Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 900: Immortal flower

Somewhere in the mountains, the figures of the three were a little embarrassed, and fell out of the void.

"It's dangerous, I almost can't escape..." The little fat man patted his chest, which was really thrilling!

Mei Sanniang frowned, and said: "The breath of the three of us is still exposed. The vicious dog remembers the breath of the three of us. Next time you get close to it, you will definitely be discovered."

"Then don't get close there!" The little fat man said hastily.

He didn't want to go near the vicious dog.

He happened to have explored most of the places over there with the gossip mirror, and he didn't find the sacred tree.

The sky is dimming, and this mountain range will have a lot of movement at night. It seems that all the alien beasts here are active at night, so it will be silent during the day.

Mu Qing arranged the Zhuxian Sword Array around to prevent surprise attacks by strange beasts.

Immediately, Mu Qing took out the golden flower, and the vigorous energy fluctuations escaping from it surprised people.

"This is... an immortal flower?"

Mei Sanniang was suddenly excited, and hurriedly moved to Mu Qing's side, her jewel-like eyes staring at the golden flowers in Mu Qing's hands.

The picture she saw before was only from the gossip mirror and couldn't perceive it, but now, she recognizes the origin of this flower!

"Indestructible Mountain? What is that?" Mu Qing looked suspicious.

At this moment, the little fat man on the side suddenly made a move, snatching the immortal flower from Mu Qing's hand, and opened his mouth and stuffed it into his mouth.

Mu Qing's face turned dark, and moonlight suddenly burst into his eyes!

The little fat man stuffed the immortal flower into his mouth, feeling the rich energy coming out of his body, he smiled in his heart.

When Mei Sanniang said the immortal flower, he finally knew the origin of this golden flower, and was even ready to be beaten up by Mu Qing!

Soon, the little fat man's expression changed, and he felt something wrong.

Why didn't your strength increase at all after eating the Immortal Flower?

Why is the surging energy in the body the same as the fake one?

His vision seemed a little fuzzy, and after a brief stupefaction, the little fat man suddenly found that the huge energy in his body was gone.

He seemed to have thought of something and looked at Mu Qing.

But seeing Mu Qing's hands, I don't know when the Immortal Flower has returned to his hands!


The little fat man took a breath, he didn't realize that he was in Mu Qing's dream of Moon God.

In the dream, he took the immortal flower and swallowed it in one bite.

But in fact, after taking away the immortal flower, he returned the immortal flower to Mu Qing dangling like a sleepwalker.

The little fat man suddenly got a bitter face, he was ready to be beaten up, desperately to eat the immortal flower, who would have thought that the immortal flower did not get it, and he might be beaten later!

Sure enough, Mu Qing walked forward with no expression, Mei Sanniang was also full of anger, but showed a charming smile.


There was a scream, and after a while, the little fat man's face was swollen like a pig's head and collapsed to the ground.

"What the **** is this immortal flower?" Mu Qing asked.

Among the three, he didn't know the origin of this thing.

Even judging from the actions of the little fat man, this thing is so precious that he couldn't help but make it, wanting to take it for himself!

"Yes... It's the Supreme... Immortal Mountain..." The little fat man replied vaguely, but one of the key words made Mu Qing's pupils shrink.

It actually involves the Supreme!

Mei Sanniang obviously knew the origin of this immortal flower, and explained: "This immortal flower comes from a place called Immortal Mountain. Many people have only heard of its name, but they don't even know where the Immortal Mountain is. "

"The supreme cultivates the power of immortality, and does not destroy the mountain, but the power of immortality is everywhere. Every flower and grass contains a strong immortal power!"

"It is rumored that only the Supreme can enter the Immortal Mountain. The Immortal Mountain can be said to be the entire universe, the holy land for all the Supremes' cultivation."

"But Immortal Mountain is also dangerous. You can't get in without the Supreme, and some Supreme will even fall there!"

"In the ancient immortal world, there are many immortal flowers, immortal stones, and immortal grasses... They were all brought back by the old man from the immortal mountain."

Mu Qing's face changed suddenly, the power of immortality!

The energy of the supreme realm is called the indestructible power, and there exists a place in the universe that is specially suitable for supreme cultivation...

Immortal Mountain!

Without the supreme cultivation base, you can't enter, even the supreme may fall!

Mu Qing digested all the information he had just received, and his eyes flickered. He didn't expect that there would be such a place in the universe.

At this moment, Mu Qing's eyes became hot, Mei Sanniang's beautiful eyes continued to shine.

This immortal flower came from the Immortal Mountain. It was obviously brought by the Supreme Nirvana from Immortal Mountain. The Vicious Dog obtained this immortal flower by chance.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, the energy in this immortal flower, but the immortal power that the supreme could touch!

The most important thing is that this indestructible power is not violent at all, it is quite docile, and they can absorb it!

"I should be able to temper the thunder tribulation for the third time!" Mei Sanniang looked expectant on her pretty face.

She had never swallowed the Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures of the Indestructible Mountain, even if it was in the ancient immortal world, only the extremely great emperor had the qualifications to take it.

The three of them are quite excited. The energy contained in this immortal flower is extremely strong, and it is the immortal power that can only be possessed by the supreme realm. If it is absorbed and refined, it will definitely be of great benefit!

Right now, there is only one immortal flower, but there are three people.

The three discussed the distribution issue... No, it should be said that Mu Qing and Mei Sanniang discussed the distribution issue.

Given the little fat man's previous actions, the two decisively ignored him.

In the end, the little fat man wanted to cry without tears, and got two golden petals, although the energy was quite strong...

Mei Sanniang got the rhizome of the immortal flower, and Mu Qing got the remaining petals and stamens.

The two directly ignored the little fat man and went directly to cultivation.

The little fat man was indignant, but he did make a move to **** the immortal flowers, and he was guilty of his guilty conscience.

"This is the immortal power?"

Mu Qing swallowed all the petals and stamens in one bite, his eyes burst with light, and he felt a special force burst into his body, like a tide, sweeping through the limbs!

This power is endless, but it is not the power of vitality. Part of the power is quickly integrated into the flesh and blood, and even improved Mu Qing's physical strength and recovery ability.

Mu Qing found that this immortal power seemed to have spirituality, just taking out a little bit, it would continue to grow by itself.

He was overjoyed, with this strong indestructible power, he might be able to achieve the second tempering!

Three days later, Mei Sanniang went through the third thunder tribulation tempering, and the path of the urn had a tendency to gradually become transparent, and the rugged body was filled with a powerful aura.

After another three days, the little fat man withdrew from his cultivation state and sighed.

There was a trace of regret on his face, and he still failed to break through the sixth tempering. It was still a little bit short of it!


At this time, a dark cloud shrouded the sky and appeared directly above Mu Qing.

The little fat man was taken aback and exclaimed: "This speed is too fast, right? Only a few days have passed since then? Has he tempered a second time?"

While exclaiming, he felt a touch of shock in his heart, the energy contained in the immortal flower was beyond his imagination.

It was just an immortal flower, but it was divided into three parts, but the two directly broke through, and he himself reached the edge of breakthrough!


In the face of Thunder Tribulation, Mu Qing's actions were quite domineering. The devilish energy on his body was tumbling and he directly entered the state of the Black Wing Great Demon, holding the Death Demon Knife, flying into the sky.

A blade of light ran through the world, and the dark blade of light swallowed all light, and this cloud of robbery was abruptly chopped in half!

The billowing power poured down, scouring the twelve principles around the body, and the second tempering was completed! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 900 Immortal Flowers) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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