Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 943: hymn

A year has passed since Mu Qing came to the Spirit Fire Race!

Over the past year, the angel family has never given up.

Mu Qing already knew that the Angel Race seemed to be in control of an artifact, and he could confirm that the Holy Spirit did exist in the Spirit Fire Race.

But the Holy Spirit also has a hidden artifact, and has never been discovered!

What made Mu Qing notice is that the Angel Race is now not only the God Emperor, but even the Great Emperor is coming. On every star of the Spirit Fire Race, there is an Angel Race spaceship!

There are a total of three great emperors, one lower rank fifth, and two lower rank third!

This force surprised Mu Qing. Is it necessary to dispatch three emperors to hunt down?

Mu Qing guessed that perhaps the Holy Spirit had something the Angel Race needed in his hands.

In a mountain cave, Mu Qing looked at the rune in front of him.

The rune formed purely by magic energy is still a gourd painting, but it contains terrifying energy fluctuations. Once it bursts out, it is enough to hurt the emperor!

However, Mu Qing couldn't control this force, and he collapsed with a bang after a while.

This rune was condensed by Mu Qing three days ago.

Now he condenses that chaotic rune with magic energy, which can last for three days!

Regrettably, Mu Qing could not control this force and could not be used to fight.


Suddenly, Mu Qing's face changed slightly. Through peeping into the sky, he found that all the angelic divine emperors on this star started to move, rushing to the same star.

At the same time, the communication rune on Mu Qing heard the voice of an angelic **** emperor.

"Master, I just received an order from the Great Emperor Tianxun to let all of us go to the most remote Huomu star in the Spirit Fire Clan Star Region!"

"It is said that I discovered the whereabouts of the Holy Spirit, and I am about to rush over with my men at the moment!"

Mu Qing frowned upon hearing this.

After a year, has the Angel Race finally found the whereabouts of Senior Sister Holy Spirit?

"You act normally, and I will come later." Mu Qing replied and left immediately.

Jing Tiantong immediately found the location of Huo Mu Xingchen, not too far away, he stepped into the black hole and teleported extremely far.

As for the **** emperor of the angel race, it is called a chant, and his cultivation reached the peak of the **** emperor.

This time, there are twenty strong angels from the Divine Emperor Realm under the Saint Singer, who are responsible for searching for the star where Mu Qing is.

But when he found Mu Qing's head, Mu Qing simply buried the magic seed on the opponent's body, completely controlling the opponent!

Mu Qing didn't care at all, and later learned that the identity of this hymn was unusual, and it was regarded as the arrogant of the angel family, belonging to the line of fallen angels.

The angel tribe has three surnames: Sheng, Tian, ​​and Bai, and the holy surname is the most core tribe talent will have.

As soon as there was a movement from the Angels, the chant immediately delivered the message to Mu Qing.

"Sure enough, they all gathered here!"

Mu Qing rushed to the stars of Huo Mu, and through the eyes of the sky, covering the entire star, he found that there were more than three hundred **** emperors and three great emperors of the angel family, all arrived!

Originally there were two hundred angel kings, but later more than one hundred came.

The spirits of the Spirit Fire Race on this star had already been evacuated, and the entire star, only the Angel Race people were left.

Mu Qing's eyebrows condensed, but he did not find the holy spirit through peeping through the eyes.

However, relying on the powerful spirit, he could feel a powerful energy fluctuation in the distant mountains and rivers.

I used Peeping Eye again to scan the mountains and rivers, but couldn't find any abnormalities.

Mu Qing was slightly surprised.

If the energy fluctuations between the mountains and rivers come from the holy spirit, then the other party is likely to have a divine tool that can shield the exploration of the spirit power.

Even Peeping Eye's power was blocked.

Had it not been for the energy fluctuations to escape, I am afraid that Mu Qing would not be able to find it even standing here!

"Master, the three great emperors are not able to search for the whereabouts of Sheng Sheng'er, but I just got some news from a great emperor."

"Holy Spirit seems to have an adventure in her body, and she holds the supreme weapon left by the Moon God in her hand. She herself has been tempered seven times!"

"And now, the other party seems to be planning to break through the Great Emperor, and that's why it attracted the attention of the Angel Race."

Next to a great emperor of the Angel Race, a handsome young man was suspended in the air.

The hymn is also very surprised at the moment.

He just got news from the great emperor next to him. He didn't expect that the strength of the Holy Spirit was so strong that he had already tempered it seven times!

As a degenerate tianjiao of the angel race, the hymn also knows something about Dao's tempering.

In fact, the hymn itself has completely refined the world of the **** emperor, forming a Taoist rule in his body.

Lei Jie will come at any time!

He has reached the threshold of tempering Dao Ze, but he is hesitant in his heart.

Not confident!

As the arrogant of the top race, the hymn naturally has contact with and heard about the supreme forces.

But the tempering of the Tao is not something that ordinary geniuses can do!

If you want to temper Taoism many times, you need countless treasures and resources.

The chant does not think that the resources in his hands are sufficient, nor does he think that the Emperor Sheng Yao, who now completely controls the angel race, will give him these resources.

What he was even more afraid of was that after he had tempered himself once, he would reach his limit and be stuck in the realm of the **** emperor forever, unable to become a great emperor in his life!

Therefore, the hymn is surprised that the Holy Spirit can be tempered seven times.

How many resources do you need to make this happen?

And I heard that the Holy Spirit was breaking through while chasing and killing.

According to the great emperor of the Angel Race, the Holy Spirit has obtained the inheritance of the Moon God, and even possesses the supreme weapon of the Moon God in his hand!

Knowing this news, Emperor Shengyao naturally became greedy!

That's a supreme device!

The Angel Race is still too weak compared to the Titan Race.

There are many high-ranking emperors of the Titans, and the eternal emperor of the patriarch is even more extreme!

What do the angels compare to?

But if this supreme weapon is obtained, the angel race will surely rise, and Emperor Shengyao can completely rule the two veins of the fallen and the sacred!

"Anthem, who are you delivering the message to?"

A Tier 3 lower emperor next to him was puzzled.

Although he is the great emperor, he is still polite to the hymn.

After all, they are all tribesmen of the holy surname.

"It's nothing, just send a message to my group of people." The song laughed.

There was a strange light in the depths of his eyes.

Although he was envious of Shengshenger, he still had his own opportunity.

If everything is business as usual, the hymn would have broken through the emperor a few months ago.

After all, he doesn't have the confidence to temper the Taoist rules.

But it's different now.

There is a demon in his mind!

His master told him that if he was sincere, it would be no illusion to temper him many times in the future!

The hymn is already cultivating the Devil Heart Jue, and the practice is successful!

His divine core collapsed, and all energy began to gradually transform into devil energy and stored in his heart.

The Moxin Jue gave him even more powerful power, which also made him believe Mu Qing's words!

Soon, the chant conveyed the message again.

"Master, the angel race is about to act. They want to interrupt the breakthrough of the Holy Spirit."

"Please be careful of the Emperor Tianxun, the other party is the only strong person in the angel clan who has the surname of Tian to reach the emperor!"

Mu Qing received the news here, her eyes flashed.

Sister Shengsheng'er actually possesses a supreme weapon? Has it been tempered seven times?

It is no wonder that the chase and kill of the angel race can never kill the holy spirit, and the seven tempering has been comparable to the strength of the first and second-order lower emperors.

Not to mention that she still has the supreme weapon of the Moon God in her hand!

Mu Qing knew it too, no wonder even Peeping Eye couldn't find the Holy Spirit. It was estimated that the Moon God Supreme Tool had blocked Peeping Eye's power.


At this time, there was a roar of distant mountains and rivers, a large cloud of tribulation enveloped, and dense thunder descended.

In just a few breaths, the whole mountain was razed to the ground!

A delicate shadow appeared in the air, located in the thunder robbery, as if it would be overwhelmed by countless thunder at any time!

"Do it!"

The headed Emperor Tianxun gave a deep drink.


The three great emperors are all doing it at this moment, and Dao is doing his best! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorite\" below to record this (chapter 943 chant) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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