Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 976: Shot

"Is it already the critical point of nine tempering?" A hint of curiosity appeared on Jian San's face.

He looked at the curse spirit with interest.

Everyone was surprised at the sudden breakthrough of the curse spirit.

Everyone has seen the madness of the people in the evil palace. They are not afraid of death, and they will sacrifice all their power and life to the evil saint of the evil race.

But the previous disciple of the evil palace only had eight tempers. Even if he sacrificed himself, it was impossible for a person who had only nine tempers to directly break through to ten tempers.

What's more, these arrogant talents have reached their limit nine times, and it is extremely difficult to break through!

Jian San could see that the curse spirit itself was at the critical point of nine tempering, and he had obtained the life sacrifice of the evil palace disciple who had been tempered eight times, directly breaking through to ten tempering!

Perfect tempering, supreme posture!

Suddenly, the strength of the curse spirit has been greatly improved, and it is still in the realm of the gods, but it is comparable to the seventh-order lower emperor!

She suddenly became the strongest Tianjiao present!

The exquisite face of the curse spirit penetrated with the evil black curse mark, branding the whole body, and the terrible power escaped from the whole body, which looked terrifying.

The sword light cut out by Jian San was difficult for Tianyin and others to resist, and they would suffer a certain degree of injury every time.

But the curse spirit is now filled with black mist, and actually resisted the attack of Jian San!

"Can't play anymore..." Jian San's eyes gradually cold, and at the same time he sipped at his companions: "Leave no room, kill them for me!"

He just received the news that there were some accidents on the front battlefield.

The background of the three supreme forces is more powerful than they thought, and the battle over there is deadlocked.

Jian San intends to resolve this group of people as soon as possible, and then go to the front battlefield to fight!

Although, the pinnacle of his lower emperor won't have much influence in such a battle...

However, deep in Jiansan's eyes, there is piety, he believes in the Holy Lord, and is willing to fight for the Holy Lord.

"My favorite is to kill you so-called Tianjiao!" Jian San chuckled lightly, but his eyes were terribly cold.

The silver greedy wolf behind him leaned up to the sky and roared, his supernatural power enveloped his whole body, and suddenly a sword, containing the power of opening up the world, suddenly appeared, and the sharp power made everyone's scalp numb.

This sword of Jian San is mainly aimed at the curse spirit.

He himself was jealous of various geniuses, but after receiving the power of the Holy Master, he wanted to use this power to slash these so-called arrogances under the sword!

The curse is his goal!


The void behind the curse spirit shattered, and the weird and harsh roar came out, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

Those were vines, and then huge black shadows rushed out of the void from the depths of the void. They were cursed flowers!

This flower, symbolizing evil and destruction, possesses the power of horror and horror. It is a kind of creature, but it is completely surrendered to the curse spirit.

Or, for the curse spirit, the curse flower is her weapon.

After summoning the cursed flower, the aura of the cursed spirit is even more amazing. Her jet-black long hair is flying in the air like a vine of the cursed flower.


After the sword light slashed, the shadow of the greedy wolf even slaughtered the cursed flower, fighting, and the dense sword energy exploded, piercing the cursed flower with many holes.

But the cursed flower did not seem to have received any influence, its vitality was tenacious, and countless vines pierced into the huge silver greedy wolf with the evil curse marks.


The holy spirit of Jiansan couldn't bear the evil force that cursed the flower, and the whole exploded!

However, this did not hurt the origin of the Sword Three Holy Spirit, it was actually a greedy wolf condensed from a sword light.

But this is enough to prove the strength of the curse spirit, and it can counterattack at the moment when everyone can only be forced to resist.

at the same time.

Two opponents appeared on Mu Qing's side, two fifth-order lower emperors, with a grinning face and greedy eyes in their eyes.

They come from the universe of the Holy Spirit, and are the powerhouses of the holy kingdom under the evil gods.

Of course, no one knows whether they came from the Holy Spirit universe, or the creatures of this universe, who were transformed by evil gods.

After all, evil gods have the ability to change the body structure of any creature to be the same as the Holy Spirit universe.

"Be obedient!"

The two lower rank emperors of the fifth rank gave a low cry.

They knew that their Holy Lord had stared at the body of this guy in front of them, and there must be something special and many good things about him!

Not far away, Xiao Xuan saw that the secret path was not good, and as soon as he helped Mei Sanniang resolve a wave of crises, he hurried towards Mu Qing.

As for the little fat man, the Nine Heavens Dragon's cover opened, almost invincible, like a tortoise shell, even those strong in the Holy Kingdom chose to give up attacking him.

"Mei Sanniang! Come here!"

The little fat man opened a hole in the chaos and recruited Mei Sanniang not far away.

Mei Sanniang is a little embarrassed now, she has only tempered five times after all, even if there are countless divine thunder talisman on her body, she can't resist a powerful person like the fifth-order lower emperor.

And Mei Sanniang's opponent was stupid. After smashing the big tortoise shell of Little Fatty more than a dozen times, she found that there was no movement, she could only look for someone else with a stubborn expression.

Little Fatty's Nine Heavens God Dragon Guard is a high-ranking imperial weapon, and it is comparable to the heavens in defense, and only Lei Ting has the imperial weapon that specifically restrains him, otherwise the defense will be difficult to break.

"Don't help me, I can solve it by myself!" Mu Qing faced the two fifth-order lower emperors, but was quite calm, and this sentence was for Xiao Xuan.

The two fifth-tier lower emperors were also taken aback when they heard this.

They think this Mu Qing is too arrogant, and they don't even look at them!

However, the next moment, the shadow flashed, and a thunder spear appeared on the chest of one of the fifth-order lower emperors!

Severe pain swept through the whole body, and the next moment I saw branches spreading from the void, black leaves scattered, and the soul and vitality were completely taken away.

"how can that be……"

Another Tier 5 lower emperor was dumbfounded. In the blink of an eye, his companion died?

"Sure enough, it's just been transformed." Mu Qing whispered.

He instantly entered the second stage of the Black Wing Great Demon, condensing the Thunder Spear to kill one person in a flash.

After fighting with the holy war angel Tianxun, Mu Qing really didn't think much of the general fifth-order lower emperor.

As for the Holy Spirit universe powerhouse in front of him, he reached the ordinary level 5 lower emperor realm after reaching the sky.

Perhaps the opponent was not in this realm at all, but the body structure was transformed by the evil **** and became the Holy Spirit before reaching the fifth-order lower emperor.

Not far away, Xiao Xuan who was about to come to help was also shocked. He didn't expect Mu Qing to be so strong.

"How did you do it..." The remaining fifth-order lower emperor was still in a sluggish state.

Mu Qing sneered, and threw the thunder spear in his hand directly!

The fifth-order lower emperor was also stabbed transparently, and a huge force swept his body. Before he died, he heard a loud bang, and the thunder spear exploded, and his soul was wiped out. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 976 Shot) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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