Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 215 The case is solved

Now that a decision has been made at the meeting, there is no need to continue watching the war between the Presbyterian Council and the Shepherd King.

In fact, there was nothing interesting to see. One side had 250,000 battleships, and the other side scraped together 150,000, of which there were only 60,000 battleships, and the rest were all armed merchant ships.

This was not a reciprocal war to begin with, and there was no suspense to begin with.

Ping Mo left the venue and immediately mobilized the fastest warship to go to the Presbyterian Church. In order to arrive before the end of the war, he also spent a lot of money to borrow other people's star gates.

It only took him an hour to reach the territory of the Presbyterian Church across only one-third of the distance of Hailan State.

He was stopped by guards at the Presbyterian border.

"The ships ahead are not allowed to enter the territory of the Presbyterian Church without reporting!"

"I am Pingluo, the president of the Pingluo Chamber of Commerce!" The name of a race is the same as the name of its leader. It is not a novelty, because the name of a race is easily forgotten, but some people's names and deeds may have a long history. .

In order to convert this fame into the reputation of the race and the chamber of commerce, many leaders of the race choose to change their names to the names of their races.

The Black Loach clan is an example.

When you die, the next successor can continue to change your name, and you can naturally inherit your inheritance, connections, and social status.

"Pinglu?" Being able to serve as a guard of the Presbyterian Church means that he is naturally well-informed. He has heard of this name.

"Fill out this information form!" He sent the form to Pingxiao.

Ping Yao took a look and saw that it turned out to be a visitor registration form, with various information such as race, affiliation, purpose of visit, etc. on it.

His purpose of coming this time was quite fair, so he simply filled it out truthfully, submitted it back, and received a response quickly.

"Stay the battleship and we can send a ship to take you in!!" the guard said.

"No problem!" Ping Mo got off the boat and followed the Presbyterian Church's boat all the way into the Presbyterian Church's territory.

As soon as he crossed a non-existent boundary, Pingyou felt a difference. The surrounding space seemed to suddenly become turbulent.

The Pingluo clan was born on a planet with chaotic space. The white crown on top of its head is naturally sensitive to space. Based on this turmoil, he could quickly judge that space shock bombs should have been released here.

Opening the star gate is a delicate task, and there should be no spatial problems with the coordinate position. As long as slight turbulence is created, the star gate can fail to open.

This kind of bomb can prevent forces from opening the star gate to your hometown, but this kind of bomb is equivalent to blowing up the gravitational field. The technical content is not high, but the cost is huge. Pingluo has only seen some super chambers of commerce use it. Even the Pingxiao clan can't afford it.

I didn’t expect the Presbyterian Church to use it!

The territory of the Presbyterian Church is very terrifying. It now has more than 9,000 galaxies. How many bombs must be exploded every day, and what is the cost?

Such a powerful force really doesn't look like a force born and raised in Hailan State. After all, this is a country of businessmen. Everyone wants to make money, save money, be stingy, and exploit. If a person lives here and is influenced by what he hears and sees, he will naturally grow up. It will also come closer in this direction.

"Ahead is the regional capital of the 90th Star District of our Presbyterian Church, Xianyang Star. You have to wait here for a while. Our president will come to see you if he is free!" The guard pointed to a super star in front of him. Planet said, and then asked: "The standard gravity of this planet is 3 G, are you okay?"

Pingyou shook his head. He was already a level 3 civilization. Who wouldn't play some tricks on his genes? His body could already adapt to various complex environments.

To put it bluntly, civilians of the third-level civilization belong to the level of superman in the first-level civilization. If the modification is more extreme, such as installing a quantum tidal battery or a quantum laser cannon on the body, then it is even more acceptable. Acting like a god or a demon.

However, they do not have the material of longevity veins that can cross the star sea. Even if they transform their bodies, they cannot be fed back into reality, and they have to transform them again in reality.

Oh, the Pinglu clan is a native race, so that’s okay.

The spaceship stopped at the space station on the Xianyang star. Ping Hao took the temporary ID card given by the patrol and took a transport ship from the space station to the blue Xianyang star.

This planet looks extremely prosperous, with a large and exaggerated city surrounded by green forests.

Interstellar civilizations do not need to build so many cities due to the abnormal improvement of transportation capabilities. Everyone can live in one city, and the remaining land is used for greening.

Ping Xiao walked in the city, curiously looking at the various races coming and going around.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, blue and green skin are the mainstream, and yellow and white skin are actually rare.

Yellow skin is caused by the lack of structures such as chlorophyll and chlorophyll in the cells, which prevents them from absorbing carbon dioxide.

Oxygen is a highly toxic species. Races that use this gas as energy source often do not live very long. Races that absorb carbon dioxide and ammonia are more likely to survive. Of course, as long as the level of civilization is high, it will not matter what they absorb. A nuclear reactor inside the body.

"There doesn't seem to be an atmosphere of war here!" The screen looked at the surrounding people, buildings, and advertisements thoughtfully.

It is a major national event, both in the army and in worship. The Presbyterian Church sent 250,000 troops to conquer the Shepherd King. Logically speaking, it should be a major event that shocked the whole country. The war should be broadcast around the world, with various media reporting in turn, and various news broadcasting the latest battle situation in real time.

But on Xianyang Planet, there is nothing about the situation on the front line. People are wandering leisurely in the streets, and the topics they talk about are not war, but clothes, food, cars, or technology.

There is nothing about war in the street advertisements. Instead, they are all promoting something, virtual games?

This game called LOL consists of heroes from hundreds of races. They gather in one place, use their abilities to fight desperately, and then win one victory after another.

Just watching the promotional video made Ping Xiao's blood boil, and he wanted to immediately transform into a summoner and go in to fight, especially when he saw a raccoon-like race among them. He raised his hand and planted a mushroom.

Why does this mushroom look so much like the flat clown family?

Ping Yao looked at it and discovered another problem.

In the Presbyterian Church, the status of all races seems to be equal?

This fact surprised Ping Mo. Although many chambers of commerce are composed of many races, there are very few chambers of commerce with absolute equality within them. They are basically composed of one main race and several subsidiary races.

There are very few races that are absolutely equal. They must be races that can benefit and coexist with each other. Without this kind of relationship, if two races are equal, it will only lead to war!

But in the Presbyterian Church, it is simply incredible that so many races can live together equally!

"Either the president of the Presbyterian Church is really an egalitarian, but how is that possible? We are already at the third level of civilization. Which leader of this level is not a racist?" Ping Mo shook his head. This guess was impossible. .

That can only be the second possibility. The leaders here don't care about these small races at all. In their eyes, these races are all bugs. Since they are all bugs, they can naturally be treated equally.

As the saying goes, the world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs.

If the Taihua Shangming Empire was behind the Presbyterian Church, then this guess would be well founded.

"Since we can't see the president yet, let's learn more about the Presbyterian Church first and see what policies and systems are implemented here. If our Pingluo clan joins in, will it be suitable for us?" Pingluo looked around and made his choice. A store that sells computers.

Sector No. 90 is on the edge of the Presbyterian Church, close to the outer star sectors. Therefore, the currency here does not have to be blue gold coins issued by the Presbyterian Church. It is also possible to pay with precious metals from outside.

Qin Yue silently paid attention to Ping Soo's words and deeds. He did not know that the cell tissue extracted from him during the physical examination on the battleship had been subjected to genetic analysis, and the results were also placed in front of Qin Yue.

"The group consciousness formed by countless fungi sticking together is so strong. There is such a race. Sure enough, there are all kinds of wonders in the world!" Qin Yue looked at Pingluo's body structure with some admiration. He looked like a mushroom. , actually a mushroom.

Of course, a more standardized term is fungus man.

This race is very dangerous when it is weak. After all, fungi exist in the recipes of many races. Their fate will not be much better than that of the Zhehai people.

Oh, people on earth are also food, so that’s okay. We are both fallen people in the world, so why should we have known each other before.

After analyzing the cell structure of this fungus man, Qin Yue suddenly remembered another race.

It was a fungal structure floating in the air that he extracted from Jupiter. He later placed it on a certain planet and eventually developed civilization.

Wait, when did this happen? Why don’t I remember?

Qin Yue scratched his head, feeling that he had forgotten something?

This feeling seems to have happened before. It seems that it started from the Sangluo ruins?

The ruins of Sangluo have blocked my memory?

"Zhizi, did Sangluo Ruins do anything to me?" Qin Yue asked.

He was undergoing a test at the time and had no idea what was going on outside, but Tomoko was online throughout the whole process. If he was tampered with, Tomoko would definitely know.

"No!" Tomoko said, "Do you want me to play the scene at that time?"

"Play!" Qin Yue said.

A picture appeared in front of his eyes. It was his performance when he accepted the cabin. He was close to the star, then motionless, and then, a mass of matter floated out of the star.

It’s the longevity vein.

"Weird." Qin Yue frowned, but finally let it go.

After studying the flat clover, his body structure inspired Qin Yue a lot. With the help of this structure, a biological computer can be created.

It is difficult, or impossible, to produce artificial intelligence on a computer made of mechanical parts.

A biological computer is possible. After all, although a biological computer is a computer, it is made up of countless neurons and is more like a living thing.

But after some simulations, Qin Yue found that the computing speed of a biological computer that uses electricity as a method of signal transmission is quite low, and it is thrown out by the quantum optical brain.

He may have a good technological path. If he continues to develop, he may be able to create a race similar to the Zerg Brood, but Qin Yue is not interested. He is a technological civilization, so why do he engage in Zerg.

After activating a bionic body located in star sector 90, Qin Yue took over the authority and controlled the bionic body to a virtual game experience center.

The promotion of virtual games is very smooth. After all, game cabins are cheap and prices are very expensive. The cost of entertainment is too high. It is better to lie in the game cabin and play games.

Many smart people have also seen Qin Yue's purpose, but what can they do if they see it?

The military power is in Qin Yue's hands, and the right to access the Internet is in Qin Yue's hands. They can only protest internally. It is impossible to publish the truth online, and they will be banned directly.

Furthermore, it seems that those who are worried about this are all the upper class people. They are worried that they have no subordinates and no rights.

Ordinary people will not be sad when they see this. Instead, they will celebrate. After all, there is no need to work hard anymore. Lie down. Who wouldn't like a life where you can get everything without working hard!

Ping Xiao was in an experience center, curiously experiencing LOL. The character he used was Teemo. He didn’t fight people or minions. He bought a bunch of cooldown-reducing equipment and buried mushrooms all over the map. .

Bury one and have fun there for a long time, then continue burying it and keep having fun.

This is a happy thing in the first place, and it becomes even happier when you see your opponent stepping on your mushroom, being slowed down and poisoned, or even dying on the spot if you are unlucky.

Qin Yue stood silently behind him, watching this scene.

He hasn't played much League of Legends. The most popular game in China is the officially developed "Star Sea", but he has played some after all.

From his perspective, the quality of this game is very high, and it captures the human psychology of loving fighting and competition. Without "Star Sea", this game would have become a hit.

Unfortunately, he ran into "Star Sea" head-on. With the genetic optimization fluid, the Chinese people, whose hand speed and reaction speed increased dramatically, did not like this simple game. As a result, "League of Legends" suddenly died in China.

Qin Yue couldn't just copy LOL. It was really uncomfortable for a group of supermen to simulate the slow movements in the game. Qin Yue made major changes to the skill modules of all characters. First, it increased the degree of freedom. As long as it's within the framework, you can play however you want.

For example, as a shooter, you can not only walk A, but also run A, and you can also jump A.

For example, warriors can not only charge, but also slide and tackle, and can also jump and slash.

The second is to increase the speed. If the skill speed is too slow, it will not be able to hit people at all. Therefore, Qin Yue changed the skill so that as long as he raises his hand, it is basically equal to a hit. If he wants to avoid the skill, he can only rely on prediction.

There are many others, which are still being adjusted based on player feedback, but for now, the changes are very successful.

He just watched silently as Ping Yao played for more than two hours from the beginning, finally ran out of money on his card, and then left the game cabin.

"Boss, Chong, eh?" Ping Mo saw Qin Yue. He was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise: "You, are you the director of Blue Star and the president of the Presbyterian Council?"

"Yes, it's me!" Qin Yue nodded: "Are you having fun?"

"Happy!" Pingyou nodded repeatedly, but soon felt something was wrong.

Wait, am I here to play a game? I'm here to check information!

As a result, I found out the appearance of a president. I saw an introduction below saying that he had developed a game, so I clicked on it.

The result is now

"That." Ping Yao then thought about it. If I can get addicted to this game, others should be able to do it too!

"Do you need an agent for this game? I can do it!" Ping Mo said.

Qin Yue shook his head: "If you want to play, just join the Presbyterian Council!"

"Ah, is it okay for a chamber of commerce like mine?" Ping Mo asked, "Don't you, the Presbyterian Council, hate chambers of commerce like ours the most?"

Such a chamber of commerce refers to a guy who is a chamber of commerce in the open and a star thief secretly.

"As long as you abide by the rules of our Presbyterian Council, no matter what kind of chamber of commerce you are in, as long as you join the Presbyterian Council, your past affairs will not be investigated!" Qin Yue said.

"That's it!" Ping Mo nodded, there is such a rule, the Presbyterian Council really has a big plan.

"Then, our Pingluo clan is also a third-level civilization, and we also have third-level battleships. Can we become the supreme director if we come in?" He thought for a moment. If we are just ordinary members, it is impossible to get a knighthood after the event is completed. At least we have to Become a supreme council member.

"I heard that your Presbyterian Church plans to set up twelve supreme directors. Do you think I still have a chance?"

Qin Yue shook his head: "Twelve supreme directors, that is a thing of the past. Now, only four directors are enough."

The Elder Council is a group of weak people, so the more the better, but too many can easily cause confusion, so the initial setting is twelve.

But Qin Yue is not weak, why should he join forces?

"That's it!" Ping Mo sighed. He had finished asking what he wanted to ask, and the only thing left was the mission of the Chamber of Commerce.

Find out which force is behind the Presbyterian Church.

"President, can I ask, the ultimate goal of your Presbyterian Council?" Ping Mo asked: "Do you want to become the largest force in Hailan State? Or do you want to unify Hailan State?"

Qin Yue chuckled: "Why not unify the Yougen Star Region?"

"Ah this!" Pingyou was shocked, is this really the case?

"Haha, the Yougen Star District is so big and the two major countries are so powerful. How can I, a small Presbyterian Council, be so virtuous and capable!" Qin Yue shook her head: "I was just joking!"

Are you kidding? I don’t think so. Many truths are told through jokes.

Is he testing me?

That’s right, he doesn’t know the purpose of my coming, so it’s impossible for him to tell me the truth. In fact, even if I join the Presbyterian Church and become the highest level, the affairs of the Taihua Ming Empire are still classified, and I have no qualifications to know. .

But he must give his allies confidence, so he needs to reveal his trump card inadvertently.

In this case, he doesn't need to directly ask about the Taihua Shangming Empire. If he asks the president, he won't tell them, so he might as well make some insinuations.

"Haha, you are indeed very ambitious!" Ping Yao jerked off, and then the topic suddenly changed: "President, I heard that your name is Xingtian, what does this name mean? Is your race the Xingtian clan? ?”

"There is no such thing as the Xingtian clan!" Qin Yue shook his head: "Xingtian is a great man who challenged the Emperor of Heaven. Although he was defeated, he has not changed his ambition. I use this name just to pass on his spirit. It has nothing to do with my race. !”

Challenge the Emperor of Heaven?

Taihua, the great emperor of the Ming Empire?

Is there such a thing? I do not know how? Is the message blocked?

I'll have to check it out later.

"Awesome!" Ping Mo asked again: "Are all these battleships of yours produced by yourself? I see that since you joined the Presbyterian Church, the number of the Presbyterian Church's battleships has begun to increase dramatically. If we join the Presbyterian Church, we will also Can I get these battleships?"

"Of course it is self-produced. If you join the Presbyterian Church, as long as you have money or minerals, you can have as much as you want!" Qin Yue said calmly.

This is information that will be written in the treaty, so Qin Yue naturally has no need to hide it.

"That's it!" Producing a self-produced starship is not something that small forces can do, at least Pingluo can't do it.

He said that he was a level 3 civilization, but the level 3 battleships and level 3 technologies he used were all supported by the people behind them, so he produced them himself? No such ability.

Is such a third-level civilization really a third-level civilization?

And the Presbyterian Church can actually produce this kind of thing. They haven't found out what race the president is from. The name Blue Star is also very common. After all, eight of the ten living planets are blue.

So are these battleships really produced by him?

How could a Blue Star director who didn't even have any clan members or recruit workers create so many starships?

I'm afraid they are not produced by themselves at all, but are constantly transported from other places through the star gate!

Pingxiao felt that he was very close to solving the case, only the last little bit left!

"President, what do you think of the Hailan State Business Federation? They are very powerful and may affect your plans!" Ping Mo asked.

Qin Yue shook his head: "It's just a bunch of rabble!"

What a spirit!

"Behind them are the nobles of Taiyao Empire and Xingyao Federation!" Ping Mo said.

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Yue was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "But so what, they are just nobles, can they be compared to the emperor?"


Ping Yao's pupils shrank and he solved the case, sure enough!

Behind the Presbyterian Church is indeed the Ming Empire of Taihua!

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