Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 990: Devourer

After spotting the suspected Jiansan trail, everyone immediately followed.

Among the crowd, Mu Qing's figure was slightly stagnant, but he quickly followed the crowd without showing any abnormality.

But in the bottom of his heart, there was an uproar!

Because just now, a voice came to his mind!

This makes Mu Qing feel incredible, that voice is definitely not anyone present.

And the other party, like him, possesses devilish energy!

Mu Qing pays attention to the back from time to time. Everyone thinks that he is vigilant for the gnawing person who will rush out at any time in the gray mist. In fact, he is looking for the existence that makes the sound!

"Don't look for it, this gray mist is transformed by the demon ancestor's imperial weapon. Except for the recognized existence of us, no one else can detect us."

"Actually, at the moment of being shrouded in gray mist, you are always standing still."

"I used my strength to interfere, and you finally took a few steps and found the whereabouts of the other group of people."

A slightly hoarse voice sounded in Mu Qing's mind, causing his pupils to gradually dilate.

These few words contained a lot of information, and what made him even more shocked was that the gray mist turned out to be an emperor artifact!

It's no wonder that even the evil gods can't find out the secrets of this gray fog, no wonder the evil gods can't kill the six-headed reincarnation beast in the gray fog no matter what.

It turns out that this is a supreme imperial weapon!

For the extreme imperial weapon, Mu Qing would rarely come into contact with this level, but Mu Qing had already seen the world.

Others may not see the supreme weapon for a lifetime, but Mu Qingguang has encountered it, there are several, and he has two of them!

The sea of ​​nirvana is a supreme weapon, and its body is a boundless sea, containing the terrifying power of nirvana, and it is equivalent to a realm.

This gray mist is a derivation of a supreme imperial weapon, and it is only natural.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for me alone?" Although there were some guesses in his heart, Mu Qing asked in his heart.

The voice in his mind did not reappear, and it fell silent.

As if the sound had never appeared before.

Just when Mu Qing was about to press it, the hoarse voice in his mind came out again.

"Because you have demonic blood." The voice had its ups and downs at this time, and it seemed surprised.

Then, its voice immediately appeared in Mu Qing's mind.

"I feel very curious. Back then, the magic ancestor merged the power of immortals and gods to create the magic way. There is almost no racial restriction. All creatures can practice the magic way."

"But the demon cultivator returns to the demon cultivator, the blood in the body is still the blood of his own race, even the demon ancestor is also the same, and the blood of the demon ancestor is still the mist soul clan."

"The demon cultivator outside threw you here. It seems that it has no ulterior motive. He wants you to obtain the extremely high emperor artifact left by the demon ancestor. However, we have differences. After all, you and the other person are both qualified."

The voice seemed to have a headache.

Mu Qing's heart moved at this moment.

Both I and the other person are qualified for inheritance?

I am considered qualified because of the demon cultivation. So, in their group or the Jiansan group, there is another person who cultivates demon qi?

Almost at the same time, Mu Qing had the answer in his heart.

Jin Jiuyin who left the team midway!

The opponent's **** is mysterious, strong, and he left the team at a critical moment, looking very strange.

This guy is another magic repair!

"Are you...reincarnation beasts?" Mu Qing asked.

"Reincarnation beasts? No! We are monsters, the demon ancestor created us back then."

"Originally, I still had five companions, but three of them followed the Demon Ancestor to the path of dominance."

The other party seemed to speak very well and told Mu Qing a lot of news.

And the amount of information contained in these messages is too much!

Mu Qing took a deep breath, letting himself sink in.

There are many doubts in his heart.

According to Ji Yang’s words, the evil **** said that there are six-headed reincarnation beasts in the gray mist, which corresponds to the statement of the current monster. There are indeed six-headed monsters, but three of them have followed the demon ancestor to dominate the road, so logically speaking There should be only three monsters in the gray mist.

Also, where is the way to dominate?

Involved in dominating the realm?

The entire demon cultivator disappeared together, is it because he followed the demon ancestor to pursue the realm of dominance?

"You can call me the Devourer. When the Demon Ancestor created me, he gave me the ability to swallow the sky and the earth." A hoarse voice came.

It secretly contacted Mu Qing because it couldn't bear curiosity.

After swallowing the power in Mu Qing's body in the air before, it felt the difference in Mu Qing.

Demon blood, this has never appeared before!

From the bottom of its heart, it even regards Mu Qing as the hope for the rise of the Demon Dao!

"Master Demon Ancestor left the three of us in order to reorganize the demon way. Unfortunately, even Demon Ancestor did not expect us to fall asleep for so long."

"Give this kid the task of reviving the magic path, and I will be free, and I won't need to be a guardian beast at that time!"

In the depths of the dense gray mist, devouring demons are imagining them.

For the magic way, it can't mention too much loyalty!

It's just that these six-headed monsters were all created by the Demon Ancestor, and even if they possessed wisdom and powerful power, there were still many limitations.

The command from the Demon Ancestor is to stay, if the Demon Ancestor cannot return, then revitalize the Demon Dao.

If it is completed, then they will be able to regain freedom.

"This kid has demon blood on his body, and the blood can give birth to demon energy. It is simply a natural demon cultivator. He may become the second demon ancestor. Let him reinvigorate the demon way, and I will be free."

Devouring Devil's heart secretly said.

It has a feeling of tears in its eyes.

I don’t know how many years I was created, but I don’t know how many years I have worked as a guardian beast for the magic way!

It finally saw the dawn of freedom!

Thinking of this, the Devourer immediately transmitted to Mu Qing, saying: "Grey Mist is an extreme imperial weapon. Its core is somewhere in the Mist. Although we can use its power, we cannot determine its position."

"All of this is a test, including the gnaws you encountered in the gray fog, but I have slightly reduced the number of gnaws."

"Your task is to find the core of the gray fog, and directly enter the magic energy to gain control!"

"I will help you by the side, but I can't help too much. After all, Grey Mist is alive. If I realize that I help you too much, I guess I won't agree with you."

Devourer now only hopes that Mu Qing will find the core of the gray mist early.

It is not surprising that an imperial weapon of the gray mist level actually has a powerful weapon spirit, but the gray mist weapon spirit is suppressed by the power of the demon ancestor, and it is just pure spirituality.

After all, possessing spirits is not necessarily a good thing, some spirits...will betray and devour the master!

However, this can also allow Devourer Demon to take advantage of opportunities. Simple spirituality means that Devourer Demon is not too excessive and will not be noticed.

As long as Mu Qing is recognized by the Gray Mist Core, not only will Mu Qing be able to leave the death enchantment, they will also be free!

Of course, in the Devourer's heart, there was actually one more word that was not said.

With the special identity of Mu Qing carrying the blood of the demon clan, perhaps it will take action in person to help Mu Qing get the core of the gray fog, and it will be recognized with a high probability. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 990 Devouring Demon) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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