Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 855: prophecy? Hallucinations?

Mu Qing was imprisoned by a terrifying force, he couldn't even speak, so he could only stay next to the demon lord.

All around, there were heart demons everywhere, and there was no lack of existence in the realm of the emperor. Tianyu and the sword were also on the sidelines, waiting for them.

"I didn't expect the people from Heavenly Court to come so soon, now is not the time to fight the Heavenly Court, we will withdraw first." The demon master said in a deep voice.

Although his strength is strong, it is even enough to wipe out these strong men in the heavens, but that will definitely arouse the anger of the heavens.

The demon master knew why the Heavenly Court had come, and the other party had come to avenge Bai Duanxun.

But he knew that Heavenly Court and Ancient Immortal Realm are now at war in a certain mysterious realm. As long as they don't do too much, they won't completely provoke Heavenly Court.

Bai Duanhun is indeed very important to the heavenly court, but now the heavenly court can't separate so many troops, as long as the demon lord avoids his edge, nothing will happen.

"Master Demon Lord, will the Heavenly Court let us leave like this?" Tian Yu asked from the side.

A weird smile appeared on the face of the demon master, and said: "They are in a period of war with the ancient immortal world. It is impossible for them to spend a lot of time for the death of Bai Duanxun in a short time. All they need is a vent of anger. People only."

He had already figured out the thoughts of the heavens, the strong heavens came, but there was no need to fight with them at all, there was a potential tacit understanding between the two sides.

"The one who vents his anger?" Jian San's face was puzzled, and he couldn't help but set his gaze on Mu Qing.

Bai Duanhun was killed by Mu Qing, is it possible that the demon master wants to give up Mu Qing?

"That person, I have already arranged it."

The demon lord made a weird smile, he waved his hand, and suddenly the power of the heart demon surged out, and all the heart demon roared and got into the heart demon hive.

The huge Heart Demon Hive followed the Demon Lord and others soaring into the sky, and a crack in the void opened up.

Obviously, the demon lord had already prepared everything, and the gloomy energy swayed from the crack, seeming to respond to the call of the demon lord.

A force enveloped the Demon Lord and others, and they were drawn on top of the Heart Demon Hive and headed towards that crack.

The heavenly powers broke through the world of Buddhism with terrible strength. They came here, three extremely high emperors, fifty high-ranking emperors, mighty, standing above the fairy clouds, magnificent.

The person at the head is naturally the master of Bai Duanxun, the Great Emperor Gufeng!

The face of Emperor Gu Feng was very ugly, his face was gloomy, almost dripping out of water, holding a fairy sword, he strode into the air.

He frowned and looked into the sky far away, where the Demon Lord and others were standing on top of the beehive of the heart demon.

"Emperor Gufeng, are we going to intercept those guys?" An extremely great emperor next to him asked.

Obviously, in the heavenly court, even if it is also the extreme emperor, the status of the emperor Gufeng is still higher than the others.

The Great Emperor Gu Feng shook his head. He had no chance of winning against the Demon Lord. What's more, given the situation of Heavenly Court and Ancient Immortal Realm, he couldn't leave for too long.

His eyes swept away, suddenly locked on a mountain peak.

The Great Emperor Gufeng raised the fairy sword in his hand, slashed away with a sword aura, and with a bang, the top of the mountain was cut off abruptly.

Inside the mountain, there was a pond. In the middle of the pond, there was a fairy in a white dress with a blank face, her hands and feet locked by black chains.

When Mu Qing, who was beside the demon lord, saw this, her pupils shrank, and the woman in the pool locked up and confined was Princess Yuehe!

He turned his head to look at the demon lord, only to see a smile on the opponent's face, obviously he was doing tricks.

Obviously, the demon lord had no good intentions, even if it was Princess Moon River, who was originally in a cooperative relationship, he could start.

"Don't look at me like that, the heart demon originally has no special feelings. She used to be valuable to me before, but now she is completely useless. It's better to give it to the heavenly court."

The devil laughed grinningly.

Mu Qing's face sank, but he was helpless, he couldn't move at all, he could only look at the devil's side.

"Okay, don't look, we should leave. If these heavenly court guys attack us, it will be troublesome." The devil decided to go first.

In his heart, Princess Yuehe was almost dead, and no longer stayed, the power of the inner demon spread over her body, and even the entire beehive hive, rushed into the crack in the void and disappeared.


Regarding the departure of the Demon Lord, the many powerhouses in the Heavenly Court did not care, because they knew that they wanted to take action against that group of guys, and they needed more powerful power. People like them were not enough.

"Fairy Yuehe, you, as one of the key cultivators of the Heavenly Court, why do you plan to frame Bai Duanxun?" The Great Emperor Gu Feng and others came directly to Princess Yuehe and scolded.

Princess Moon River looked a little weak, but there was no panic on her face, and she smiled lightly: "Heavenly Court kills my father. This hatred is not shared with God. Even if I give everything, I will destroy Heavenly Court!"

Her eyes were filled with boundless hatred.

A glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the Great Emperor Gu Feng. He naturally knew the true identity of Princess Yuehe. The Great Emperor Anwu personally erased the memory for him. Logically speaking, he has been brainwashed successfully, and he has completely become their heavenly talent!

Why do you wake up your true memory at this time, and even know everything?

You know, Moon River Princess also has a certain effect on the Heavenly Court, such as the Moon God’s corpse. Emperor Anwu has studied for a long time, and finally discovered that if you want to control the Moon God’s supreme body, you must use Moon River Princess. The blood of this descendant of the Moon God will do.

It can be said that Princess Yuehe has a very high status in the Heavenly Court.

It is a pity that at the moment of Bai Duanxun's death, a beam of light ran across the sky and could not be intercepted at all. There was information mixed in it. It was Bai Duanxun's thoughts before his death, and told the heavens of everything!

Although it is Mu Qing who killed Bai Duanxun, Princess Moon River is one of the murderers!

"You have to do it, kill me now!" Princess Yuehe seemed to have downplayed death, completely indifferent, murmured, "Heavenly Court, it will be destroyed one day, but I have planted the seeds that ruined the Heavenly Court. Up!"

Emperor Gu Feng's expression was also extremely cold, he raised his hand and waved the fairy sword in his hand.

Sword Qi fell down.

At this moment, all the power of Princess Yuehe was concentrated in her eyes. In the depths of her eyes, two mirrors appeared. They were Taiyue Mirrors, the strongest supernatural powers of Taiyue Palace. future.

She saw Mu Qing's back, located at the location of the Heavenly Court, surrounded by ruins and corpses.

I don’t know if this is fantasy or prophecy...

In the picture, Mu Qing destroyed the heavenly court, and the ancient trees full of death breath took root on the bodies of many immortals... Starry Sky Dominates the latest chapter address: Sky Dominates Full Text Read Address: Domination txt download address: https:/ / starry sky dominates mobile reading: https://m.wuxiaspot. com/read/147180/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 855 Prophecy? Hallucinations?) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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