Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 962: Supreme Remnant Soul

Fairy Valley Star.

The eight Mu Qing looked at each other, stepped into the beam of light one after another, and the temporary space teleportation array suddenly burst into space power.

The eight people were wrapped in space power and disappeared together with the beam of light and the space teleportation array.

The action against evil gods has begun!

It's not so much to stop the evil god's planned action...

Rather, it is a battle against evil gods!

The three supreme will take action and work together to kill the evil gods!

In the special space, one hundred thousand gods and emperors of the ancient immortal world gathered, and hundreds of great emperors turned out!

The space here was created temporarily, but it was huge, not only the ancient immortal realm, but also the ruthless palace and the powerhouse in the distance.

The reason for creating such a large space temporarily is because of this special means. This space shields everything. Even if there is a strong prophecy on the evil god, there is no way to detect it.

The three powerhouses all dispatched six extreme positions.

Just being a top powerhouse like the Great Emperor, the three parties together are almost twenty!

On the Heavenly Court side, Emperor Gu Feng's face was indifferent, and his eyes fell on Heaven Punishment.

After the battle of Jixihaihai, he returned to the heavenly court, and he received the order from the emperor to revoke all the wanted orders against Mu Qing.

This made him very curious and couldn't help but ask the emperor, after all, Mu Qing was the one who killed his beloved disciple.

The Emperor of Heaven ignored the inquiry of Emperor Gufeng.

Just telling Emperor Gu Feng that he can give Mu Qing appropriate pressure, but he must not let him fall.

At the very least, you must leave the soul!

Also, be careful!

"In this operation, you dominate the ancient immortal world?" Emperor Gu Feng's tone was flat and his attitude was not very good.

Although the Emperor of Heaven asked him to be careful of his opponent, after all, Heaven Punishment had fallen from the supreme altar, and now he was just an extremely great emperor!

"No, you can find Zhenjun Ning Feng for something." Tianchao said lightly.

This was unexpected, and several people in Heavenly Court were stunned.

Emperor Chi Tian, ​​this hot-bodied woman is extremely high, with doubts on her face.

True Monarch Ning Feng and Heaven Punishment are both rank tenth extreme, but they both thought that Ancient Immortal Realm would make Heaven Punishment the dominant player, after all, Heaven Punishment was once the supreme.

Emperor Zhentian frowned, but he didn't understand.

The pupils of the Great Emperor Gufeng shrank slightly, he recalled the words the Emperor Heaven had said to him, and beware of Heaven's punishment.

"Haha, you guys, it's been a long time since we haven't seen each other. I didn't expect that the three of us would be able to unite one day." A laugh suddenly came.

An old man came to the crowd with five figures.

The breath of this group of people is quite cold, the faces of the five people are like frost, and no emotion can be seen in their eyes.

Only the old man who led the team smiled.

"Ruthless Palace!"

The faces of the people in Ancient Immortal Realm and Heavenly Court condensed.

This is a supreme power that makes people jealous.

As long as the people in the Temple of Ruthlessness practice the ruthless way, they have almost no emotions. Every time they cut off some of their emotions, their strength will increase a lot.

When the strong man in the Temple of Ruthlessness cuts off all his emotions, he will become supreme!

"Emperor Moruo, I hope you can hold back your hand in the Ruthless Palace by then, and don't take action against your allies." Emperor Zhentian scolded.

Cooperation with Ruthless Temple is often accompanied by danger, because these guys have no feelings and are like lunatics, and they may not be able to attack their own people!

And everyone was even more afraid of the old man headed by the Ruthless Hall this time.

The other party has various emotions, which is very unusual in the ruthless palace!

The other extreme positions of the Ruthless Hall had cut off their own emotions, broke through the realm and improved their strength, and there were very few emotions left on them.

Only this old man showed his joy, anger, sorrow, and joy on his face.

Even many people suspected that Emperor Moruo in the Temple of Ruthlessness did not practice the method of Temple of Ruthlessness, but only joined it with his own strength.

"Don't worry, we have a sense of measure." Emperor Moro's face gradually became serious.

In this regard, he still knows how to do it, including the people in the Ruthless Hall behind him, also know!

The scale of this operation is very large, and the three supreme forces each have 100,000 gods and nearly a thousand emperors!

There are six emperors at the highest level of combat power!

In the universe, there are very few actions of this scale, let alone the unity of the three supreme forces.

Both the Ancient Immortal Realm and Heavenly Court paid great attention to the appearance of evil gods, and also passed the news to the Ruthless Palace.

This time, it is bound to kill the evil god!

In fact, some of the lower and upper emperors in the Heavenly Court and the Ruthless Palace were a little confused.

They didn't have much news, except that the evil **** was guarded by the guards of the ancient immortal world at first.

In their opinion, since it is the matter of the ancient immortal realm, the people in the ancient immortal realm should be allowed to solve it by themselves.

Some high-ranking emperors specifically asked the extremely high-ranking emperors.

The Great Emperor Zhentian responded and told these great emperors that the evil **** came from another universe, and that the other's existence was a threat to all the creatures in this universe!

Zhenjun Ning Feng glanced across the heavenly court, and the six extreme ranks were very strong!

It goes without saying that Emperor Gufeng and Emperor Zhentian are both powerhouses of the tenth rank, and they are also the two most promising to reach the supremacy in Tianting!

Just the presence of these two tenth-rank extreme emperors is enough to feel the sincerity of the heavenly court.

Secondly, Emperor Chi Tian, ​​this beautiful extreme female, has also reached the sixth-order extreme.

Of the remaining three, one was full of thunder and lightning, with a violent aura, one with a weird aura, covered with evil lines, and the other was shrouded in a billowing black mist, invisible.

Lord of Thunder Palace!

Lord of the evil palace!

Zhenjun Ning Feng's eyes flickered, and the extreme position of Heavenly Court was similar to that of Ancient Immortal Realm, and there could be more than a dozen of them.

Whether it's the ancient immortal world or the heavenly court, the extreme position that comes out is the extreme great emperor who will usually be exposed.

And the Heavenly Court and the Ancient Immortal Realm actually hide a varying number of Extreme Great Emperors!

This operation of the Ancient Immortal Realm did not reveal the extreme positions hidden in the dark, but instead brought an astrological emperor who had just broken through the extreme positions.

As for the Heavenly Court...

Zhenjun Ning Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the somewhat low-key black mister.

The opponent's body was wrapped in black mist, standing at the very end of the heavenly court.

From the opponent, Zhenjun Ning Feng felt a sense of familiarity.

He and Tianchao looked at each other, and both saw the answer in the eyes of the other person.

That person is a clone of Mu Qing!

At the beginning of the battle at the dragon graveyard, at the last moment, the resurrected Moon God and the Mu Qing clone comparable to the tenth extreme position appeared in the heavens.

Seeing the existence of the Heavenly Court side being shrouded in black mist, even though the other party was deliberately hiding, Zhenjun Ning Feng and Heaven Punishment both felt a little familiar.

That is a strong man who looks exactly the same as Mu Qing, who also cultivates demonic energy, has a conscious mind, and his strength has reached the tenth extreme!

At first they thought it was a clone created by the blood of Mu Qing's Demon Race in the Heavenly Court.

But later, Tianchao and Zhenjun Ning Feng asked Laojun, but they got different answers.

Even if Mu Qing's bloodline of the Demon Race is special, just some blood, it is impossible to directly create a tenth-level existence!

According to Lao Jun's guess, the remnant soul of a strong man has entered Mu Qing's clone!

A remnant soul suspected of being supreme! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 962 Supreme Remnant Soul) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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