bone Abyss.

The horrible resentful spirit swarmed over them.

In this chaotic moment, Mu Qing immediately thought of urging the world's snake ability to escape.

However, in this Bone Abyss, the spirit of evil spirits was like cold and biting frost, and even his consciousness became slow and sluggish.

Although the world's snake's ability was operating, it did not immediately activate it.

Not only Mu Qing, but Wu Xuanyi, Zhang Zhen and others were all transformed into pieces of ice sculptures under the influence of the spirit of evil spirits.

"Hahaha! You will be sleepy here for a lifetime until your life is exhausted!"

The Frost Dragon King laughed happily, his vibrating wings rushed into the cloud and disappeared.

This is the cemetery it specially prepared for Mu Qing, and it can be regarded as revenge for Mrs. Bai!

Bai Bone Abyss is a dangerous place in the Undead Realm. Once you fall into it, you will be enveloped by the horrible spirit of resentment, and your soul will be frozen.

In the pool under the White Bone Abyss, the air of resentment invades the body, and Shou Yuan will be consumed hundreds and thousands of times, until it is exhausted.

Falling into this dangerous place would not involve it, the Frost Dragon King.

In Bai Bone Abyss, Wu Xuanyi and others had completely lost their consciousness, frozen their souls, and were silent in the depths of the Resentful Soul Pool.

Mu Qing's eyelids were also heavy, and the spirit of resentment penetrated into his body. When his soul was about to freeze, a group of pure white flames suddenly flashed, swallowing all the spirit of resentment.

Suddenly, Mu Qing's consciousness was sober, and a looming door appeared in front of him, and the door was branded with obscure and mysterious symbols.

Mu Qing fell into the world gate, time and space were distorted and disappeared!

At the most critical moment, the moment when consciousness is about to disappear, the life code in the depths of his soul played an important role, helping Mu Qing successfully display the world's snake ability, enter the world gate and escape here.

Regrettably, he can't protect himself, and at the same time, in this deep pool of resentment, he can't feel other positions, and can't go to his comrades.


At the junction of the Undead Realm and the Black Realm, densely packed skeleton warriors are fighting with the powerful men who are proficient in the power of darkness.

This is the area near Heiyan City, and the place Mu Qing is more familiar with is here, and he subconsciously teleported it.

The conflict between the undead realm and the black realm occurs every day.

However, for ordinary conflicts, there is no need to ask for help from the Black Demon Sect. At the moment, the people fighting against the powerful Black Flame City are basically the undead creatures at the bottom of the Undead Legion. These skeletons are extremely fragile. Basically, there is a great emperor or even a god. Those in the imperial realm can easily crush a large piece.

At this time, an ancient illusory portal appeared high in the sky, and then a black shadow fell down and hit the ground fiercely.


A figure hit the ground, creating a big hole.

The surrounding undead creatures were sluggish for a while, and then there was a horrible wave of cold air gushing out, and the air of resentment came out and swept all around.

The entire undead army was swallowed by the cold air force, and the fragile skeletons and bones shattered under the impact of the cold current and turned into ice slag.

In an instant, an undead army was destroyed.

In the center of the cold, Mu Qing was trembling all over, her body trembling constantly, and barely stood up.

The spirit of resentment invades the depths of the soul, but it is swallowed up by the core life fire of the life code.

But the resentful spirit remaining in the flesh and blood of his body was like a tarsal maggot, which could not disperse for a long time, making Mu Qing's whole body like an ice cellar.

"The Frost Dragon King!"

Mu Qing gritted his teeth and growled bitterly.

Unexpectedly, he almost stumbled this time, and the threat brought by Bai Bone Abyss was almost no less than the ghost master and Zhuying!

Had it not been for a moment of relaxation by relying on the power of the Life Code at the critical moment, Mu Qing might not even have the opportunity to use the World Snake ability to escape.

"Master principal?"

At this moment, a group of people approached, but the head of the city was the pot-bellied City Lord Black Flame.

The other party was a little surprised, but he didn't ask for help from the Black Demon Sect this time, so why did the principal come again?

Mu Qing mobilized the fire of life in the depths of the soul, wandering around the limbs and a hundred skeletons, swallowing all the remaining resentful spirit in the flesh and blood.

This resentful spirit didn't know what it came from, and it was able to swallow the life code.

At least it can be comparable to the second-level treasure!

Just some resentful spirits can be compared to the second-level treasure, it is hard to imagine what lies beneath the Bone Abyss.

"Handle something and stop here." Mu Qing calmed down and calmly dealt with City Lord Heiyan.

Subsequently, at the invitation of the Black Flame City Lord, Mu Qing came to the Black Flame City and stayed temporarily for a few days.

Mu Qing also smiled bitterly. He didn't expect to wait for someone to come together, but in the end he was the only one left.

He called the City Lord Heiyan, pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Do you know specific information about Bai Bone Abyss?"

Heiyan City Lord deserves to be a person who has been at the junction of the Undead Realm and the Black Realm for many years. Although his strength is far less than Mu Qing, he is quite clear about some things in the Undead Realm.

The other party hurriedly responded, saying, "Bone Bone Abyss is a dangerous place, and the principal must never enter!"

Looking at Mu Qing with expressionless eyes, he continued: "The rumor of White Bone Abyss contains the spirit of resentment. It is not a heavenly existence, but it was caused by a half-step Dharma body in the Undead Realm once attempting to attack the Great Domination realm. of."

"Legend has it that once the Lord of the Eight Tribulations fell into it, of course it did not die immediately, but was trapped in it all the time. The mind and power were frozen, and it became an ice sculpture under the influence of the spirit of evil spirits!"

"If you look down from the top of Bai Bone Abyss, you can see the ice sculptures inside. They are all people who have been trapped in Bai Bone Abyss."

"Their lifespan will be depleted at a rate of hundreds of times and thousands of times, until they are completely dead!"

Heiyan City Lord talked about White Bone Abyss, with a lingering fear on his face, and said: "From ancient times to the present, basically no one can come out of White Bone Abyss!"

Mu Qing touched his chin, thoughtfully.

Although it is said that no one has ever come out of Bone Abyss, in fact, he has not escaped?

However, it was indeed quite thrilling. It was relying on the power of the life code to successfully use the world's snake ability to escape.

After trying his best to understand the situation from the Black Flame City Lord, Mu Qing turned around and asked: "So what about the Frost Dragon King? How much do you know?"

"Frost Dragon King?" Heiyan City Master was shocked, frowned and thought for a long time, then said: "What the Lord Master said, is it a skeletal dragon wrapped in frost air?"

"Yes, that's it." Mu Qing nodded.

"At first, I didn't know much about the Frost Dragon King, but since you killed Mrs. Bai last time, I specially sent someone to the Undead Realm to find out."

Heiyan City Lord glanced at Mu Qing cautiously, and said quickly: "The Frost Dragon King is the ruler of the Four Tribulations. It is rumored that it is about to break through to the Ruler of the Five Tribulations. In the hands of the master, this Frost Dragon King will probably come to you for trouble."

"It is said that the Frost Dragon King is an undead creature created by the Bone You King. In the Undead Realm, those great liches have this method to transform the bones of others into undead creatures that surrender to their own."

"No wonder..."

Mu Qing frowned.

Feelings The Frost Dragon King shot them to trap them into the Abyss of Bone, just to deal with him!

And it just so happened that the burial place of the strong dragons that Wu Xuanyi and others were looking for was actually patronized by the Bone You King long ago, and it was transformed into an undead creature by the means of the Great Lich.

This time it happened to hit the muzzle!

After waving his hand to make Heiyan City Lord retreat, Mu Qing took a deep breath and his expression became heavy.

No matter what, Wu Xuanyi and others were trapped because of him, and now they escaped, but they couldn't survive, so they had to find a way to rescue Wu Xuanyi and others.

"And the Frost Dragon King..." A cold light burst into Mu Qing's eyes.

Now Mu Qing's strength is not comparable to that before, and his strength has been improved, coupled with the thorough comprehension of the life and death mirror.

Even the Frost Dragon King ruled by the Four Tribulations, as long as he communicates with the celestial dimension, and under the blessing of the Domination Realm, he can fight!

"Not in a hurry. Although in Bai Bone Abyss, Shou Yuan will be consumed hundreds of times and thousands of times, but Wu Xuanyi and the others are all peerless arrogances, and there are so many Shou Yuans. As long as they don't delay for too long, there will be no trouble. "

Mu Qing whispered.

Heiyan City Lord told him that the people trapped in Bone Abyss were shrouded by the spirit of resentment, and became ice sculptures, and their thinking was frozen, but they did not die immediately, but waited until their lifespan was exhausted. .

Therefore, standing in the Bai Bone Abyss and looking down, one can see ice sculptures, all of which are the creatures that fell into the Bai Bone Abyss, their bodies are intact, and all of them died after their lifespans were exhausted!

This means that Mu Qing has some time to prepare.

After a few days, Mu Qing got news about the Black Demon Sect from the Black Flame City Lord.

"The Black Demon Sect Master defected? Did even the first generation Lich King take action?" Mu Qing was taken aback.

Although he knew that Mo Zi joined the Dark Sky Sect Master to investigate the Black Demon Sect Master, he would definitely have something to gain, but he didn't expect that even the power of the law body would be brought out.

"This first-generation Lich King is able to contend with the Dark Sky Law King, and most of it is also an ancient one." Mu Qing's face was solemn.

Immediately afterwards, he learned from the Black Flame City Master that both An Shaomu and Sakura Yi successfully broke through to the dominance realm, An Shaomu boarded the Three Tribulations in one go, and Sakura Yi was slightly worse, only the Two Tribulations.

At the same time, Mu Qing also learned that the current Black Demon Sovereign had Mo Zi temporarily acting as his agent.

Mu Qing groaned for a while, and then returned to the Black Demon Sect using the exclusive teleportation formation of the Black Flame City.

He was not welcome, and directly opened the world door and came to the palace of the sovereign.

In front of him, Mo Zi was wearing a black short skirt with a rugged body and a perfect curve. A pair of knee-high black stockings wrapped around his beautiful legs, creating a strong contrast with the white body, and the visual impact was full.

"What is the origin of your magical power? Are you interested in sharing it?"

Mo Zi's black jewel-like eyes fell on Mu Qing, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a curious look appeared on his face.

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