Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 182 Deviation value

Qin Yue's expression slowly calmed down.

He played the role of General Valo. Logically, he should have tried his best to increase the hatred between Valo and the Black Thorn civilization, but the role also had to follow the basic law and could not violate the character setting, otherwise it would be easy for people to see the flaws.

For example, exposing the conspiracy of the subordinate race and triggering the conflict between the two races, Moran Zhongya could do this, because in everyone's concept, she was such a person, so Qin Yue played it and succeeded.

Overthrow Moran and form a conquest by yourself, which is also the creed that Moran's Yuanyi Society has always adhered to. Therefore, after Qin Yue replaced Moran Yunze, no matter how outrageous the decree was, everyone could accept it, because this was what Moran Yunze could do.

The general who plays Valo now is also the same. Anyone who can become the head of an army, even if he is just a captain, will not be an impulsive and irritable fool.

This Black Thorn, oh no, he calls himself the Red Rider civilization.

The strength currently displayed by the Red Rider Civilization has the materials of the second-level peak and the gravitational field engine that can only be possessed by the third level, and he said that he is just the captain of the expedition team.

If the expedition team of a civilization has this kind of strength, then what will the strength of this civilization be?

When a smart person thinks of this, he should know that this civilization cannot be provoked and can only communicate peacefully.

Even if the Red Rider disliked the unequal status of the two sides and did not answer the phone before, you have to endure it.

The overall situation is important!

Qin Yue sighed, is this the weak country without diplomacy?

He has not experienced the bitterness of China in the past, but now the soldier who plays Valo has experienced it inexplicably.

The Red Rider Civilization should know Valo very well, at least if they speak Valo so fluently and do not understand a little Valo history, they cannot speak so eloquently.

So Qin Yue calmed down, but he still had to have the right attitude.

"I don't care if you are passing by or not, you have damaged countless of our warships, how do you explain this!" Qin Yue asked.

"Well, we didn't speak the same language at the time, and we couldn't communicate. We have stopped as much as possible. If you insist, we can negotiate compensation." Red Pig continued to be unreasonable.

"So, when you suddenly encounter a civilization on the way of exploration, you choose not to take a detour, but to force your way forward, right?" Qin Yue continued to ask.

"Ah, this." Red Pig was silent for a while, and what he said makes sense!

If an expedition team encounters a civilization on the way of exploration, if it is a very weak civilization, it is okay, either stealthily passing by, or directly conquering it.

But Valo is obviously not a weak civilization. Just looking at the posture of this fleet, you know that they are not easy to mess with!

So, why don't you choose to take a detour, but insist on moving forward?

Unless you are not an explorer at all!

"How do you want to explain it!" Qin Yue asked coldly: "Can I understand that your Red Rider civilization wants to go to war with our Valo?"

"No, no, no, you misunderstood!" Red Pig waved his hands quickly: "How can I have the right to declare war on you on behalf of civilization."

Seemingly hesitating for a moment, Red Pig simply sighed: "It's like this, we are not a simple expedition team, but actually an official prospecting team under the name of an expedition team. We are tasked with finding important minerals for civilization. Because of the mission, our reconnaissance routes have been determined and cannot be changed without authorization. There are naturally other routes and directions. The expedition team is responsible. If we change the route, we will enter the area responsible for other teams!"

"The scanner you mentioned is used to scan this kind of mineral!"

Qin Yue chuckled: "So the prospecting has reached the territory of our civilization. Do you think this is appropriate?"

"We can compensate, cooperate, and exchange technology..." Hongqi said earnestly: "Our civilization has anticipated this situation, so we have multiple versions of the cooperation contract. You can take a look."

A contract was uploaded to the computer, using the standard official language of Valo, and the wording and sentence structure are also very particular, all official terms.

For example, new level, new realm, new measures, new development, new breakthrough, new achievements, new results, new methods, new results, new situations, new requirements, new expectations, new relationships, new systems, new mechanisms, new knowledge, new skills, new progress, new practices, new styles, new things, and new heights.

Importance, urgency, consciousness, initiative, firmness, nationality, timeliness, practicality, pertinence, overallness, foresight, strategy, enthusiasm, creativity, long-term, complexity, difficulty, talkability, agitation, planning, sensitivity, effectiveness.

The main meaning of the contract is that the Red Riders are willing to cooperate with Valo in all aspects, including trade, technology, culture, and ideological cooperation and exchange. Both parties can send ambassadors to each other's civilization, form a joint fleet to fight against star pirates, and jointly deal with some stubborn and aggressive civilizations. They can build public trade ports to facilitate exchanges between the two civilizations.

And so on.

The terms of this contract are so favorable and the content is so detailed that Qin Yue has to think that this contract should have existed a long time ago and has been gradually improved in cooperation with countless civilizations.

So far, there is almost nothing to criticize about the responsibilities, obligations and powers of both parties in the entire contract, and the interests of both parties have been retained to the maximum extent. Qin Yue feels that not only himself, but even the top lawyers and contract designers can only do this!

This contract should not have existed in the previous life, because Valo has never shown level three strength, and therefore the Black Thorn Civilization has never communicated with Valo until Valo could not hold on and perished, and the Black Thorn Civilization crossed Valo , came to the earth, destroyed the earth, searched for the earth in reality based on the appearance of this star area, and then carried out a photon attack on the earth in reality.

Qin Yue looked at the contract and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

How many civilizations has Black Thorn signed this contract with? How big is their alliance?

Is this a sincere cooperation contract, or is it simply to attract people to join the team, so as to lower their vigilance and kill them on the way?

Just like how Qin Yue cooperated with Molan Yunze at the beginning, he was obviously a third-level civilization, but he pretended to be a second-level newcomer. In the end, he deceived everything from Molan Yunze, even Molan Yunze The whole person was replaced by Qin Yue.

Based on the habits of the Black Thorn civilization, Qin Yue was not surprised at all that they performed such an operation.

If this is the case, then the Red Cavalry civilization is not the body of the Black Thorn civilization at all. It should be like the Heavenly Civilization, just a vest for walking outside. There are also big problems with this contract. For example, when signing the contract, it was written "Red Cavalry" Civilization, after the two sides establish thorough cooperation and know the root cause, there may be some black knight civilization and white chess civilization coming over.

As his thoughts surged, countless possibilities appeared in Qin Yue's mind, but he would not choose the most likely one. After all, the world is full of wonders and everything is possible!

In particular, the Black Thorn Civilization was the civilization that directly destroyed the Earth, but they did not kill Valo, which shows that they did deal with the Earth in a targeted manner!

"How to use the data scanned by this scanner? Tell me the processing formula!" Qin Yue put down the contract and asked.

Red Pig immediately sent over an information processing system.

After the data scanned by the scanner is input, the information processing system will immediately simulate a mineral, and based on the techniques of computational chemistry and computational physics, the physical and chemical properties of this mineral will be used in the future. The direction is marked.

There seemed to be no problem. Qin Yue used Sophon to check it and felt that the system was normal.

It seems to be a simple prospecting system.

But is it really that simple?

The Red Cavalry is fake and the contract is fake, so can’t the system be fake?

Qin Yue thought for a while and said: "Let's stop here today. We will discuss the matter you proposed, but you'd better not have too much hope. In addition, I hope your fleet will stay put and not move forward any further. Otherwise I will regard it as your provocation to us!"

"Okay, okay!" Red Pig nodded quickly.

The two sides ended the communication, and Qin Yue immediately returned to the Yuanzhou ruins.

As the saying goes, the more you say, the more you make mistakes.

Since Red Cavalry Civilization has chosen to communicate with Qin Yue, they are destined to expose a lot of things.

But what Qin Yue got this time, apart from a contract and two systems on the surface, was actually something deeper.

For example, the programming language of this computer

And the most critical thing is the secret of data.

The Red Riding Civilization would never have imagined that someone could be reborn and compare information from past lives to the present. Therefore, this seemingly fine data processing system had a big problem!

For example, Qin Yue knows that his ultimate goal is the earth, so the data scanned by this scanner can definitely detect the differences between the earth and other civilizations.

Qin Yue blocked the internal and external networks, and then began to calculate the data of various ores. At the same time, he activated the electromagnetic network talent, intruding into the underlying operating logic of the system and synchronously sensing changes in data. .

This system can simulate ores based on data. Qin Yue can naturally detect ready-made ores for him to simulate. First, he uses various types of ores in the star sea to simulate. Then Qin Yue finds that this system is really accurate. Whenever there is a scan, he can guess everything. middle.

Even if there are ores that are not entered in the system database, the data simulated by the system is very different from the ores that Qin Yue produced.

It should be said that it is worthy of the name of the prospecting system.

However, when Qin Yue added the ores in the ruins, the system changed.

The output result was no different from before, but Qin Yue sensed that there was a trace of data that should not appear in the underlying logic of the system.

He understood the reason why this data was generated, because of chaotic calculations.

The data calculated from the ore taken out of the star sea is accurate, 1 is 1, and 2 is 2, so what the system calculates is what it outputs.

But once it involves the minerals taken out of the small universe, the data will be deviated, maybe 1.001, 2.001. At this time, the system will perform chaotic calculations, erase the difference, and continue to output 1 and 2

On the output side, it seems to the user that there is no difference between the two results?

But this difference has been erased on the underlying data side, but in the system, this data still exists!

"Why is this?" Qin Yue was surprised. He had never discovered this problem before. Logically speaking, they are both iron. How can the iron in the star sea be different from the iron in the small universe?

Because the difference is so small, there is no difference even when using it, or when using high-precision equipment!

You must know that the processing accuracy of the third-level civilization can be accurate to the atomic nucleus. This accuracy has no impact, which is enough to prove how small the difference is.

Maybe it's a percentage difference of a dozen zeros after the decimal point.

Ordinary computers won't be able to calculate this problem. It's really unnecessary.

But this optical computer calculated this difference!

"Why?" Qin Yue keenly felt that this data was abnormal.

He thought for a while and lost another set of data.

The previous data came from the Yuanzhou Ruins, and this time the data comes from the Sangluo Ruins..

Although the Sangluo Ruins is a folded Dark Island Star District, it is actually a small universe, with only part of the Dark Island Star District inserted into it.

Then Qin Yue discovered that this difference still existed after this calculation, but this deviation was different from the items in the Circular Ruins.

For the third time, Qin Yue input items from the solar system. In order to obtain this data, he woke up for a while, then selected a stone from the Kuiper Belt, scanned and calculated the various data of the stone, and then input it into in the system.

Sure enough, there was another slight deviation, not the same as the previous two!

Qin Yue thought for a while, enlarged the three sets of data, and set up the same formula to eliminate the differences, and finally determined the source of the difference between the three sets of data and the mineral data in the star sea.

gravitational field!

This star area is the projection of the galaxy in reality, because the minerals in this star area are affected by the gravitational influence of the celestial bodies of the local galaxy, especially the supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy, so the elements that make up matter are affected by the gravity of the black hole and the fluctuations of space and time. The difference in microscopic data is more or less different from the minerals in the star sea.

After data processing, Qin Yue presented this difference in the form of data, and Qin Yue called this set of data deviation values.

If the star sea is used as the standard data of 10000, then the deviation value of the circular ruins is 10010, the deviation value of the Sangluo ruins is 10076, and the deviation value of the earth is 10110

Looking at the data alone, there seems to be a huge difference between the four. After all, the earth is 110 times larger than the sea of ​​​​stars. However, this is data processed for intuitive research. In fact, the difference between the two is extremely weak. Qin Yue also amplified the data. After countless times, it became 110.

"So, what's the use of deviation value!" Qin Yue looked at the data in front of him and suddenly understood without thinking too much.

Why does the Black Thorn Civilization have no feelings for Valo, but is so persistent in attacking the earth?

I'm afraid, it's because the deviation value of the Black Thorn Civilization's star region is the same as that of the Earth!

In other words, the two civilizations are within the gravitational field of the same super black hole, and both civilizations are in the Milky Way!

The deviation value is used to calculate whether other civilizations are in the same civilization as yourself!

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