Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2002: The dead end of the sea

"What a weird Shenfa supernatural power!"

Mu Qing frowned slightly, looking at the ancient species that looked like a mermaid in front of him.

The other party claimed to be Haizhe, and it seemed that these ancient species were extremely intelligent, not the beast-like state of ghost dragons.

But just now, he didn't even notice it, so he was punched. The opponent's whereabouts were weird and he could attack without noticing it.

However, with this injury, Mu Qing quickly recovered by relying on the Life and Death Mirror.

Mu Qing held up his sword, but Na Haizhu also discovered that Mu Qing's methods were extraordinary, and cut off his palm directly with a sword!

Haizhe's severed hand re-growth in the next moment, and then his body exploded suddenly, and a stream of water splashed around.

Mu Qing cut through the air with a sword, and then a drop of water suddenly swelled beside him, turning into a water vortex, the sea biting tall body stepped out from it, and the spear pierced down fiercely.


Mu Qing's reaction was quick, the shining lines of stars intertwined, but did not resist the blow, only partially offset the power, and then the spear pierced his shoulder.

The blood spattered, but Mu Qing also seized the opportunity, and the Qingze sword in his hand turned into a shocking thunder and penetrated through it.

Hai Zhu's face changed slightly, and he quickly used a unique method to envelop him with a whirlpool of water. He planned to move away quickly, but he was still a step slower!

A stream of blood was swayed for a long time, and the Qingze Divine Sword was fast to the extreme under the blessing of the Thunder Secret Technique. Even if the Sea Bib had magical powers, it couldn't hide its strange tracks.

Mu Qing's eyes were sharp, sweeping across the surroundings, and mysterious symbols derive from wherever he looked.

The surrounding water droplets turned into small rocks and fell to the ground.

After mastering the banning secret method, Mu Qing's method went further, and the opponent might be sealed by him if he is not careful!

But it didn't seem to be of any use to do so, the next moment a water whirlpool emerged from behind Mu Qing, and a figure rushed out.

This is not a sea bite, but an ancient species, also resembling a mermaid, with a trident in his hand, piercing towards Mu Qingdong fiercely.

Mu Qing was already prepared. When this ancient mermaid was about to attack him, an ancient bridge on the other side of the sky suddenly suppressed it.

The strength of this mermaid's ancient species was far from that of Haizhe, and could not resist the power of the reincarnation secret law. After a scream, his body shattered.

Mu Qing turned into a flash of lightning, appeared in front of the opponent in the blink of an eye, slashed with a sword, and the kendo was overwhelming!

The ancient mermaid species was killed on the spot, and Mu Qing also easily broke the opponent's weapon into golden particles to absorb.

Then, more than a dozen water vortexes exploded around Mu Qing, and ancient species of mermaid-like figures rushed out.

Mu Qing frowned. Although the strength of these ancient mermaid species was relatively average, they were, anyway, approaching the existence of the dominating Tianjiao level.

Why is the strength of the ancient species so powerful?

Suddenly so many enemies attacked from all directions, and Mu Qing couldn't bear it. He changed his body and turned into a ghost dragon roaring away. The extremely cold dragon flame swallowed out, freezing an ancient mermaid species.

The dragon's claws tore down, smashing the ancient mermaid species that turned into an ice sculpture to pieces.

However, a series of water vortexes appeared nearby, and the ancient mermaid species were chasing after them, and the magical powers attacked them, and the angles were tricky.

Mu Qing had already sealed all the liquid near him, which showed that these mermaid's weird moving methods can be used out of thin air, rather than with the help of water.

In fact, this method is similar to the world gate, silent and without any energy fluctuations.

But the world gate can lock any coordinate that has been visited, ignoring distance and enchantment defense, etc. The methods used by the ancient merfolk should only be suitable for short-distance movement in battle.

Seeing the various ancient mermaid species surrounded again, Mu Qing's form continued to change, and his fighting styles were ever-changing. For a while, even fighting more than a dozen ancient mermaid species did not fall into the trap.

Suddenly, a water whirlpool emerged from behind Mu Qing's head, Hai Bi finally appeared, and the spear in his hand burst out with a dazzling glow, which was densely covered with countless symbols, running through Mu Qing's head.

But the next moment Hai Chu's face changed suddenly.

He discovered that after the death of Mu Qing in front of him, he turned into a corpse of an ancient mermaid!

"When?" Hai Zhu's pupils shrank, and even he had concealed the past of these changes!

At this moment, the ancient mermaid species next to him changed into Mu Qing, and the endless power of thunder from the Qingze Divine Sword in his hand slashed directly on Hai Zhu's shoulder.

The sword's edge burst with light, and the sword was cut directly from Hai Zhu's shoulder, and it stopped at the position of its abdomen, almost splitting half of the opponent's body!

Hai Chu's expression was fierce, and he stretched out his palm to grab Mu Qing, and there was a loud noise behind him, setting off the vast ocean, and the violent ocean current was like a prison, imprisoning Mu Qing.

As if he hadn't noticed his injury, the blue spear in his hand penetrated through it.

This spear should have penetrated the center of Mu Qing's eyebrows, but when he was about to attack Mu Qing, the lines of bright stars were intertwined to form a star map.

The attack direction of the spear in Haizhe's hand has undergone a huge deviation, and at the same time the power has been partially weakened out of thin air.


The spear pierced Mu Qing's chest, blood squirted out, and then a ray of blue light penetrated into Mu Qing's body, tearing his flesh and blood.

The sea bite was crazy, because he was also quite uncomfortable, half of his body was split open, and the Qingze Divine Sword also burst out with terrifying thunder power, making his body become scorched.

"In close combat, I have never lost!"

Hai Chuan grinned, he roared, his body glowed, bursting into a bright glow, and he blasted towards Mu Qing with a fist.

Mu Qing's body shook, coughing up blood, but his expression did not change much, just a little hideous.

He grabbed Hai Chuan's wrist with his other hand, and he could see mysterious symbols spreading out.

"what happened?"

Hai Chu's face changed drastically, and he found that his fingers had started to petrify and spread quickly to the entire arm.


He was also quite decisive, directly smashing the entire petrified arm, and then quickly detached.

But he found that although his injury could be recovered, the petrified arm could not grow back.

"It's useless, this is a seal from the soul level." Mu Qing said indifferently.

The life and death mirror hung on his head, and the light of life fell down, recovering from his injuries at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, the universe of Yuanshi revolved, and the power of the starry sky quickly recovered.

I have to say that the method of blocking the secret method is extremely weird. If the enemy does not guard against it, a little carelessness will not seal a part of the power!

Hai Chu's face was ugly, his strength itself was inferior to Mu Qing, and now he was sealed with a part of his power because of his carelessness. How could he be an opponent.

"Stop him!"

He shouted, then sat down cross-legged, trying to find the power of the seal deep in the soul and crack it.

The surrounding ancient species of mermaid also swarmed up, and a series of water vortexes emerged, setting off a terrifying wave, and the vast ocean covered this place, attacking Mu Qing.

The corner of Mu Qing's mouth was raised, and a cloud of yellow spring water condensed in his palm. Then there was a loud bang, and the cloud of yellow spring water exploded, spewing out endless water from the yellow spring, surging towards the surroundings.

More than a dozen ancient mermaid species combined their methods to finally smash the Yellow Spring River, but the next moment they froze.

Mu Qing's figure disappeared!

Frozen, one of the ancient species of mermaid violently attacked his companion. After the trident penetrated his companion's chest, he held a three-foot green front, and a sword light cut it off, dividing it into two!

The other ancient mermaid species were extremely angry and hurriedly slew towards Mu Qing.

But Mu Qing, who had changed the ancient species of adult fish, plunged directly into the water whirlpool and disappeared.

When these ancient mermaid species were wary of their surrounding companions, for fear that Mu Qing would get in, they found that something was wrong with Haizhe.

There are actually two sea biting discs sitting over there!

Hai Chu's face changed suddenly, he never expected Mu Qing's method of change to be so amazing, and at the same time the power of the seal was so strong that he couldn't crack it for a while.

"Fake! Give me death!"

At this time, Mu Qing had changed exactly like Hai Chu, not only his breath and appearance, but also the strength in his body.

He yelled, preemptively, and at the same time raised his hand for a shot, holding the spear in his hand.

This is a high-level sacred artifact, after Mu Qing injected the unique strength of the ancient species, it suddenly burst into a blue light.

"Attack this counterfeit with me!"

Mu Qing stabbed at Haizhe with a spear, and at the same time did not forget to shout.

The mermaid around was stunned in ancient times, and quickly reacted.

Although the appearance is the same, the natal weapon should not deceive people. Whoever can use that spear is the real sea biter!

Other ancient species of mermaid used their magical powers one after another and moved towards the real sea bite attack, completely being kept in the dark by Mu Qing.

"Asshole! You are all deceived! I'm the real one!"

The sea bite roared again and again, his eyes were almost staring out of anger, his eyes were red, and he wanted to eat people.

He never expected that Mu Qing's methods of change were so clever, his breath and strength were exactly the same!

What made him most angry about vomiting blood was that his hand weapon was easily urged by Mu Qing, and even the holy weapon could not tell who was the master!

In other words, the sacred weapon of the spear now has two masters, whether it is Mu Qing or the real Haizhe can be activated.

Mu Qing pierced through with a spear, driving the monstrous ocean, with a sea dragon roaring in it, and piercing a big hole in the body of the sea.

The sea bite roared again and again, and with a few punches, he shattered the ancient body of a mermaid next to him, and then there was a roar, and the vast ocean was set off behind him.

He tried to recall his weapons.

The spear in Mu Qing's hand was also trembling violently, as if he wanted to return to the hands of the real master.

But where did Mu Qing make it happen, a pure white flame leaped in his palm, covering the spear, and it burned and turned into golden particles in just a few breaths.

After that, Mu Qing stopped pretending, and changed back to his own appearance.

He used the secret method of reincarnation, the phantoms of the gods and gods merged, his eyes were golden, and the sacred light bloomed, shining all around.

A part of Haizhe's power has been sealed, and it has lost its sacred artifacts. It is already a dead end!

Mu Qing stepped on the ancient bridge on the other side, bathed in the sacred light, his face was indifferent, like a high god, cut down with a sword in his hand.

A sword from the sky, the way of the gods!

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