Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 917: Scarlet Figure

"If this continues, the evil palace disciples will die soon." Tianyin sighed.

The Evil Palace has a special position in the Third Palace of Heaven, mainly because of this.

Every disciple of the evil palace sometimes goes crazy and behaves strangely, which makes it difficult for the other disciples of the heaven to contact and communicate.

At this moment, I saw on the cursed flower, a disciple of the evil palace turned into black water and died tragically. They pierced their hearts with daggers, blood flowed out, and they were actually sacrificing their power and soul!

Lei Ting couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted at the curse: "Stop! They will die!"

Shu Ling has an exquisite appearance, but Qiao's face is indifferent and ruthless.

"It's not your turn to take care of my evil palace. Their death will make the Cursed Flower stronger."

There was no fluctuation in the voice of the curse.

For her, with thousands of Evil Palace disciples, it would be more convenient to directly make the cursed flower stronger!

And these evil palace disciples are also very willing to sacrifice their souls and strengths, with a crazy look on their faces, turning into black water and curses in their laughter.

Lei Ting's face sank, snorted, and simply ignored it.

In her eyes, this woman is crazier than her, and she walks all evil ways.

"I don't know, how exactly did you get involved with the Heavenly Court Evil Race? Shouldn't you be born from a cursed Titan?"

Mu Qing looked at the beautiful black dress woman in front of him, but his eyes were full of jealousy.

The other party's breath is quite strange, which brings him a strong sense of threat.

"Any Titan giant with alien attributes is regarded as an alien. Cursing the Titan is just a **** of the evil race, in order to give birth to me..."

The voice of the curse was ethereal.

"What is your purpose?" Mu Qing shouted in a low voice.

He didn't feel any hostility from the woman before him.

"Hand over the curse of the rain and the curse, we are one, it was an accident that caused us to split." Shu Ling said lightly.

She has a very clear goal, which is to curse the rain and curse the ancient!

Both Shusiyu and Shugu were practicing in the Xuanwu Star Territory, but they didn't expect that the target of Shuling was these two people.

"I won't let you do what you want." The killing intent flashed past Mu Qing's eyes.

Sooner or later this woman is a scourge!

Should we take the opportunity to chop her off?

The body of the twelve Taoisms was tempered all three times, giving Mu Qing great confidence. The curse spirit in front of him is very mysterious, but it may not be his opponent!

"As long as you give those two to me, I will let you go, otherwise I will feed you the cursed flower." The cursed spirit was threatening, but the tone was still not fluctuating.

She doesn't seem to have any emotions.

But after she finished speaking, Mu Qing felt that countless sharp auras locked herself in her body, as if countless needles were piercing her!

But Mu Qing was not afraid, and sneered: "I was afraid of you on the earth before, but now I am not afraid, you are not my opponent!"

You are not my opponent!

Very simple sentence!

Mu Qing is quite confident, and now his strength can easily display a strength comparable to eight tempering.

This is still his performance after hiding!

Mu Qing has never exposed the true power of his body.

That is the power of Tao!

In normal times, relying on the twelve ways to increase the strength of his body is enough to match the eight times of tempering.

But what is the strongest thing about Tao?

Isn’t it the power of Tao?

Zi Jinyuan's Tao turned into a real fire of Samadhi, which never extinguished.

The Tao of Mei Sanniang can derive countless talismans, and there are hundreds of divine thunder talismans in a wave of hands.

The little fat man's Tao can also be turned into a gossip mirror, with his power against the sky, searching for all treasures within a thousand miles, stealing pictures and sounds!

This is the power of Taoism!

At the peak of the ordinary **** emperor, naturally, there is no way to use the power of Taoism. Only after breaking through to the emperor, the world of the **** emperor will condense into a Taoism.

But the people present are all the arrogances of the supreme forces, and the **** emperor pinnacle has already condensed the **** emperor world into a principle and used it!

Mu Qing's condensed Tao is the Tao of Ten Thousand Demons!

A Dao is a Demon God!

The Twelve Principles are the Twelve Demon Gods!

Mu Qing has never shown this power, but if the curse spirit wants to do it, then he doesn't mind directly shooting it with all his strength and smashing the opponent in one fell swoop.

No... Now Mu Qing is thinking about whether to make a sudden move and kill the curse spirit first!


At this moment, there was a loud noise under the small mountain bag.

The whole golden lake is shaking and shaking!


It seemed to feel the vibration of the golden lake, and all the extinguished sea beasts under the lake were shocked!


Mu Qing's face suddenly changed.

He doesn't have the mind to deal with the curse now, because he knows the seriousness of the next thing!

Although he didn't know why the golden lake suddenly began to vibrate, he knew from the bottom of his heart that under the lake, there were tens of thousands of nirvana sea beasts that had shrunk in size!

Originally, the nirvana sea beast had been in a deep sleep state, relying only on instinct to absorb the indestructible power in the lake.

But now, the golden lake is shaking, and all the extinguished sea beasts are awakened at this moment!


The roar continued, and under the golden lake, huge black shadows rushed out, hanging in the air and roaring.

Both Heavenly Court and Ancient Immortal Realm stopped fighting, and a look of horror appeared on everyone's face.

"This... tens of thousands of Silent Sea Beasts?" Lei Ming's eyes widened, pointing at the dark shadows in the sky, and his fingers trembled.

This momentum is terrifying!

Every nirvana sea beast, at its worst, has the strength of a Tier 1 lower emperor.

Tens of thousands of nirvana sea beasts of the lower emperor!

What a terrifying situation is this?

In the place of inheritance, the originally bright sky turned to pitch black, and all the light was blocked by the bodies of tens of thousands of extinct sea beasts.

There are too many dying sea beasts in the sky, forty thousand!

The Heavenly Court and the Ancient Immortal Realm add up to only 30,000.

Among the two sides, the emperor's battle power is only 500 people who have topped the sky...

This gap is too big!


In an instant, the nirvana sea beast rioted!

They found that most of the immortal treasures on the small mountain bag had been searched away, and they were extremely angry, and all the auras were shrouded in Mu Qing and the others.

But the next moment, the small mountain collapsed, and a **** light burst into the sky!

"Old thief nirvana! Do you really think you killed me? I didn't expect Lao Tzu to keep this remnant soul, right?"

"Hahaha! Lao Tzu has broken down his body to save his life, you will wait for Lao Tzu!"

It was a blood-colored figure, only one meter high, as if it was completely condensed from blood-colored energy, it was a remnant soul.

There was a big laugh from his mouth, his breath was confused and contradictory, he was obviously very weak, but it escaped with a breath of supremacy!

This breath, even the most powerful emperor never had it!

Under this breath, all the violent Nirvana Sea Beasts trembled, and their heads hung down high in the sky.

The scarlet figure glanced at the shattered small bag below.

He gritted his teeth and said: "The old thief of the nirvana actually made a grave for Lao Tzu?" Starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: https:// Domination txt download address: /down/147180.htmlThe starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 917 Scarlet Figure ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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