"Professor Qin, these are the materials you requested. They have been delivered to the warehouse!"

Qin Yue took the list of materials. Although he had not taken classes in nearly a year and had no new research results, the many technologies and patents he had developed in the past year could still make him a rich man.

In other words, if he didn't give away most of his shares, he would have no problem becoming the richest man in the world.

Therefore, he can purchase most materials, even extremely rare materials, in large quantities. Some dangerous goods, radioactive materials, or national restricted materials can also be obtained based on his status in the country.

"Professor Qin, I was asked to ask, are you planning to leave the mountain?" asked the secretary who came to submit the documents. Qin Yue said before that he would be in seclusion for a year!

Although it is Qin Yue's freedom to retreat into seclusion, it would be a loss to the country if a scientific research genius like you, whose scientific and technological output in one year exceeds that of others in several lifetimes, has gone into seclusion like this!

The people above are even wondering, has this Professor Qin seen through the world of mortals?

Fortunately, Qin Yue went out today, and there was a pile of materials as soon as he opened his mouth!

"Well, I want to design a single-person aircraft. When I fly back, I will report it to the country!" Qin Yue said.

"Ah, okay, okay!" The secretary nodded quickly and went back to report.

Qin Yue didn't know what would happen above, because he was afraid of 404, so he deliberately kept a distance from the above, but he didn't need to care about this. According to his current status, as long as he didn't intentionally kill people and set fires, even if he set up a warp engine, the result would be If half the city is blown up, the country will find a way to help.

What happened to a mere single-person aircraft!

What Qin Yue wants to build is indeed a single-person aircraft.

The overall shape of this aircraft is like a tall spider. Its six retractable legs serve as landing devices and can also walk on rugged mountainous terrain.

The twelve-meter-long feet are enough to cross most terrains.

There is a triangular electromagnetic device on the sole of the foot, just like Doctor Octopus's mechanical claw, which has the function of drilling and fixing.

The aircraft has a diameter of 6 meters and a height of eight meters. It is divided into three levels.

The top floor is the cockpit, but it is only designed to facilitate Qin Yue's enjoyment. In fact, most of the driving operations will be completed by Tomoko.

The middle layer is the weapons bay, which will be equipped with a row of quantum laser cannons. However, the materials are not in place yet, so it is just a decoration.

The bottom floor is the entertainment cabin. There is not only a holographic rest cabin, but also a high-configuration entertainment computer, as well as several game consoles produced by various companies, filling the 27 square meters of space.

Qin Yue downloaded all the new games, novels, animations, and movies released this year, preparing to use them to pass the time in the long life in the universe.

The bottom of the entertainment cabin is the propulsion device. It currently uses nuclear fusion thrust. When the quantum thruster is available, it will be changed to a hybrid of quantum and nuclear fusion power.

A few years ago, such a spaceship was still high-tech and basically impossible to build. However, with Qin Yue's advancement of Chinese technology that year, many of the materials he needed have been mass-produced. Nuclear fusion engines have also been developed due to superconducting materials. It was created due to the birth of the world, but unfortunately it can only use hydrogen fusion, not heavy nuclear fusion.

As for the name of the spacecraft, Qin Yue named it: Xingtian.

Construction of the entire ship started in February and was completed in May.

Then Qin Yue applied directly to the space agency and he was going to launch!

The space agency is a little confused. You said you wanted to build a personal aircraft, but you didn't say that the aircraft was used to go into space. Besides, the spacecraft went directly into space without even a test flight. Is there any danger?

However, there will naturally be no problems with the spaceship designed by Qin Yue and Zhizi. He has simulated it countless times in his mind to see if there could be any problems.

However, because they were worried about Qin Yue's safety, the space agency still sent people to follow up. After two test flights, they were willing to let Qin Yue board the spacecraft.

There isn't much food on board the spaceship, which can only sustain normal people for a month. It stands to reason that the ship will return within a month.

Everyone thought Qin Yue just wanted to go to space, but they never thought that Qin Yue would never come back.

"Great Sage, what do you want to do here?"

"Tread on the southern sky and shatter the sky!"

"What if you never come back?"

"I'll never come back!"

Qin Yue was in the cockpit of the spaceship, looking at the grassland outside for a long time, and finally pressed the button!

The three engines sprayed out surging energy, carrying the spider quickly into space.

25 minutes later, he arrived in the outer space orbit of the Earth, where he could already see the entirety of the Earth.

He didn't take any pictures. He knew that what he was going to do this time might endanger the earth, so the movies, novels and even animations he brought were translated into Walo. He didn't bring any novels related to the earth. These things were only in the Used within the solar system.

Once outside the solar system, he will destroy it immediately.

Qin Yue's first stop is Mars.

His launch time was not randomly selected. Before building the spacecraft, he had already calculated that when he launched the spacecraft, the orbits of Mars and the Earth were extremely close, and they were basically at their closest distance.

His spacecraft is much faster than conventional probes launched from the Earth to Mars, so it does not need to follow the Hohmann transfer orbit and can just go in a straight line.

This route is actually closer to the Nine Dragon Coffin that Emperor Ye Tiandi rode on back then.

However, Jiulong can pull coffins much faster than a spaceship. Even if people stay still for 6 hours, they are almost hungry. They didn't eat or drink. When they arrived in Beidou, they were still in good spirits and still had the strength to fight. It proves that he didn’t stay in the coffin for long, and Beidou is 124 light years away from the earth.

For such a long distance, the Kowloon Coffin was covered in less than 6 hours, which is equivalent to 20 light-years per hour.

Fourteen hours later, Xingtian arrived over Mars.

Without staying longer, the Xingtian orbited Mars. Then, with the help of Mars' gravity, the spacecraft's speed greatly increased. The next stop's target was Jupiter!

When we got here, China finally felt something was wrong. You said you were going to space, why did you go so far?

"Professor Qin, Professor Qin, where are you going?" Qin Yue's communication equipment was awakened. This message was actually sent out before he left the earth's orbit, but it was delayed for a long time before Qin Yue received it.

Qin Yue turned off the communicator and continued to accelerate.

With the help of Jupiter's gravity, the speed of the spacecraft has increased again, reaching 2.28 million kilometers per hour. This speed has exceeded the speed of all aircraft on the earth.

But in the vast sea of ​​​​stars, this speed is no different from a rushing snail. It looks very fast, but in the starry sky, it takes a long time to move a little distance.

This speed began to slow down after reaching the asteroid belt.

China already has a plan to mine in the asteroid belt, but because nuclear fusion power has just been successfully developed and large spaceships are under construction, this plan only exists on paper.

On the contrary, it was Qin Yue who realized the plan first.

As if he were in the sea of ​​stars, he picked through the asteroid belt, found a lot of materials, and then strung them all behind the spacecraft before moving on.

Until it passes through the orbits of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and then plunges into the Kuiper Belt.

This is a location that has not yet been explored on Earth. There have always been different opinions about what is here.

Some scientists believe that there is a ninth planet in the solar system here, but it cannot be observed because its orbit is too far from the earth.

Some people also say that there is a black hole here, but it cannot be observed because it is too small.

But Qin Yue knows that there are indeed black holes here, and there are not one, but three!

One is in the Kuiper Belt and two are in the Oort Cloud.

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