Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 983: Capture Ji Yang alive

After a violent surge of grey mist, it quickly receded.

What caught everyone's eyes was still the dry and cracked ground and withered trees, and the gray mist seemed to have never appeared before.

This sudden change caught everyone off guard.

Mu Qing was also stunned, what is the situation now?

The gray mist just dispersed, and I didn't see any enemies at first glance.

This makes everyone feel very inexplicable.

"What's the matter?" Even the few people in the Ruthless Hall were stunned.

When everyone was preparing for a battle, the fog suddenly dissipated, which was quite unexpected.

Although the gray mist had dissipated, everyone decided to stand still.

As a result, more than half an hour passed and nothing happened.


Tianyin, Zi Jinyuan and others didn't know what to say anymore.

I thought there was a big enemy, but who knew that nothing appeared in the end.

Not a single shadow!

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Mu Qing noticed the strangeness, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

Mu Qing was a little surprised. He took out the half of the statue in his arms, and saw that the broken statue was trembling crazily.

The golden light burst out and spread towards the void.

When Mu Qing saw this, his heart moved, and he quickly drank, "Someone is coming in outside!"

Suddenly, everyone reacted.

Everyone immediately paid attention to the surroundings, and it was true that there was a void distortion, and the outline of a figure was silently outlined.

Almost at the same time, the four people in the Ruthless Hall, the five in the Heavenly Court, and the eight in the Ancient Immortal Realm all cast their eyes there.

The figure completely emerged from the void, the familiar blue hair!

Mu Qing was the first to do it one by one, punching it directly on the back of the opponent's head.


The space was smashed, and the blue-haired man's head was even more bloody.

He staggered and fell down from mid-air. He didn't know what was going on, he just felt a sharp pain in his head.

He finally got over it, and what caught his eye was a dark old tree!

"What am I..."

The abuse from the blue-haired man's mouth hadn't been uttered yet, but he was dazzled by the moonlight.

The dead tree directly displayed the Moon God Dream in place of Mu Qing. For the blue-haired man in his current state, it was enough time for him to lose consciousness for a few breaths!

Naturally, other people didn't look at it, they used their own imperial weapons, and a torrent of power enveloped them, confining the blue-haired man's entire body.

There is no killer!

Everyone knew very well that leaving the blue-haired man alive is far better than killing the opponent.

The most important thing is that they don't know much about this place, hoping to learn some secrets from the blue-haired man.

After controlling the blue-haired man, everyone immediately looked around.

However, Jian San's figure did not appear.


In the death enchantment, a remote place.

More than a dozen figures outlined from the void, it was Jiansan!

He brought some of the Emperor's subordinates this time, and this time he came in to collect the bodies!

However, when he came into this death barrier, he couldn't help but frowned.

"What about that guy? He only has half of the sacred statue in his hand, and his speed is faster than me." Jian San just thought of this in his heart, and after taking a step, he found that something was wrong.

The power of the soul swept all around, and there was no breath or figure of the blue-haired man!

Not only that, even the expected bodies of Mu Qing and others were not seen!

"Pay attention to the surroundings! Something is wrong!" Jian San quickly yelled.

He searched again with the power of the soul, but still did not find the blue-haired man, Mu Qing and others.

"It shouldn't be! The reincarnation beast in the gray mist is only interested in killing, and has no interest in anything else. Why can't it find the corpses of Mu Qing and others." Jian San frowned and muttered.

His first thought was that the bodies of Mu Qing and others had been taken away by the reincarnation beasts in the gray mist.

But soon, Jian San found some places that he had overlooked, that is, when he and Mu Qing and the others were fighting before, the ground had been damaged in a disastrous manner, and there were deep pits everywhere.

But the ground now is as good as ever!

"Hiss!" Jian San's pupils contracted, and he took a breath, "I teleported to another place?"

It is obvious that this is not the place where he originally left.

But the question is, why did his relic statue go wrong? Why would he be teleported to an unknown location?

"Team... Captain..."

Suddenly, one of the great emperors panicked and called Jian San.

"What's wrong?" Jian San turned around, his body suddenly froze.

Before he waited for his subordinates to tell him, he realized the seriousness of the matter.

In the extreme distance, wisps of gray mist are gathering and shrouded in this direction!


I feel that after tens of thousands of years, I feel that I just had a nightmare...

Ji Yang woke up in a daze, only to feel the pain in his head.

"What happened?" Ji Yang is still a little unclear now.

He slowly regained his memory. It seemed that he had entered the death enchantment through the holy relic with Jian San to collect the corpses for Mu Qing and others.

"So... why am I locked up?"

Ji Yang stared at her side blankly, there were a series of light beams, forming a light prison, confining him here.

He touched the back of his head, which was still painful, his palm was full of blood, and the wound had not healed yet.

I just wanted to use the power of transcendence to recover, but found that a huge rune was branded on his chest.

All the supernatural power in the body has been suppressed!

"We met again, Ji Yang." Mu Qing walked up to him and looked at him with a smile.

During the period when Ji Yang was in a coma, all three of them used some means.

And the curse spirit of Heavenly Court directly took out Ji Yang's heart, and used some evil-looking rituals, and learned some memories of Ji Yang.

There are not many memories, all are Ji Yang's affairs on the side of the Holy Spirit universe.

Everyone also knows that this blue-haired man is named Ji Yang, the arrogant of a big family in the Holy Spirit Universe, and his ancestor has a holy lord at the same level as the supreme, and he himself is the blood of the sea king.

"What did you do to me?!" Ji Yang looked at Mu Qing's face and became angry, and he roared.

Later, he also found something strange in his body, and his heart was already a transparent hole.

There was blood everywhere on his body, and when he looked up, he found that everyone was staring at him, making him creepy.

And his heart was held by a beautiful woman.

It's just that the blue veins on the woman's face began to violently violently, and evil spells crawled onto her cheeks.

"Answer our question, otherwise you will suffer unimaginable pain..." The curse spirit's voice was a little hoarse.

She held Ji Yang's heart tightly, and black evil spells were everywhere on it.

Shu Ling gently squeezed the heart in his hand. Suddenly, Ji Yang's scalp was numb, his legs stretched straight, his pupils contracted like needles, and there was a sound of Hehe in his mouth.

Ji Yang felt that he had become an ordinary person at this moment, and someone was holding his neck tightly, unable to breathe.

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