Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 219 Star Spirit Jade

Qin Yue actually didn't want to participate in any stone gambling conference, but he was just curious. It was already a third-level civilization, and all kinds of metals or gems could be synthesized. Why was there something like green jade that could attract a large number of people to gather and fight.

It stands to reason that after level three, there should be nothing that cannot be synthesized.

The Stone Gambling Conference is indeed a conference that has been held for countless years. It has a large number of people and various races of unknown origins gather together.

Qin Yue also saw the main race here, a race with four limbs, blue skin, standing tall, narrow upper body, huge lower limbs, looking like an ape in the sea, Taiyao Xingling.

This is not an ordinary race, but a star spirit. Star spirit is not a name that can be given casually. It must be technologically transformed into the physical body so that the body can fly freely in the universe.

In other words, all protoss can live in a vacuum environment.

This kind of power is like a god, and the prerequisite skills are very high. Before you click on it, there are many technology trees to point out, many of which are very detailed. For example, some force fields want to be installed on the body. It seems simple, but the body is mortal. How to withstand the pressure of the force field?

It seems that it is simply training people as battleships, but in fact the difficulty is not at the same level. If we talk about making a third-level battleship, it is a level 3.2 strength, then making a protoss clan must be at least a level 3.4!

Putting it this way, it seems that Qin Yue is also a star spirit?

Otherwise, a person like Qin Yue who can enter space but cannot be entered by his own race is not called a star spirit. Only when most people of the entire race can enter can it be called a star spirit clan. The birth of the word star spirit is innate. There are racial attributes, rather than being used to depict the power of a single entity.

Well, who said this?

Possibly the first race to create protoss.

The creation of concepts involves the power of higher civilization. Qin Yue is still a primary school student and cannot grasp it and dare not get involved.

Qin Yue walked around the street for a long time, and no one seemed to notice him, so he turned aside and entered a stone betting shop.

This shop covers an area of ​​30 acres. The shop is divided into two floors: inside and outside. Many stones outside are simply placed on the shelves, and there are no guards at all.

These stones also look simple and ordinary, without any mystery.

Many customers are picking out these stones like watermelons. Many people pay for the right ones on the spot, some take them away, and some are cut on the spot.

When Qin Yue came in, someone happened to be cutting stones, so he simply went over to take a look.

I saw that the star spirit first took out a lamp-like device and shined it on the stone, then seemed to find the place to cut, and then turned on the cutting device.

A dark red light suddenly appeared in the cutting equipment. If you look carefully, it turns out to be a quantum laser?

This kind of big killer weapon on the battleship was actually used on the gambling stone!

But think about it, this kind of laser cannon is low-cost and not difficult to activate, so it has potential for civilian use.

When the stone faced the quantum laser, it was like butter touching a hot knife. It was cut open easily, revealing the dark green gem at the core.

Qin Yue felt that it was okay, the gem was quite beautiful, but the onlookers all lamented.

"Ah, an ordinary gem has not become a jewel!"

"Indeed, isn't this worthless!"

"Not necessarily. There will be lower races who regard this as a treasure."

"If you are so interested in selling rocks to lower civilizations, you might as well bet a few more dollars!"

The owner of the stone is also a Taiyao Xingluo. Sure enough, he wasn't very sad, maybe because he didn't have time to be sad, because there were still hundreds of stones behind him, so he directly greeted: "Throw it away, throw it away, and replace it with another one!"

That posture is just like a game player who has hit 648 and is about to draw cards like crazy!

Qin Yue didn't understand. He moved forward, picked up a stone chip on the ground, tried it, and was surprised to find that the longevity vein could actually penetrate!

The pulse generator is a nanorobot. Its single size is smaller than that of protons and neutrons, and it shields the four basic forces. As long as Qin Yue wants to, he will not participate in any reaction.

Such creations can naturally penetrate into various atomic gaps, and the stones here are no exception.

Qin Yue was stunned for a moment, and then realized, if this is the case, doesn't it mean that his bet on stone will be accurate?

He thought that others could only observe the appearance, but he could directly penetrate the Changsheng Vein and observe the situation inside the stone!

But there’s no rush, let’s take a look at the green jade first, what the hell?

Right in front of me, after the stone was untied, there was actually a dark green dense gas inside the stone?

No, no, no, it is indeed solid, but it actually gives people a dense, nebula-like feeling, as if this stone is alive, the nebula has been rotating, and has been interpreting the true and true planetary trajectory!

Qin Yue recognized it at a glance!

Is this green jadeite?

This is Xingling Jade!

Damn it!

In my previous life, I always bought Lunke. I could only buy back a little bit of my wealth after several years of throwing it away. I didn’t expect that this thing was actually made from a stone?

And I didn’t expect it to be so big when it opened! What a great experience!

Qin Yue looked back at the shelf in shock. The price of a stone ranged from 300 to 500. If the Star Spirit Jade was sold, then according to the price in the previous life, this group of Star Spirit Jade could sell for at least 400,000!

If you go to the trading markets that you went to in your previous life, it would not be unusual to sell for 5 million!

How much money did those gang of profiteers cheat me!

So, what is Xingling Jade that can make Qin Yue so excited?

Xingling jade is that dense mass of gemstones. It is a naturally occurring gemstone that contains the Tao Yun. Of course, as it is called in science fiction, it is called a trace of the laws of the universe.

Laws sound like something from fairy tales or Western fantasy, but there is indeed such a thing in science, but people on earth are accustomed to calling them theorems.

Theorem, truth that is universally applicable, isn’t this the law of the universe?

For example, 1+1=2 is a theorem, and π=3.14159265358979 is a theorem. Are these numbers determined by humans? No, it is stipulated by the universe. This is the law of this universe.

In addition to mathematics, there is also physics, gravity, heat, chemistry, and so on.

These laws exist naturally and will not change due to the birth and reproduction of human beings, nor will they change due to power and combat effectiveness.

Well, this is not necessarily the case, what if there is an advanced civilization that can change this kind of thing!

Under normal circumstances, low-level civilizations cannot understand these laws with their eyes closed and meditate. Life and civilization can only use physical and mathematical means to study and study, and then discover laws one by one, and gradually study this fuzzy world clearly. Chu.

Some people say that there is no difference between scientists and Taoist priests. They are both seeking Taoism. Scientists are Taoist priests in the new era. In a sense, this statement is correct.

It stands to reason that laws can only be discovered through physical research or mathematical calculations, but there are things like Xingling Jade in this world that directly engraved the laws. As long as humans feel these laws, they may understand some theorems.

Is this scientific? It's very scientific, because some people can study the law of universal gravitation through an apple. Xingling Jade just engraved the truth on his face, making it more obvious.

The importance of the theorem to civilization is self-evident!

If it's a theorem that you know, that's it. If you don't know it, it means that you can directly master a new technology tree!

For example, what kind of life did human beings live before they mastered the law of gravity? It was completely like a feudal dynasty. After mastering it, they flew directly into space to chase the moon.

When the mass-energy equation is not mastered, all countries can only fight with manpower and material resources. Not only will there be countless casualties, but it will not be easy to stop.

But with the mass-energy equation, and then the nuclear bomb was developed, the way of war suddenly changed, and some rogue countries were suddenly willing to listen to your reasoning calmly.

What if the theorem recorded in a certain Xingling Jade happens to be a unified theory?

Then Qin Yue was still calculating and fast-forwarded directly to engineering applications to create a curvature engine!

Thinking of this, Qin Yue became hot-eyed at the stone in the hand of the person in front of him. This thing cannot be realized by standing here at a microscopic level, but should be kept by your side to figure it out at any time. Xingling Jade will not tell you this directly. What is the law? It will increase your inspiration and understanding to research in that direction.

In short, the learning progress corresponding to the technology tree is UP!

This is already scary, because sometimes what a stuck scientist needs is an inspiration!

Moreover, Qin Yue used the Xingling Jade sold by Lunke in his previous life. This is the effect of the Xingling Jade sold by Lunke. How could he have seen the whole one? What if the whole effect is different!

"Brother, I bought this green jade stone of yours, and I'll pay you three million!"

"Five million, give it to me!"

"This green jade stone has a strong aura. It seems to be at least a second-level law. It is of great value. If it is an unborn theorem, the value will be even higher. You actually want to buy it for five million?"

"You also said it's an undiscovered theorem. If it's Level 3, forget it. There are no unreleased theorems at Level 2. They've already been discovered by the country!"

Some of the onlookers have already started bidding.

Listening to their discussion, Qin Yue's fanatical mood became rational. This is also a problem. Although the Xingling Jade records laws, they are generally low-level laws. Even if you prescribe them, it will be useless. You know better. 2+2=4?

The environment in which this kind of stone is formed is harsh, and the birth of high-level laws is also very harsh. The first-level laws are everywhere, and the second-level ones begin to decrease. The third-level ones are already very rare. The fourth-level laws can be mined from the entire gambling house, or the entire mine Yuanxing. The Star Spirit Jade has only appeared once so far, and was finally taken away by an unknown force.

Think about it, if the unified theory was so easy to discover, then the Taiyao Empire would no longer be a third-level civilization and would have been promoted to the fourth level long ago.

But this does not affect Qin Yue from getting him. After all, his current goal is to be promoted to the fourth level. The prerequisite for promotion to the fourth level is to develop a unified theory!

There are countless small issues that need to be solved in the grand unified theory. Qin Yue has been recruiting scientists for this reason. The emergence of Xingling Jade can obviously supplement some of his knowledge. If it is the theorem related to the grand unified theory, say Maybe it will make Tomoko's deduction progress a lot faster!

Qin Yue counted his wallet. Their Presbyterian Church had no trading channels with Taiyao Empire, so they didn't have much money. However, after Qin Yue said that he wanted to come to Taiyao Empire, the Pingshu clan supported him with some money.

Quite a few, only 5.4 million, but it has already made the Pingxiao clan very distressed.

After all, the currency of the Taiyao Empire is very valuable. In the Taiyao Empire, a huge parking lot costs 300 yuan to park as long as you want. On Earth, the rent for one night may be more than that.

5.4 million can probably buy two living planets, or a decommissioned starship?

With such money, if you just buy the stones that others have gambled on, you won't be able to buy a few pieces. It's better to open it yourself.

When the stones are useless, he can sell them to get the funds, and he can keep the useful ones for himself. His longevity veins can invade the stones and observe the conditions inside. Isn't it possible to open whatever he wants!

"Boss!" Qin Yue waved.

"Come, come, brother, which stone do you like?" A star spirit came in response. This dazzling star spirit looked the same as the others. If you put a bunch of star spirits together in a reasonable way, Qin It was difficult for Yue to recognize who was who, let alone identify the gender.

"I don't pay much attention to the stones here. Are there any heavier stones?" Qin Yue asked.

You can't raise a real dragon by diving, and you can't raise high-grade star jade from these small stones. Qin Yue has to find bigger stones!

"Oh?" The Star Spirit's eyes lit up: "Sir, do you want to go to the VIP area? But this VIP area has requirements for people who can enter. Of course, I don't think you can't enter, but we don't want any unknown people. Going in disturbs the fun of the distinguished guests!”

"How to do?"

"Capital verification!"

"Okay!" Qin Yue took out a card and handed it to Xing Ling. Xing Ling took it and took out an instrument. There was only a ding, and the capital verification was completed.

"Dear distinguished guest, please come this way!" Xingling returned the card to Qin Yue and said respectfully.

She was originally very respectful, but that was out of service etiquette, but now her respect is for money.

Someone nearby noticed this scene and could only look at Qin Yue with envy. They could be jealous, but they couldn't cause trouble.

Not to mention that rich people themselves represent powerful people, the laws of Mining Yuanxing are still very strict, and fighting in the city is strictly prohibited. Violators will be hunted down by the Kuangyuanxing garrison!

There is no point in provocation, it is better to make a fortune together.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the two came to a corridor. After the Xing Ling stepped forward and showed the capital verification certificate to the gatekeeper, the corridor door suddenly opened. Xing Ling signaled Qin Yue to follow, and the two Enter the corridor.

The corridor is just a white stone wall, but it separates the inside and outside into two worlds. After entering the corridor, the whole world suddenly becomes a lot quieter. The stones here suddenly become bigger, and the stones outside are not even the largest. A watermelon is big, but the smallest stone here is more than one meter in diameter, and the largest one is hundreds of meters long, like a train standing on the ground.

"The stones here are sold by weight, 50 yuan per kilogram. We weigh every stone. If you don't trust us, you can weigh it yourself!" Xingling introduced to Qin Yue: "However, your spaceship They can only be weighed, but they cannot be taken away. They can only be cut on the spot. This is the rule of Taiyao Empire. Small stones from outside can be taken back and cut, but these large gambling stones must be cut in the gambling house, and The entire process must be videotaped.”

Qin Yue nodded, understandable.

After all, it is possible to cut out a fourth-level star spirit jade from the stone here, which means that there is a fourth-level law!

Taiyao Empire would definitely not let go of this kind of thing easily.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if the first and second level laws are issued. No one cares. The third level laws will be taken seriously. If it is the fourth level law, then the Star Spirit Jade may not be yours.

Qin Yue suddenly remembered that the Taiyao Empire actually launched a national body modification and national star spirit project. The start of this project was about the same time as the appearance of the fourth-level star spirit jade that he just heard about.

Has the Taiyao Empire developed some laws that require all the stars to implement?

Qin Yue scratched his head, but it was a pity that in his previous life, he was only a third-level street fighter, and he only hung around at the bottom, so he couldn't guess it at all.

"Can I touch it?" Qin Yue asked.

"Uh" Xing Ling glanced at Qin Yue: "It's daytime after all, and everyone doesn't look good. If you want to touch it, come at night?"

Qin Yue was speechless: "I mean touching the stone!"

"Oh, stone, you can do whatever you want." Is a stone that can wrap Xingling Jade an ordinary stone? In the third-level civilization, there is no way to detect the inside of the stone, which is also the most important reason for the rise of stone gambling.

Even if it’s gambling, it must be fair!

But Changshengmai is a fifth-level technology that specializes in treating all dissatisfactions.

Qin Yue came to a stone that was shaped like a potato and was 2 meters high. He touched the stone lightly with his hand, and then replaced it with another stone.

At the moment of contact with the stone, the nanorobots quickly detached from his hands and penetrated deep into the stone. What these nanorobots saw was also transmitted into Qin Yue's brain in real time.

It would be fine if Qin Yue bought these stones, but if not, these nanorobots cannot be recycled. They will only be allowed to self-destruct and return to ordinary particles, and there is no way to detect them.

But this loss doesn't matter, anyway, as long as the longevity vein has energy, it can be derived infinitely.

"This one, this one, and this one, this one!" There were not many big stones in the VIP area, only more than two hundred in total. Qin Yue touched them all in a short time, and then pointed to four stones: "This one Four, open it!”

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