Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 184 Valo turns out to be a playground

The highest sky in the sky, the home star region of the Valo civilization.

This was originally just an ordinary star system, but during the hundreds of thousands of years of construction by Valo, it no longer looked like an ordinary star system back then.

All the planets were demolished, including Valo's home star, and were replaced by a super celestial body that completely enveloped the star, preventing even a trace of light from leaking out.

In addition to the celestial body, there is another super star ring with a diameter of 1.55 billion kilometers surrounding the super celestial body. The length of this star ring is ridiculous enough. If placed in the solar system, it can be said that it was built directly from the sun to Saturn!

Overall, it looks like a planet magnified countless times, with a super ring surrounding it!

It looks magnificent, but not that spectacular, because the size of the stars in the Valloben sector is not as large as Lada, so the size of this super celestial body is not even as large as Lada Sky City.

This is the Valoben sector, the capital of Valo, the highest sky.

Here lives the Supreme Sky, most of the senior officials belonging to the Supreme Sky, and the core scientists of the entire civilization. It is the political center and technological center of Varo.

Today is another great court meeting held once every month.

Inside the star, in a grand blue palace, countless subjects gathered from all over like ants, and finally concentrated in the center of the palace, and then knelt down on the ground. The continuous worship movements seemed to be one black line after another on the large square. wave.

If these are placed in any star region, the star region requires the mountain lord, and the officials who are received respectfully by the lord can only kneel in the square. Those who can enter the hall are all the real high-level officials of Valo, the end of their rights.

The former style of the central hall cannot be verified, but now, it is a hall with light and shadow like the starry sky and the universe. All the ministers seem to be standing in the universe, and the supreme sky is sitting in the center of the universe. In front of a big sun, the subjects look up Just one glance would make him blinded by the light, so he could only lower his head honestly and report various things.

"So, why did they declare war? Isn't it already in progress? Why are they still declaring war!" The Supreme Sky was very angry. They mobilized most of the country's forces to go to the Star Valley River to resist the Black Thorns. Oh no, it was the Red Cavalry Civilization, and they even deliberately The news was blocked just to prevent the public from knowing.

As a result, now, this damn Red Riding Civilization is here to do this and directly inform Quan Valo?

"The Supreme Sky, I thought." A minister stood up and said seriously: "This Red Cavalry civilization didn't declare war on us before. It should be still learning our prophecies, culture, and understanding our knowledge and systems. But now."

Declaring war means that we understand almost everything.

The Supreme Sky is a little confused: "But we still know nothing about them, so apart from materials and power technology, we are also completely behind them in communication technology, right?"

A minister stood up and said: "Qi Qi, the highest sky, it seems like this at present!"

The Supreme Sky was stunned and continued to ask: "Then what should we do? Do we want to respond to the people? Can we fight it?"

Interstellar civilization is very realistic. All tactics, strategies, and strategies are only useful when there is not a big gap in strength between the two. If the gap between the two is too big, then defeat must be considered.

Valo has fought many wars in the past, but the previous wars were either technological or numerical, and there were never even close wars.

This is the first time that this kind of technology has been crushed!

No wonder the supreme sky has no confidence!

"Reporting to the highest sky, we still need to respond. Since the enemy has used our Warro declaration ceremony, we should respond to them confidently to inspire the confidence of the people. Although the strength is not as good as others, based on the previous battle situation, with We can still achieve a stalemate with the enemy at the expense of part of the fleet!"

"Furthermore, this war may not be a bad thing for us. Our technology has been stagnant for many years. Now there are stronger civilizations as our opponents. We may not be able to learn from and imitate their technology to make us progress. We, Valo We are huge in size and have great potential for war. As long as we are armed with more advanced technology, our strength will expand rapidly like a balloon. When the time comes."

"If so, then declare war!" The Supreme Sky nodded, and the matter was settled.

Although it seems very difficult, the Supreme Sky, as the center of power in the entire Valo, naturally cannot give in. At most, it will pay special attention to it.

"Then, next!" The Supreme Sky looked at someone: "What's going on in the Verota sector? You originally said you would win Verota in three months, but now it's been more than three years, why can't you win it? ?”

"This" the person who was called was the top leader of the military. His face was ugly at this time, but he still answered seriously: "Vellota is ambitious and started planning a rebellion I don't know how long ago. Therefore, there are many battleships and strong strength, and they The strategy, battleship design, weapons equipment and defense facilities are all very targeted for our starships, so..."

"Alas" the Supreme Sky waved his hand: "There are evil spirits entrenched in the north, and great demons rampant in the south. Even within Valor, there are various uprisings and resistances one after another."

"When Zhen Gang came to the throne, it was obviously prosperous and Wallow was developing rapidly. Why did it get to this point in just a few decades, so that Wallow was on the verge of subjugation?"


Seeing that the Supreme Sky actually said such words, the ministers immediately fell to their knees.

"Okay, okay, I'm just sighing, why are you so nervous!" The Supreme Sky waved his hand and sighed. When his father was here, everything was fine. But after the position was passed to him, it has only been a short time, and the country has become like this.

Is it my problem?

I am obviously very diligent, working day and night, dealing with things every day, paying attention to the public opinion on the Internet day and night, and trying to repair the relationship with the subordinate races

As a result, how could it be like this!

After the grand court meeting, he returned to the Qinzheng Hall and fell into silence facing the screens in front of him.

The governments at all levels in Valo, the mountain masters, and even the families have great autonomy. Generally speaking, they report nothing to the Supreme Sky, but because the territory is too large, even the smallest things multiplied by a large territory, the things will pile up into a mountain.

Especially in recent years, with frequent wars, there are more and more things.

Even if there are secretarial groups and AI to help deal with them, there are still countless things that come to him every day and need his help to make decisions.

Sitting down, Supreme Sky picked up the electronic pen and was about to deal with things when he heard a chuckle from somewhere.

"Are you Supreme Sky?"

"Huh?" Supreme Sky got up quickly, looked around and confirmed that the voice came from the speaker.

Someone hacked into his system!

How is this possible!

You know, the systems of government agencies at all levels are very important, and the protection level of firewalls is also the highest

Oh, it doesn't seem to be high, because who dares to attack the government system if there is nothing wrong, aren't they afraid of going to jail!

In addition, there are no professional talents in the government, and the professional talents have been lured by large companies and ambitious forces. Of course, they don't have a good defense system.

But Supreme Sky is different. His system involves national security, and the information protection level is the highest. There are also the top information protection experts in the whole civilization guarding it at all times. Is it invaded?

"Red Rider Civilization?" Supreme Sky thought of this at the first time. After all, the enemy currently encountered is only the Red Rider Civilization with a higher level of information technology than Valo!

"Too bold, daring to invade my Supreme Sky's computer!" Supreme Sky roared, stood up and said: "Someone come!"

"Don't be nervous, let's chat!" A communication interface came uninvited and was directly installed on the computer in front of Supreme Sky.

At the same time, a stream of information directly intercepted the Supreme Sky's shouting.

After all, this is not the ancient feudal dynasty. In order to keep state secrets, no one is guarding the door of Supreme Sky. If he wants to call someone, he has to use a microphone.

As for the system intrusion installation program, it is a standard Red Rider civilization technology. Qin Yue learned it and used it directly.

Supreme Sky clicked it and saw that there was a white background on the other side. There was a person sitting in front of the background, but he was not an alien, but looked like a Wallo!

"You are a Red Rider? You can change your form? I haven't heard that the Red Rider has this ability. Wait, are you from the Heavenly Court?" The voice of the Supreme Sky immediately rose: "Are you that Di Jun? You are not dead yet? You dare to contact me?"

"Huh? My reputation is so great?" Qin Yue was shocked. Although Moran is big, for the whole of Valo, it is equivalent to a small mountain village in a remote area. What happened here can actually reach the ears of the heaven!

That's right, it was Qin Yue who contacted the Supreme Sky.

He followed the ministers into the star gate through the monthly grand court meeting, and then invaded the system of the Supreme Sky and contacted the Supreme Sky.

"Of course I know you, pretending to be Moran Zhongya, causing a riot of the subordinate race, you are about to destroy our Valo!" The Supreme Sky roared.

In fact, the Supreme Sky has begun to investigate the Heavenly Court civilization through organizations such as the Internal Guard. After all, a civilization that can change its form and pretend to be Valo is so terrible that you can imagine it with your ass.

But the whole thing is highly confidential. They don't know how many people have been replaced. Are there any ministers, important generals, or even people who held meetings in the hall? This kind of thing must be kept secret, otherwise it will alert the enemy. Therefore, Qin Yue didn't even send anyone to catch him. They didn't even care about the power transfer of Yuan Yi Society, just to make the Heavenly Court think that Valo didn't take it seriously, so as to reveal a bigger flaw! Thinking of this, the Supreme Sky felt a thump in his heart. No way! He wouldn't come to replace me! "You want to do something to me? You can't succeed. As the Supreme Sky, I have an extremely noble status. Therefore, I have to wake up once a day to check my thoughts and mind to prevent being invaded and controlled by others. Even if you kill me, you can't replace me!" The Supreme Sky said hurriedly. "Of course I know about this!" Qin Yue said, "Otherwise I would have done it a long time ago!" In fact, he was bragging. He was only level 2 before, and he couldn't escape radar detection at all, so he couldn't enter the Supreme Sky. That is, the battleship was upgraded to level 3 recently, so he could come in. But the Supreme Sky didn't know, and his attitude immediately became nervous after hearing it.

"I see you are very young, will your Supreme Sky also abdicate?" Qin Yue asked curiously.

"." The Supreme Sky was speechless: "People can't live forever. Even if there are some technologies or talents that can prolong life, they can only prolong life for a few thousand years. After that, the genes collapse, the soul decays, and people still have to die. Our Supreme Sky is no exception. Of course, we will abdicate!"

Is there such a thing?

Qin Yue was shocked. He really didn't know. After all, he had a high starting point and directly obtained the longevity vein passed down from the fifth-level civilization. All of a sudden, he lived for more than 70,000 years.

He did not die of old age, it was an unnatural death.

He always thought that the current Supreme Firmament was the third-generation Supreme Firmament!

"No wonder your energy-raising skills are a bit poor. I'm so surprised. I'm still curious about how you can be the highest in the sky with such a big heart!" Qin Yue shook his head and said: "He who has thunder in his heart and a flat lake in his face can be a general. How can you still Not so good!”

"." The Supreme Sky gritted its teeth and stared at the computer desperately.

"Are you releasing brain waves to try to awaken this artificial intelligence called Lan Tian?" Qin Yue asked again: "It is quite intelligent. Except that it has no soul, just looking at the computing power and chaotic logic, it is very close to real artificial intelligence. It’s a pity, it’s just a little short of it, and it’s a universe.”

The high sky was silent.

So this is what it feels like to be overwhelmed by technology. You don’t feel anything when your sector is invaded, you don’t feel when your system is invaded, and most importantly, you have no power to resist, just like fish on a chopping board, you can only let others slaughter you!

"I'm very curious!" Supreme Sky calmed down and asked: "You have such powerful technology, it is not a problem to directly conquer our Valo, why do you want to engage in such heresy?"

He had also read information about the Heavenly Civilization, and at first he thought that the Heavenly Civilization was just an ordinary civilization that only had the ability to transform other people.

But now that it can be invaded here, normal technological advancement cannot be at this speed, which only shows that the previous information is false.

So, why?

Qin Yue thought for a while, because my previous skills were not so powerful?

You definitely can't answer like this. After all, I'm here to sell weapons this time, and I definitely want to show my strength!

"Because it's fun!" Qin Yue said.

"Huh?" The Supreme Sky widened its eyes: "What do you mean, it's fun?"


"Uh-huh, what does it mean? What does fun mean? Are you saying that just because it was fun, you triggered the civil war in our Valo? Just because it was fun, it caused the displacement of countless people. Just because it was fun, the civil war broke out in our Valo in the past three years. The number of wars is no less than ten million!" The Supreme Sky slapped the table and stood up angrily: "Heavenly Civilization, don't bully others too much!"

"But, is it really fun?" Qin Yue's tone was full of innocence: "I think there seems to be life like ants in your civilization. Have you ever peed on an ant nest when you passed by it? ? "Why did you do this?"

The supreme sky understands that their relationship with Varro is like the relationship between ants and Varro.

Fun is indeed a good reason. Valor has destroyed countless civilizations because of fun, right?

There are many other reasons, such as it tastes good, it looks good, the leather is smooth, and the hair is smooth.

He could understand that Valo had been aloof for hundreds of thousands of years, which made him realize that there were civilizations that could be superior to Valo, but he still regarded them as ants.

He can't accept it!

"So, noble heavenly civilization, why do you want to come to me, an ant?" asked the Supreme Sky.

"Isn't this my playground? Someone else is interested in it!" Qin Yue said lightly: "So, I'm here."

The Supreme Sky understands that it is actually because of the Red Cavalry Civilization.

If the Red Cavalry had not declared war on Valor, how long would this emperor of the heavenly civilization have been using their civilization as his playground?

When he gets tired of playing and leaves, what will become of Vallo?

The Supreme Sky clenched its fist, shame, this is Valor's shame!

This hatred, this pain of weakness and powerlessness, I want to record it in my family tree so that future generations will remember it for generations to come!

"So, what are you going to do!" He gritted his teeth, but the Supreme Sky still had to keep smiling!

It has been determined in the meeting just now that they are no match for the Red Cavalry civilization. If they insist on starting a war, it will only be disastrous, or even the country will be destroyed!

So, he needs help!

However, even if you provide help, we will not be grateful. Instead, we will thoroughly understand your technology, improve our technology, and finally defeat you with the technology you gave us!

"I will provide you with a small toy!" Qin Yue said with a smile.

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