Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 207: Subjugating the Lingqi Clan

"Liang Xi, what should we do now?" Huidu never expected that his own fleet would surrender even though he had never fought!

And that Death Star cannon, why is there such a big cannon? Who came up with it?

And you don’t think this thing is strong. It can only attack galaxies within a few light-years away, but it can’t attack any farther away. But if you want to conquer nearby galaxies, wouldn’t it be the same with battleships?

The construction period is so long, it is completely impractical!

In short, it means that either it cannot be built, or what can be built cannot be used.

Who would have thought that Lanyao Star District would have this installed?

"How many troops do we have now?" Liang Xi asked.

"There are still 60,000, including 600 starships, and the rest are all ordinary battleships!" Huidu said.

His total strength was 300,000, of which 240,000 were taken away by Hui Wei.

"This" Liang Xi also fell silent. What's the use of a fleet of 60,000?

When the Presbyterian Church was first established, it was still very useful. However, as the Blue Star Director joined the Presbyterian Council, a steady stream of starships were sent over, and various forces hid in the Presbyterian Church. It expanded rapidly. The current 60,000 is only equivalent to One-third of each Supreme Council's military strength?

"Let's escape!" Liang Xi said: "We attacked the Blue Star Director. Obviously we committed a big taboo. It would be fine if we succeeded. But if we don't defeat it now, we will become the sinners of the Presbyterian Church. We have to take advantage of the Blue Star Director's return. If the integration force doesn’t come, leave as soon as possible!”

"This" Huidu said silently: "But this is the power I have worked hard to build up for so long!"

Although the time is only two years, the two years here are equivalent to two hundred and thirty years of earth time!

More than two hundred years of time were wasted here, and you just want to leave?

"It's you, it's all you!" Huidu suddenly reacted: "It's you who instigated me to attack Blue Star Director. It's all your fault. As long as I hand you over, I'm still worthy of being a director!"

"How can you blame me for this?" Liang Xi was confused: "If you hadn't made up your mind to fight a civil war, how could I have persuaded you!"

"I don't care, it's your fault! Come on, arrest her!" Huidu said fiercely: "I said you are so capable, why didn't Director Blue Star keep you and instead sent you all out? It turns out that it is because of this, that I am short-sighted and greedy for small gains and forget the great righteousness. It is because I was deceived by people like you that I embarked on the wrong path! "

"You, Huidu, you...!" Liang Xi was at a loss. There was no option for questioning or betrayal in her genetic setting. For a moment, she didn't know what to do!

"Keep it down. Also, prepare the battleship. I'm going to Lanyao Star!" He knew where the core issue was. As long as he could serve days in prison, everything would be easy to talk about!

After boarding the battleship, Grayscale set the route, and when he was about to set off, suddenly a red light flashed on the screen and an alarm sounded.

"Warning, warning, this ship has been locked by radar!"

"Warning, warning, this ship has been locked by radar!"

"What?" Huidu hurriedly tried to turn on the gravitational field, but after pressing it for a long time, there was no response!

"Stop pressing the button, Huidu. This battleship has been tampered with by us. The force field cannot be opened, the power system cannot be turned on, and the range of the radar system has been reduced by us!" A voice sounded behind Huidu.

Huidu turned around blankly and saw a Lingqi man dressed in black fur, leading a group of black-haired Lingqi men.

"Black Entropy? Are you up to something?" Huidu stood up in shock: "What are you doing? Do you know what I am going to do? Are you going to destroy the Lingqi clan?"

"It was not us who destroyed Lingqi, but you!" Hei Entropy said coldly: "You two brothers brought the Lingqi clan to this situation, and you should be responsible for it! Hui Wei is dead, and now only You should step down immediately and admit your mistake to the whole family!"

Just as humans have white, yellow, and black races, Lingqi people also have gray hair, black hair, brown hair, etc.

However, with the destruction of Lingqi Planet, they now only have gray fur and black fur.

Previously, the leaders of the Lingqi clan had always been from the gray-haired clan, while the black-haired clan had a low status and had always played the role of low-level soldiers.

The Hei Dou whom Qin Yue killed in Wasteland City before was from the Black-haired Lingqi clan.

"You are going to rebel!" Huidu shouted coldly.

"No, we are here to help the Lingqi clan go further!" Black Entropy waved his hand, and two black-haired Lingqi immediately rushed up and pulled Huidu off the command chair.

"What are you going to do?" Huidu watched Hei Entropy come to the podium and start typing. He had just sat here, and now he was logging in with his account!

"I don't think you will cooperate. If you need to say it, I will say it for you!" Black Entropy waved his hand, rolled his gray eyes, turned into a spirit child, and left the starship.

He was killed in reality.

"Are we really going to surrender to that Blue Star director?" Under the dark entropy, a group of people were also puzzled.

"Look at these messages!" Hei Entropy turned on the big screen, which showed videos uploaded by some people.

The video shows a silent sea of ​​stars. If you look at the porthole, it should be some sort of transport ship.

A few hundred kilometers away from the transport ship, the mighty Star Sea Fleet did not even use optical stealth and walked openly in the star sea.

The speed of the fleet was extremely fast, but it took more than thirty seconds for the cargo ship to go from the beginning of the fleet to the end of the fleet, which was enough to show how terrifying the number of these fleets was.

"This is?"

"This was taken by travelers. Their route is from 13A star system to 14A star system. So the route of this fleet is from 14A to 13A, which is towards us!" Hei Entropy said: "I guess They are not the only ones here, the other two clans should also be on their way. Our Lingqi clan lost its main force in Blue Star and now only has a fleet of 60,000 people left. What do you think they are here for? "

The black-haired Lingqi below fell into silence. No need to think about it. He must be taking advantage of the situation!

Especially since the Lingqi clan was the first to attack Director Blue Star, the other directors are acting out of righteousness in attacking you!

"We cannot surrender to them. Once we surrender to them and lose our racial autonomy, we will never be able to avenge the annihilation of the Lingqi clan!" Black Entropy said: "But we can surrender to the Blue Star Director! Because only He comes from the same river system as us. With the speed of his development, he will encounter our enemy sooner or later in reality! "

"This" the black-haired Lingqi thought for a while, and it seemed to be the truth!

"We have two goals, one is revenge, and the other is to revive our Lingqi civilization. But now it seems that there is no hope of reviving Lingqi civilization, but revenge is still possible!" Black Entropy opened the public network: " I’m going to make an announcement, what are your opinions?”

"We agree with your decision!"

"Very good!" Black Entropy nodded, then clicked, send!

More than ten seconds later, this brief message quickly hit the hot search list, surpassing the live video broadcast and the news about the dispatch of troops by the other three directors. It ranked second on the hot search list after the Death Star cannon.

"The Lingqi clan decided to give up their position as supreme director and transfer all their authority, resources, and territory to Director Blue Star!"

The other three tribes saw the news and stopped decisively. They could beat the drowned dogs, but now that the Lingqi tribe has surrendered, this group of water dogs has suddenly changed and has become the dog of the Blue Star Director. Beating the dog also depends on the owner!

Half a day later, Black Entropy brought the supreme flagship of the Lingqi clan to Lanyao Star. A grand surrender ceremony was supposed to be held, but the director of Blue Star said that there was no one under his command, so the ceremony was kept simple.

Outside the Zangshen Planet, Black Entropy looked at the belt that had not been closed and the scarlet muzzle, and sighed.

The Lingqi clan actually lost to this weapon. How can they explain this?

They didn't have any chance to refute, because the director of Blue Star didn't take the initiative from the beginning to the end, it was all self-defense and counterattack.

Black Entropy suddenly discovered a problem. How did the territories of other supreme directors in the Presbyterian Council come from? They were all burned, killed, plundered, and taken back with starships!

Some of their enemies died, and some surrendered and joined the Presbyterian Church and became a subordinate race.

But the hatred is still there after all!

But how did Blue Star Director’s territory come about?

The first is the dividends from other races. These hatreds are all hung on other races. After all, they were given to me by others. Even if you hate me, you can’t hate me!

Then, there are the territories obtained from the Lingqi clan. The residents of these territories also have no enmity or enmity against the Blue Star Director.

Director Blue Star not only has no hatred against any race, but also promulgated a large number of laws to promote multi-ethnic integration, promote education, and improve everyone's technological level. It can be said that his merits are immeasurable. I don't know how many affiliated races are grateful to Blue Star. Well done to the director!

As a result, among the four directors, only Director Blue Star has the most upright position and the highest reputation!

Higher than Lingqi who founded the Presbyterian Church!

If this is the case, Director Blue Star might really become the sole president of the Presbyterian Church and hold all the power!

Director Blue Star has no race of his own, so aren't the only people he can rely on are the Xiliang people and the Lingqi people?

Having said that, surrender may not be a good choice!

"This is the AI ​​authority of our Lingqi clan! This is the star map that our Lingqi clan has discovered. This is our star map in reality. Our territories are all marked on it!" Black Entropy handed over several things .

The AI ​​authority is not the authority of the supreme wisdom, but the authority of the AI ​​they developed before Qin Yue came, and its name is Lingqi.

In Qin Yue's view, although she is still a bit artificially retarded, her overall level is already very high. Because of the chaotic calculation formula, ordinary people chatting with her can no longer feel the difference between her and real life. Only Tomoko can realize that she is just an AI, not a real life.

The Lingqi clan was not born in the Valo territory, but has been operating in Hailan State from beginning to end.

The star map they discovered is already one-third the size of Hailan State, but this is of no use to Qin Yue.

He has Baoluo Tianjue, and the entire Baigen star area has been explored by him.

It was the third thing that he cared about.

Real-life star map!

When Qin Yue unfolded this picture, his hands were shaking a little!

But after all, I opened this picture with anticipation.

The Lingqi family is located at the end of the Sagittarius-Carina arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is located in the same spiral arm as the solar system, but the solar system is located at the elbow, and Lingqi star is located at the forearm.

The distance between the two is 224 light years!

This distance made Qin Yue feel relieved. If Lingqi Star was right next door to him, the civilization that destroyed Lingqi Star might be able to find the living earth next door and destroy it easily.

As for why the Lingqi people can reach the earth despite the distance, it is because there is an Einstein-Rosen bridge connecting the two places. This is a phenomenon in which the space-time of the two regions is connected due to the distortion of gravity. It is also called a wormhole.

This wormhole does not exist all the time, but appears intermittently, sometimes once every three to five hundred years, sometimes once every seven to eight hundred years, and sometimes not once for more than ten thousand years.

Recently, it has appeared more frequently, almost once every three hundred years. The last time it appeared was around 1820, and it lasted until 1961, lasting 140 years.

The next time it appears should be after 2261.

The Lingqi people did not explore the surrounding galaxies much, because there were no planets naturally suitable for them around. Instead of traveling far to build planets, it is better to develop several planets in the local star system first. They developed two planets near the mother star and seven satellites of three planets, which greatly increased the living space of civilization.

We were planning to march into the universe, but were suddenly destroyed.

Three life planets and seven planets were turned into dust.

"Are you sure they were turned into dust, not burned? What attack can turn a planet into dust?" Qin Yue looked at the photos in the information and hesitated.

"It was indeed turned into dust. As for what weapon it was, we don't know. We suspect it is a weapon that can make matter vibrate, otherwise it is impossible to turn a planet into dust," said Hei Entropy.

"In this case, the civilization that exterminated Lingqi may not be the same as the one that exterminated the earth? The means of photons is obviously not as good as vibration, but the means required to send photons to the earth will not be bad!" Qin Yue frowned. This is bad news. It proves that there is more than one brutal civilization in the Milky Way that destroys other civilizations at will?

No wonder the people on Earth did not hear the voices of other civilizations in the starry sky. It seems that the civilizations that made sounds are all GG?

A haze rose in Qin Yue's heart, but it soon faded away.

After all, I already knew how dangerous this world was. Even a level 7 civilization could fall, leaving only one intelligent child, not to mention the level 1 civilization of Earth!

This is good. I have dealt with the Lingqi clan. I was a little bit arrogant, but now at least I have calmed down.

"Since you have decided to submit to me, I will naturally protect you, but I need to train your soldiers before they can continue to work. Their professional skills are too poor!" Qin Yue said.

Of course, it is called training, but in fact it is genetic modification. He is not the kind of person who can be completely trusted by others just because they say a few good words. How can it be possible without control methods.

"No problem!" Hei En nodded repeatedly.

"As for you, continue to serve as the patriarch of the Lingqi clan, and continue to fight against foreign countries as before. As for the position of the Supreme Council, don't think about it. Even if I want to help you keep it, the other three councilors will not agree!" Qin Yue said.

In fact, when the Elders' Council was first established, it should not have been a joint ruling. Qin Yue knew that this was because the Lingqi clan was too weak and there was no way.

But if it was Qin Yue, if he couldn't control the organization, he would simply not control it, even if he stayed dormant for a while!

"Yes! Director!" Hei En nodded.

"In addition, don't tell the outside world that you are my subordinates, just continue to call yourself the Lingqi clan. I am not the kind of person who has a strong desire for control!" Qin Yue smiled and said, "Although you have submitted to me, you don't have to think of yourself as a slave. You and the Xiliang clan are the same!"

"Is that so?" Hei En was a little hesitant, but thinking about it again, the history of this Blue Star really didn't require the Xiliang clan. What the Xiliang clan did was completely a betrayal of their ancestors in Hei En's view.

But the Blue Star Director didn't care!

It seems that the Blue Star Director really doesn't like to manage things as he said?

In this case, except for losing a president and a supreme director, it seems that we haven't lost anything?

"Of course, there is one more thing!" Qin Yue suddenly remembered: "When Grayscale conquered other civilizations, he didn't send all the scientists he looted. Since he is dead, I will not pursue this matter. You send those scientists here. When you conquer civilizations in the future, you are not allowed to keep the scientists you get! Otherwise, be careful of my punishment!" "Yes, yes, yes!" Hei Entropy nodded repeatedly. How could I make such a mistake! Impossible! Seeing Hei Entropy leave happily, Qin Yue smiled. He didn't believe that Hei Entropy could hold back. After all, people will change. But it doesn't matter. The entire Elder Council, starships, networks, and robots are all under my control. Even if the people below make some small moves, so what! Oh, yes, there are still some starships that were not made by me. I will hold a meeting later and say that these starships are too old and let all races retire them as soon as possible.

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