Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 898: Incomplete supernatural powers!

The old man observed for a long time nearby, and suddenly found a huge ancient tree in front of him, the roots are vigorous and powerful, and the leaves are glowing with blazing light.

It can be seen that there are densely packed fruits growing on the ancient trees. These fruits are golden, like pouring gold, exuding an irresistible temptation!

The old man shook his body and his face showed ecstasy.

Although he has never seen the sacred tree, he can be sure that Master Lei Ming encountered it on this mountain.

The tree in front of you is so strange, it must be the one that Master Lei Ming met!

The old man didn't think much, and immediately ran towards the sacred tree.

Just as he was about to approach the sacred tree, his figure suddenly stopped.

The old man's pupils shrank, and he felt a horrible breath that was fleeting, like countless swords full of killing, hanging above his head!

His body trembled wildly and his back was chilly.

At this time, the old man realized that something was wrong.

"Master Lei Ming is the arrogant of the Heavenly Palace Thunder Palace. Even he can only take one fruit from the sacred tree. This sacred tree must contain a crisis!"

The old man is just the pinnacle of the **** emperor that Dao is tempered at once, while Lei Ming is tempered four times, mastering a thunder-shaking technique.

The opponent can only bring back one fruit, which shows that the danger here is no small thing!

The emperor of his Dao is tempered once, I am afraid that there will be a risk of falling at any time!

The old man stepped back quickly...

It was a pity that it was too late. The ancient tree with the dazzling light disappeared for some time, but four portals appeared around it.

On each of these portals, there is a fairy sword hanging, lore, slaughter, punish... all kinds of terrifying sword auras are permeated.

The old man's eyes widened. He found that three figures appeared in the place where the sacred tree was. Before he could see clearly, the ray of sword light rippled down, and the pain...invaded his whole body!

The head fell to the ground, blood was dotted all around, and the hot blood slowly flowed out afterwards.

The old man didn't know until he died, he hadn't encountered the sacred tree at all, and he didn't even know when he was hit by Mu Qing's Moon God dream!

He thought that he had met the sacred tree, and he was still very excited and joyful, and felt that he could finally break through before the end of the day!

Unfortunately, there is no sacred tree here...

Everything is just a dream!

All the mental activities of the old man in the dream territory turned into dream talk in reality, and he said it in a low voice.

This gave Mu Qing three people some information.

"Nearby, there seems to be a strong man named Lei Ming who possesses the strength that Dao Ze has tempered six times."

Mu Qing spoke while using the ancient dead tree to absorb the death breath of the old man's corpse.

"The Lei Ming he said is a member of the Thunder Palace in the Heavenly Court. I have seen the opponent a few times. He had only tempered strength four times. I didn't expect it to be tempered six times now!"

The little fat man explained to Mu Qing, but his eyes burst out, and Harazi almost came out of his mouth!

The old man unknowingly caught Mu Qing's dream of the Moon God, saw the sacred tree in the dream, and all thoughts turned into a dream whisper, letting everyone know.

There is a lot of information in this!

Heavenly Court has dispatched a large number of powerful gods to the land of inheritance. Lei Ming is not the first batch, obviously he entered later, of course, correspondingly, there must be many powerful people here in the ancient immortal world.

And in this mountain range, there is a sacred tree. Lei Ming got a fruit from the sacred tree, and he broke through directly from four tempering to six tempering!

You know, even Xiao Pan has only tempered five times. He has harvested more than one hundred colorful lotus roots, which is enough to support the energy needed for three people to attack the realm of the emperor, but he wants to perform the sixth thunder calamity , But it's still a bit short.

Lei Ming got only one fruit of the sacred tree, and he made continuous breakthroughs, reaching six times of tempering, which shows how amazing the energy contained in the fruit of the sacred tree is!

"Since that Lei Ming was able to be active on this mountain range only with four tempering strengths, it means that the crisis on this mountain range is not too terrifying."

The eyes of the little fat man became brighter.

When he first arrived in this mountain, he really didn't dare to walk around!

Xiao Pandao evolved into a gossip mirror, and all the treasures within five hundred miles could not hide from his eyes. As long as he walked around, he would definitely find some good things.

However, the blood crocodile ancestor he met before really scared him. Even if the blood crocodile ancestor was imprisoned, he still had the strength to kill him. Therefore, he did not dare to go around without finding out the truth. gone.

But now, I got some useful news!

Lei Ming only had the strength to temper four times at first, and the other party could walk among the mountains, so the people he tempered five times could do the same, not to mention that there was Mu Qing beside him, who was carrying the twelve principles. Fierce!

Xiao Pan looked at Mu Qing, including Mei Sanniang.

This is a great opportunity!

The strength of Lei Ming's four temperings was able to obtain a fruit, and then his strength skyrocketed, indicating that the danger in this mountain range was not high. If they could find the sacred tree, they might get a large number of fruits!

Xiao Pan wanted to survive the sixth thunder catastrophe, and Mei Sanniang wanted to quickly improve her strength. They didn't want to let this opportunity go.

Lei Ming is now a strong tempered six times. If he wants to take the fruit of the sacred tree from his hand, he can only rely on Mu Qing!

Mu Qing put the expressions of the two into his eyes, chuckled, and said: "I also want to improve my strength. Naturally, this sacred tree is going to compete!"

Hearing this, the little fat man's face showed excitement.

Even if they only have three people, if they cooperate well, it would be useless even if there are a large number of Heavenly Emperor Gods around Lei Ming!

"The Taoist robe on my body was given by the Patriarch, and it is invincible for defense."

"Although Mu Qing has only one temper, he has twelve principles and is a fierce man. Lei Ming is probably not his opponent even if he tempers six times!"

"Mei Sanniang has a lot of talismans on her body, even the moving talismans she condensed on her own can be thousands of miles away!"

The little fat man's eyes became brighter and brighter. After thinking about it carefully, he found that the three of them cooperated, and it was an almighty small group!

There is defense, combat power, and means of escape!

The most important thing was that they were just three people. When they wanted to retreat, Mei Sanniang moved the talisman together and fled immediately, quite flexible!

Mu Qing retracted the Zhuxian Sword Formation. He can now be said to have greatly increased his strength. The body possesses twelve ways, all of which are tempered at once, and the black hole physique of the body of the holy spirit has also been small, and he has mastered the ability of black hole transmission.

He can't wait to find an opponent to try his strength now!


Before leaving, Mu Qing cast a parasitic soul seed on the headless corpse of the old man.

Unfortunately, nothing happens!

Mu Qing's eyes suddenly showed a sharpness, and he had some guesses in his heart.

The parasitic soul seed can be used as long as there is no spirit in the body of the target. This old man's corpse meets the requirements even without a head.

According to the description in the Superbirth Secret Scroll, the Parasitic Soul Seed can be used for multiple targets. If the Soul is powerful, it can even rely on the Parasitic Soul Seed to condense a huge army!

However, when Mu Qing cast a Parasitic Soul Seed on the old man's corpse, he failed!

It's not that his soul is not strong enough, but that the parasitic soul seed he cultivates is incomplete!

"Sure enough... the super secret secret scroll I practiced, or the super secret secret secret scroll passed down by the evil gods, has all kinds of magical powers left, it's not complete!"

Mu Qing frowned, he had already noticed something wrong.

The supernatural powers in the Super Birth Secret Volume are described as powerful, but in fact they are not that powerful.

For example, the parasitic soul seed he cultivated can control tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of goals according to the description, but Mu Qing can only control his own body, and he can't do it if he wants to control the second body! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 898 is incomplete!), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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