Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 118 Entering the ruins in advance

Qin Yue's speed was extremely fast. He had just destroyed a fleet here and immediately opened the star gate.

First enter the ruins, and when you come out, you are already above Titan!

Sophon recorded the coordinates very accurately. When he said it was 1 o'clock, it would never be 2 o'clock!

Therefore, the location where they appeared was also extremely precise, just above the city of Titan, above a tall spire.

The tower is completely black and is in the shape of a triangular rhombus. Its base is 1,200 meters long and 26,000 meters high. It is shaped like the tip of a pen and reaches into the sky.

This thing is nothing else, but a communication tower. It can emit leptons that can pass through the star gate to communicate with other star regions.

Of course Qin Yue can't keep this thing, otherwise when they finish contacting each other, Moran's rapid response fleet will come over!

Fire directly!

The outer shell of the tall spire is made of extremely high-quality materials. Not only is it made of dark gold, it is also covered with a layer of azure shield, which is a deep gold shield.

But Qingluan, apart from anything else, has a strong attack ability. There can be tens of thousands of cannons on one side of a starship. When aiming at a single point to focus the fire, even the golden shield cannot sustain it for 2 minutes!

Especially Qin Yue once entered Titan and invaded Titan's network!

Therefore, before Qin Yue's shells hit the shield, the shield suddenly disappeared, and countless electromagnetic guns and mountain-shaped ships hit the spire like a downpour.

The rigidity of the minaret is compared to severe weather such as earthquakes and typhoons. How could it withstand such artillery fire?

In just an instant, the spire was blown into countless pieces, and the subordinate races below were also damaged.

Qin Yue had no time to sympathize with them. The starship passed through the star gate and fled. When it came out again, it was near the star gate again!

But it's not the star gate connecting the Beidou Star District, but the star gate connecting the Luochuan Star District on the other side.

The fleet that Molan Yunze left to guard the star gate was not elite, and had little experience in fighting. It had no precautions at all. When it saw a star gate open, it even thought it was one of its own.

The next second, they were targeted by hundreds of cannons and taken away in one wave!

Qin Yue has no idea of ​​breathing a sigh of relief, because this can't be hidden!

Why would Valo bring a large number of subordinate races with him wherever he went?

Because the subordinate race can not only work, but also an eye.

Even if you cut off all routes of external communication, as long as an affiliated race dies, it is equivalent to being drained, and they will know from reality that something happened in Xinghai.

It’s just that this process needs to be reported, it’s just a little slower.

Qin Yue has no time to dig, and now is not the time to have a hard time with Wallow.

He must enter the ruins.

Returning to Kunlun Star first, flying over the large factory area below, Qin Yue asked: "Is Yuelu there?"

"Yes!" Tomoko replied! : "She doesn't know what happened yet and is still arranging the birth."

Qin Yue frowned. Yuelu, this conscientious moon sheep, has gone to work every day since arriving in Kunlun, focusing on production and arranging all work in an orderly manner. He is still 007 every day and never takes a break.

Although he was a spy planted by Molan Yunze, the information he reported to Molan Yunze every time was extremely restrained. He could clearly detect the inexplicable disappearance of mineral resources, but he also pretended not to see it.

She actually helped Qin Yue a lot.

But Qin Yue had no choice. He didn't know about Molan's situation at the beginning, and he even thought about inciting Yuelu to rebel and gave her a lot of ideological knowledge from the earth.

He believes that Yuelu has not been exposed, but when Wallow's army arrives, it might not happen!

Take her away?

It's also unrealistic, because this is the sea of ​​stars, not reality.

As long as they control Yuelu's real body, Yuelu will still go offline.

This is a civilized war, and there is no room for the Holy Mother. If you don’t die, it will be me and the people on earth who will die.

So I can only...

Qin Yue sighed and pressed the fire button.

In the past year, all the equipment, all factories manufactured by Qin Yue in Kunlun, and even the warships still parked on the production line and the completed warships that failed to take off.

There were also the conscientious Moon Sheep, all of whom were wiped out in the gunfire.

Qin Yue turned around again and headed straight for Lan Wuxing.

The moment he left, a huge star gate with a diameter of more than 20,000 kilometers appeared in the sky above Titan. It started from scratch and slowly opened at a smaller point.

From emergence to full opening, it took more than 10 minutes!

This also means that the area of ​​the ruins to which this star gate belongs, that is, the small universe, is very large, much larger than Qin Yue's star gate with only one planet!

The larger the small universe, the larger the star gate that can be deployed, and the more time it takes.

Then, from the star gate, one battleship after another jumped out of the star gate.

The first thing that appeared was like a legless crab. What was fluttering in the air under the shell was not the legs, but eight slender tentacles.

They look slender, but that is compared to the battleships above. In fact, these tentacles are all made of machinery. The diameter at the end of the tentacles is more than 150 meters, the top is more than 800 meters, and the length of the tentacles is 30 kilometers!

Such tentacled crab battleships were as densely packed as locusts, and there were countless of them. After they flew out of the star gate, they quickly spread to the entire star region.

After the crab battleship, there is the flea battleship, which is dozens of times larger in area. It is shaped like a flea, but has no legs, and there are still tentacles floating below.

On the flea bug, there is a line of words printed on it: Moran Rapid Reaction Corps·Fourth Fleet!

The number of flea ships is still huge, but it can be counted, with as many as 3,000 ships.

After the flea ship, there is a battleship that is ten times larger. The length and width of the battleship have reached 300 kilometers, and the level has jumped from battleship to starship!

City-level starship!

If Qin Yue were here, he would definitely recognize that these strange-shaped starships, like traveling shoes placed upside down, are exactly the same as one of the starships he owns!

This is the military starship Conqueror that Valo is serving on.

Not many conquerors came, only 30 ships, and no ships came out after that.

This is normal. After all, I heard reports that the enemy only has one starship, but we have 30 ships here, and we already think highly of you!

"Where is the enemy!" asked the commander-in-chief of this operation on the flagship of the rapid response fleet.

"Still searching, but we estimate that he left the Dark Island Star District and went to the Luochuan Star District!" This is easy to reason, because Qin Yue first destroyed the spire, and then destroyed the Luochuan Star Gate's guards.

It looked like he had left the Luochuan Star Gate.

"Who is the leader of the Luochuan Star District?"

"Wait a moment, we are checking. It's Moran Ke."

"Order him to cooperate in searching the entire star region and find the whereabouts of that starship!" The commander-in-chief looked serious: "By the way, is there any information about that starship? Which force does it belong to?"

The status of starships in civilization is comparable to sniper rifles in earth civilization. They are both deadly weapons that can threaten the survival of big figures.

Therefore, suddenly hearing that a starship was attacking territory in the Dark Island sector was no different than the police receiving a report that someone was killing someone with a sniper gun.

Everyone should know how much attention should be paid to it.

"It's not clear yet. We can't rule out that they are star thieves wandering around!"

The staff officer thought for a while and then asked: "Is there only one star gate in this dark island star area?"

"There are two, and the other leads to the territory of a primitive civilization. That civilization is currently level 0.75."

"0.75!" The commander-in-chief had a headache when he heard the level of 0.75.

It's also a little too primitive.

Because the civilization level is too low, even if the starship drives into their territory or above their heads, the accompanying optical stealth and radar stealth effects will make Terman invisible...

So if the starship went over there, it would be in vain to ask unless you take the initiative to expose it.

"Send a ship over and ask them to cooperate with the investigation!" The commander-in-chief waved his hand, not expecting any investigation results.

After all, this is Xinghai. There are too many cases like this that have no beginning and no end, and he doesn't expect to get any results from the investigation.

As for occupying this level 0.75 civilization?

Stop making trouble, he is from the quick reaction force and is only responsible for internal support, not external battles.

There are specialized departments responsible for whether to wage war against a civilization, how to fight it, and to what extent it will be fought. They do not dare to overstep their authority.

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