Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 953: Two Kings of Chaos

The moment he heard the sound, Mu Qing's hair was terrified, and his whole body trembled.

Why is there a sound here?


Mu Qing turned his head, his pupils widened.

The broken body of the chaotic creature was unexpectedly moved at this moment!

The other party's head was mutilated, missing an eye pupil, and most of his face was rotten!

Mu Qing thought that the other party's spirits were all annihilated, but at this moment there was a sudden movement.

The only remaining eyelid rolled around, looking directly at Mu Qing with a terrifying gaze.

Now Mu Qing's scalp burst!

How powerful is this guy in front of me?

Anyhow, it's a chaotic creature!

The only chaotic creature Mu Qing had ever contacted was the chaotic giant.

The opponent is an invincible existence under the so-called supreme!

Even if the chaotic creatures in front of them are not comparable to the chaotic giants, they are not much different, 80% of them are extremely powerful!

"Senior..." Mu Qing calmed down, and he looked at each other.

Mu Qing slowly walked towards the other side.

This is not what he meant!

His feet, controlled by a force, involuntarily walked toward the front!

Mu Qing's face changed slightly. He tried to resist, but found that the opponent's strength was completely above him.

The space next to him was distorted, and an eye pupil was dragged by that force, swaying and drifting into the chaotic void space.

The broken head, originally lacking an eye pupil, is the peeping pupil in Mu Qing's hand!

He unexpectedly recalled his pupils directly from Mu Qing's black hole space.

After regaining the missing eye pupils, the gaze of the chaotic creature fell on Mu Qing, showing a trace of surprise.

"You have some contact with the King of Chaos?"

The chaotic creature was quite surprised. He wanted to win Mu Qing, but found that there was a familiar aura in the other party.

Now he was tangled up.

Is this guy in front of him a friend of King Chaos?

It seemed to be true that there was the Chaos King aura remaining on the opponent's body, not only that, but the physical body was also washed and tempered by the Chaos Qi.

The chaotic creature breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I didn't make a move, or I accidentally took away that guy's friend, I'm afraid that I will not be chased to death!

In his heyday, he was not an opponent of the Chaos King, let alone the current state of shabby.

I'm afraid it wasn't the King of Chaos who gave himself a second!

"The King of Chaos?" Mu Qing didn't understand even more, he didn't know who the King of Chaos was.

Then I thought, the chaotic creatures I had come into contact with seemed to be the only chaotic giants.

Is the Chaos Giant the Chaos King?

"Yes, it's him. I didn't expect that he would even give you the secret technique for communicating the land of chaos, which surprised me."

In the chaotic void space, the chaotic creature made a strange sound.

Mu Qing was shocked.

This guy, was reading his memory just now?

Mu Qing had discovered before that the other party's spirit was extremely powerful, even if there was only a trace of remnant soul left, it was much stronger than him who possessed the Holy Spirit!

It was the first time that Mu Qing saw such a powerful existence of Shenhun.

The opponent's spirit is already powerful enough to control his body, and now he has read his memory!

"No... I just read part of the memory... I'm sorry... I'm used to..."

The chaotic creature noticed that Mu Qing had a relationship with the Primordial King, and his attitude improved a lot.

"Forget it, don't mention those, you come to save me soon, I can't stand it anymore, in a few hundred years, my incomplete spirit will really be wiped out!" he hurriedly called.

"Wait for you to save me out, I will pass on you a supernatural power of the king!"

When Mu Qing heard this, he looked helpless.

He doesn't know who the Chaos King is, but the Chaos King is probably the Chaos Giant.

But he doesn't have the strength to save the opponent now!

In that void space, there was a torrent of chaotic power everywhere, and when he entered it now, his body and soul would be crushed.

"It's also...this is troublesome. Or you can help me remove the rescuer from the Qi of Chaos, and when I go out, I will help you refine the two monster clan corpses." The other party seems to have noticed that Mu Qing's strength is a bit reluctant. , Make a sound again.

He made a clear distinction.

If Mu Qing rescued him, then he would be given the supernatural powers of a mixed king, and if it was to rescue soldiers, then he would only be able to help refine the two monster clan corpses.

The benefits are different!

"Monster corpse?" Mu Qing was taken aback, and then realized that the other party was talking about the two emperor corpses in the space of his black hole.

In the chaotic void space, the broken head shook his eyes twice.

"Why don't you know anything?"

"I sensed that there were two corpses in your space, both of which belonged to the monster race. These two guys broke in and fought with me and broke my home."

"My situation is a bit embarrassing now. I tell you how to enter the land of chaos. If you help me move the soldiers, I will help you refine the two emperor corpses."

"That's two extreme emperor corpses."

The chaotic creature uttered a voice, tempting Mu Qing.

To be honest, Mu Qing was indeed tempted.

But he is more cautious!

Isn't this guy hurting himself?

After Shenhun sensed Mu Qing's thoughts, Chaos became anxious.

Xindao I trust you so much and entrust my life to you, so you still doubt it?

The reason why he trusted Mu Qing was mainly because he peeped into some of Mu Qing's memories.

His spirit is quite powerful. Although his current state is very weak, he can still capture some of Mu Qing's memories, which are related to the King of Chaos and Heaven's Punishment.

I thought, since both Heaven Punishment and King Zhuan knew Mu Qing, they weren't considered as outsiders.

"It's really impossible. You go to the King of Primal Chaos. The King of Primal Chaos knows me. I won't harm you if he is there, but you still have to ask for the rescue!"

The chaotic creatures have loosened the shackles on Mu Qing's body at this moment.

Mu Qing touched his chin, and he did not feel any malice from the opponent.

The most important thing is that the two emperor corpses in the black hole space are the key!

According to the other party, they were the corpses of two extreme great emperors!

If this is refined, how much energy does it have to gain?

Maybe it can directly create several high-ranking emperors!

"How do you call the senior?" Mu Qing planned to find the Chaos King, the Chaos Giant.

Although he didn't know where the Chaos King was, Heaven Punishment and Chaos King were good friends, presumably Heaven Punishment should know the whereabouts of the Chaos King.

"My name is Humiliation."

"We have two kings in the chaos family, chaos and chaos, the chaos and the chaos, the chaos who cultivates the power of the soul, and the chaos who cultivates the power of the body, are all taking the ultimate path."

"The Chaos King is physically invincible, he is the leader of the Chaos Dao, and the Chaos King is the leader of the Chaos Dao."

"You remember to find the King Hun when you move the rescuer, and let the King of Chaos tell it!"

Humiliation hurriedly said.

He carefully explained the two differences between the chaotic creatures, for fear that Mu Qing would rescue the soldiers by mistake.

There is no friction or hostility between the two chaos, but the chaos is his own family, and there is nothing to save him. If the people of the chaos king come to save him, it will be regarded as owing favor.

not worth it!

Chaos repeatedly urged, just wanting Mu Qing to go to the land of chaos, don't admit the wrong person, just find a chaotic creature who is confused.

As long as it's from your own family, it doesn't need to be a favor. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 953 The Two Kings of Chaos), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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