Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 177 Puppet takes the stage

If Ke Jie had come to threaten Qin Yue a year ago, he might still be afraid!

But now, it's too late!

Qin Yue looked at the starship in front of him in confusion. It was a blue starship that floated quietly in the universe and looked like a dragon spring sword.

Of course, there is only a diamond-shaped sword blade and no hilt.

This is his newly built starship, and its name is Longquan!

The Longquan is a standard third-level battleship. Its power system is a quantum engine, its energy system is a quantum tidal battery, its central control system is a bradyon computer, its weapon system is a quantum laser cannon, and even its shields are modified from the original electromagnetic force. The field becomes a gravitational field.

There is no room for upgrading force field technology when it comes to the gravitational field. After all, the most powerful force field in the universe is the gravitational field. We can only increase the power of the gravitational field and increase it again. If we can achieve the gravity of a real black hole, Naturally, you can be prepared for everything.

The most important thing is that the gravitational field directly distorts space-time, so even the quantum field has to yield obediently. If you want to break the gravitational field, you can only rely on energy hedging.

Just like against waves, whoever runs out of energy first will lose.

However, the target that the defender has to defend is too large, and the energy is usually exhausted first, so just thinking about shrinking and carrying it will not work. It still depends on attack and dodge.

And Longquan is Qin Yue’s confidence!

He already has a third-level starship. I'm still afraid that you will reveal my identity?

Not only did he have this Longquan, but all previous starships were also equipped with quantum laser cannons. Even battleships, Qin Yue also modified a large number of battleships with quantum laser cannons when conditions permitted.

Don't blame uncle for being cruel. Uncle is a phobia inherited from civilization and cannot be cured.

After knowing that his identity might be exposed, Qin Yue's movement suddenly became much louder. Originally, part of the minerals he dug out were sent to Lada, part to the trade road, and only a quarter was sent to him. On the territory, give him raw materials for quantum generators and materials for new starships.

But now, shall I divide you? Break it up!

Qin Yue pulled all the materials into the small circumferential universe and desperately started to build up production capacity.

Although there is a huge generation gap between the third-level starship and the second-level starship, isn't there only one real third-level starship? The rest are all second-level starships. At least a quantum system must be added to the power system. .

The 15 days passed by in a blink of an eye. Qin Yue thought that if he rejected Kejie, Kejie would expose his identity, but he found that Weilota said nothing!

In fact, if you think about it, you will know what benefit it will bring to Verota by being exposed. A force that could have been a friend has now suddenly become an enemy. Who does it benefit?

Furthermore, Virota himself is not clean, and he is afraid that Qin Yue will also expose their secrets!

Qin Yue waited silently, and starships one after another began to patrol silently, arriving at some sensitive locations.

The brady computer on the starship started silently. Without the soldiers on the starship feeling anything, all their control rights had been taken back to Qin Yue's hands.

He could have formed an army by himself, but in order to play the role of the president of Yuanyi Society, he deliberately decentralized the power of operation. Now that there is no need to continue acting, naturally there is no need to pretend.

As for Vallo, the awakening activity that was nearly twelve years in advance has begun!

Qin Yue's guess was correct. This was indeed reminded by Virota, but it was not done by Kejie, but by the same people in this sector.

The general of Virota named Conan won consecutive battles and defeated several Valor fleets one after another. After that, he publicly mocked, saying that there were some of our people in the Valor fleet, so they were defeated so miserably.

Valo feels that something is not right with the recent developments, especially in some sectors, which are very mysterious, such as the Moran family.

As soon as they were reminded like this, they immediately had the idea of ​​awakening the people in the entire sector and put their ideas into action.

You don’t know if you don’t wake up, but you will be shocked when you wake up.

There were 46 billion Moran family members who entered the Star Sea eight years ago. Among them, 439.6 million couples applied to return to reality to get married and have children because they fell in love, and 5.57 million had to wake up early because of their professional titles.

After all, there should be about 45.5 billion people who have woken up this time, but in fact, only 32.7 billion people have woken up.

12.8 billion people died in the sea of ​​stars!

Even if part of it is due to normal aging, minus this part, Vallo's civil war also resulted in the death of nearly 10 billion people!

One-third of them died from Qin Yue's supernova explosion, and the remaining two-thirds came from the purge of Wallow's rebels after the Yuanyi Society entered the Star Sea.

Very few people die from subordinate races.

Since Yuan Yishe had seized power and became the leader of Moran, the people they killed did not matter to their superiors. After all, according to Valo's laws, as long as the family did not violate the orders of the mountain master above, it enjoyed internal autonomy.

It doesn't matter if there are murders and arson within your family, just handle it yourself within your family.

As long as you listen to the mountain master in the future, it will be fine.

But your Molan Yunze, the president of Yuanyi Society, has been dead for almost three years according to data testing?

This is a bit scary. Molan Yunze is dead, then who is the president behind?

Who gave the order and made so many outrageous regulations?

Qin Yue didn't know what happened in reality. He only knew that he had just woken up one morning and there were guards standing around him.

They held electromagnetic rifles and aimed them at themselves with angry expressions.

The team was led by several senior members of the Yuan Yi Society, those who had always opposed his policies.

The leader seems to be named Mo Langang?

"Hey, have you woken up!?" Qin Yue understood: "What do you want?"

Moran asked angrily: "Who are you?"

"I'm Molan Yunze!" Qin Yue said.

"Bah, we have all woken up and tested. Molan Yunze is dead!" Molan just took out his gun and pointed it at Qin Yue's head: "Now that it's like this, you still want to quibble?"

Qin Yue spread his hands: "Who said that Molan Yunze is dead? If one Molan Yunze dies, will other Molan Yunze die too? Who is Molan Yunze? Is it a person? Or is it a code name? ? Or is it just a name? You can also be called Molan Yunze, the dead one can also be called Molan Yunze, and I can be called Molan Yunze."

Moran was speechless: "You are just talking about cross talk with me. I am talking to you seriously. You'd better be honest!"

"You are the one who is not serious. Even if you want to ask questions, the procuratorate I set up should come to arrest people for questioning. You came here in advance, and I am afraid you even blocked the passage. You want to get information from me first, and then announce it. In the world, he finally gained fame and became the next president of Yuanyi Club?" Qin Yue asked back.

Mo Langang looked a little unnatural. He really thought so. Their small group was originally a low-end group of geniuses with average IQ and average EQ. They were not conspicuous at all in Yuanyi Club on weekdays and their ability to do things was poor. Generally speaking, if there is no Yuan Yishe, their future is destined to be mediocre.

But now that there is Yuanyi Society, their status has suddenly risen, and they have become the founder of Yuanyi Society's Twelve Pillars!

Although he is at the back, he is still considered a high-level person!

But people's hearts are not enough. Once you have power, you don't want to give it up. Once you reach the top, you want to be a more senior leader.

For example, President!

If Molan Yunze is a Moran, then they won't have a chance until they die, because Molan Yunze's reputation is too great!

But the current Molan Yunze is actually a fake by a foreigner!

Then won’t the opportunity come?

The fact that the president of Yuanyi Society was impersonated was not announced to the public by the Waluo people who were responsible for awakening them. Only they, the senior officials of Yuanyi Society, knew about it. They only needed to arrest Moran Yunze in advance and then announce the news to the public. , will definitely gain huge reputation, and becoming the next president is a sure thing!

As soon as Moran thought of this, his smile suddenly became a lot more wild: "Whatever, you are our prisoner now. I advise you to answer the question seriously, otherwise your life will be in danger! Who are you? ?”

Qin Yue sighed: "Mo Lan Gang, do you know what it means for a villain to succeed?"

"You're still teaching me how to do things!" Moran came up as soon as he slapped me.

Then I saw the person in front of me turn into smoke and dissipate directly...

"Fuck!" Moran was startled, but soon discovered that he was very familiar with this thing!

"You didn't take it seriously first. Didn't you realize that this is just a projection formed by the condensed electromagnetic force field?" Qin Yue chuckled.

"You!" Moran was stunned. Projection?

The collision of matter is the repulsion of the electron cloud outside the atomic nucleus, and the electromagnetic force field is composed of electron clouds. Therefore, the projection formed by the electromagnetic force field can not only be lifelike, but can even raise a glass, vibrate the air, speak, and even shake hands and hug. It is very real. !

Of course, with only a small amount of strength, the slap would definitely not be able to withstand it.

"Mo Lan Gang, you are impulsive and irritable. You have no authority and are easily deceived by others. I guess you didn't come here on your own, were you instigated by others?" Qin Yuexiao asked.

Just as Moran fell silent, he was hit again!

"You have great ambitions but little talent. You do big things but don't care about yourself. You forget your life when you see small profits. Your IQ is average, and your ability to handle affairs is average, or in other words, low. The position of president is not for you!" Qin Yue continued.

"You!" Moran was furious. He clenched his fists with both hands and punched him. Of course, the projection turned into a cloud of smoke and then condensed back together.

"Look, look, what's wrong with this temper? Among those politicians, which one is like this? But if you want to do it, I can give you a chance!" Qin Yue continued.

"Huh?" Moran was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"I can tell you my identity, and you can also announce it to the outside world. Then you will gain great reputation and become the president, but..." Qin Yue did not continue.

But Moran Gang already understood.

He has a low IQ, but that is compared to other geniuses. Looking at the entire Valo, he is also a high-IQ talent.

"You want me to be a puppet!" Moran Gang said through gritted teeth.

"Don't say it so harshly, it's just mutual benefit!" Qin Yue said with a smile: "I won't let you do anything. You just need to maintain the current system. You can eat, drink, have fun, and call people as you please! "

Moran just fell into silence.

After a long moment, he nodded suddenly: "Deal!"

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