Stars for the good Warhammer

Chapter 1 The Warhammer world where everyone “loves”

For a moment, He Mi felt that his head was probably broken.

Obviously he just took advantage of the boss's absence to hide in the toilet cubicle and take a nap secretly while going to the bathroom.

Why does the surrounding environment change after waking up?

Could it be time travel?

But which one has the protagonist travel through time on the toilet?

"My lord, please make a decision as soon as possible."

The person who was speaking was a young woman in uniform, with long pale golden hair that looked very special. When He Mi just opened her eyes, the other party was already standing opposite the desk, with two His fingers were crossed in front of him, looking very nervous.

grown ups? Is she talking to me?

After confirming that there were only two people in the room, He Mi shook his dizzy head as if he had been punched by someone, turned around and cast a confused look at the frail woman in front of him. Obviously he didn't understand what the other party was talking about.

Judging from the furnishings and various electronic devices in the room, this seems to be a civilization background with extremely advanced technology. At least it doesn't look like a bad environment where people can be killed casually. This is true. It's worth celebrating.

At this moment, a slightly stiff electronic sound came from the radio overhead.

[Warning, damage to the hull structure has been detected, and a maintenance team is being dispatched. Please stay away from area C13.]

Hull? So this damn place is actually the inside of a spaceship?

So according to this logic, he should be a captain, right?

And the woman in front of him is probably his adjutant?


A wonderful start~

As a senior P Club player, He Mi felt a flash of excitement that his dream had come true, and he couldn't wait to start showing off his skills.

Soon, looking at the other party's complicated expression, the woman's eyes gradually changed. She put her hands behind her back, her tone full of respect and sympathy.

"I understand that your father's death has dealt a great blow to you. Please express your condolences."

What? What did you say happened to Dad?

The first time he heard the news, He Mi almost jumped out of his chair, but soon he realized that this matter didn't seem to have much to do with him.

"But I assure you, those despicable and shameless traitors will definitely be punished as they deserve, and the empire will make them pay with blood!"

Having said this, the woman was silent for a moment, and her tone began to become deeper.

"But now the people of Haven still need your leadership. So I hope you can cheer up as soon as possible, Lord Governor."

Although he tried to stay calm as much as possible, He Mi still noticed a hint of uneasiness from the other party. The radio was still reporting about the damage to the ship from time to time. At the same time, through the gorgeous door behind the woman, The frightened commotion of the crowd could still be vaguely heard.

Obviously, there must be something going on here, but compared to these, He Mi is more concerned about the other party's title issue at the moment.

"Wait? What did you just call me?"

"Lord Governor?"

Facing the officer's gaze, the young woman took a deep breath and gradually calmed down from the tense atmosphere around her. Then she straightened her back and gave an endorsement speech.

"According to the imperial regulations and the regulations of the Salles family, due to the death of the former governor, as the only legal heir of the family, it will be you, Lord Otto, who will continue to exercise the supreme power bestowed by the Holy Emperor. right."

"And I am the lieutenant appointed by your father. You can call me Raya. I will be loyal to you and your cause."

Looking at the calm look in the woman's eyes, He Mi began to understand his current situation.

empire? God Emperor?


It's Warhammer World.

At this moment, as if all his strength had been drained, He Mi couldn't help but slump backwards on the soft office chair.

——Like a shriveled corpse.



What is Warhammer?

To put it simply, this is a deformed product that combines all the worst things imaginable in human history, mixed with the blood of war and death, and is a cosmic stage where demons dance wildly.

For most people living in the empire, suffering and torture are a reflection of their lives. Even death can no longer bring peace to all living beings. The souls of the deceased will fall into the soul known as subspace. The realm was eventually swallowed up by the five evil gods entrenched in it.

As an old Hammer friend for many years, He Mi is really familiar with the Warhammer universe, from the Battle of Heaven during the Ancient Saints' period, to the scandalous secrets between Asuryan and Lady Shalish, and the Emperor's Every moment with his twenty-one filial sons.

It is no exaggeration to say that in terms of knowledge and intelligence reserves alone, even the greatest scholars in the empire can hardly compare with He Mi. However, this is not necessarily a good thing in the current environment. The more you know, the more you know. The sooner you die, this sentence is particularly suitable in the world of Warhammer.

After all, there is a famous Warhammer joke that goes like this: when you are in trouble, just shout key terms such as the Second Empire and the fallen angel Caliban of Cypher to the sky, and you will be able to watch it in less than a solar day The famous scene where an angel descended upon me.

Those green-skinned and blue-skinned explosive guys will solve all your troubles, including you of course.

So it’s better not to talk nonsense about some little secrets.

At the same time, too much intellectual thinking is likely to attract the attention of some powerful subspace creatures, such as a blue tentacle monster with a bird face. Therefore, after knowing where exactly he is, the first For a time, He Mi began to control his brain as much as possible and not to think too much, especially about the forbidden knowledge of the gods.

Fortunately, for He Mi, the situation is not too bad. After all, he is an imperial nobleman at this time. As a planetary governor, he enjoys absolute rule over the entire planet. Some wealthy governors even have hundreds of millions of huge armies or even an entire planetary fleet under their command, which can be said to be extremely powerful.

As long as you don't seek death, you can worship the emperor and his elders at home on time every day and be a local emperor with peace of mind. Of course, the premise is that you can pay enough taxes for the empire. As long as the governor pays tithes with due diligence. By paying taxes, he can rule the world in any way he sees fit, even if he is an out-and-out tyrant.

Could it be that the Emperor saw that my life was hard, so he called us here to enjoy the blessings?

No way? Is there any conspiracy here?

While He Mi was staring blankly at the binary code that was constantly flashing on the electronic screen, the adjutant Raya on the side cleared his throat, and then reminded him cautiously.

"Lord Otto, we have been trapped in the subspace route for some time. The Gale position of the Wind Sword cannot last for too long. If a decision cannot be made as soon as possible, the subspace wave will engulf us sooner or later. "

Wait a minute?

Trapped in a warp lane?

Thinking of this, He Mi's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had a bad feeling.

As a huge force whose territory spans more than half of the galaxy, subspace navigation can be said to be one of the most commonly used technologies in the human empire. Its principle is to temporarily separate the ships from the real universe and take advantage of the disordered characteristics of subspace. To achieve long-distance travel across star regions.

Of course, doing so will inevitably alarm those dangerous creatures living in the subspace. Although there is a protective device called Geller's Stand to resist invasion, according to Raya, they have been staying in the subspace for a long time.

This is obviously not the way to go. If Geller's position loses its effectiveness because he cannot withstand the pressure, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Where's the navigator? Then let him take us out of here."

After hearing the order, Assistant Officer Raya did not respond immediately. Her face became very ugly. After a few seconds of silence, she replied in a bewildered tone.

"According to the report, the star torch went out about half an hour ago."

The star torch is gone

For a moment, He Mi couldn't believe his ears.

"Captain Duncan suggested that we can perform a blind jump to return the ship to the real universe, but doing so is very risky, so the captain would like to seek your opinion, Lord Governor."

The so-called star torch is a beacon that the emperor of mankind lights up for human civilization in this dark and chaotic universe by burning himself. It is like a lighthouse in the depths of the ocean. Its most basic function is to guide the direction of ships. , so as not to get lost in the vast galaxy and chaotic subspace.

Once it is lost, the empire's shipping network, which is enough to make the Ministry of Interior officials despair, will be completely paralyzed, and this huge empire will fall apart in a short time. If this news is true, then it means that in the human empire, Something big enough to make the Emperor anxious must have happened on the capital city of Holy Terra.

While thinking, He Mi had already made a basic judgment on the current situation. At the same time, he began to be curious about the timeline he was currently in. After all, in the history of Warhammer, there were no star torches on Terra. It went out several times.

With an uneasy mood, he tentatively asked the adjutant Raya beside him.

"So, is there any news about Terra or Cardia?"

After hearing such a question, Adjutant Raya held the tablet in her arms and thought for a moment.

"Well, according to the notice issued by the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Black Legion, the minions of Chaos, is currently launching an attack on the Cadian Gate star field."

"The war situation is currently at a stalemate, but I believe that's true to the Cadian people's slogan."

While speaking, the adjutant raised his head slightly, with a confident expression on his face.

"Cadia stands tall."

Hearing this, He Mi, who was sitting in the office chair, fell silent.

Under the seemingly calm and deep appearance, in fact, he has become a grump who had his toes smashed.

Oh haha

It's over

There is no doubt that this is the darkest period before the great rift is about to unfold and the dark side of the empire is taking shape.

A chaotic era in which a person's brain is beaten into a dog's brain, and all kinds of monsters and monsters are prevalent.

It can be said that this is almost the worst script in the history of Warhammer, bar none.

I don’t know if it’s still too late to find a place and crash to death?

If it doesn't hang, can I play it?

What He Mi didn't expect was that just as his thoughts fell, he felt like a breeze was blowing by, and he felt like a chilly breath was gathering around him.

The next second, before he could react, there was a burst of pain from the top of his head that reached deep into his soul, as if a steel awl had been dug deeply into his skull. The severe pain made He Mi's eyesight go black, and then Then he turned sideways and fell to the ground together with the seat.

"Lord Governor!"

Seeing this scene, Raya, who was shocked, rushed forward and helped He Mi, who was almost unconscious.

In the daze, looking at the adjutant's panicked expression, He Mi felt as if a string of golden words appeared in his mind, and they began to emerge continuously as if they were alive.

[Current territory: Haiwen]

[Tax level: extreme tax level (the starting point of taxation in the civilized world)]

[Settled population: 500 million]

[Faith Level: Shaken]

[Recruitable troops: 70 million]

[Scale of Planetary Defense Force: 130,000 (continuous loss)]

[Existing fleet size: 3 ships (in urgent need of maintenance)]

[Collected beliefs: 0]

[Current mission: clear the pollution inside the ship, maintain the morale of the army, and escape from the subspace]

[Special reward: Psychic potential (blue)]

Regarding this, He Mi only felt as if ten thousand rainbow ponies were running through his heart.

elder brother.

I was just kidding

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