Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 915: Zhan Yuan Hong

"The power of the immortal flower here is so docile! It can be absorbed directly!"

The little fat man stuffed an immortal flower into his mouth, chewed twice, his eyes flashed.

He discovered that this rich and indestructible power had taken the initiative to integrate into his body, and it was effortless to absorb it!

Mei Sanniang also found out, and also swallowed some immortal flowers.

The gains of the three of them are actually going to be distributed to Xuanmu and others afterwards, otherwise it would be too immoral!

Everyone is from the ancient immortal world, and Xuan Mu and others believe in Mu Qing, so they help the three of them to stop the Heavenly Court and Sangong as much as possible, so that they have the opportunity to seize these immortal treasures.

After that, I must give Xuanmu and others a part!

Although the little fat man is greedy, he doesn't have the idea of ​​monopolizing.

He is now searching for the immortal flowers and grasses around, while eating a few plants.

Those who eat it are hiss!

Mu Qing was also calm, sending some immortal flowers and immortal grasses into the black hole space and swallowing them for the body.


Mu Qing's movements were too fast, and it was only at this moment that the two-headed, one-tier lower emperor felt that there was a fishy wind roaring out of the mouth of the blood basin, and then a group of energy rays penetrated and blasted towards Mu Qing!

Mu Qing turned a blind eye and continued to search for a large number of immortal treasures.

The energy light blasted on him, but it didn't burst apart, but was distorted by a force very strangely.


Mu Qing couldn't help coughing up a mouthful of blood, secretly saying that the body of the Holy Spirit was too weak compared to the body!

The body of the Holy Spirit has a black hole physique, able to absorb any attack, but it also has a limit.

The first-order lower emperor's attack exceeded the limit a little, so he made him cough up blood.

There was a fishy wind on the left and right, and the two nirvana sea beasts chose to kill Mu Qing first!

Mu Qing's ability to withstand the next blow has already surprised them.

But the two nirvana sea beasts didn't think much about it.

Mu Qing frowned and waved a **** hole to appear.

The two nirvana sea beasts plunged into the black hole space one end, and the eyes were completely dark with nothing.

No matter what, Mu Qing continued to rush towards the dead tree!

The strength of these two nirvana sea beasts is equivalent to five or six tempering, so let the main body deal with it directly.


Two nirvana sea beasts came to the black hole space with a blank face, they couldn't see anything, there was no light here!

They released the energy in the body, but found that there was still no light emerging.


Suddenly, one of the nirvana sea beasts let out a heart-piercing roar and was cut in half!

The other Silent Sea Beast roared in horror.

It is not clear what is going on now?

I can't see anything, including the power of the soul, I can't observe the surroundings, and all perceptions are useless.

But it is certain that something exists here, and directly killed his own companion!

Soon, a sharp pain swept through the whole body, and half of his body was cut off by something, including his own soul, also shattered at this moment!

Mu Qing himself was able to clearly know what was happening in the black hole space.

The twelve roads of the body are blessed, the power is too strong, holding the magic knife of death, it is no need to cut the first-order lower emperor!

If you enter the state of the Black Wing Great Demon, I'm afraid you can kill the third-order lower emperor!


Lei Ting, who was at war with Xuanmu, had actually been paying attention to Mu Qing's situation. Seeing Mu Qing waved his hands and sent the two nirvana sea beasts into the black hole, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

She realized that this breath does not seem to be so simple for someone who hasn't even tempered it!

Yuan Hong came with a sword, but did not go to Mu Qing, but slashed at the little fat man with a sword.

Because the little fat man has come to the side of the dead tree, and he even reached out to take the immortal fruit to **** it away!

The little fat man's speed is quite fast. Besides defensive methods, his second focus is speed.

Nothing is more important than being alive!

These are the words of the little fat man.

His speed was even faster than Mu Qing and Mei Sanniang, both legs ran wildly, with dragons roaring out on the soles of his feet.

Heavenly Master Tao practice the art of dominating the situation, and drive the dragon!

The physique of the little fat man is used, like a real dragon flying in the air, the speed is amazing!

But when he saw Yuan Hong, the fat on his face trembled and he quickly retreated.

He has just reached six times of tempering, but Yuan Hong's strength is almost equal to eight times of tempering. This is simply incomparable!

The number of times the Tao is tempered, the greater the gap becomes!

The little fat man activated the Dao Robe, the Nine Heavens God Dragon Mantle appeared, and the nine true dragons hovered, covering himself.

Yuan Hong shook his hand and cut off with a sword. The sky-reaching sword light penetrated down and landed on the Nine Heavens Divine Dragon cover, with a loud bang!

His eyes trembled, and with a full sword, he could not cause any harm to this cover?

There is not even the slightest ripple!

The little fat man laughed loudly and yelled: "Babies! Have the ability to come in and kill Lao Tzu? You can't even break my cover. Are you still from the Celestial Palace?"


The little fat man yelled and was quite proud.

This robe was bestowed on him by the ancestor master. The strength that Lei Ting had tempered eight times at the time had not been able to kill him after a full three months!

Had it not been for Lei Ting's special means, he could hurt him through the Nine Heavens Divine Dragon cover, and even strip him of his clothes through the cover!

However, the power of the Taoist Robe is related to Little Fatty himself, even if the Taoist Robe is stripped, the power of the Nine Heavens God Dragon Cover is still there.

He is completely Xiaoqiang who can't beat him!

The little fat man was quite proud in the cover. Lei Ting couldn't break the power of the Nine Heavens God Dragon Cover after playing for three months. You can't do it alone!

At the same time, the little fat man looked towards Mu Qing.

He was shrouded in the Nine Heavens Divine Dragon's hood, which is not a solution. To capture the indestructible fruit, Mu Qing still needs to solve the Yuan Hong in front of him!

"Mu Qing! Don't be low-key, kill this guy quickly, let's take the 18 immortal fruits and run away!"

Shouted the little fat man!

Mu Qing nodded and rushed directly towards Yuan Hong.

The people in the Ancient Immortal Realm helped the three of them stop everyone in the Heavenly Court. This is an excellent opportunity to not waste!

Mu Qing hadn't forgotten that besides their Heavenly Court and Ancient Immortal Realm, there was a great enemy in this inheritance place!

Wanke's strength itself has a tenth-level high-ranking emperor, even if it is suppressed by the power of the land of inheritance and the sea of ​​nirvana, at least it has the strength of a tenth-level low-rank!

This strength cannot be compensated by the number of people.

A strong person who has been tempered eight times is equivalent to a lower third-tier and fourth-tier emperor, and he is not an opponent of Wanke at all.

If Wanke feels the movement and makes a move, then 80% of these 18 immortal fruits will be taken away by the opponent!

"Yuan Hong be careful!"

Tianyin quickly yelled, he felt that Mu Qing had a problem!

Everyone in Heavenly Court naturally knows Mu Qing, because everybody in Heavenly Court has always had Mu Qing's wanted order, which is still the highest level.

But Mu Qing's breath has always been the peak of the ordinary **** emperor, and he hasn't been tempered in the passage at all, even now!

Most people in the heavenly court think that Mu Qing's combat power is not strong, but because he has the blood of the demon clan, he was wanted.

"Sunset Changhong!"

Yuan Hong's eyes met Mu Qing, his mind trembled, and he saw endless hatred in the other's eyes. At the moment, all the fairy qi in his body surged out, slashing a fiery and dazzling sword!

Mu Qing's eyes burst into moonlight brilliance, a black hole appeared around him, and a figure rushed out directly! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 915 and Yuan Hong), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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