Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 167: The Guide to Civilization

"Molan Yunze, what are you doing? What you said above was not discussed with us at all!" As soon as we returned to the backstage conference room, someone couldn't sit still.

"Yes, what do you think about improving the status of subordinate races?"

Qin Yue looked at them coldly: "Do you have any opinions?"

The two men who were so angry were immediately frightened: "Well, we are just curious!"

After single-handedly seizing the fleet, massacring subordinate races to occupy territory, and luring the enemy into using supernova explosions to destroy the Moran fleet, Moran Yunze's prestige has long been established.

According to the previously established rules, the president of Yuanyi Club is changed every five years, but now, even if Molan Yunze wants to abdicate himself, no one is qualified to take his place!

"Is there anything I don't want to explain to you when I do something? What's the rush?" Qin Yue snorted coldly and sat down.

"This is the data I made myself, you can take a look!" Qin Yue threw a stack of documents over.

"There are 44.8 billion Walo people living in Lada Sky City alone, not to mention other families, other mountains, and other kings' territories. All added together, we Walo people are afraid there are trillions!"

"But as of yesterday, we have been shouting slogans for half a year, and there are less than 20,000 Waro people who have come to join us! There seem to be many people who support us on the Internet, but after searching the ID, I found that there are only only Around 180 million.”

"what does that mean?"

"It means that many people seem to want our Yuan Yishe program, but this is a false prosperity. In fact, within the entire network, the people who support us are only one in a million."

A dozen people looked at the cold data and looked at each other.

Words can deceive people, thoughts can be distorted, but data is dead and true.

"Is there a problem with our philosophy? I don't think so!" Qin Yue said: "But there are not many people who support us. I'm wondering why. After thinking about it, there is only one reason, and that is that they don't understand the subordinate races. threaten!"

"How is it possible? The subordinate race has already rebelled!" someone asked.

"Yes, we have long recognized the dangers of subordinate races!"

Qin Yue shook his head: "Rebellious affiliated races are not dangerous, because such races have been labeled as traitors by us, and our hearts have subconsciously separated them from other affiliated races that have not rebelled! "

"When we see Yueyang, we won't think that he is also a rebellious subordinate race, because the Yueyang clan has not rebelled yet. As long as they don't rebel for a day, we will not be wary of them for a day!"

"Since we are not careful about these subordinate races, we naturally cannot realize their dangers, and naturally we cannot realize how correct our concept is and how necessary the MVGA is!"

"What about your policy?" Some smart people have already guessed the reason.

"That's right, I gave them status and the opportunity to mix with the Valor people. When they were a subordinate race, we couldn't see their harm. No matter how outrageous our propaganda was, they would only think that we were alarmists. , Only by letting them truly feel the harm of subordinate races will they know how good we are!”

"Given the status of subordinate races, in order to maintain this status, they will do whatever it takes to find mutual recognition. They will look for things belonging to their own civilization and cultural inheritance from history and records, and various festivals and customs will be born. Even taboo!”

"With the taboos on festivals and customs, they have the necessity not to be managed by foreigners, and they have to start seeking autonomy and political status!"

"With political status, they will want to go further, and what they rely on is their race. If they want to go further, the easiest way is to expand the population and increase the influence of the population!"

"But we can control the amount of resources entering the territory through regulatory measures. Once resources are limited, their expansion will inevitably affect Valo!"


All understood!

The Wallorans who have experienced pain and whose interests have been violated, and who see the threat of the subordinate races, will naturally become supporters of the MVGA. They are eager to drive out all the subordinate races, and the Yuanyi Society organization will expand rapidly. More and more members will apply to join. Because of the same philosophy, they will be extremely united. Everyone has the same thoughts and actions.

By then, 20,000 people will not be able to occupy the entire Valo, but 44.8 billion will be possible!

"Lord Moran Yunze, you are really great!"

"But even if it's for Vallo, if you make policies like this, your reputation will be ruined. Why don't you think about yourself!"

Qin Yue shook her head and smiled freely: "Compared with the universe, human life is as small as dust. How can such a short life bloom with the most beautiful light!"

"I think a person's life should be spent like this. When a person looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his years, nor be ashamed of being inactive; in this way, when he is dying, he can say, I have spent all my life. My life and all my energy are dedicated to the most precious cause in life - fighting for the greatness of Vallo."

Twelve people, 24 lines of tears fell slowly like a stream.

Some of them were forced to join the Yuan Yi Club, some did it for their inner ambitions, some were just happy with the situation, and some were seeking excitement.

But until this moment, they saw the first ray of light in their lives, they felt the meaning of their lives, and they found the lighthouse of life!

No one said a word, but everyone silently made an oath in their hearts. We will follow this ambition forever!

"Okay, don't cry. For the sake of our career, let's discuss future policies!" Qin Yue pulled out the projection: "First, we need to expand Lada Sky City. Although Sky City is already very big, we can only It’s a bit difficult to fit in the Valor people and the subordinate races. If we don’t live together, it will be difficult to implement our plan!”

"We are going to expand another district outside Lada Sky City. The current Upper Gate District is still called Upper Gate District, but the Lower Gate District has been renamed Zhongmen District. The new district expanded from the Dark Gate District is called Outer Gate District. There is no secret door area outside. The official name is the Starry Sky Area. We must create an absolutely fair environment for them. In the future, words such as the lower door area and the secret door area will be banned words. It is forbidden to spread these two words on the Internet in the Moran area. word!"

"By the way, having said that, the term "subordinate race" must also be changed. From now on, they will no longer be called "subordinate races". Their names must be listed, such as the Moon Sheep Clan. From now on, they will be called the Moon Sheep Clan and the Carved Hoof Clan in official documents. The official name is the Keho Clan. If we need to call them collectively, we will call them the Wallow Clan!"

"After the new district is built, all the affiliated races outside will move back to Lada Sky City. We will take over all the star districts uniformly. This will also facilitate our rule and save them from providing support to the rebel fleet outside!"

"What about the outer star areas? Shouldn't we develop other star areas?" someone asked.

"With automation, when developing a star sector, the work efficiency of 10,000 people may not be as good as a machine. So why do people need to do it? Just have machines! By then we will develop dozens of planets specifically for farming. All kinds of daily necessities are provided to them. Without the worries of life, they will focus on the struggle! "

"This is the current territory of our Yuanyi Society. Isn't the operation effect very good?"

Everyone nodded, indeed, their current territory is all automated, all kinds of materials are supplied, and ship manufacturing has never had any problems.

On the contrary, it is much more efficient than when using people!

Speaking of which, it was actually automated in the past. Large areas of long-tailed lotus in Moran Yunze were harvested by mechanical planting machines. There were only a few people responsible for farming, and the rest all lived in the city.

It's not that Molan Yunze has any need, it's purely to show his status.

So there is no problem at all if we change it to automation.

A half-year plan was quickly drawn up.

From now to June next year, they will complete the expansion of Lada Sky City, recall all the Valorans outside, and recall all the affiliated races in the sector.

He wants to sign a peace contract with the subordinate race, ah, it's the Valo Minority Fleet, and wait for the results from the Supreme Sky.

Mainly waiting for news on the outcome of the battle to defend the Verota sector.

At the same time, a new trade star area will be opened to facilitate the exchange of materials and technology with the Wallow Minority. The trade star area will be jointly funded by Yuanyuan Yishe and the Wallow Minority, and will be jointly managed by both parties after completion.

This free trade zone will allow anyone of any race to buy anything here!

Note, any race.

Putting down the signature pen, Qin Yue lay heavily on the bench.

Alas, for China, I am so worried!

It is not easy to rise with a civilization. Qin Yue has traveled in the starry sky for more than 70,000 years and has seen all kinds of civilizations. Some are developing very well, some are bright and beautiful on the surface, but decayed internally, and some are in civil war. , some have become slaves of other civilizations, and some have become wastelands

If a civilization wants to truly rise, it needs more than just a strong scientific research man, plus advanced science and technology.

Correct, a system that can be slowly optimized over time, people who are diligent and love learning, positive and never surrender, a mentality that is neither sad nor happy in the face of a powerful civilization that surpasses them too much.

Too many.

Qin Yue can directly help the poor with technology and lead China's leapfrog development directly to the third-level civilization.

But then, if there is no process, it will directly become the result of level three. It means that the foundation is not solid and there will be countless shortcomings. It is okay to abuse food, but if you really encounter a powerful enemy that has been developing steadily for tens of thousands of years, problems will definitely occur!

And the earth will rely heavily on Qin Yue, a strong man, who suddenly reaches a level that does not belong to them. They can't even learn basic knowledge, how can they develop to a higher level?

And Qin Yue himself is only a level 3 person. After reaching level 3, he doesn’t know how to go next. He has enjoyed the thrill of rapid progress and is suddenly stuck here. Who knows if the entire civilization’s mentality will be unbalanced? No problem will arise.

Therefore, Qin Yue chose to create a peaceful environment for the earth, work hard on whatever technical knowledge he wanted, and make money to buy it and study it himself.

I'm just a guide, opening a door for you. What you chew down by yourself is yours.

By the way, he also found a teacher for the earth. All the problems that may be encountered in the development of civilization have appeared in Valo's long history. This is simply a walking dictionary.

As long as the reference method is correct, you will definitely benefit a lot.

"So, now that the civil war in Valo is frequent and other forces have no time to deal with Moran, the threat of Valo is gone for the time being. Now the only threat to the earth's destruction is the Black Thorn civilization?"

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