Stars for the good Warhammer

Chapter 26 Nano Swarm

In the afternoon, in the sunny Governor's Office.

When Otto opened the door and walked in, the young woman named Raya was sitting in the adjutant's exclusive position, concentrating on auditing a trade record document sent by the Star Port Manager. The warm sunlight reflected on her long light golden hair, making it as dazzling as luxurious fine gold.

Hearing the footsteps, Raya first raised her hand to lift the hair hanging by her ears, and looked towards the door with her amber-like eyes. After seeing Otto, a trace of panic flashed in her originally calm eyes.

"Lord Otto, I'm sorry I didn't know it was you."


As she spoke, the woman hurriedly stood up. Because of her nervousness, she accidentally touched the ink on the table. The dark ink instantly spilled all over the table. Obviously, this made her very embarrassed. From a distance, it was not difficult to see that the other party's forehead had already ooze out cold sweat.

Standing in front of the door and watching everything happening in front of him, Otto couldn't judge for a moment whether this girl was born with such a silly character, or whether all this was just a clumsy performance to paralyze himself.

While thinking, he walked quickly towards Raya without saying a word. While she was still looking for a tablecloth to clean the table, Otto grabbed the woman's hand. This sudden action almost made Raya jump up, and her eyes were full of confusion.

In the process of interpreting the woman's eyes, Otto somehow saw a hint of expectation from them.

There is a problem, there is definitely a problem here.

Since last night, he could vaguely feel that Raya's appearance had become a little strange, and some intuition told him that the other party must have some secrets in her heart that she didn't want him to know.

"Stand still."

Under Otto's command, Raya stood up straight and obediently. Perhaps because of excessive tension, she simply lowered her eyelashes and stared at the ink-soaked table, trying not to think about that kind of thing.

However, what made the girl feel a little strange was that after waiting for a while, the scenes she expected in her mind did not happen. The young noble in front of her just lifted her long hair with his hands, and his eyes wandered back and forth around her face and neck.

That serious look was like a serious inspection.

After an unknown amount of time, Otto finally let go of his hand.

Seeing this, Raya finally plucked up the courage and asked the question in her heart.

"My lord? What happened?"

Not long ago, after receiving Mina's reminder, combined with the information obtained from the panel, he had to be concerned about Raya's condition.

If the other party is really a hidden chaos wizard as Mina guessed, then the threat it can cause is almost unimaginable.

However, through direct physical contact, he did not feel any obvious malice from the other party, nor did he find any obvious subspace mutations or noteworthy places.

After a moment, Otto replied in a nonchalant tone.

"It's nothing, let's start today's report."

While thinking, Otto turned and looked at the desk in the middle of the room. He saw today's reports on the desk, most of which were submitted by representatives from all walks of life in the middle nest and the upper nest. After being sorted out, they were finally presented in front of him. This behavior is quite like the old emperor reviewing memorials.

Although she was very concerned about the behavior just now, looking at Otto's serious face, Raya naturally did not have the courage to continue asking questions. Seeing this, she had to pick up the documents she had just rescued from her seat, sorted them out and handed them to the governor's desk.

"Regarding the meeting you mentioned today, I have notified the five major families in Haven, but two have not responded so far."

I didn't expect a new problem to arise so soon, but this was within Otto's expectations. After all, Raya's report earlier mentioned that the Cyrus family's dominance in Haven is far from enough to affect the entire planet and all its industries.

For example, Haven's most important planetary mining industry, those mining barges that can independently carry out excavation operations, nearly half of which belong to the assets of Trinity City, southwest of the nest city. In other words, at least 47% of the profits did not go to the Cyrus family.

This is a considerable profit in the few industries in Haven, but it is worth noting that Trinity City was jointly established by three business families, and its leader is a collateral bloodline separated from the Cyrus family.

And Trinity City is the second largest force in Haven besides the Cyrus family where Otto is. Not surprisingly, one of the two forces that did not respond to the invitation to the meeting is theirs. As for the other one?

Looking at the strange name in the file, Otto turned his gaze back to Raya, who still looked a little uneasy.

"Can you tell me what's happening with the Gray Sand family recently?"

"Gray Sand? They are still the same. The head of the Gray Sand family is still obsessed with the excavation of the gray desert."

"Are you talking about the gray desert on the north side of the hive?"

"I'm curious as to what that is."

Hearing this, Raya, who was standing across the table, thought for a moment.

"Actually, I just heard that the gray desert that appeared on the surface of the planet Haven had already appeared there during the first colonization of the Cyrus family, but at that time, the desert did not cover such a large area. area, and the entire planet will experience a gray storm every six months.”

"Over the next hundred years, the gray desert continued to expand, as if it was reproducing itself."

Such an introduction naturally aroused Otto's interest. In the past few days, he had stared at the silver-white sea of ​​sand in his bedroom more than once. He felt that it was so beautiful, as if he was deeply attracted.

"You mean that desert has a life of its own?"

"I have read relevant records in my family history. The Mechanicus sages from Ota have conducted research on the gray desert of Haven. According to the content of the records, it seems that the gray desert is composed of a special kind of of nanomechanical bugs.”

"It is still unknown how they were formed. The sages once speculated that this may be a technology from the Golden Age. However, after years of testing, they found that those nanomechanical bugs were simply unconsciously expanding themselves. After confirming that there was no harm, they just took some samples and left."

"As for the Gray Sand family."

"They seem to firmly believe that there must be secrets that have not yet been discovered in that desert, and they still refuse to give up exploring it, even though the place has been dug up to the ground by the Mechanicus."

Gray nanomechanical insect swarm.

Could it be that it would be

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