Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 100 Vero Tower and Vero Protoss

"Verota, what a ruthless race"

Not only be cruel to your enemies, but also be cruel to yourself!

After so many years of acting and so many members, no one has leaked the secret, and no member has ruined the plan of the entire group because of his personal development!

This unity, this collaboration, is simply terrifying!

And from the behavior of mining in the technology research and development center, we can also see that they are very tolerant!

They are not stuck on other technologies, but stuck on such key technologies, which shows that they not only understand Valo's needs well, but also know the future development direction of technology. Even with these technologies, they are likely to have already Breakthrough!

But they still maintain a peaceful and gentle image, and they will never fall out if they are not absolutely sure!

This behavior also proves that this is not a peaceful race at all, but they have maintained peace and gentleness in their genes, and they have persisted under Valo's nose for hundreds of thousands of years!

Horrible, really scary!

To put it another way, if you are an earthling, can you do this?

Obviously, it can't be done. Even if people with great wisdom formulate this policy, there will be some traitors who surrender and then betray their own people.

Even if he doesn't surrender, for the sake of Valor's respect, he will ignore the prohibitions and directly break through the technology that shouldn't be broken.

"They should also play a role in the destruction of Valo in the future, so there is no reason for such a ruthless clan to be destroyed along with Valo!" Qin Yue searched for the Virota clan.

There are many celebrities in the Virota tribe, and naturally there are a lot of pictures on the Internet.

Because their blood contains a large amount of hemocyanin, their skin is blue-purple.

They look like humans, with heads and arms, two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Blue lizard-like ears are on the top of the head. They have no hair. Males have horns on their foreheads, mostly single horns. There are also individuals with two horns, but the horns are not. It is not a symmetrical distribution, but one after the other.

The horns are black and purple, only 6 to 10 centimeters.

The lower body has no legs, but is made of squirming flesh like a snail. Some Virota people realize the benefits of long legs and use surgery to transform the lower body into the shape of legs, but it cannot be inherited genetically.

The ratio of upper and lower body height is 1:1, and the total height range is between 1.80 and 2.45 meters. Males are taller and females are shorter.

Qin Yue was a little shocked when he looked at the photos of the Virota clan. He was so familiar with the photos of this race!

Vero Protoss?

"Is it them?" Qin Yue raised his eyebrows. The Vero Protoss is a level 5 civilization, Vero Tower is only a level 2 civilization, and it is still a civilization enslaved by Valo. How can this be the same?

But they look so similar, they have the same plastic surgery on the corners of their heads, blue skin, and their upper bodies are almost identical!

It's just that when the Vero Protoss appeared, their lower body was basically contained in a flying sphere, so you couldn't see what it looked like.

But if you only look at the upper body, there is basically no difference between the two races!

"In less than 40,000 years, a civilization that was enslaved by a Level 2 civilization actually grew into a Level 5 civilization! This civilization is really terrifying!" Qin Yue confirmed that this should be a civilization that can endure and have strong execution ability. It is very logical that a strong civilization can develop into a level five civilization in tens of thousands of years!

"Varo still has five hundred years left. In the star sea, five hundred years is just a blink of an eye, so Virota should have accumulated enough power to resist Valo, and is just waiting for an opportunity. If I detonate these two in advance, If there is a conflict between two races, they will start fighting immediately!" Qin Yue thought for a while and shook her head.

Neither Earth nor Qin Yue have developed yet. Once Virota and Valo fight, their small civilization may not be able to watch the fun and will be wiped out.

Furthermore, the ruins of the Yuanzhou Civilization are left behind by the Black Thorn Civilization. Qin Yue’s Black Thorn Civilization was blocked by Wallow for five hundred years.

Without Valo, the Black Thorn Civilization would march forward, and not only would the Earth be destroyed, but when this sector was destroyed, even the real Earth would suffer!

As for why the Blackthorn civilization is so obsessed with the earth, there are obviously many civilizations that can be defeated.

This can only be said. Qin Yue doesn't know why. Anyway, when they knew about the existence of Black Thorn Civilization, the two sides had already become enemies.

"So, I must develop first. Technology is not the main reason that limits my development speed. Resources are. It just so happens that Verota is Valo's steward, and a large number of resources are running through their hands."

Qin Yue searched for the forces related to Virota in Lada Sky City, which can instill the will into the entire race. If he finds any Virota person, he should be able to talk directly to their highest level.



Qin Yue turned on the camera in confusion and saw a Varro man standing next to his battleship. He also held a hollow metal stick more than ten meters long in his hand. At this time, he was knocking on the door with the stick. When the metal collided, there was a sound A tinkling sound.

"Hello, this is the battleship where the Moran family participates in the Moran Genius Battle. Are you okay?" Qin Yue asked while holding the microphone.

He didn't want to go out. He had to bow to these Wallow people when he went out!

"Which main lineage are you from, Kewan?" asked the Waluo man outside.

"Kewan? No." Qin Yue recalled it, shook his head and said, "I don't know anyone from Kewan."

"Is that the lineage of Bobosha?" the Varro asked again.

"No" Qin Yue replied.

The two lines of Kewan and Bobosha are the two lines that take turns in power in the Moran family, and they are also the main lines.

"Then which lineage do you belong to in the Shangmen area?" the Valoran asked again.

"I'm not from the outbound area," Qin Yue replied. Mo Lan Yunze was from the lower outpost area. If he were in the outbound area, how could he be assigned to a place like the Dark Island Star District that doesn't give a damn?

"Then do you know any important people in the upper area or the main line?" The Walor man continued to ask.

"Um" This person checked the household registration? , or what?

Qin Yue thought for a while and said, "I don't know anyone. What's the matter with you?"

"Very good!" The Varro man turned around, took out a nearly one-meter-long, silver-gray, high-tech firearm from a car-like vehicle next to him, pointed it at Qin Yue's battleship, and then shouted: "Give me money, why don't I destroy your battleship, then let's see how you compete!"

Damn it, am I being robbed? Is the security situation in Lada Sky City like this? This is a battleship parking area. There are no less than a million battleships around. How come someone is driving a car to rob a place like this openly?

Qin Yue pressed a button casually, and a side window opened next to the battleship, and then a muzzle with a diameter of two meters stretched out and aimed at the man.

"Go away, are you looking for death?!" Qin Yue shouted.

"Originally, I only planned to ask for 100,000, but since you pointed the muzzle at me, you still yelled at me! Now, I can't do this for more than 1 million!" The Navarro man simply sat on the ground. : "Come on, fire the cannon. Do you know that in Lada City, battleships are not allowed to fire the cannon. Once you fire the cannon, your qualifications for the genius battle will be revoked. I will not regret dying. Anyway, I will die." , but if your qualifications are cancelled, your family will be ruined in the future!"

I asked why Molan Yunze wanted to give me money. I also thought that as an earthling, how could I go to Valo's shopping mall to buy things? What is the use of this 100,000 yuan?

Qin Yue pressed another button, and the gun was retracted, but what was stretched out again was a gun!

"What now?" Qin Yue asked

"Ah this." The Navarro man was shocked. Is there such an operation?

Also, are you sick? Who would install a gun on a battleship? What is the use of such fancy functions?

Qin Yue continued: "Since you threatened me with a gun, it proves that the gun can be fired, right? Anyway, you will die. I don't believe that the master behind you would offend a genius for such a thing. What you did I guess it’s a shameful thing to do. If it gets too big, it won’t be good for everyone!”

"Yeah, you're cruel! Cricket 01, right? I've remembered your boat, just wait for me!" The Valoran got up angrily, threw his gun into the car, and was about to leave.

But Qin Yue shouted from behind: "Hey brother, don't leave, come and have a chat."

"Who is your brother? Also, do you want to surrender now? It's too late!" The Navarro man shouted proudly: "If you want to solve it again, you have to pay 2 million now!"

"You must be scared, right? Think about it. After all, you want to steal my money and you don't dare to get on my boat now. That's normal. It's human nature and there's no shame in it!!" Qin Yue said sincerely Analyze this for the Valor man.

The car that had started stopped and even backed up.

"Hmph, it's human nature to be scared of you? It's a joke! Just come!"

The Wallow man opened the car door directly, without even taking his gun, and rushed to Qin Yue's battleship and shouted: "Open the door!"

Tsk, the method of stimulating generals is really easy to use, and it works repeatedly.

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