Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 868: Gu Feng's Murderous Intent

The great emperor Gufeng made a strong attack, making many experts in the heavenly court feel astonished.

There was a commotion around the periphery of the heavenly court, and even strong men like Emperor Gu Feng had gone out, showing the importance of the rape!

Not only the outer area, but the inner area also dispatched almost half of the people to search for the trace of the traitor Wanke!

If it was just a traitor like Wanke, the Heavenly Court hadn't paid so much attention to it, and sent a group of high-ranking emperors to go out. It wouldn't be such a big fight.

However, according to the information transmitted from the 18th base, besides Wanke, the traitor, there is another important person...

Mu Qing!

Today's Mu Qing, for Heavenly Court, is more important than the traitor Wanke!

The Great Emperor Anwu had only obtained some Mu Qing's blood, and he created a clone of the Extreme Great Emperor.

Is this the Heavenly Court has enough resources?

Not really!

Earlier, Emperor Anwu used the blood of Emperor Gufeng to create clones, and Heavenly Court also spent a lot of resources.

This resource can break through to the **** emperor for a pig, but a clone made from the blood of the great emperor Gufeng is the peak of the **** emperor when it reaches the sky!

If you go up, you can't go up.

It should be understood that the Great Emperor Gufeng is an extreme position, a heavenly power, but even his blood can only clone the peak of the gods.

When Emperor Anwu got Mu Qing's blood, what realm was Mu Qing?

But it was the blood of Mu Qing, the demon clan, after pouring a lot of resources in the heavenly court, it directly created an extreme position!

What does this show?

If the Heavenly Court catches Mu Qing alive, will it be possible to continuously create extreme clones with sufficient resources?

At that time, the Heavenly Court, I am afraid that it will be extremely easy to compete for hegemony in the ten realms of the universe!

Had it not been for the Emperor of Heaven to be entangled by the powerhouses of the ancient immortal world, I am afraid that the Emperor himself would have taken Mu Qing alive.

The goal of the high-level Heavenly Court is actually Mu Qing!

There was a great power in the ancient immortal world to help Mu Qing shield his breath. It was very difficult for the heavens to find Mu Qing. The ten worlds of the universe were so big, but they could only send people to a carpet search.

But now, Mu Qing suddenly appeared in the Sea of ​​Silence, or in their heavenly territory, which was tantamount to falling pie in the sky.

Mu Qing, this is the pie!

Outside the sea of ​​nirvana, Emperor Gu Feng’s expression was waveless, and the ancient well was galloping fast.

He controls a silver flying sword, which is made by smelting hundreds of silver-grade crystal nuclei!

The upper emperor needs thirty silver-level crystal cores to explode at full speed, while the extreme emperor needs a hundred!

This is just speed. If you want to move space in the Sea of ​​Silence, you need a gold-grade crystal nucleus.

Gold-grade crystal nucleus, even Emperor Gu Feng didn't have it!

"Gu Feng!" At this time, the communication rune vibrated, and one of the upper levels of Heavenly Court and the other extreme position contacted him.

"What's the matter?" The Great Emperor Gu Feng said lightly.

The power of his soul swept all around, almost blinking his eyes, almost covering the entire outer area.

He is looking for, searching for Mu Qing's whereabouts!

"Gu Feng! What do you want to do?! I know that your apprentice died in his hands, but you should know the importance of Mu Qing to our heavenly court. He must capture it alive!"

A supreme position in the heavenly court contacted the ancient peak emperor through the communication rune, but he was afraid that the ancient peak would shoot Mu Qing to death in his anger.

Everyone thought that Heavenly Court dispatched Gu Feng, the supreme great emperor, to catch Mu Qing immediately.

In fact, the high-level Heavenly Court did not give instructions to the extreme positions at all.

After all, the Heavenly Court and the Ancient Immortal Realm are currently at war. Except for the top few Supremes, the only high-end combat power is the Extreme Great Emperor.

A supreme position sits in the heavenly territory, and most of them go to the middle of the sea of ​​nirvana to participate in the battle. At this time, it is obviously unwise to dispatch a supreme position to search for an insider.

The Great Emperor Gufeng had just returned from the center of the Netherworld Sea, and the consumption was huge. He had been meditating for a while, and then went on to the center of the Netherworld Sea battlefield.

But after receiving the news of the traitor and Mu Qing, Emperor Gu Feng immediately set off with his fairy sword.

Regarding Emperor Gu Feng's behavior of leaving without saying a word, the high-ranking Heavenly Court looked ugly.

They naturally wouldn't blame Gu Feng too much, because even in the extreme position, Gu Feng's strength was top-notch.

In terms of status, Gu Feng is almost the first person under the supreme!

But the high-level Heavenly Court can't let him run wild, if Mu Qing kills Mu Qing, the loss will be great!

Mu Qing is now located in their heavenly court, and it is almost impossible to escape.

The high-level Heavenly Court would rather slow down than the Great Emperor Gu Feng.

Mu Qing had killed Bai Duanxun, who was also a disciple of Emperor Gufeng.

The Great Emperor Gufeng loved his disciple very much. Now that he knew that the murderer who killed his apprentice was in the Heavenly Court, Emperor Gufeng naturally couldn't bear it.

Emperor Gu Feng's face was very calm, he heard this person's voice, but did not respond, but there was a murderous intent in the depths of his eyes!

He didn't pay any attention at all, but the speed was getting faster and faster, making sonic booms.


The extreme position in the communication rune uttered an angry roar, and then several more extreme positions rang out to discourage Emperor Gufeng.

If Emperor Gu Feng responded to them, then they would be more at ease, but now that Emperor Gu Feng is silent, he is going to kill Na Mu Qing in all likelihood!

"No! We must not let this guy ruin our Heavenly Court plan. If Mu Qing is dead, Lord Tiandi will blame us!"

In the depths of the heavenly territory, a few horrible auras rose up.

For Mu Qing, at least five extreme positions were dispatched!

Somewhere outside the sea of ​​nirvana, two figures hovered.

"Senior, are you from the Ancient Immortal Realm?" Mu Qing asked, looking at Wanke.

Wanke nodded and smiled: "Yes, I wanted to keep hiding for a while, but I didn't expect to get the news, so there was someone using the communication rune of the ancient immortal world on the 18th base, so I rushed over immediately."

He took a deep look at Mu Qing and said, "I didn't expect that person would be you!"

Mu Qing was slightly surprised, "Senior knows me?"

He has not come into contact with many experts in the ancient immortal world, and it seems that there is no such person as Wanke.

What's more, Wanke has always been undercover in the heavens, and it is impossible for him to see it.

Wanke laughed and said, "In the world of ancient immortals, your reputation is not very high. Only Ning Fengzheng and others know about it. But in Heavenly Court, you are too famous. As long as you catch you, you will have endless rewards. The extreme position must be heart-warming!"

Wanke stared at Mu Qing with a smile, her eyes twinkling.

Mu Qing was terribly seen, and couldn't help but shiver. Wouldn't this guy want to catch him to accept the award, right?

Even the extreme position must be moved by the reward, maybe Heaven will let Wanke's gangster.

As if seeing what Mu Qing was thinking, Wanke smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't throw you to the heaven."

He looked at Mu Qing, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 868: The Murder of Gu Feng), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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