"Rear Admiral Xu's current situation is not very good. 70% of the main battleships have been damaged, while the damage rate on Varro's side is only 64%. However, Rear Admiral Xu has not lost yet. As long as we hold on, we still have a chance of winning. Let's see what happens next

Oops, rear of Major General Xu, rear, how could Wallow's mobile fleet appear in this position? Now the Wallow fleet has formed a flanking situation for Major General Xu. The key, the key is that there is only one reserve team at this position. The reserve team was a deterrent when they were not discovered, but now they are directly facing the enemy's front, then they become the food on the enemy's plate! "

Qin Yue squinted her eyes and looked at the battle on the projector in front, and then looked around at the dim classroom and the noisy students.

Accepting the green memories in his mind, Qin Yue showed a forced and ugly smile.

So, did I succeed?

However, the timeline of this rebirth is a bit early. Did it travel directly to before entering the star sea?

"Can I win this game?" A cry came from the side, with some expectation and prayer in the cry.

Qin Yue shook her head: "You can't win!"

"How can we not win? The gap between us is not that big. Besides, Major General Xu is not our most talented player. There is Zhou Qiong behind him, and" the voice next to him was very unconvinced.

Qin Yue shook her head and didn't answer again.

He remembered the outcome of this battle very clearly. In the best-of-seven game, Blue Star lost four consecutive games to Valo, and finally ceded the Dark Island Sector.

Not only the Dark Island sector, but also the Baima sector and the Luochuan sector will be ceded in the future. By the time the Blue Stars begin to regain these sectors, it will already be four hundred years later.

The Varro civilization seems to have the same technological level as Earth, but in fact there is a technological gap of two generations from Earth. They have not only mastered nuclear fusion power technology, but also electromagnetic protection technology. The speed and defense of their warships are completely beyond of the earth.

But they didn't show it. After coming into contact with the earth's civilization, they always appeared as being only slightly stronger than the earth, giving the earth the illusion that I can defeat it with hard work. As a result, they suffered repeated defeats and repeated battles. After repeated defeats, he finally woke up after ceding three star sectors.

Just like the war above, who would have thought that the one fighting us is not the main force of the Valor civilization, but only a small family in the Valor.

What's even more tragic is that the entire earth cannot even defeat this small family.

Because the projector was on, only one row of lights was turned on in the classroom, and it was at the very back.

Qin Yue stopped watching the game, but lowered his head and opened the book under the dim light.

He wanted to test something.

"Woooooooo, how could this happen?" My deskmate was already crying.

"Are you okay..." Qin Yue handed over a piece of paper.

"I look like I'm fine!" The deskmate took the paper angrily and looked at the screen with a sad face: "Next is Zhou Qiong, Zhou Qiong will win, right, can Zhou Qiong win?"

"Zhou Qiong," Qin Yue looked at the familiar face on the screen.

Zhou Qiong is indeed a genius, he must admit that, but not yet.

On the one hand, there is a technological generation gap; on the other hand, the Earth has only entered the Star Sea for such a short period of time that there is no systematic Star Wars theory at all. What is used now is Sun Tzu’s Art of War, Thirty-six Stratagems, and modern air and naval battles. set.

What's even more frightening is that Valo mastered this method after a short period of study, and then used this method to fight the earth, making the people on the earth mistakenly think that this is really the mainstream method of warfare in the star sea.

Zhou Qiongkong is talented, but how can he fight against others with wrong Star Wars theories and backward warships?

So, after another hour, Zhou Qiong was defeated.

Not only my deskmates, many classmates also started crying.

Qin Yue was expressionless and still flipping through the book.

"Aren't you sad? Isn't Zhou Qiong your idol?" The deskmate turned his head and looked at Qin Yue, who looked calm, and asked in surprise.

"What's the use of crying? Can the Wallow fleet be killed by crying?" Qin Yue asked.

Besides, where is this? You have to know that in the next four hundred years, the earth will not win a single war with the outside world!

Do you think that if you win Valor, the light will come?


After that, we encountered a more powerful civilization. This time, the Earth did not even have a chance to resist, and was directly invaded into the star area. All the 9.5 billion Star Sea players on the Earth were killed to the point of mental collapse. They exited the Star Sea and could not reconnect.

There were 9.5 billion more vegetative people on the earth in an instant, and the remaining conscious people were all minors under the age of 16 who were not fully mentally developed.

And what they have to face is an alien fleet heading straight for their home on Earth!

"However, now that I am reborn, I have the opportunity to change everything!" Qin Yue's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness. He is also a person who has commanded tens of thousands of fleets to participate in large-scale wars, and because of his plug-in, not only in the battle for the destruction of the earth, Survived in the sea of ​​​​stars and turned against the wind, destroying the civilization that destroyed the earth.

Unfortunately, what followed was a higher-level blow.

The scene switched to the studio. In the studio, two men and one woman were sitting, and the names of three people were displayed on the screen.

The fat one with black-framed glasses on his face is called Dou Bo, the thin one with glasses and a bit of handsome appearance is called Yuan Chang, and the tall female host next to him with a great heart is named He Suxi.

Qin Yue glanced at them twice and then lowered his head. They were all old acquaintances. It seemed that his rebirth had not had any impact on the world for the time being.

The expressions of the three hosts were not very good, and Su Xi looked like she was about to cry. After all, her team had lost the battle, but what was uncomfortable was that they had to endure the grief and tell the result of the game.

"After the battle between Major General Wang and Major General Valo Tatakop, the competition surrounding the ownership of the Dark Island Star District has come to an end. Unfortunately, we lost all four games. The Dark Island Sector was developed by 36,442 explorers with their lives."

"All the videos of this competition will be uploaded to the Xinghai Blue Star public network by the military for all citizens to watch. After that, the war copy derived from this competition will also be launched later. All Xinghai users can use their points to Enter the dungeon and play as our four commanders, them, them"

Su Xi choked up several times while broadcasting. At this point, she finally couldn't read anymore. Seeing this, Yuan Chang next to her quickly took the phone.

Qin Yue sighed, closed the book, and closed his eyes again.

The cession of the Dark Island Star Zone is inevitable, but whether the remaining two star zones can be preserved depends on the subsequent verification.

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