Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 957: Arrived in Tianchen Realm

He looked reluctant, but in the end he gave the secret technique of detonating the artifact to his own Emperor Tianxun.

Mu Qing felt relaxed in his heart.

What about the emperor?

The handle is in his own hand, and the Tao is also in his hand. Isn't it still necessary to compromise?

Mu Qing closed his eyes and digested the secret technique passed to him by Emperor Tianxun just now.

After thorough digestion, I sighed!

Emperor Tianxun was just a lower emperor, but he created such a secret technique!

The secret technique to detonate the artifact!

It looks complicated, but it is not difficult to practice.

However, such a secret technique, in Mu Qing's eyes, is more precious than an emperor-level supernatural power!

Even the imperial weapon can be detonated!

The lower imperial weapon exploded, comparable to the blow of the upper emperor.

The upper emperor weapon exploded, comparable to the blow of the extreme emperor.

So what happens after the extreme imperial weapon is detonated?

Is it possible to have the power of a supreme blow?

There are waves in Mu Qing's heart, and it is terrible to think about it!

Of course, all of this is the emperor's own speculation. Although he created this secret technique, he has never detonated an imperial weapon.

Because the Emperor Tianxun's status in the angel clan was too low, he still relied on adventures to obtain a high-ranking imperial weapon, regarded as a treasure, where would it be detonated?

And the lower-ranking imperial weapon angel clan seniors could not give him this collateral.

After the detonation of the lower emperor weapon, it has not been confirmed whether it can explode with a blow comparable to that of the upper emperor as he guessed.

As for the detonation of the upper emperor artifact behind, and the detonation of the extreme emperor artifact, it is not what Tianxun Great Emperor can think of in his current realm.

"You are really a talent... Oh, no! You are a genius!" Mu Qing admired it.

He has also created magical powers and magic skills, but everything is based on the huge potential of the demon bloodline. Changing to other bloodlines may not be able to exert its power.

The secret technique of Emperor Tianxun was unimaginable in value. In addition, he was also a holy war angel, and he went to trade with the supreme power. It is estimated that he could still have a relatively high status.

"My Dao!" Seeing Mu Qing opened his eyes, the Great Emperor Tianxun immediately shouted.

"Don't be so anxious." Mu Qing smiled, but still released the five ways in the Sky Forbidden Bottle.

The five roads bloomed with sacred luster, and were drawn by the power of Emperor Tianxun, and immediately turned into five light beams to penetrate into his body.

The aura of Emperor Tianxun suddenly soared, returning to his heyday.

"Three times to help out, but it's not the kind of doing your life for you."

He took a deep breath, glanced at Mu Qing, snorted coldly, threw a communication rune to Mu Qing, turned his head and left.

Emperor Tianxun no longer wanted to stay under the same roof with Mu Qing.

At the same time, he was also very afraid of the Heavenly Forbidden Bottle in Mu Qing's hands.

To take away other people's moral principles, this method is simply too bad!

"Walk slowly, I hope we can have another transaction." Mu Qing smiled and watched the other party leave.

After a while, Mu Qing stroked his chin.

"The power of the Sky Forbidden Bottle is quite terrifying, but I guess there are limits, unless I restore the power of the Sky Forbidden Bottle."

Soon, he got a headache.

The Heavenly Forbidden Bottle has the power to seize the principles of others, mainly because Mu Qing obtained a large amount of indestructible power in the land of the sea of ​​nirvana.

Now, where does he go to get so many immortal powers?

It's a bit difficult for the Tianban bottle to improve.

As for the other supreme weapon, Ten Thousand Regions Star Map, it is also a little troublesome to restore it.

The best way to repair the supreme weapon is to use indestructible power, but there are other methods, such as the ten thousand domain star map, which requires the nucleus of the higher stars and the original power of the stars to recover.

But there are very few such stars. For a higher race, there are only two such stars.

Although there are many top races, with Mu Qing's current strength, it is unlikely to fight the entire top race.

"Repairing the supreme device can only be put aside temporarily."

"It's the matter of Emperor Tianxun. You can pay attention to it a little bit. This guy said that he would help me out three times, but it may not be credible."

"How about I get the controller one step ahead of him?"

Mu Qing had bad thoughts in his heart.

After all, he didn't know the character of Emperor Tianxun. He said he would help him three times, but the ghost knew the truth.

If he got the controller from the angels and directly controlled the Emperor Tianxun, wouldn't it mean that he had an extra powerful fighter for nothing?

After all, the angel clan seniors don't know that there are still holy war angels alive, and they should not be very strict with the controller.

"For the controller, do you have any relevant news?" Mu Qing asked the chant.

The hymn shook his head, "No, I didn't even know some news about the holy war angels before."

His status is high, but it is not enough to know some of the most secret things of the Angel Race.

Holy Spirit is the daughter of the leader, so she has some contact.

Even the father of the Holy Spirit was one of the participants in the Holy War Angels Project!

"Forget it, let the fate, I want to go to the Celestial Realm first, and you will stay in the Angel Race. Of course, you can also go to the Xuanwu Star Territory or the Earth Star Territory."

Mu Qing thought for a while, and put the controller thing aside.

The Great Emperor Tianxun hadn't gotten it in the Angel Clan for so many years, even if he had the magic power of stealing the sky and changing the sun, he couldn't get it right away.

Going to the Tianchen Realm, the most important thing is to find the soul of your parents!

As for the actions of the ancient immortal world, Mu Qing would not let the chants participate.

If the chant does not want to stay in the angel race, Mu Qing gave him two ways to go.

Whether it is the Xuanwu Star Territory or the Earth Star Territory, they are all forces that Mu Qing intends to develop in the future!

A few days later, the chant had arranged everything and brought Mu Qing to the front of the cross-border teleportation formation.

The cross-border teleportation array is in the most central star of the Angel Race Star Territory.

Sheng Yaoxing!

Mu Qing looked around, killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Emperor Shengyao unified the angel family and renamed the core star to Shengyao Xing. His ambition is great."

"Unfortunately, it's actually just a running dog that nobody wants!"

Mu Qing hummed coldly and stepped into the cross-border teleportation array.

At that time, Emperor Shengyao obeyed the heavenly court and set off a **** storm in the Taiyue Palace.

In the end, Emperor Shengyao wanted to join the development of the Heavenly Court, but was rejected. In desperation, he returned to the Angel Race.

Witnessing Mu Qing's departure, the chant's eyes flickered.

No one knows that he has rebelled against the angel race, and with his noble status of the holy surname, he has a very high status in the angel race.

Maybe you can search for the whereabouts of the controller!

The chant has received many tempering methods from Mu Qing, and he is still somewhat confident about his talent. Give him a period of time, after repeated tempering, his strength will become stronger and stronger!

He noticed that Mu Qing was a little interested in the controller, after all, he could control such a great emperor as Emperor Tianxun.

If he helped Mu Qing obtain the controller, even if he only heard about the controller, he might have a lot of benefits when he returned to Mu Qing!

The hymn left here with thoughts in mind.

He sent Mu Qing into the cross-border teleportation formation, but did not attract the attention of others.

After all, this super-large teleportation array is also a huge benefit for the angel race. Foreign people use this teleportation array to travel to the ten realms of the universe, and the charges are extremely high.


In a flash, the scene in front of Mu Qing's eyes completely changed.

He appeared in a prosperous star, in a huge city.

Through inquiries, this is the top race of the Tianchen Realm, the central star of the Aite Clan! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 957 Arrived in Tianchen Realm), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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