Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 878: Broken Enchantment

Wanke held the gold-grade crystal nucleus, and didn't know what secret method he urged, so that the gold-grade crystal nucleus in his hand and the gold-grade crystal nucleus in the space teleportation array resonated.

He sat cross-legged in front of the space teleportation array, relying on the resonance of the two gold-grade crystal nuclei, making a space imprint.

He is changing the direction of the Space Teleportation Array, changing the space channel inside to lead to the center of the Sea of ​​Annihilation!

One way after another appeared on Wanke, a full one hundred!

What he felt was the law of flames, one hundred law of flames, indicating that he has reached the limit of the upper tenth order, the next step is to merge the one hundred of flames into one extreme law!

Of course, Wanke's true identity is the Holy Spirit, and the other party's principles are all disguised.

Wanke put all his mind on the space teleportation formation in front of him, and Mu Qing glanced at the holy wooden puppet.

No wonder Wanke said that all the great emperors here are handed over to him, and with the strength of the holy wooden puppets, all the great emperors can indeed be stopped.


On the other side of the sea of ​​nirvana, the ancient immortal realm.

The ancient immortal world, like the heavens, is based on islands, and the center of the sea of ​​nirvana is the battlefield.

On the central island of the ancient fairy world, a middle-aged man with a majestic face sits cross-legged in the air, full of lightning.

Suddenly, he stood up abruptly, his eyes like thunder and lightning, piercing into the distant void.

This person is amazingly punished.

Heaven Punishment is in charge of the endless thunder robbery, originally supreme, but when he encounters an accident, he has the appearance of a skeleton and his strength is greatly damaged.

Now, Heaven Punishment is aided by the ancient immortal world, the physical body is restored, the whole body has a hundred extreme positions, manifests the supreme thunder, and even the tenth order of the extreme emperor!

"Earlier, there was news that I had to wait to go to the center of the Sea of ​​Silence to respond, saying that Mu Qing was also there. How did he appear on the Heavenly Court?"

Heavenly Punishment whispered.

He guards the central island of the ancient immortal world, firstly to restore his strength, and secondly, he wants to try to return to the supreme.

It is a pity that the realm of supremacy is the top of the universe, the highest point of the cultivation pyramid.

Even though Tianchao had stepped into the realm of the Supreme, it was still difficult for him to enter the Supreme God again!

Seeing that he had no hope of recovering his supreme strength in a short time, Tianchao planned to leave and head to the center of the Sea of ​​Nirvana.

Although Zhenjun Ning Feng's extreme position headed there to meet him, there were also many powerhouses in the Heavenly Court. He should be able to help if he went there.

If only to respond to Wanke, he would not go, but according to the information passed over, Wanke met Mu Qing!

He didn't know why Mu Qing appeared in the Heavenly Court's territory, but since the opponent appeared in the Sea of ​​Silence, he had to leave, go to meet him, and save the opponent's life.

In the ancient immortal world, only a few high-level officials knew that Mu Qing was pregnant with a forbidden bottle, and precisely because of this, Zhenjun Ning Feng and others would stand in the middle of the Sea of ​​Silence and prepare to respond to Mu Qing.

Nowadays, most people in the ancient immortal realm only know that there is a strong man who sneaked into the ancient immortal realm and stole the sky forbidden bottle, suspected to be a strong man in the Holy Spirit universe.

In fact, the Heavenly Forbidden Bottle was stolen by Heavenly Punishment.

All of this is to conceal, because there is a supreme and powerful person who has felt a trace of the Holy Spirit in the ancient immortal realm. It is guessed that the creatures of the Holy Spirit universe have mixed into the ancient immortal realm.

However, the other party hides so deeply, even the supreme of the ancient immortal world can't detect it.

As the guard of the entrance to the ancient immortal world, Tianchao volunteered to hide his identity and stole the Sky Forbidden Bottle.

The senior level of the ancient immortal world guessed that the holy spirit universe wanted to regain the evil gods, so Heavenly Punishment stole the Heavenly Forbidden Bottle and gave it to Mu Qing.

Heaven Punishment discovered that Mu Qing had an ancient tree of life. With the power of the ancient tree of life, he could completely conceal the breath of the sky forbidden bottle. If the body of the evil **** in the sky forbidden bottle were to pop out, it would also be suppressed by the ancient tree of life. Be regarded as double insurance!

The ancient immortal world never intended to completely seal the remnant soul of the evil god, because when the evil **** was suppressed, although the body of the evil **** was sealed in the sky forbidden bottle, the soul was torn apart, and some remained in the body and were sealed together. Remnant souls are scattered everywhere in the universe, making it difficult to search.

The senior level of the ancient immortal realm knows that evil gods are not that easy to die, and the remnant soul will find a way to resurrect sooner or later!

However, even if the evil **** is resurrected, it is impossible to immediately have supreme strength, as long as the opponent does not get a body!

Tiancai drove a long silver sword and galloped towards the center of the sea of ​​silence at an extremely fast speed.

He also didn't have a gold-grade crystal core on his body, and could only use the long sword Yukong refined with a silver-grade crystal core on the Sea of ​​Silence.

The gold-grade crystal nucleus on Wanke was not a gift from the ancient immortal world, but obtained by himself.


A medium-sized island near the central island of Tianting.

There is a space teleportation array on this island, which is connected to the main part of the heaven, and is dedicated to transporting resources.

On the island, three high-ranking emperors were practicing, but they were quickly awakened by their subordinates.

"Three adults, the subordinates have not seen the people from the space teleportation array to transport resources for a long time, and they went to explore with doubts and found that an enchantment was covering the space teleportation array!" A lower emperor hurried over. Hurriedly shouted.

He didn't make his own claim, and immediately ran to inform the three in front of him when he found something was wrong.

"What?! The space teleportation array is covered by a barrier?"

The three abruptly stood up, their pupils constricted.

These three are all low-level high-ranking emperors, one fifth-tier and two fourth-tier.

When they heard this, they immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. This space teleportation array is very important. The large amount of resources transported gave Heavenly Court a lot of advantages in the battle with the ancient immortal world.

Immediately, the three of them set off immediately, heading to the valley where the Space Teleportation Array is located, trying to figure out what's going on on the high ground.

There are also eight lower emperors, and a hundred powers of the peak of the emperor.

There were a total of ten lower emperors, two of whom guarded the space teleportation array, but they were killed by Wanke in the first place!

"This enchantment..."

When everyone in the Heavenly Court came outside the valley, the three high-ranking emperors looked shocked, and at a glance they could see that the master who arranged this enchantment was very strong, above them.

"Do it!"

The high-ranking fifth-order emperor gave a low cry, and fifty tracts appeared on his body, and then it evolved into a vast sword energy, and went toward the barrier hole.

The two high-ranking fourth-order emperors next to him also shot at the first time, the Tao was manifested, the sword light rushed into the sky, and the cold light was swallowed.

There are many sword immortals in the heavens, and many of the kendos that they follow, and the Tao of comprehension is also related to the sword.


The enchantment under Wanke's arrangement is mainly a concealed fighting atmosphere, and its defense is not weak, but it can't resist the bombardment of the three high-ranking emperors. Under the flood of sword aura, cracks appeared.

Within the enchantment, the death magic knife in Mu Qing's hand emerged, waiting for it.


A strong breath swept over, and the barrier was shattered!

Almost at the same time, the holy wooden puppet and Mu Qing moved, fisted and swept away! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 878 Broken Enchantment), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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