Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 843: Heart Demon Hive!

The strength of Xuandu's cultivation level suddenly reached the level of a supreme emperor, shocking everyone.

The most shocking thing is that Xuan Du abandoned his body, at the cost of allowing countless demons to penetrate into his body and become a symbiotic body.

Only by occupying its own body can the heart demon continue to grow, but Xuan Du has mastered a special method to serve the demon with his body!

He would rather give up his control over his body, but also improve his strength.

This kind of method is not something ordinary people can do. Xuan Du's body is special, and his blood alone can make the heart demon lift a great radian!

Now these heart demons have all penetrated into Xuandu's body and become one body. All the powers are gathered together, and in conjunction with Xuandu's special body, they directly possess the cultivation base of the extremely great emperor!

"You can die, father!"

Xuan Du's own voice was completely gone, and when he opened his mouth, it was the hoarse voice of thousands of demons.

His eyes were cold, and the strength of the sixth rank of the extreme great emperor was even stronger than Xuan Tianming, and he was completely capable of killing Xuan Tianming!

Xuan Du's own consciousness is already very weak, and some only have hatred for Xuan Tianmian and resentment towards Buddhism!

Seeing him raise his hand, his arm burst suddenly, turned into an extremely bloated claw, and killed him in the air. Above this claw, there were faces full of malicious resentment.

If you look closely, all the faces on the devil's claws are extreme principles, and this path is also mixed and distorted, full of various negative powers.


The golden light and black light violently impacted, and the two forces burst wildly!

Xuantianming is also urging the ultimate Taoist rule, the Buddha's light is overwhelming, and he displayed the magical powers of the town, the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse!

There were golden lotus all over his body, and the dazzling extreme positions fell down, condensing into a huge golden lotus, enveloping his whole body.

The devil's claws ran rampantly, tearing out four ravine-like claw marks on the ground, as long as ten thousand meters!

Strands of black flames diffused from the paw prints, escaping a desperate breath.

This kind of power can be called destroying the world!

You know, here are the three worlds in Buddhism. The space in these three worlds is solid, and it takes a lot of effort to destroy anything here.

This claw of Xuan Du, placed outside, can easily crush the stars, even if it is facing a star field, it can be torn in half immediately!

Among the four claw marks, the golden lotus shattered to one place, but there was only one huge golden lotus spinning around that drop. It was the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse cast by Xuan Tianming in the extreme position!

This town teaches supernatural powers to attack and defend, and it can easily resist this terrible attack by Xuan Tianming!

Of course, Xuan Tianming was not well, he consumed a bit too much.

Seeing Xuan Du, who was not like a human or a ghost in the distance, Xuan Tianming's eyes became even colder.

This look pierced Xuan Du even more!

Xuan Du suddenly let out a piercing scream, and the only remaining consciousness in his body was stimulated, because the day Xuan Du was completely abandoned, Xuan Tianming looked at him with such cold eyes!

"Put out his eyeballs!"

Xuan Du's consciousness affected the other inner demons in his body, and all inner demons let out a heart-piercing roar.

Upon seeing this, Xuantianming's face changed, and he quickly urged the great Buddha power in his body, trying to urge the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse to the extreme.

This immeasurable Buddha lotus curse is also the magical power of the power of the demon that is specially restrained. When the ordinary demon touches it, it will be wiped out and it is very powerful.

He believes that as long as this town teaches supernatural powers, even if Xuandu's cultivation realm has now reached the sixth rank of the supreme emperor, he can still fight!

After all, Xuandu's cultivation realm was abnormal, and it was absolutely impossible to have a complete sixth-order power.

But the next moment, Xuan Du's movements made him dumbfounded.

I saw Xuan Du retracted his claws, his arm returned to its original appearance, and his fingertips lightly tapped the void, and golden ripples suddenly spread.

With Xuandu as the center, blossoming golden Buddha lotus blossoms, forming a sacred path, but the figure on it is full of cruel devilish energy, heading towards Xuantianming!

"The immeasurable Buddha lotus curse? Why? Can't you not practice?"

Xuan Tianming's eyes widened, Xuan Du casted the Immeasurable Golden Lotus Buddha curse, this level of proficiency was almost no longer below him!

If Xuandu's cultivation realm can be forcibly promoted by relying on some evil ways and crooked ways, then there is no such shortcut to find such magical powers as the Immeasurable Buddha Lotus Curse.

Xuan Tianming only reacted at this time. It turned out that his little son had been hiding himself all the time.

At the very beginning, he thought that his heirs would absolutely not be able to appear waste, so he would rather go to the Buddha, and teach the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse to Xuan Du.

As long as he can practice the Immeasurable Buddha Lotus Curse, even if Xuan Du's cultivation base is rubbish, he can have amazing strength.

But later Xuan Du was unable to realize the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse for a long time, and finally Xuan Tianming completely gave up Xuan Du.

Who would have thought that as soon as Xuan Du made a move, he would cast the Immeasurable Buddha Lotus Curse to perfection!

Xuan Tianming's cultivation base, casts the Immeasurable Buddha Lotus Curse, as long as he defends with all his strength, he is almost invincible, unless the supreme makes a move, otherwise he can resist all attacks of the same level.

However, he never expected that the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse cultivated by Xuan Du had reached this level.

Seeing Xuan Du's random finger, he easily resolved Xuan Tianming's Buddha Lotus curse, and the golden light exploded between the two of them, turning into rain and rain.

Xuan Du's face became hideous and distorted.

On his arm, the magical path of the heart surged, and this hand once again turned into a bloated claw.

"Father, I'm here to send you on the road!" A cold voice came from Xuandu's mouth.

He counteracted Xuan Tianming's Immeasurable Buddha Lotus Curse with the Immeasurable Buddha Lotus Curse. As a result, Xuan Tianming's defenses would completely disappear!

"Looking for death!" The blue veins beside Xuan Tianming's temple were all violent, and he roared, with endless anger bursting out of his body.

He swears in his heart that he must slaughter the rebellious son in front of him today!

Xuan Tianming and Xuan Du directly fought in a grand battle, and an earth-shaking power spread, and the entire mountain was crumbling, and the top of the mountain was hit by the aftermath, and cracks appeared.


The mountain collapsed and the sky was full of dust. All Buddhist disciples fled in a panic, and some people fell because of the energy aftermath of the battle between two extreme emperors in the sky.

The place where everyone was located was the main peak, the peak of the world lord Xuan Tianming, but unfortunately could not withstand the energy impact of the extreme great emperor and collapsed.

The other two world masters, Wang Tianyu and Yuan Tianshen looked at each other, and immediately turned into beams of light and appeared beside Xuan Tianming, planning to join forces against Xuan Du.

In this regard, the demon master looked at it with a smile, but did not move.

But Xuan Du frantically looked up to the sky and laughed. He used his ugly and bloated claws to tear open the space behind him, revealing a huge honeycomb-like structure.

The pupils of all Buddhist powerhouses shrank, and they saw a scene that made their scalp numb. In the honeycomb building, densely packed inner demons roared out, and there were even inner demons in the realm of the Great! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter VIII, Heart Demon Beehive!), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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