Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 945: Holy war angel


The huge sword full of evil power broke at the sound.

Emperor Tianxun's face suddenly changed, and he could only feel a huge force rushing from his hands.

He coughed up blood and flew away.

After recovering, there was a very deep and narrow wound on the palm of the hand, and the blood flow was endless!

"Who is it? Dare to intervene in the affairs of our angel race!"

The Great Emperor Tianxun shouted sharply.

He looked forward, his pupils shrinking.

It was a young man in black robes, but what made him feel astonished was that there were twelve principles around him.

In the next moment, the Dao will soar into the sky like a beam of light, and each Dao will turn into a demon god, stepping forward and digging into the body of the black-robed youth!

"The second-tier lower emperor? Wrong! The peak of the **** emperor!"

Emperor Tianxun was taken aback.

He thought he was a second-tier lower emperor, but after carefully feeling the breath on Mu Qing, he found that the opponent's realm was still at the peak of the **** emperor.

A **** emperor pinnacle with twelve principles!

"who are you?"

Emperor Tianxun had a gloomy face.

The opponent's strength is comparable to him, even above him!

You know, what he had in his hand was a superb emperor-level artifact, but it broke under a single blow!

Mu Qing did not reply, his aura at the moment soared to the apex, the twelve demon gods stepped into his body, the devilish energy was overwhelming, and the surrounding space was distorted.

The magic knife of death in his hand slashed out, and the horror knife light tore away. This power completely matched the lower fifth-order emperor!

"Mu Qing?" The Holy Spirit was also surprised.

I thought that the power that summoned me in the future would not be able to save me, but he did not expect Mu Qing to appear at the critical moment!

She was quite shocked. Although her junior brother was extraordinary, she did not expect Mu Qing to be so powerful now.

"Nine times of tempering?"

The Great Emperor Tianxun was shocked. He saw the number of times Mu Qing had tempered. Although he didn't know who the black-robed youth was in front of him, he was almost certain that this was definitely a Tianjiao from the supreme power!

"The Holy Spirit is connected with the Supreme Force?"

Emperor Tianxun's face was extremely heavy.

Think about it, it's really possible!

The Holy Spirit is also very strong, and he also has the supreme weapon of the Moon God Mirror. I am afraid that no matter which supreme power it is, he will choose to save the Holy Spirit for the sake of this supreme weapon.

"Is the news still missing?"

Emperor Tianxun glanced at the chant in the distance.

Eighty percent of this kid was telling the news. Before, this guy was sneaky and didn't know who he was delivering the message to.

Perceiving the strength of Mu Qing, the Great Emperor Tianxun took a deep breath and tore open his coat.

There are scarlet chains on the sturdy muscles!

This scarlet chain seemed to be a kind of seal.

Mu Qing got close in an instant and slashed!

The aura on Emperor Tianxun's body is soaring, he will not allow the opponent to improve his strength.


Mu Qing merged with the power of the twelve demon gods, slashing with all his strength, the surrounding evening light appeared, and the gods fell, but then a powerful force came back, and the blade was shaken.

He stepped back some distance and looked at the other person.

Surprised in my heart.

The breath of Emperor Tianxun erupted, faintly approaching the lower emperor of Tier 6!

The most important thing is that the blood-colored chain on Emperor Tianxun's body has been unlocked, and it turned out to be an upper emperor weapon!

Previously, Emperor Tianxun used only an imperial-level artifact. Although it was of the highest quality, it was directly cut off by the Death Sword.

The Great Emperor Tianxun merged with fifty principles, and turned into a black fallen angel, with six white wings flashing sacred light behind him, holding a scarlet chain!

For some reason, his body became extremely hard.

From a far distance, the chant had been watching the battle, his face suddenly changed when he saw the appearance of Emperor Tianxun.

Not only him, but the other two wounded angel clan emperors also contracted their pupils and looked surprised.


One of the angel clan emperors exclaimed, but greeted the gloomy look of Emperor Tianxun.

He didn't seem to notice it, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

The two angelic emperors were shocked, including the chants in the distance.

The angel family is divided into fallen angels and holy angels!

When the tribe was born, the depravity and the sacred constant struggle resulted in countless casualties.

Later, the leaders of the fallen and the sacred signed a truce and formally formed the angel race, which has grown stronger and stronger and has become the top race in the Hunyuan world!

After years of cooperation between the fallen and the sacred, there is no hatred of the first birth, and there are also fallen angels and sacred angels in love.

However, the combination of depravity and sacredness is nothingness... it is destruction!

The two forces are completely extreme and completely conflict. The children born will explode because of the impact of these two forces.

It can be said that after the two veins are combined, the child born is a bomb!

These heirs have an unpleasant name, they are called hybrids.

Because their existence is full of uncertain factors, each strength is far beyond the same level, but once they can't control the power in the body, they will explode in a flash!

If you are not careful, the angels around you will be blown up abruptly!

These hybrid angels are almost forbidden to exist.

Within the angel family, angels of two factions are allowed to love each other, but they are not allowed to give birth to children.

It's exactly the same...

When the chant and the two angel clan great emperors sensed the true identity of the Tianxun great emperor, they were almost astonished that their jaws fell off.

No one of them would have thought that Emperor Tianxun was a hybrid angel!

It's no wonder that the bloodline of Emperor Tianxun is not pure, but it is just a sideline, but it can reach the realm of the Emperor in a short time. After all, the strength of hybrids is extremely strong.

However, the hybrid angel, the most talented person is no more than the **** emperor. After that, he couldn't control the two forces in his body, confusion, conflict... and then exploded!

A hybrid angel in the early days of the emperor can directly blow up a star!

After the stars exploded, the burst of energy shock spread to the surrounding area, causing a chain reaction, which can almost be said to be charcoal, and countless deaths and injuries!

Everyone is amazed at how Emperor Tianxun can control the two forces of corruption and the sacred in his body without conflict?

"Are you usually in a sealed state?"

Mu Qing was also extremely surprised when he watched the changes of Emperor Tianxun.

He could feel that the appearance and power of Emperor Tianxun was the real state of Emperor Tianxun!

"You seem to be surprised?" Emperor Tianxun's breath was too terrifying. In this state, he was extremely confident, and he didn't even rush to attack Mu Qing, but instead laughed.

"I can't help it, after all, I'm a hybrid... I'm the object of being hated by the angel race, they are jealous of our power!"

His smile gradually became cold!

Is there no way for the angels to prevent the conflict between the two forces?


But the cost is huge!

The Great Emperor Tianxun spoke, and he revealed an astonishing secret, "The angel tribe had secretly brainwashed a group of hybrid angel tribes, and wanted them to become dead men and named them holy wars!"

"The jihadist angels not only far exceed the same level in strength, but can also explode at critical moments. It is simply a weapon of war."

"Years ago, the angel clan senior leaders also invited the demon clan to modify the body of these jihadist angels. Unfortunately, each modification cost a lot. In the end, because of a failure, it caused an explosion!"

"One of the hundreds of jihadist angel subjects exploded, causing multiple other jihadist angels to blew themselves together. In the end, only one angel survived unexpectedly."

"that's me!"

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