Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1980: Centaur Appears

When encountering a ghost attack, Wu Fan revealed that he possessed a damaged super sacred weapon.

Of course, he might also use it deliberately, in an attempt to awaken the connection between the ultra-sacred artifact in his hand and the pure white light column.

Regrettably, even though the super-sacred artifact in Wu Fan's hand contained the same power as the pure white beam of light, it did not produce any resonance or connection.

Perhaps it was the cause of the severe damage to the super sacred artifact in his hand.

However, people from all the surrounding forces had no time at this moment to take care of the damaged super holy artifacts in Wu Fan's hands.

The ghosts attacked at an astonishing speed. Every ghost has a strong desire to attack. While avoiding the ripples of the law, it will attack anyone around it.

"Damn! The ghosts of the ghost river are coming up!"

Someone cursed and recognized the origin of these ghosts.

On the road to the top of Tianyou Mountain, there has been a melee. The forces of all parties themselves are hostile to each other, and now a large group of ghosts have arrived.

After the melee started, Ghost Dragon and Jiuying Bird were also affected.

Although they did not take the initiative to take the initiative, the aftermath of energy caused by the fighting between various forces and ghosts inevitably affected them.


A ghost dragon uttered a roar, and it was enveloped in a black mist formed by ghost energy, and its eyes were as red as blood, hovering upward, staring at a dragon master.

"Go away!"

The dragon ruler scolded.

However, although both sides are considered dragons, ghost dragons are not that, and they even prefer to trouble dragons.

The ghost dragon swallowed extremely cold dragon flames, and the icy dragon flame spread up, freezing the body of the dragon ruler.


The ghost dragon's claws descended, smashing the dragon master in the frozen state to pieces.


The Jiuyingniao had more movement, and there was a piercing and sharp howling.

One of the nine infant birds is extremely large. Among the nine heads above, one of them is not a baby, but an old man.

This weird Jiu Ying bird made a jealous laugh, its claws were sharp and sharp, tearing the sky, and the space around it made a crunching and sour sound, and cracks appeared.

A master of the Tianjiao level looked terrified. He was surrounded by two powerful nine-infant birds and flanked back and forth.

These nine infant birds mastered a unique sonic attack, and the physical sound waves visible to the naked eye impacted and directly shattered his body.

Immediately afterwards, the weird Jiuying Bird rushed over, and the old man's head showed a hideous smile, and he let out a blue light, completely killing the ruler of Tianjiao.

This special weird Nine Infant Bird was terrifying, and in the blink of an eye, it killed a strong man who ruled the Tianjiao level.

Suddenly, the entire road leading to the top of Tianyou Mountain became extremely chaotic.

All forces have been attacked by ghost dragons, nine infant birds, and ghosts. The losses have been severe, and the strong have fallen every moment.


With another scream, Tianjiao, one of the lich clan's rulers, was found by the weird nine-infant bird. The hazy azure light hit his body, and the bones of the body exploded directly.

Afterwards, this weird Nine-Infant Bird stuck out its claws and directly stripped the spirit of the Lich.

The old man's head in the middle made waves of strange laughter, and then opened his mouth to swallow the soul!

"court death!"

In the sky, a bone claw that covered the sky and sun drew down, and the bone claw was golden and brilliant, and slapped the nine infant bird on the ground fiercely.

A golden skeletal body appeared, with a trace of treasure and solemnity in the strangeness.

Beneath the huge golden skull is a middle-aged man with a gloomy expression and terrifying pressure on his body, like a peerless demon!

Bone You King!

The half-step magic body of the Lich Race has finally taken action!

The golden skull is the virtual appearance of King Bone You, powerful, and ripples linger on the golden bone claws.

This is the power that is close to the law!

"Jie Jie Jie!"

However, strange laughter came from the other side, and a black mist vortex emerged, and the weird Nine Baby Bird with a huge body flew out of it, and it didn't seem to have received any injuries.

At the same time, the fierce glow on this weird Jiuying Bird's body soared, and its aura reached a level comparable to that of Bone You King!

"Half-step Dhammakaya?"

A hint of surprise appeared on King Bone You's face.

He never expected that among this group of nine infant birds, there would be a strong body like the half-step Dharma body!

"Your Excellency, it's better to stop for the time being, and it won't be too late to fight until you really arrive in front of the inherited beam of light!" Bone You King said solemnly.

He didn't believe that a fierce beast with half-step Dharma body strength would not have the slightest wisdom!

However, the weird Jiuying Bird did not respond to him. After making a few weird calls, it dived into the black mist vortex and disappeared.

King Bone You's face was solemn, he didn't know the origin of these fierce beasts.

But there is no doubt that ghost dragons, ghosts, and these nine infant birds are all a force.

After all, these guys did not attack each other even in such a chaotic situation.

"Continue to where the inheritance is!"

Bone You King gave a low cry, and his voice rolled like thunder, spreading to every powerful person in the Lich Race.

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden skeleton incorporeal body appeared, surpassing the Lich tribe's group and sheltering the tribe.

A few nine infant birds intended to sweep the Lich Race, but when they saw the huge golden skeleton, after hesitating for a while, they walked around without recklessly attacking.

"These monsters have spiritual wisdom." Bone You King saw this, his eyes flickering.

At least, this group of nine infant birds knows the power of the fearful half-step Dharma body, but it seems that the spiritual intelligence is indeed incomplete and lacks the ability to communicate.

However, the Bone You King showed an incorporeal body, which stunned Jiuying Bird, and then attracted the attacks of ghosts.

The number of these ghosts is even greater, crushing a large area, and there are more ghosts rushing up from the foot of the mountain.

They don't seem to care about the dangerous existence of the ripples of the law or fear death at all.

Some ghosts crashed into the law ripples and burst and died on the spot, but for other ghosts, they didn't feel anything at all, and the speed was astonishing.


The golden skeletal virtual body sheltering the Lich Race at a high altitude trembled and collided with a ripple of law.

King Bone You's face changed slightly, and he realized that in Tianyou Mountain where the law ripples everywhere, it was not a good choice for him to directly summon the incorporeal shelter tribe.

Almost within a short period of time, several law ripples collided with Bone You King's virtual body, and the terrifying power poured out, causing cracks to appear on the golden skull virtual body.

King Bone You took a deep breath, and was about to take back the golden skull void. Suddenly, a huge ghost rushed from the void, opened its teeth and danced its claws, and rushed directly on the golden skull.


The size of this ghost is the same as the golden skeleton that shelters everyone. He grasped the golden skeleton tightly with both hands, then opened his mouth in the blood basin and bit down fiercely.


The golden skeleton body was actually crushed by a piece of bone!

I saw that huge ghost smashed the golden bones and swallowed it, his eyes were bloody, and he let out a long howl.

"Master Bone You King!"

Seeing that Wu Fan was unhappy, he immediately sacrificed the broken sword and threw it to the Bone You King.

King Bone You's face was dignified and he let out a low cry, only to see the golden skeleton incorporeal under his control, grabbing the broken broadsword.

This is a super sacred artifact, even if it is only broken, it still contains charm.

The broad sword rose in the wind and became huge, although without the handle, the power remained, and the ripples spread out.

The pure white light bloomed, and the golden skeleton lifted the sword and severely cut it down!

The ghost's body was cut through a hole, and the other party seemed a little jealous. After a roar, it turned into a black mist and fled away.

But the other party did not leave far away, but changed into a black mist, his eyes were scarlet, and his **** eyes kept looking at the Lich Race, hovering nearby.

"Damn it! This beast is staring at us!" King Bone You cursed angrily.

He also retracted the golden skeleton incorporeal body at this time.

This weak body cannot be summoned casually in this situation, he hadn't noticed it before, and accidentally suffered a big loss!

You must know that the incorporeal body is created by the half-step Dharma body after comprehending the power of the law.

Strictly speaking, they have not yet fully achieved the Law Bodies, breaking through to the Great Domination, so although the power of the incorporeal body is strong, it is also equivalent to the foundation for them to break through to the Great Domination realm!

The half-step Dharma body wants to break through to the great master. What needs to be done is to accumulate enough to bear the oppression of the power of the law, while fusing the incorporeal body derived from the power of the law with itself, so that one's own body becomes the law of the law. Body.

This is the Dharmakaya!

If the incorporeal body is severely damaged, or even destroyed, it means that the foundation of the half-step Dharma body is gone, and there is no hope of breaking through the realm of the master for a lifetime!

The Bone You King only summoned the incorporeal body for a short time, before hitting several law ripples, attracting the attention of ghosts again.

All this is not worth the loss.

If he continues to summon incorporeal bodies to fight, and then he is afraid that he will not be crushed by the ripples of the law, then he will never want to hit the realm of the law body!

It can be said that it is difficult for the half-step Dharma Body to display its full strength at this time.

Bone You King could only curse while helping the Lich Race against those ghosts.

At this time, he discovered that the strength of this group of ghosts was too amazing. The strength of those huge ghosts was not much worse than the half-step body, but there was no law body incorporeal.

The half-step Dhammakaya powers of other forces looked solemn, they also saw the situation of the Lich Clan, and understood that this place was also considered a restriction on the half-step Dhammakaya.

At the end of the large force, Mu Qing and Mo Zi followed all the forces far away.

The situation in the rear was much better than the front. Mu Qing mastered the technique of transcending the limit, sometimes transformed into ghosts, sometimes into nine infant birds and ghost dragons, but did not attract any attack.

Mo Zi exclaimed at him again and again, this change technique seemed to completely surpass the unique secret technique of Shuiyue Dongtian.

She half-squinted her eyes and stared at Mu Qing's face, wanting to know how this guy did it!

But now is not the time to talk about this.

The two continued to follow behind the various forces, but they didn't need to face the danger, and it was a lot easier.


However, at this moment, a red light penetrated from the rear hole.

Mu Qing noticed something, his body twisted like a whirlpool, and turned into a ghost dragon in the blink of an eye, bathed in the black mist, and dodged aside.

He and Mo Zi looked to the rear, but saw another swarm of fierce beasts attacking.

It's just that the fierce beasts that came this time obviously didn't match the environment of Youguitian, as if they came from the outside world!

"Wait, is that?!"

Suddenly, Mu Qing's face changed suddenly.

He saw a huge centaur, which should have four arms, but one of the arms seemed to be cut off.

This centaur exuded a powerful aura, ignoring Mu Qing and Mo Zi, and rushed forward.

Mu Qing was shocked.

Isn't this the ancient centaur species that Elder Gou An and others pursued?

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