Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 113 A wave of fatness

"The battle went smoothly. They never thought that we would break in from here!" Moran Baizi was very excited. He was also a well-known one among Moran's geniuses, otherwise he would not have been able to grab the position of vice president.

As for why Moran Yunze could become the president, it was purely because of Qin Yue's face, because the organizational structure and program of Yuan Yi Society were basically all proposed by Qin Yue.

But he was not a Valo, so he could not join Yuan Yi Society, so Moran Yunze became the president.

Anyway, this president changed every 30 years, and everyone didn't pay much attention to this position.

The geniuses took the fleet to attack the channel gate, which was equivalent to elite mercenaries attacking a small police station in a county town, which was naturally easy to capture.

After all, all military defense facilities are basically for defending against foreign enemies, and the resistance to internal forces is often very weak.

There are large armies deployed before and after the channel. When this road was designed, it was not considered that it might be used as a passage by the enemy to attack.

When the enemy can go here, it means that the several legions deployed in the secret door area have been destroyed. At this time, what is the point of heavily guarding the channel!

As a result, this weakness was taken advantage of by Yuan Yishe.

"Is this what you want?" Seeing the door rumbling open from the inside, and looking at this group of excited geniuses, Moran Yunze pondered for a long time and finally came to his senses!

Unlike this group of confused geniuses, he wrote the article and participated in the whole process.

Except for the shot that was just fired in the cabin, he didn't understand it, but he saw everything else!

If he thought Qin Yue was simply helping him before, now he has seen that this is not helping himself, this is clearly harming Moran!

"Any questions?" Qin Yue asked back: "Although my purpose is not simple, you are also moving in a hopeful direction, aren't you! This is a win-win situation!"

"This" Moran Yunze was silent, he couldn't refute it.

I know you want to plunge my tribe into civil strife, but I can't hate you.

Because this corrupt, rigid, power-hungry, upper-class controlled tribe has indeed reached the point where it needs to change.

But if I want to change it, it is basically impossible to succeed by my own strength. Besides, he has no correct ideas and no correct methods. Even if he takes action, he doesn't know where to start.

What's more, he is not good at talking and it is impossible to attract allies.

But now, after Qin Yue's operation, he has at least 40 like-minded members, and he also knows how to go for a long time in the future!

"You want to take advantage of our Moran civil war to strengthen your Heavenly Court civilization and return to the glory of Heavenly Court, but have you ever thought that if Yuan Yishe replaces Moran, you will face a stronger, more united, and more aggressive Moran!" Moran Yunze asked, "Aren't you afraid of being out of control?" "I have no choice. A weak civilization doesn't have so many choices. I can only take one step at a time." Qin Yue shook his head and smiled bitterly: "If I were a level 5 or 6 civilization, why would I have to go through so much trouble? Wouldn't it be enough to just attack all the way? But now it can only be like this. Even if it is a cup of poisoned wine, in front of a person who is about to die of thirst, he will drink it without hesitation!" Moran Yunze was silent for a long time. Although he hated his family, he loved his civilization very much. Valo gave birth to me and raised me. I am proud of Valo. Any existence that may threaten Valo should be destroyed mercilessly by me! I can destroy him, I can change it, but I don't allow other civilizations to taint him! So.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Moran Yunze asked: "At this moment, you have nowhere to escape. Even if you have the relics in your hand, it will take time for the relics star gate to open. It is enough for us to kill you many times!"

"But you need me, don't you!" Qin Yue smiled and said: "When you land, Yuanyi Society will be full of enemies. You will be short of resources and have no support for a long time. If I am outside, can you get some resource guarantees?"

Molan Yunze gritted his teeth and had to admit that this Shihuo hit the nail on the head.

He used to praise Shihuo as the descendant of ancient civilization, knowledgeable and extraordinary, but in fact, he was complimenting him most of the time.

He cooperated with Qin Yue, but he was always on guard. He kept complimenting him to test Qin Yue's ability bottom line.

But now, he had to praise him sincerely. This Shihuo is indeed worthy of being the descendant of the ancient heavenly civilization.

Their Yuanyi Society is a cup of poison to Shihuo, and Shihuo is not the same to Yuanyi Society?

Now they are brothers in distress who rely on each other. When everyone develops, it will be like seeking the skin of a tiger! However, he had to do it. After all, forty young people from Valo went to resist a ten-thousand-year-old family. It would be difficult for Yuan Yishe to take this road. Moran Yunze could only bet that when he won, the Heavenly Court civilization would not grow too big! In fact, he did not take the Heavenly Court civilization seriously. It is true that the Heavenly Court civilization was once glorious, but after so many years, how much power can they still have? Especially since their base is only one planet, how many people can a planet reproduce? Although the strength of a civilization is largely determined by its technological strength, population is also one of the real standards of civilization potential.

You don’t have many people. If I give you 100 million starships, will anyone drive them?

So when the time comes, as long as I get Moran, Heaven will be destroyed!

"I shouldn't have believed you in the first place, and then signed a damn contract with you!" Moran Yunze said coldly, and then went to find his two vice presidents.

This already means not refuting.

Qin Yue hurriedly chased after him: "Well, President, when you enter the lower gate area, your battleships will be useless. If you are captured by Wallow, your identities may be exposed, or else Give it to me?"

"Take it and take it!" Moran Yunze, who was now interested in the whole of Moran, didn't care about these battleships at all.

Although these seem to be many, there are even provincial starships, but compared with the strength of the entire Moran, it is just like that.

They entered the Xiamen District, and these warships were no longer needed. After all, Moran was afraid of starting a war in the Xiamen District and damaging the infrastructure of Sky City, and they, Yuan Yishe, were also afraid!

It cannot be blown up. After all, there are so many affiliated races on the ship. If the Yuan Yi Society wants to resist Moran, it must unite as many forces as possible.

These subordinate races are basically races that are good at commanding battleships in battle. If you trap them all here and let their tribes know about it later, when the war breaks out, they will paddle hard on your side and on the opposite side. They just carry the blood horse, who can withstand this!

Again, as long as I take down Moran, heavenly civilization will not be a problem.

If the Yuanyi Society fails, the problem of Tianting’s civilization will naturally not be my problem!

It's a pity that he didn't know that Qin Yue was not an ordinary descendant of heaven. He was an SSS-level talent. With the help of Sophon, one person could command thousands of troops.

The population issue that restricts civilization has never been a problem for Qin Yue.

A star gate slowly opened in the channel, expanding larger and larger, and eventually filled the entire channel!

On the other side, Yuan Yishe issued orders from top to bottom.

All the official members looked at their fleet reluctantly, then turned around and boarded the landing ship.

Their battlefield is in Sky City, so there is no need for battleships.

Behind the landing ship, battleships, city-level starships, and provincial-level starships one after another are quickly passing through the star gate and entering the circular ruins!

Qin Yue looked at these battleships silently. Although his face was expressionless, he was already crazy with joy in his heart!

What is a wave of fat?

This is a wave of fat!

When I came, I was just a starship, but when I left...

Haha, hiccup

No, I won’t laugh until I return to the ruins. It’s still too early to laugh now.

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