Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 862: Underground palace

The dozens of Heavenly Court Divine Emperors who had fallen into the Moon God Dreamland fell one after another, and were about to fall into the sea of ​​silence.

The old dead tree appeared on the deity's body, the dark dead leaves swayed, and an inexplicable force confined the bodies of these heavenly powerhouses in mid-air.

All the air of death was absorbed by the ancient tree of death, and then poured into the magic knife of death.


More than a dozen corpses in the heaven fell into the sea of ​​silence and turned into nothingness.

Mu Qing took back the body of the deity, cleaned up all traces of aura left over from the battle, and then withdrew the enchantment.

In the face of this patrol team, Mu Qing naturally wouldn't be afraid, but that said, after all, this is a heavenly site, and he needs to be very cautious.

The barrier that Mu Qing used was not particularly advanced, but as long as he kept urging the energy to maintain the barrier, it was enough to ensure that nothing happened here would not be discovered by the outside world.

After all, the barrier he had just condensed was just a temporary barrier. If you really want to create a barrier that shields all auras, it will take some time. Obviously, there is no time to deploy during the battle.

Of course, although Mu Qing needs to supplement this temporary enchantment all the time, it is not left to be slaughtered by humans.

His deity's physical strength is also very strong, quite a clone, but the strength is quite terrifying, enough to kill ordinary heavenly powerhouses in seconds.

Furthermore, with the power of Mu Qing's body of the Holy Spirit, as soon as the Moon God dream realm was used, the Heavenly Court God Emperor would immediately be drawn into the dream realm, and the God Soul was completely scattered without knowing it.

As for the strength of the team leader, the Moon God Dream could not immediately kill him, but Mu Qing used the power of the evil god's holy spirit.

Cultivating a superbirth dream, and becoming the Holy Spirit after being transcended, the power of this Holy Spirit is extremely terrifying. Mu Qing's evil god, the Holy Spirit, controls all negative forces.

Mu Qing immediately used the power of the evil god's holy spirit to affect the leader, causing the opponent to enter a state of boundless fear, revealing many flaws, and was directly decapitated by Mu Qing's death magic knife.

"It seems that Heavenly Court has discovered that that stronghold has been destroyed." Mu Qing's face is solemn, he is not afraid of these God Emperor powerhouses in Heavenly Court.

Heavenly court powerhouses similar to those just now are completely cannon fodder for Mu Qing, and they die as many as they come.

Even by absorbing the power of death from the corpses of these Heavenly Court powerhouses, the magic knife of death in Mu Qing's hand will become stronger and stronger!

But you must know that when these Heavenly Court powerhouses are dead, Heavenly Court will always be aware of it, and is afraid that the powerhouse who comes out to search for his whereabouts will exist at the emperor's level!


Five days later...

Mu Qing was cautious, relying on the powerful exploratory power of the body of the Holy Spirit, bypassing many Heavenly Court powerhouses, and finally came to the outermost periphery of the Heavenly Court territory.

Right now, there was a small island in front of him, which was the eighteenth stronghold outside the heaven.

From Liao Ping's memory, the 18th stronghold is the weakest stronghold.

In other outlying strongholds, there is almost a high-ranking emperor sitting in town, thousands of peak powers of the **** emperor are stationed, and even some stronghold islands can have more than one hundred thousand strong gods.

This is the front line defense at the periphery of Heavenly Court. It is very difficult to attack, almost impossible!

Only this island on the 18th is different, not to mention its remote location, the leader of the stronghold is just a lower emperor, and the peak power of the **** emperor is numbered in a hundred.

This can be said to be the weakest link in the outer defensive line stronghold. If the ancient immortal world attacks this side, the outer periphery of the heaven will be defeated in an instant!

Mu Qing hid his figure and dived directly into this stronghold. The island's defenses were so simple that no one even patrolled it.

It's just that it's a bit too quiet here.

Mu Qing took out the communication rune again and tried to contact the ancient immortal world.

He is now at the outermost periphery of the heavenly territory, and beyond, it is the battlefield in the center of the Sea of ​​Nirvana.

If there is a strong man from the ancient immortal world to follow him, then he is likely to escape from here smoothly.

However, there was still no response to this communication rune linking the ancient immortal world.

Mu Qing shook his head and sighed. He didn't know what was going on in the ancient immortal world, why didn't he contact him all the time.

He put away the communication rune, intending to explore the 18th stronghold.

The leader of this stronghold on the 18th is a Heavenly Court powerhouse named Tianjue Great, and his cultivation level is not very high. The second rank of the next great emperor is just short of breaking through to the great emperor.

Mu Qing himself is completely confident, relying on the power of the body of the Holy Spirit, can completely hide under the eyes of Emperor Jue Tian.

"It's so quiet, why didn't you see any Heavenly Court powerhouse on this island?" Mu Qing was puzzled.

According to Liao Ping's memory, in this stronghold on the 18th, there is only one lower emperor and hundreds of **** emperors.

But even if there were only a hundred strong gods, it would not be a long time to lose sight of a person.

After a while, Mu Qing's face was solemn.

He explored the entire island, but didn't see a ghost!

Mu Qing realized that something was wrong, and always felt a little weird.

"here it is?"

He came to a place with a look of surprise, and found that it was a cave, very quiet, and he didn't know where to lead.

Mu Qing hesitated for a while, and then walked into the cave. This is not a natural cave, but a man-made one, leading all the way to the deepest place underneath.

Using the characteristics of the body of the Holy Spirit, he sneaked here and found that inside the cave, it was an underground palace!

Suddenly, several powerful breaths came, which was enough to be comparable to the arrogant Jiang Kuang.

Mu Qing immediately mobilized his strength, condensed his breath, and stayed invisible.

I saw several Heavenly Court powerhouses coming, each of which was at the level of Heavenly Jiao in the peak of God Emperor, talking about some things.

"I heard that there was an insider in our heavenly court? The people, led by Emperor Gufeng, sent a large number of people to search for the whereabouts of the insider," one of them said.

The other person was surprised and said: "We are going to have a rape? This is something that hasn't happened in so many years, and I don't know if it has been caught?"

"Huh! The gangster is not strong, it is rumored that there is already news, and he is besieged on the seventh stronghold, I am afraid that he will be killed soon!" A person walked in the distance, the breath of his body More powerful to the limit, it is completely comparable to Mu Qing's deity!

"Senior Brother Tianyin." Several Heavenly Court powerhouses saluted one after another.

Mu Qing was in the dark, shocked in his heart.

This group of guys are stronger than each, and the aura of Senior Brother Yin that day was quite terrifying. They belonged to the kind of characters who could break through the emperor at any time, and even had the capital to compete with the emperor!

He realized that there was something wrong with this place. In Liao Ping's memory, there were only a hundred **** emperor peaks, but he discovered that every **** emperor peak power here belonged to the Tianjiao level!

Mu Qing was cautious, and then went deeper.

Suddenly, his figure halted, and he discovered that there was a huge space in the deepest part of the underground palace, where there were confined sea beasts that extinguished the sea, each of which was still alive, roaring.

But a creature of the devil clan conducts various researches on these sea beasts.

"Unexpectedly, we met again, Mu Qing..."

A voice suddenly came from behind Mu Qing, making him creepy. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 862 Underground Palace), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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