Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 130 Prelude to Battle

"Did it start from the previous test of Level 25?" Qin Yue thought for a while and felt that this should be the case.

After all, it was at that time that the ruin's attitude towards him changed drastically.

After getting Baoluo Tianjue, Qin Yue quickly opened it and saw where he was first.

Dark Island Star Area, Blue Crow Galaxy.

Next to it, the Beidou Star District, Tianqin Star District, and Luochuan Star District are all on top!

However, after Qin Yue opened the Tianqin star area, he found that the Yuanzhou ruins were not there!

"I don't know what age the Starfall ruins are, but I'm afraid it should be hundreds of thousands of years old, because many of the star areas belonging to Valo are marked as unowned, and Valo can't even be found here." So. The Starfall ruins existed before Valo.

But after such a long time, Qin Yue was the first to arrive, which only shows that this ruins are well hidden in the sun.

"Then since I am a friendly person, can I get something more?" Qin Yue came to the next star and applied for another test.

The result was that there was not even a sound of report.

"Well, it seems that's not possible." Even if you are a friendly person, you can be exempted from the test, but you still can't get more.

"In that case, let's go out." Qin Yue left the test space with the starships he had earned through war. No one stopped him. It seemed that he was allowed to take these fleets away.

Of course, it is also possible that the fifth-level civilization looks down on this garbage.

"Senior, let's leave then." Before leaving, Qin Yue bowed respectfully to the mulberry tree. He felt that someone should be monitoring this place. The most likely reason is that it is this mulberry tree!

Although it is a bit strange to talk to a mulberry tree, the world is full of wonders. A body made of a ball of flesh can talk. Who said plants can't!

After leaving the star gate, Qin Yue found that she was not near the sun, but on a cold, desolate planet whose surface was completely covered by ice.

He glanced at Baoluo Tianjue. It turned out to be the sixth planet in the Guanmen Galaxy in the Dark Island Star District. It looked like this because it was far away from the sun.

After landing on the planet with the fleet, Qin Yue summarized the gains from this ruins.

The first is the third-level battleship: a water drop.

In addition, there are 80 starships, including 40 starships that can launch disintegration rays and 10 starships that can launch negative energy rays. Although the technical level of these 50 starships is still level 2, their weapon lethality is actually 3 ~Level 4 level.

The remaining 20 ships, except for the Qingluan, are all ordinary starships, and their combat effectiveness is equivalent to that of Valo's standard starship.

Including the 276 city-level starships in the Circular Ruins, Qin Yue has 356 city-level starships and 18 provincial-level starships!

Valo's fleet has a standard fleet of 12 provincial-level starships and 72 city-level starships. Subsequent ships of each level will be increased by six.

Each corps has 3 fleets, and the special forces corps has 5 to 7 fleets.

In terms of the number of starships, Qin Yue is still not as good as one of Wallow's corps, but taking into account the disintegration rays and negative energy rays that can catch the opponent off guard, Qin Yue estimates that the power in his hands is already comparable to a Wallow army. The Corps is facing a head-on confrontation!

It has been almost two years since the rebirth, from scratch to now!

"I'm 20 years old this year. What was I doing when I was 20 in my previous life? Was I in love?" Qin Yue thought about it, her memory a little blurry.

He was clearly recalling who his first love was, but it was Bai Qing's face that appeared.

"Rub" Qin Yue was a little speechless.

Open Baoluo Tianjue and release 360 ​​jade beads. I don’t know how these beads are powered. They fly very fast and cannot be intercepted. A basketball-sized jade bead placed in the universe is like a speck of dust falling into the sea. , only a ghost can find it.

However, Qin Yue did not dare to dismantle it. The technology of the fifth-level civilization is like a black box. It can be used but cannot be dismantled. Forcibly dismantling it may cause problems.

Baoluo Tianjue was extremely efficient. Qin Yue had just sat down for a while and had already returned without even boiling a cup of tea.

Also brought back was the updated information about the Dark Island Star Area.

"Dark Island Star District, current owner: Wallow Civilization, district owner: Moran Jie, population: 1.762 billion."

"Mo Lan Jie, he has taken office?" Qin Yue frowned, and why did the population increase so much?

At the time of Moran Yunze, the population here should have been only about 30 million!

Qin Yue opened Baoluo Tianjue and zoomed in and out on the Titan like a map in a game!

Of course, the cameras of the fifth-level civilization do not have the problem of unclear pictures. Instead, they can clearly take pictures of every hair of everyone here. If you continue to zoom in, you can even see cells, cell nuclei, DNA, and even the combination of gene fragments on them. arrangement!

If you continue to zoom in, you can even see molecules, atoms, smaller protons, neutrons, and quarks!

But that’s it. I can’t continue to view it. Maybe it’s because the lower level involves the observer effect?

Those hiding underground, and even those in the room, are impossible to hide. As long as you pull over, you can see people directly through the surface!

"Hey, I thought you were just a small map. I didn't expect you were an electron microscope plus water polo technique." Qin Yue was shocked. It would be so exciting to put this thing on someone who likes to peek!

However, Qin Yue is a serious person. He doesn't like peeping at all, and he doesn't like this special function of prying into people's privacy.

Well, that’s right!

"Why are they all Zhehai people!" Qin Yue looked at the extra race on the entire planet. Originally, there were only 30 million people on the Titan Star, and the extra billions were all Zhehai people!

Zhehai people are a subsidiary race of Valo, with slimy and brown skin.

They have four hands and four feet, two fingers on each hand and foot, and suction cups on their arms and legs. They can walk, but they are more suitable for swimming.

Their civilization originated in the sea and has never landed, so the civilization is also built in the sea.

However, Valo adheres to the usual practice of not making the subsidiary races comfortable and moved the Zhehai people to the shore.

Zhehai people who breathe with gills and need the buoyancy of water to maintain the pressure in their bodies must be uncomfortable on the shore. If they are exposed to the air for a long time, they will not only be dehydrated, but also suffocate to death.

Therefore, they put on space suits filled with seawater, a glass cover on their heads, and an oxygen tank on their backs, looking like astronauts.

Such an inconvenient race should have been extinct long ago?

But in fact, this race has expanded amazingly in the hands of Valor, from 2.3 million when it first surrendered to tens of trillions today!

Fifteen zeros after the number!

The main reason for this is that they can eat!

Although the Zhehai people are human, if their wisdom is ignored, they are also seafood, and they taste fresh and crispy. Whether they are eaten raw, grilled, fried, or boiled, they taste very good.

The Valor people definitely do not regard the Zhehai people as human beings, so the Zhehai people are bred in large numbers. Whether in reality or in the star sea, they are food.

Second, Valor needs the Zhehai people to divert conflicts.

The Zhehai people reproduce very quickly. They are oviparous, with 20 to 40 eggs per egg, but because of the harsh environment and diseases, only 3 to 4 can survive in the end. But with the help of Valor technology, now they can not only give birth to 60 to 80 eggs per litter, but also have a survival rate of nearly 100%!

Because the Zhehai people are sea dwellers, their living habits are quite different from other races. The Zhehai people who were driven to the sea would be distinguished from other races in every way. They could not chat, play, or eat together, so naturally they could not unite or make friends.

But there were too many Zhehai people. A large group of people who did not play with other races would naturally cause fear and hatred from other races.

In addition, the Zhehai people tasted too good, and there were many people in the subordinate races who liked to eat them. The more Zhehai people were caught, the deeper the hatred between them and other races.

Then the Waluo people secretly spread some news that the Zhehai people had occupied the resources of other races.

Now, the hatred of the Zhehai people being eaten was transferred from Waluo to other subordinate races, and the hatred of the subordinate races for Waluo was also transferred to the Zhehai people.

Waluo's rule over the subordinate races was more stable!

"So, Moran Jie is a person who raises Zhehai people. He brought all the industries here!!" Qin Yue felt helpless. If there were only 30 million people originally, it would be easy to kill them, but now it has become more than one billion. Even if Qin Yue is ruthless, there is a huge psychological pressure to kill them. Is it okay not to kill them? If you don't kill them, there are more than one billion Zhehai people than the people from China who have entered the Xinghai. If they surrender, you will accept it or not, but our constitution stipulates that everyone is equal. After accepting, there are so many people. Since everyone is equal, don't you have to give them some rights and let them govern themselves? How should the official position of the Zhehai leader who manages more than one billion Zhehai people be determined? Should they be given the right to form a fleet if they want to? The Chinese love to eat so much. What if someone can't help but take action against the Zhehai people? Will they be punished for murder? The birth rate of the Zhehai people is much higher than that of the earthlings. There are 80 children in one birth, and each one is comparable to the heroine of Jinjiang. In less than two years, the population will crush the earth. Since everyone is equal, shouldn't they have most of the rights with so many people? When they have most of the power, how will they treat the earthlings? Don't forget that some of you have eaten their compatriots! Qin Yue has seen too many such problems, so there is no room for saints in the sea of ​​stars! "Well, my heart has been trained, it's time to train Bai Langlang!!" Qin Yue came to the Circumference Ruins and woke up Bai Langlang who was still simulating a star war. "What's the matter?" Bai Langlang was not very interested. After all, every time he was called before, he was either asked to supervise the construction or to have a new ship for him to see. Although it is exciting to see the new ship, don't forget that when Qin Yue tried to win him over, he said that there would be actual battles for him to fight! But now, it's all about fighting simulated battles! Although the simulated battle is also very good, it is still a little bit lacking. "The time has come!" Qin Yue supported the newly made Emperor Jun crown and said, "Bai Ze, I order you to go and recapture the Dark Island Star Region now. Are you willing?" "Well, well?" Bai Langlang's round, expressionless face instantly became active: "Really, really!"

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