Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 169 Opportunities for Chinese Civilization

"What? Moran is dead? Yuan Yishe is in power now?"

"What? The Yuanyi Society decrees that all subordinate races have equal status and human rights, and are not allowed to be robbed, traded, sold, or eaten at will?"

"What? Yuan Yishe is also planning to build a free trade market to facilitate the flow of technology?"

Here, when they received the news from the remaining subordinate races on Titan, they didn't believe it at first.

Because what do you say about these policies?

Isn't this seeking death?

As long as you go step by step and slowly change people's minds, it's fine. It takes several generations to train the people starting from children and let them accept the idea that everyone is equal.

Such a sudden and sweeping order will only make the already unbalanced ethnic relations worse!

What's more, this also involves the issue of changing customs. You must know that through the ages, folk customs and religion have been known as two stubborn diseases that cannot be cured at all.

Just like during the feudal dynasty, the emperor suddenly ordered that corn and rice were no longer allowed to be eaten in the future, and everyone could only eat wheat.

It depends on whether everyone rebels or not.

The last one, the free trade market, is even more unbelievable.

How could anyone think of selling their own high-tech products?

You must know that although many affiliated races have also participated in scientific research work, they are only a small part of the vast sea of ​​high-tech. Real black technology will never involve affiliated races.

For example, the manufacturing method of provincial-level starships. The provincial-level starships currently in Verota's hands are all owned by Valo. They do not have the technology or ability to manufacture new provincial-level warships.

Therefore, the subordinate races will be at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Valor, and will be at a disadvantage for a long time, until their technology can advance to the point where they can compete with Valor.

But if you want to open a free market and sell technology, what can Valo buy from the subordinate races? You have everything they have!

The subordinate race must have bought it from Valo!

Isn't this a sure way of endorsing the enemy?

It was also the first time for a group of smart people to know about Valo's class relationship, the composition of Valo, and the Supreme Sky, the Twenty-Eight Heavenly Kings.

While admiring the despair, I was also a little lucky. Fortunately, I tried to be safe and did not go to war directly.

Fortunately, such a powerful empire is currently in a civil war.

It doesn't matter what the empire is like, because the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. On the contrary, Moran, a neighbor who is close at hand, has more influence on his every move.

The implementation of various policies of Yuanyi Society must of course be carefully studied. They also have a copy of "Yuanyi New Deal" in their hands, which is of course a translated version.

However, a group of smart people felt that something was wrong with this study.

Why does this Yuanyi New Deal feel like a brain-dead policy promulgated by a holy mother based on wishful thinking?

"Could it be because the Yuanyi Club is too young and has no fighting experience at all? After all, judging from the information we have obtained, they have only been established for less than two years!"

In two years, he has developed from scratch to a leader who controls a large area. This person is even better than I was back then!

But the time is short, the foundation is shallow, and the experience and insight will be insufficient. Isn’t this fully reflected in the "Source Yi New Deal"!

"It's possible, but even if they try like this, Moran won't be dead for a while. After all, Yuan Yishe has a lot of things called starships in his hands." Several people thought of seeing the star for the first time. Everyone looked shocked at the scene when they were taking pictures of the ship.

If you look at the past life, you have never set foot in Valo's territory. It was hundreds of years later that you knew about starships.

But now, they set foot on Titan!

What was the situation on Titan at this time? All the battleships were destroyed, all the air defense facilities were blasted at certain points during Bai Langlang's invasion, the entire city was plowed by nuclear bombs, the district owner was killed, and without the Varro people, the affiliated The race did not have the technology to repair it, so the entire Titan suddenly changed from a second-level civilization to a first-level civilization.

In other words, it’s just that the urban technology is at the first level. In fact, these subordinate races don’t even know how to make spaceships and starships, let alone go to space.

Therefore, the Earth fleet arriving in battleships was actually able to crush the subordinate races on Titan!

They collected a large number of books and sent them back through the expedited stargate. Then they gathered linguists to decipher them, and finally understood the Wallow language.

Then, they acquired several Vallow computers.

This is a machine developed by the Valo people to log into the Valo intranet for the work of subordinate races, such as secretaries. Moran Jie is dead, but these machines are not broken.

So like Qin Yue back then, this group of people also started to study from the beginning to the end, starting from the history of Valo's origin, to various events in history, large and small, and then to various recent news.

Then, they were shocked by the changes in Vallo and Moran in just two years.

In two years, it went from a behemoth to an old man who seemed to be in danger of losing his country.

And the origin of all this was actually the assassination of a woman from the Moran family, my neighbor.

What's even more outrageous is that the entire fleet of such a large family was destroyed in a supernova explosion, and was picked up by a new force.

What’s even more outrageous is that this new organization doesn’t seem to know how to govern the country and has already started messing around.

But fortunately, he only messed around with people's livelihood and didn't think about going around to conquer. Otherwise, wouldn't he be the first to attack us?

To be honest, it would be easy to cultivate traitors and lackeys by directly studying the enemy's civilization, because the thoughts and history of a powerful civilization can easily make people feel good and respectful.

This is called cultural invasion.

But things are different now. This powerful empire is now at war and is about to end!

Who would still worship him at this time? I just feel like this empire is stupid and plays a bad hand with a good hand!

With this psychological advantage, you will look at their history and culture with a critical attitude. In this case, it will be really difficult to be invaded.

However, after studying and studying, some smart people discovered a blind spot.

"Eh? He said that all races and Waro are equal, but I can't seem to find the relevant provisions for the registration of the so-called Waro minority in the Yuanyi New Deal. Is it possible that as long as they are not a Waro, they all belong to the Waro family? Young Valo?"

"Huh?" A group of big guys were also stunned: "How is that possible?"

What does missing this one mean? This means that non-Wallow people will also benefit from this ordinance after entering Wallow, obtain the same citizenship status as Wallow, and enjoy the right to purchase technology in the free trade zone!

This is no longer funding the enemy, but is even funding other low-level civilizations!

Even though Yuanyi Society is new and the policies it formulated may have problems, at the implementation level, they found that Yuanyi Society still has something to offer. Every aspect is considered in detail. As long as they follow the plan step by step, it will basically not work. May fail.

How could such a detail-oriented organization have such a big flaw in its policies?

In other words, this may not be a flaw at all. Maybe in Yuan Yishe's view, isn't this world made up of the Wallow people and the Wallow clan?

But this doesn't make sense at all. Didn't the top leader of the Yuanyi Society work in the dark island star area next door before? How could he not know the existence of civilization?

"Maybe, maybe the leader was very busy and only gave a general direction, and the people below didn't pay attention to this detail?" Someone else speculated.

This kind of thing is normal, and it happens in every country. A general direction is set by the top, but often goes in the opposite direction when implemented by the bottom.

For example, Wang Anshi's reform.

but if so

“This is an opportunity for our civilization. I don’t know when this loophole will be closed, but before that, if we can make enough money and buy enough technology, we can also become a second-level civilization. Have your own starship!"

They finally reacted!

If he doesn't expect it again, Qin Yue will drive the big phone to remind him!

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