Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 960: He has been tempered nine times

"Mu Qing! Long time no see..." The little fat man came to know himself, and when he saw Mu Qing leaned forward, his eyes widened the next moment, and he backed away frantically.

"Nine times of tempering?"

"Nine times of tempering!!"

"Fuck! Really nine tempering!"

The little fat man looked astonished, and he yelled, covering his heart with his hands.


Xiao Xuan came afterwards, he first saluted Tianchao respectfully, and then his eyes fell on Mu Qing.

Immediately, his face was suspicious, "Have you tempered nine times so quickly?"

Xiao Xuan could not see the true aura of Mu Qing, his spirit strength was not as strong as Mu Qing.

But he knew that his brother had special methods, and although he had only tempered it seven times, his insight was even stronger than him.

"How did you do it?" The little fat man couldn't believe it.

He broke through the limit and reached six times of tempering, then returned to the ancient immortal realm and was valued by the high level of the heavenly master.

A lot of resources have been rewarded, and the little fat man has been tempered seven times now!

Dao Ze's power increased again, and Zhenjun Ning Feng once again rewarded him with an emperor, a special emperor, and no rank.

This special imperial weapon was able to let the little fat man see through Mu Qing's true cultivation.

According to the thoughts of the upper echelons of the Tianshidao, they did not want the little fat man to have too much combat effectiveness.

With the characteristics of the little fat man, he can use the gossip mirror to see the treasures in a certain range around him, and relying on the special imperial artifacts given by Zhenjun Ning Feng, he can know the specific use of which treasures, and even perceive whether there is any danger!

Xiao Xuan's expression was complicated. He covered his face with one hand and looked up at the sky, which was really shocked.

Before entering the land of the Sea of ​​Silence, Mu Qing didn't even know how many temperings were involved!

But how long has it passed now?

Nine times in the blink of an eye?

Mu Qing smiled and nodded. His cultivation speed is indeed fast. On the one hand, there is an immortal fruit. On the other hand, it is because of his twelve principles.

The Twelve Principles, not only did not make Mu Qing's tempering difficult, but on the contrary, it was even easier!

"Incomparable, incomparable, I am really **** to death." Xiao Xuan sighed.

He returned to the Heavenly Master Tao, also devoted himself to cultivation, and finally stepped into nine times of tempering!

It is only one step away from the ten tempering of the supreme posture!

However, after he left the customs, he discovered the Zijinyuan of the Palace of Dousing and the profound wood of the Xuanhuo Taoist temple, and both of them had stepped into the tempering nine times.

Now following the high-level actions, I came to this Aite tribe. I just met Mu Qing and got another piece of news that made him feel uncomfortable.

Mu Qing has also tempered nine times!

"Don't compare it to others, concentrate on your cultivation, when will you practice ten times, then show off to others."

Tiancai glared at Xiao Xuan. After nine times of tempering, this guy seemed to float.

Immediately afterwards, Tianchao looked at Mu Qing again.

"In this operation, the younger generation of you is mainly to hone, experience, and then save people. There are one thousand nine hundred and eight people who have been taken away by evil gods in the ancient immortal world. I hope you can save them."

"And the younger generation listened to Zi Jinyuan for this action, but you can leave the team."

After Heaven Punishment left his words, he turned and left, disappearing in an instant.

He asked Mu Qing to follow Zi Jinyuan's arrangements, and of course he could leave the team during the action.

This was allowed by the senior officials of the ancient immortal world, and they knew that Mu Qing was here to save his parents.

"Why are you privileged? Can you leave the team halfway?" The little fat man was curious.

You must know that evil gods were involved in this operation, and the higher-ups asked them to strictly follow Zi Jinyuan's arrangements.

Even if Xiao Xuan and Xuan Mu have been tempered nine times, they have to listen to Zi Jinyuan, because this time Zi Jinyuan is the captain!

Xiao Xuan was also curious, looking at Mu Qing suspiciously.

Mu Qing smiled and said nothing.

The news about his parents' spirits was also known to the senior officials of the ancient immortal world.

Seeing Mu Qing's idea that he didn't answer, Xiao Xuan didn't ask, and the little fat man didn't interrupt either.

Because of the special imperial weapon, the little fat man could feel Mu Qing's complex emotions of killing intent, worry, anger and so on.

"Xiangu Star has a space teleportation array, Zi Jinyuan and the others are there, where are we going to wait." Xiao Xuan said.

He led Mu Qing to where the Space Teleportation Array was located.

This fairy valley star is completely the stronghold of the ancient immortal realm in the Aite clan, and the Aite clan also knows the identity of the ancient immortal realm, and the clansmen dare not approach here.

There are only people like Ancient Immortal Realm in the entire star.

The Space Teleportation Array was built temporarily, leading to the star where the evil **** intends to execute the plan.

When the time comes, everyone will enter from here!

Soon, Xiao Xuan brought Mu Qing to the space teleportation array, and at this time, a group of strong talents in the ancient immortal world had gathered.

Zijinyuan, Xuanmu, Mei Sanniang.

Of course, there are two ancient immortal world powerhouses who don't know.

According to Xiao Xuan's introduction, the two ancient immortals, a man and a woman, came from the Taoist Temple of Xuanhuo and the Palace of Dousing.

They are all powerhouses tempered eight times!

Liao Wu and Qiu Xiulan.

Liao Wu came from the Xuanhuo Taoist Temple, and after stepping into the eight tempers, he was qualified to participate in this action.

And Qiu Xiulan comes from the Palace of Dousiz, the same situation as Liao Wu.

Both of them are Tianjiao, after all, they have reached the point where they have been tempered eight times, and there is hope that they will be perfected.

"How many of us are there in total?" Mu Qing was a little surprised.

There are a total of eight people, nine tempering four, eight tempering two, seven tempering one, five tempering one.

"Naturally, there won't be such a small number of people, but we are a rescue team, with a smaller number of people, so we can be more flexible in our operations."

Mei Sanniang said, she is the lowest cultivation level among the people, only five tempers.

But the strength is actually higher than that of Little Fatty, with a lot of talisman on him!

Xiao Xuan nodded and said with a smile: "Our actions, plus you, total eight people, and everyone else will follow the high-level team and fight the evil gods together."

That's it.

Mu Qing reacted and nodded.

It must be said that they do not participate in the operation of fighting against evil gods, and fierce battles will not be mixed, and the main thing is to save people.

The opponents you encounter will not be too strong, and the powerful ones will be stopped by the three supreme forces!

Their eight-person team was here specifically to save people!

Do the three-party supreme forces care about trillions of souls?

Most of them don't care. If it comes to a critical moment, the three-party supreme forces will probably choose to wipe out all the souls first, and will not allow the evil gods to smoothly open the universe.

"Mu Qing, why don't you join us? Development outside is always inferior to within the realm of ancient immortals." Xuan Mu's eyes fell on Mu Qing at this time.

He frowned slightly. He thought he would see Mu Qing when he returned to the Ancient Immortal Realm, but he didn't expect that Mu Qing would choose to develop on his own in the outside world.

Xuan Mu had no sense of rejection towards Mu Qing in his heart. He believed that Mu Qing should be in the realm of ancient immortals, no matter which force he joined or not.

"Ahem...You don't have to worry about the problem of not being able to blend in, we will not reject you, and you can also practice quickly in the ancient immortal world."

"Although your strength is not weak, but the number of times the Tao is tempered, you still have to catch up with us first."

Zi Jinyuan also spoke.

He didn't negotiate with Mu Qing, but agreed with Xuanmu's words.

Mu Qing will become stronger and stronger in the ancient immortal world!

Xiao Xuan and Little Fatty had weird faces.

"I think he has caught up with you in the number of times he has tempered the Dao Ze."

Xiao Xuan glanced at Mu Qing with complicated eyes, and said: "He has been tempered nine times." Stars dominate The latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: https://www starry sky dominates mobile reading: read/147180/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (the first Chapter 960 has been tempered nine times) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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