Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 152: Raising Heavenly King

"The muscle strength is still too low and cannot withstand the vacuum environment."

"Resistant to high temperature, high pressure, earthquake and radiation"

"You can only breathe oxygen, and many planetary environments cannot adapt to it. Add nitrogen, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide."

"Height is also a big issue. A height of 1.4 meters is not intimidating at all! Not to mention seven or eight meters, at least three or four meters is fine!"

The clone has basically taken shape, but Qin Yue did not wake up, but continued to adjust various parameters in the spacecraft.

By the way, search to see who has a memory transfer device.

The memory transmission device is not a decisive technology for civilization upgrading, but it is also a necessary technology.

Because as the level of civilization increases, more and more technological content will be involved. Even if the genes of civilization members are upgraded and their wisdom is greatly improved, it still takes a long time to learn.

By the time he can work for civilization, thirty or forty years may have passed, and people have passed the peak of their wisdom!

Qin Yue originally thought that Valo should have such a device, but after searching, he found that it did exist, but it was not open to the public!

Only some high-ranking families have popularized this technology. They can use memory transmission devices to quickly pass on knowledge, achieving the effect of producing elites from generation to generation, and their ancestors will not deteriorate for generations, and can even become stronger than one generation after another. But what about civilians?

Who would treat civilians as human beings?

"So, if I want this kind of technology, I have to attack a top family?" Qin Yue felt a headache.

The Moran family is big enough, but the Moran family doesn't have this kind of technology!

The Moran family, which directly controls the star region, is basically a poor family among the Valo noble class. Families like the Lord of Baimu Mountain are considered to be mid-level families, the higher-level nobles of the Heavenly King's territory, and the nobles of the Supreme Sky Territory. They are the high-ranking nobles.

"You shouldn't have rejected Virota so early!" Qin Yue sighed, and then continued to search for information from all parties.

It's not that he can't attack these top families, but he only has so much power in his hands. It makes no sense to spend a lot of effort to attack a top family. The income and effort are not proportional at all.

He would not do a business that was losing money.

You can say that I bully the weak and fear the strong, but this is how it is in the military. If you have nothing to do, you will be one-on-one with you, and if you have nothing to do, you will think about defeating the strong with the weak all day long.

The earth is still a weakling, and the one who determines whether the earth can survive in the hands of the Black Thorn Civilization in the future is basically Qin Yue. This is a battle that can determine the rise and fall of a civilization, so naturally he must use all possible means.

The method of using troops is to surround an enemy with ten, to attack with five, to fight if it is doubled, to divide the enemy, to escape if the enemy is few, to avoid it if the enemy is weak. Therefore, if the small enemy is strong, the big enemy can be captured.

"There are so many families and so many wars. I don't believe there is no loophole to exploit!" Qin Yue simply held an information base station, linked to Wallow's public network, and compiled countless true, false, and messy information. Together, and then analyze slowly.

On August 24, 2022, a joint investigation team from Baimushan officials and the Baimushan Virota Chamber of Commerce entered Rada Sky City and began to investigate the cause of Moran Zhongya’s death. However, it was discovered that Moran Zhongya’s body had been killed in the chaos. destroy.

On August 27, 2022, Supreme Sky and Wilotta Chief Ke Zhao issued a joint speech, stating that the two races have cooperated for hundreds of thousands of years and have always been close, and that the death of Moran Zhongya was deliberately planned.

On August 30, 2022, Supreme Sky and the leader of the Virota tribe negotiated and signed a ceasefire declaration. That night, the leader of the Cangjia clan, the fourth largest affiliated race of Valo, was shot six times in the back. Valo announced the cause of death as suicide. The Cangjia clan did not believe the investigation. As a result, the rebellion began.

On September 5, 2022, the ceasefire agreement negotiations failed. The leader of the Virota clan was imprisoned and later committed suicide in prison. Virota discussed inviting the Chosen One to bring justice, but Valo refused.

On September 11, 2022, Valo threatened Verota with three Chosen Ones and ordered Verota to surrender. Verota refused, and a battle broke out between the two sides for this sector.

On September 14, 2022, the Bailing clan, the second largest clan affiliated with Valo, secretly organized a fleet to attack the prison, rescued one of their own chosen ones, and also released a large number of chosen ones from other races. Since then, A larger rebellion was born.

On September 17, 2022, the 27th day after the death of Molan Zhongya, in view of the fact that the rebel forces of the subordinate races were too strong and bloomed in many places throughout Valor, the Supreme Sky of Valor issued an order to allow each lord to take charge of the territory to which he belongs. The government-run shipyard expands the size of the fleet and quickly destroys the enemy.

On October 1, 2022, a war broke out between the Saisu family and the Inari family under the command of Shiraki Mountain. The main fleet of Shiraki Mountain was intercepted by the affiliated races and could not be stopped. The major families suddenly found that the official could no longer restrain their actions, so they attacked one after another and began Seizing the territory, Valo officially entered the era of global war and divided nations.

Today is October 5, 2022. I don’t know if it was because of the lag in news transmission or something, but Qin Yue knew that Verota’s hometown was being attacked. Before that, Vallo had launched a live broadcast to let the public watch their heroic appearance, but because of the U.S. Rota had already made preparations, but Valo couldn't attack for a long time, so the live broadcast was simply turned off.

Not only was the live broadcast gone, but all the recorded videos on the Internet were also deleted, which made Qin Yue have to guess that Valo might not be able to break into Virota's home sector at all.

"That's too cruel. Fighting for the chosen one and holding on to this star area seems to be the same idea. As long as I am strong, it doesn't matter if the star gate is open every day!" Qin Yue thought for a while, the truth is This principle should not be imitated by low-level civilizations. That would be courting death. Just protect your own star gate honestly.

"Hey, this is it." Qin Yue saw another announcement, from King Chunyang.

The Tianwang Changyang is the king of the area where Qin Yue is, one of the twenty-eight kings. However, he is still a king after all. His rank is too far away from Moran, so Qin Yue has not paid much attention to their news.

King Kuangyang was also fighting, but his fight was harder, because he not only had to fight against subordinate races and careerists, but also had to resist foreign enemies.

It was the civilization that had been fighting against Valo before the arrival of the Black Thorn Civilization.

This civilization is called the Kokuudu Civilization, but this is a transliteration. When translated into a free form, it should be the Baishi Civilization.

The original planet of the White Stone Civilization was covered with white limestone. When viewed from space, apart from the blue sea water, there were large expanses of white, just like a blue-white pearl dotted in the starry sky.

Wallow didn't know much about this civilization. When he first came into contact with it, he thought it was a very easy civilization to handle. As usual, he just fought there and signed some unequal treaties.

In fact, at this stage, Valo has stopped recruiting subordinate races, and has no intention of killing the White Stone Civilization. Everything he does is based on the previous inertia. However, he did not expect to find out after the fight that this White Stone Civilization is actually the same as Valo. Civilization of the same level!

And although the territory is not as good as Wallow, it is not small either. A large territory means there are many resources and a large number of starships can be manufactured.

They are very productive and can quickly replenish their losses. Their soldiers have a strong will to fight. There is no problem of subordinate races that do not like to fight.

The result was that as soon as the two sides started to fight, Valo was defeated one after another, and hundreds of star sectors were taken away by Whitestone Civilization.

Later, they paid more attention to it, but the battle situation was already tense, and the combat effectiveness of the two sides was very unmatched. The White Rock Civilization had been fighting one against ten all year round.

This may be because the battle strategy of the White Stone Civilization is different from that of Wallo. Under the influence of the subordinate races, Waro has become careless and interested in interests, but the White Stone Civilization is very pure and treats other civilizations as mortal enemies and likes to fight annihilation wars. It has always been to destroy the enemy's vitality.

"Such enemies are also very scary!" Qin Yue studied the Baishi Civilization and found that they were much more ruthless than Wallow.

Valo only wanted a star sector on the Earth. If he had encountered the White Stone Civilization at that time, the Earth would have been destroyed!

But it was the Black Thorn Civilization that destroyed the earth, so Qin Yue had no impression of the White Stone Civilization.

The announcement issued by King Tianyangtian means that you are facing enemies on many sides and your troops are no longer enough. Now you are recruiting soldiers and fleets. As long as you come, you will be given money and technology. You will be given official positions based on the strength of the fleet you bring, regardless of origin or identity. Even if you were a star thief before, a wanted criminal in Waro, or a gangster with no identity, King Chuyang will forget about it!

"Isn't this just prepared for me? King Chunyang must have a memory transmission device in his hand, but I'm not interested in memory transmission devices or official positions or money. I just want to make some contribution to Valo!"

Qin Yue chose to sign up based on the information in the notice.

What's the name? The source of death is the River Styx.

Fleet Strength: Standard Corps.

Soldier source?

Transformers from the Death Source Star Zone!

King, I am here to serve Valo!

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