Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 211 People’s support

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, a super fleet is sailing rapidly.

The paint of this fleet is all black, with the word "Elder" written on the hull.

Two hundred and fifty thousand warships are vast and boundless, like a black tide, coming from one side of the universe.

Wherever he went, the caravans and forces hurriedly avoided the caravans on the roadside. Although they knew that his target was the Muwang family, who knew whether he would deal with other forces along the way!

Countless people used various means to silently observe this swaggering and flamboyant fleet, and various thoughts emerged from their hearts.

"This is the Presbyterian Church's fleet?"

"Yes, isn't there writing on it?"

"Exposed domineering attitude, seeking death!"

"It is said that the Presbyterian Church is only an organization that was established less than three years ago. Why can it build so many battleships? Their industrial strength is already comparable to that of the Taiyao Empire next door!"

"It's still not comparable to the Taiyao Empire, but it's no problem compared to an imperial shipyard, but the shipyard can't buy raw materials, and the current output is probably not as good as the Presbyterian Church."

There is no shortage of raw materials in the starry sky, but with the great development of the starry sky, the originally unowned planets will become owned. By then, even the country will not be able to develop them at will, and raw materials will naturally become a problem.

"The rise of the Presbyterian Church is so fierce. I think it looks like Jackie Chan. The Presbyterian Church also needs businessmen. Should we open a branch in the Presbyterian Church?"

"Jackie Chan? Let's pass this level first and then talk about it!"

"Then the Shepherd King is definitely not the opponent of the Presbyterian Council. These are all battleships of the Presbyterian Council. It would be good to have one-third of the Shepherd King's warships. The rest are all merchant ships for guest appearances. How can they be the opponent of the Presbyterian Council? "

"I'm talking about the Hailan Commercial Federation!"

"But they are sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers and tigers!"

"Yes, so why is this happening? The Presbyterian Church is obviously an enemy. Shouldn't it be strangled in the cradle as early as possible?"

The senior leaders of Heilan Chamber of Commerce are also considering this issue.

A figure with a fleshy structure like an umbrella on its head, a body shaped like a mushroom, and hollow eyes did not speak, but the air vibrated automatically and made a voice: "President, are we just looking at this? King Mu is also one of our members after all. ah!"

"King Mu is not strong. He has a higher profile than our Chamber of Commerce. He bosses around other members and steals our goods. We sent people to investigate, but they beat us back. They also went around to conquer the star thieves, breaking our rules. , the Presbyterian Council has made it clear that it is a false accusation. For the sake of their own reputation, they did not refute it but gathered their troops for a decisive battle. They did not ask about the attitude of the Chamber of Commerce at all! "The president above is dressed in green skin, and his withered yellow hair covers his entire head. , the whole face.

The whole person was reduced to bones from the neck down, and the whole person was placed in a cylindrical jar. The body was soaked in liquid, with only the head leaking out. It looked like some strange plankton.

"Such a Shepherd King's Guild should have been destroyed a long time ago. It's just not convenient for us to do it! Letting the Presbyterian Guild take action now will save our energy!"

"Then, after the Shepherd King is destroyed, shall we assemble a fleet to intercept the Presbyterian Council?" Others asked.

"What, you want to go to war?" the president asked.

"Ah, I'm just asking."

"Hmph!" the president said calmly: "Intercepting is not impossible. The Presbyterian Church will send 250,000 troops. After killing the Shepherd King, I estimate that they will still have a fleet of about 230,000. If they want to ensure total annihilation, they will need an army of 600,000 to surround them. Then the battle will take more than ten days, or even three to five months to end. Let's subscribe to the 600,000-strong fleet. According to the scale, the larger chambers of commerce will contribute more, and the smaller ones will contribute less! "

The members of the Chamber of Commerce around the table fell silent.

600000? This amount is a bit outrageous!

Furthermore, it will take more than ten days to fight? How many months?

You know, the ten days here are equivalent to nearly three thousand days on the earth, ten years!

Who can bear it for such a long time? Everyone’s ship is going to be robbed, ah, they are escorting their own merchant ships!

How much damage must be caused after such a long time!

Especially since I am only the support object of the person behind me, not the direct one. If the loss of my ship is too serious, will the person behind me still support me?

"Then, let's start with you!" The president looked at Mushroom Head: "Your Pingluo Chamber of Commerce should be second to none among the chambers of commerce. I remember that your fleet is not small in size? How many ships can you put together?"

"President, you can't talk nonsense, we don't have any strength!" Forget it if it's a good thing, this is a matter of war, why do you think I'm so strong!

"I'm just running a small business. There's no escort fleet. What I have is just the same thing. It's nothing but a battleship shell!" The mushroom man, no, it should be called the flat clown man, suddenly started crying.

"Let's do this. I will send out 300 ships, three of which are starships. How about this? It can be regarded as setting an example for everyone!" said the flat clown man.

"Nah, you have such a big fleet and only have 300 ships?" The other members couldn't help but cursed in their hearts. Although everyone didn't know how many warships each other had, they still estimated that they would. In the hands of the Pinglu people, they specialize in fighting. The fleet must number 80,000. If armed merchant ships are also added, it will not be a problem to form an army of 200,000!

This is the confidence of the number one person in the Chamber of Commerce. He must be much stronger than King Mu!

However, since such a powerful force only produced 300 ships, he already knew how many he should produce.

"Our Shuke clan will send out 250 ships!"

"I will send 250 ships."

"I will send 240 ships."

"I will ship 180 ships."

Soon, the president at the top looked at the data in his hand, and his head almost sank into the water with anger, and said: "Since we were able to bring in an army of 900,000 when we fought against Grayscale last time, now we are fighting against the Presbyterian Church's expedition fleet. , actually only collected 80,000?”

The members of the Chamber of Commerce looked at each other, how can it be the same? Huidu brought an army of 300,000 people with the intention of destroying the family and the country, especially at that time Huidu was the president of the Presbyterian Church, and he could represent the elders in every word and deed. will.

In that case, if you don't resist, you'll be dead, so of course you have to fight tooth and nail.

Now they just want to fight the Shepherd King, and the leader is someone they don't know, so naturally they don't need to send too many people. When the time comes, the warship will be responsible for escorting the cargo. Wouldn't it be nice to make more money?

As for whether the Presbyterian Church will increase its troops in the future?

Let’s wait until more troops are added!

"Okay, then let's use this 80,000 fleet to ambush the Presbyterian fleet. I hope they can destroy the Presbyterian group!" the president said with a hint of ridicule.

"Don't, President!" The people below were frightened. If 800,000 yuan is enough, they can still fight. What can 80,000 yuan do? If they can't even surround a corner of someone's house, how can they destroy the whole group?

If you can't destroy other groups, you have to offend people first.

"Oh? Then what do you think we should do? It's you who are worried about the Presbyterian Church, and it's you who are unwilling to send troops. This makes it very difficult for me, the president, to do this!" said the president.

"This" Ping Mo thought for a moment and said, "I think we don't need to send troops. The fleet of 80,000 can at least protect the forces around the King of Mu from being invaded by the wandering soldiers of the Presbyterian Church!"

"But isn't King Mu a member of our Chamber of Commerce? This letter asking for help has been sent to me!"

"The Shepherd King's Association is a small but humble business association, a small but powerful business association that is not afraid of the strong, a rude and insulting neighbor, a greedy and clumsy friend, this kind of chamber of commerce should indeed die!"

"Yes, the Chamber of Commerce we established in the early years to resist Atog, as long as it is against Atog, you can join us. As a result, the forces that join are mixed, and some of them should be cleared out!"

"Yes, yes, the Presbyterian Church is just a knife for us."

"Yes, the Presbyterian Church is just a tool. Whoever they want to destroy, the final decision is still in our hands!"

What they don't know is that they can appease, but every decision they make is seen by the people.

Hailan State is composed of not only the Chamber of Commerce, the Council of Elders, Star Pirates, and local chambers of commerce, but also a large number of native civilizations, slave races, affiliated races, and countless small chambers of commerce with only a dozen people and one or two ships.

They clearly saw that when a force belonging to the Hailan Chamber of Commerce was attacked by a foreign enemy, it did not choose to provide assistance, but chose to compromise and wait and see.

Even if this force is the Shepherd King.

Today you can wait and see the Shepherd King, but can you also wait and see other forces the day after tomorrow?

Top chambers of commerce like King Mu can give up, but we, the unofficials, won’t care even less?

With a boss like this, can you stay comfortably in Hailan State?

As soon as the war began, before the Presbyterian Council's fleet even reached the territory of the Shepherd King, Qin Yue discovered that the number of affiliated races applying to join the Presbyterian Council was increasing dramatically!

With the expansion of the Presbyterian Church, and the fact that the Presbyterian Church is originally composed of wandering civilizations, it is very popular with small civilizations, and small civilizations have always joined.

Like the Earth, it was born on the edge of a second-level civilization, and it is a second-level civilization that is already overstretched and does not like to fight. This is completely a chosen event. If there is no attack from the Black Thorn civilization, the future of the earth is quite bright.

The birth point of most civilizations is either in the hinterland of a third-level civilization or within the jurisdiction of a higher-level civilization. When you are born, before you have time to develop, a third-level battleship is already at your door.

The more this happens, the more wandering civilizations there will naturally be. And with the emergence of a Presbyterian Church founded by wandering civilizations, it will naturally become quite attractive!

But before, it was only wandering civilizations that applied to join, but most of the sudden increase in number are businessmen!

Although they are all small households, the largest one only has 40 warships and more than 700 cargo ships, but this is obviously a clear signal, which means that the merchants in Hailan State no longer have their hearts set on Hailanzhou, who is also a merchant. Lan Chamber of Commerce began to lean towards him!

The conditions for joining the Presbyterian Church are very simple. First, hand over your scientists, and they will be arranged and managed by the Supreme Academy of Science of the Presbyterian Church.

Second, hand over your educational rights, and the education of your descendants will be taken over by the Presbyterian Church.

As for taxes, they are common to every force, and the Presbyterian Church is not special, so I won’t just mention them here.

Since many of the newly joined forces are businessmen, and some of the original civilizations also want to do business and engage in cross-border trade, Qin Yue provided two more benefits.

First, starship loans and battleship loans, the price of starships is very high, ordinary families can't even think about it. Small civilizations can barely buy a command module with the whole family's money, let alone small businessmen. .

Therefore, Qin Yue launched a starship loan. After review, as long as 10% of the down payment is required, the warship can be taken away, and the remaining 90% can be paid back slowly over 20 years.


Battleships are much cheaper, so the down payment is also expensive. You need to make a down payment of 50%, and the rest will be paid back slowly over 10 years.

He doesn't care if someone gets the battleship and runs away. It doesn't matter. As long as you take my battleship and use my system, you will definitely be under my control from now on.

He also wished that those who had taken the battleships would run away and eventually spread to the entire Taiyao Empire and the Star Star Federation!

It would be best for someone to study and imitate the intelligent control system. The anti-theft system made by Qin Yue is extremely crude. As long as there is some skill, it can be cracked perfectly without damaging the system itself.

The second benefit is that the processing center is open to the outside world.

Many of the materials purchased by these merchants need to be processed before being transported. However, the small forces have a weak foundation and have no factories or industrial centers. They can only make things for the big forces and pay an expensive processing fee. .

As a result, I didn’t make much money by taking a boat trip, and the money was still made by those big chambers of commerce.

Qin Yue can provide the black hole forging system and quantum generator to his civilizations, and then let these civilizations take orders.

In this way, the profits are kept in the Presbyterian Church, the small businessmen get the profits, the affiliated civilization gets the jobs and money, and the Presbyterian Church gets the GDP

With these two benefits, the above two constraints seem to disappear. After all, most people are not qualified to think about the future. The first priority of your civilization is not the future, but survival.

Only by surviving first can we consider a brighter future. Besides, the Presbyterian Council does not prohibit the internal inheritance of their respective civilizations, but the official language is Yunwen.

Furthermore, although each civilization has its own education system, it is rubbish compared to Thirteenth Heaven University, which can teach people about level three civilizations. Qin Yue is also teaching Earthlings, but does the Chinese education department feel that it is at a loss?

Losing money and making a lot of money, okay? If Thirteenth Day University didn't have a limited number of people, they would have thrown all the high school students and college students over!

Therefore, for low-level civilizations, it is more of a benefit than a constraint.

As Qin Yue expected, after the two benefits appeared, the number of people applying to join the Presbyterian Church surged again, and various application instructions flew in like snowflakes.

But fortunately, this workload is not big, and even the Supreme Intelligence can handle it, let alone a Sophon.

These are all subtle changes, and the Heilan Chamber of Commerce has always been unaware of them. Their eyes are on their foreheads, they never lower their heads to look at the road, and naturally they don't care about the living conditions of the underlying civilization.

It's not even just the bottom civilization, they don't even know the lives of the bottom members of their own chamber of commerce. After all, they are supported by the two major countries, and their profits mainly come from state funding, and they do not rely on the hard work of the people below.

Just like in Lada City and Yuanyi Society, Qin Yue unknowingly became the representative of the lower class people.

At 4:78 pm in 17021, the Presbyterian Expeditionary Force finally arrived outside the Muwang Star District. After a short rest, the vanguard army officially entered the Muwang Star District.

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