Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 939: Weird Emperor Corpse

Luo Daozhong was ecstatic, he himself didn't expect Mu Qing to be so powerful, and cut the great emperor of the angel race with a single knife!

Now, the position of the domain master is definitely his!

However, what made him hesitate was that the angel tribe had fallen to a great emperor, which was not a trivial matter.

When the time comes, will the angels come to Xingshi to ask their sins?

"It doesn't matter, when the time comes to let the Angel Race go to the Demon Race, shouldn't you do something to me, a little God Emperor?"

Luo Daozhong simply doesn't care about it, let's be his own domain master first.

Improperly a domain owner, his lifespan is exhausted, and he will be unable to recover in a few years!

Only by breaking through can we have a chance to live!

Grand Elder Luo Yang looked decadent, he prepared a long-term plan, and in the bottom of his heart, he planned to slowly erode the forces of other elders step by step.

There is a red-haired old man helping him, he wants to become a domain owner easily!

However, all these plans died at this moment.

Luo Yang had to lower his head, and he knew from the bottom of his heart that if he wanted to live, he couldn't provoke him.

In the next few months, the entire Territory Star Territory was panicked, and Luo Daozhong became the new Territory Lord. With the help of the fortune on the Territory Lord's token, he broke through the peak of the God Emperor!

He used to be low-key, but now he has shown iron-blooded means to exclude dissidents, and any resistance forces will directly kill, without mercy.

Luo Yang had also surrendered and did not dare to make any trouble.

The original Shenluo star was slashed by Mu Qing, and Luo Daozhong re-selected a star and named it the Shenluo star.

Although the new Shenluo star has just started, this star previously absorbed the imperial energy of the red-haired old man after the fall, and it doesn't have to be different from the original Shenluo star.

Luo Daozhong arranged another place for Mu Qing.

According to Luo Daozhong, it will take several years for a large space teleportation array to be established.

Mu Qing could only temporarily put down the matter of returning to the Xuanwu Star Territory.

The most important thing now is the Holy Spirit!

I learned from the red-haired old man that the Holy Spirit didn't seem to be dead, but was chased and killed by the strong angels.

Sheng Sheng'er is his senior sister, he naturally wants to save it!

Mu Qing sat in a quiet place, with an old tree full of death swaying behind him.

After killing the red-haired old man, the dead tree swallows the power of death from his body and feeds back to Mu Qing.

Part of the power made the Death Magic Knife stronger, and the Ancient Death Tree seemed to retain some of its original abilities, allowing Mu Qing's physical body to gradually improve.

Mu Qing suspects that if he finds a battlefield for the ancient dead tree to absorb, he is estimated to be able to make his physical strength soar!

Now his physical body is comparable to the lower imperial weapon, and his fist can resist the imperial weapon!

Regrettably, at the time in the Sea of ​​Silence, there was no way to absorb the power of death.

As the battlefield of Heavenly Court and Ancient Immortal Realm in the central continent of the Sea of ​​Silence, there is a large amount of death power in it, but it is a pity that Mu Qing has no chance to absorb it there.

Some time ago, Tianchao informed Mu Qing of some things through communication runes.

The evil gods have begun to develop their power!

In the battle of Silent Sea, finally the phantoms formed by the Chaos Giant and the Emperor of Heaven all shot, and still failed to kill the evil god.

I don't know how the evil **** did it, and Wanke obtained a complete inheritance of annihilation!

Wanke has the inheritance of nirvana. Although it was only initially obtained at that time, it was still able to set off some of the power of the sea of ​​nirvana.

The Sea of ​​Silence is quite special, it is a very powerful supreme weapon in itself, and it is even suspected to be a fusion of three supreme devices!

This resulted in the supreme being unable to enter, and the emperor could only split up the phantom to cross the boundary.

The evil **** did not die, afterwards Wanke gradually grasped the power of the sea of ​​silence, and even moved the sea of ​​silence in the air, without knowing where he was going.

This is the news that Tianchao told Mu Qing about the evil gods.

And the news of the ancient immortal world who helped detect Mu Qing's parents, also had some eyebrows.

The astrological emperor broke through the extreme position and received specific news that the spirits of Mu Qing's parents are somewhere in the universe!

It is not clear what exactly is, but it can be known that the other party is not targeting Mu Qing.

The spirits of Mu Qing's parents, together with many other spirits, have been imprisoned, and there is no danger for the time being!

The conclusion reached by the ancient immortal world is that a certain supreme power has made a hand!

"Go and save the Holy Spirit first. If something happens to my parents, Ancient Immortal Realm will notify me as soon as possible." Mu Qing took a deep breath, her eyes filled with killing intent.

No matter which supreme power, he will let the other party taste the price!

The location where Sheng Shenger is currently suspected, he has been tortured from the spirit of the red-haired old man.

Mu Qing spent most of the next time studying Peeping Eye, and he had some eyebrows about the chaotic rune in this eye pupil.

Use the Secret Technique of Chaos to draw down the Chaos Qi in the Land of Chaos.

He condensed the chaotic rune in the sky pupil with chaotic energy, but the process was unexpectedly difficult.

Mu Qingzhao painted the gourd, and finally used Chaos Qi to re-condense that chaotic rune, and it collapsed into Chaos Qi in an instant.

Even the chaotic energy could not be left behind, it was directly scattered in the void.

Mu Qing frowned. He had condensed the chaos rune several times, and it was exactly the same as the chaos rune in the eyes of the sky, but he couldn't maintain it.

Where is it missing?

Mu Qing wondered, could it be that his Chaos Qi was not enough? Or is it lack of realm?

At this time, Luo Daozhong came to visit.

Luo Daozhong looked respectful, and then took out a corpse from the storage space.

It was a man with a handsome appearance and a coquettish appearance. His skin was partial to bronze, and he was wearing a luxurious golden robe. His body was filled with a touch of imperial prestige. He was obviously a great emperor.

Something is wrong!

Mu Qing's brows suddenly frowned. He didn't care about the emperor corpse Luo Daozhong was talking about, but when he looked at it now, he found that there was something wrong with this emperor corpse!

Luo Daozhong seemed to know some problems with this emperor's corpse.

He said: "When the previous Diluo domain master got this emperor corpse, he was ecstatic, but no matter what, he couldn't perceive the existence of Dao Ze from this emperor corpse."

"After that, I didn't know how many methods were used, and the emperor's corpse could not be damaged. In the end, it could only be hidden."

Luo Daozhong possessed the Peeping Eye, and he knew everything that happened when the previous territorial landlord got the emperor's corpse.

It was exactly the same, he had no nostalgia for this emperor corpse.

Because this emperor corpse is too weird!

Ordinarily, if a **** emperor's peak obtains an emperor corpse, he shouldn't be too mad with joy. The Tao and body energy of refining the emperor corpse have a high probability of breaking through to the emperor.

Even if you don't break through, you can greatly improve your strength!

However, the identity of this emperor's corpse is unknown, and he does not know which race it is.

The former Territory Lord had used various methods to refining the slightest energy in the emperor's corpse, and even the power of Dao Ze in the emperor's corpse could not be sensed.

There is Baoshan in the air, but I can only look at it!

Mu Qing frowned, and the mighty soul power surged out, covering the emperor's corpse.

The corpse of the emperor contains unimaginable energy fluctuations, at least the corpse of a high-ranking emperor!

However, when Mu Qing continued to explore with the power of the soul, he did not find any Dao rules.

"The Tao of the emperor's corpse has long been taken away for refining?" Mu Qing was surprised.

But he quickly overthrew this idea, because the energy in the emperor's corpse was quite stable and had not been destroyed by anyone!

"This power is not divine power!"

Mu Qing's face was heavy, and he found the difference in this emperor's corpse. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 939 Weird Emperor Corpse), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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