Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 973: Hydra dictates itself

"Stop me!"

Ji Lun turned his head with a halberd, but shot at Zhenjun Ning Feng.

Zhenjun Ning Feng turned the real dragon into the dust with a single palm, and competed with it.

He wanted to save Mu Qing and others, but faced Ji Lun's attack, he had to respond.

After all, the opponent is in the same realm as him, but is a holy emperor, a tenth-level extreme position!

Tianchao's gaze was fierce, he drew the spear of Heavenly Tribulation from the chest of the thorn monster and threw it fiercely!

Ji Lun's scalp was numb, and he quickly avoided.

He dare not face this supreme weapon directly!

At this time, the thorn monster immediately grew countless thorny tentacles, entwined to the heavens.

This guy's vitality is quite strong, even if it is pierced by the supreme weapon of the Heavenly Tribulation Spear, the injury can be recovered in a short time.

"His Royal Highness! These guys are more stubborn than imagined, let some of the power of the Sea King Saint Lord come first!" The thorn monster roared.

With the arrival of batches of powerful men in the Holy Spirit universe within the passage of the universe, the comprehensive combat capabilities of the two sides gradually approached, and there was a stalemate for a while.

In the Holy Spirit universe, there are strong men who have fallen, and many strong men of the three parties have also been killed.

And in this world, once the fighting power is lost, the altar behind the evil **** statue will directly take away the soul and use it as fuel for the passage of the universe!

"Hahahaha! Just die with me!"

This is a high-ranking emperor from the evil palace, while fighting with the Holy Spirit universe powerhouse and many heart demons, he was sneak attacked and his body was torn apart.

He was laughing wildly, realizing that he was about to die and his vitality was fading, but he was not afraid, on the contrary, he showed endless madness!


The upper emperor directly used some kind of sorcery, the body expanded to the extreme, and even a swallowing force was poured out, the surrounding heart demon and the Holy Spirit universe powerhouse absorbed it, and finally exploded like a bomb!

The gorgeous and flaming light group exploded in an instant, it was like a star exploding, the scene was too shocking!

The blew of the upper emperor of the evil palace directly took away the four holy emperors of the Holy Spirit universe and tens of millions of demons!

Of course, thousands of gods and emperors were also involved in the heavenly court, and their bodies and spirits were annihilated together.


The gods and emperors of the ancient immortal world, the people of the thunder palace and the immortal palace of the heavenly court, all stay away from the people in the evil palace.

The people in this evil palace, from the great emperor to the **** emperor, are all lunatics. They are not afraid of death at all. They perceive the danger and explode directly!

This is a heroic way of fighting.

People are worthy of respect!

But the point is that these guys ignore their teammates at all!

In the end, the only ones willing to stand with everyone in the evil palace were the **** emperor and the great emperor of the ruthless palace.

Both of these are a bunch of lunatics!

"what are you doing?"

Ji Lun was thinking of a way to rely on the blood in his body to contact the Shanghai King Sage Lord to see if he could consume a lot of spirits and let the other party descend.

But he noticed a slight strangeness, but saw Hydra, the woman of the Holy Spirit, take out a sharp blade and judge himself!

Ji Lun scolded angrily, but it happened to meet the decisive expression in the opponent's eyes.

He trembled, as if he had guessed something!

Hydra smiled miserably. She was pretty beautiful, but under the gaze of the eyes of Heaven, not only the Holy Spirit, but also the body was rotten, and her appearance was quite ugly now.

"His concubine, the concubine body temporarily loses combat power, but the soul is still the soul of the holy emperor."

"With your blood, your highness, I am afraid that you will not be able to cross the universe. Forcibly let the sea king saint master drop a powerful force, and the soul of the concubine is the most suitable!"

"This is the honor of my concubine..."

The sharp blade in Hydra's hand emits a green light, which penetrates his chest completely.


The altar behind the evil **** statue burst into light, and a beam of light fell directly on the Hydra.

"You did a good job. After I have captured the main universe, I will treat your people kindly." The statue of the evil **** is now alive, looking at the Hydra, a voice echoing around.

"Holy Lord!"

There was ecstasy in the eyes of Hydra, and she committed suicide while laughing!

The divine soul belonging to this holy emperor was directly absorbed by the altar and burned for the first time!


The vortex of the passage of the universe has expanded a lot, and a horrible force that is suffocating permeates!

"Evil God!"

A series of changes made the faces of all three parties look ugly.

The evil **** statue actually appeared a hint of evil spirit consciousness, responding to the suicide of the Hydra!

The Emperor Zhentian of the Heavenly Court had a great uproar in his mind.

Didn't the three supreme beings join forces to deal with the evil gods?

Why does the evil **** still have time to let the power descend on the statue?

Could it be that the power of the evil **** has been able to achieve one enemy three?

Everyone was shocked.

On the other side, Ji Lun couldn't help but turn red when he watched Hydra sacrifice himself and summon part of the power of the Sea King Saint Lord.

Ji Lun himself also knew that relying on the connection between his bloodline and the Sea King Saint Lord, it was impossible to cross the universe and directly let the other party descend.

If you want the Holy Lord to come, you need the soul of the Holy Emperor at least!

Even the soul of the first-order holy emperor is not enough!

Hydra is a tenth-order Saint Emperor powerhouse. After her suicide, the soul of the cosmos was thrown into the passage of the universe, and she immediately reacted.

And her approach made even the original Holy Lord respond.

"I belong to the sea king, and I will treat your people kindly in the future!"

Ji Lun let out a low growl.

A terrifying arrogance burst out of his body, the trident raised, and waves suddenly surged out of the void.

The sacrifice of Hydra aroused the anger of the Holy Spirit universe powerhouse.

The two sides are fighting together, whether it is the Holy Spirit universe or the three-way supreme power, a large number of strong people have fallen all at once!


At the Ruthless Temple, the Eye of Heaven finally accumulated power again, and the pupils contained countless dazzling lights, and their eyes penetrated!

This time, the Flame Lion and the Giant were already ready, and one dodged to avoid them.

As long as you deal with it carefully, the Eye of Heaven is not a concern!

Of course, the attack speed of the Eye of Heavenly Dao is slow. For the tenth-level extreme position, the powerhouse who has not reached the tenth-order extreme position can not hide from the eyes of the eye of the heavenly path.

A holy emperor of the Holy Spirit Universe, whose strength has reached the ninth rank, just came out of the passage of the universe, was immediately stared at by the eyes of the heavenly way, and was directly wiped out!

Emperor Moruo took advantage of the opportunity when the flame lion and giant, the two Holy Spirit universe powerhouses, avoided the gaze of the heavens, and suddenly shot.

His goal is to be a first-order extreme powerhouse.

That person is Wanke!

Wanke originally possessed a tenth-level high-level realm. After obtaining the inheritance of the sea of ​​nirvana, he joined the power of the evil god's holy kingdom and was cultivated to a certain extent. Now he is the first-level extreme emperor!

But even if Wanke reached the first-order extreme position now, it was far from an opponent of the tenth-order extreme position like Moro the Great.

Under a palm, Wanke's body shattered directly, leaving only a soul, which flew out.

A strange light flashed in Emperor Moreau's eyes, and another palm was turned over, as if he was about to break Wanke's spirit.

At the critical moment, a wave of silencing seas around Wanke gushed out, and it was the power of the silencing sea that was protecting him!

Although Wanke's soul was still traumatized that was difficult to recover, fortunately, he saved a life.

"Send you a ride." A weird smile appeared on Emperor Moreau's face.

He was another palm, and his power passed through the layers of space, directly acting on Wanke's body.

Wanke was stunned, but before he could react, the whole person was pulled into a space channel by a force and left here. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 973 Hydra self-decision) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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