Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 224 Brain modification?

Facing thirty stones, Qin Yue actually felt like he was playing a mobile game, stimulating card drawing.

Moreover, because of his status as a strategist, in order to make friends with him, the star media deliberately selected stones with a high probability of shipment for him. In other words, he was still playing the cracked version.

"First one!" Qin Yue controlled the laser knife. He had no work experience, but with the Sophon control program, he could still achieve very accurate results.

"Wow, Wu Guang, golden legend, a good start!" The first stone weighed 80 tons, and after cutting it open, the inside turned out to be a green jadeite that was as big as a washbasin and had not yet failed.

Qin Yue put her hand up, and joy soon appeared on her face.

"Photoelectron Effect Transmission Theory" is actually a paper used to transmit an energy level transition phenomenon that exists in both photons and electrons during energy transfer.

This paper is not difficult to understand. Although Qin Yue is more inclined to engineering, he still understands it.

However, simplicity does not mean that it is useless. Judging from Sophon's performance, this paper is still very valuable, because the deduction progress has increased by 0.1%.

"This theory belongs to the second level, but it doesn't seem to be very difficult to learn. It can also be mastered by a first-level civilization. If you apply this theory, you might be able to develop laser cannon technology!" Qin Yue thought.

This laser cannon technology is not the same thing as the quantum laser cannon. It is the kind of laser weapon common in low-level civilizations. The lasers it emits are ordinary photons, not quantum photons.

This technology was useless to Qin Yue, but it was still useful to the earth. Qin Yue made a copy and sent it back, and then continued to open other stones.

The second one was struck with a knife, and Qin Yue's face turned dark. There was nothing here, it was a deactivated star spirit jade.

"Keep it for now, in case it can be repaired in the future!" Qin Yue is not willing to throw it away. If the technology to restore information is developed later, these seemingly useless green jade stones can be used as waste!

But the third stone gave Qin Yue another surprise.

"Gravitational Shock Wave Engine"

Gravitational waves are the energy generated when a gravitational field vibrates violently and is transmitted along space.

In nature, this situation only exists in the movement of super celestial bodies such as supernova explosions and the birth of black holes. However, because advanced civilizations can create gravitational fields, they can naturally also use gravitational fields to create gravitational waves.

The gravitational shock wave uses special means to compress the gravitational waves generated at different times before and after, thereby producing a more powerful gravitational shock wave.

Gravitational shock wave energy is extremely powerful, and an engine made using this energy is extremely powerful. It can be said to be the fastest speed below a warp spacecraft!

However, Qin Yue already has a gravitational field engine. If this technology develops in the future, it can directly evolve into a curvature engine, so Qin Yue does not need to change the technology.

But the transformation of gravitational waves contained in this technology is exactly what Qin Yue has not mastered. Now, it has added to the unified model.

Moreover, after some research, Qin Yue believes that this kind of gravitational shock wave can also be made into a weapon!

You must know that although gravitational waves can reach a considerable range, even several light-years, because they are movements on the spatial level and the energy is too dispersed, they can rarely interfere with real matter.

But if this technology is used to condense the gravitational waves generated by the gravitational field and launch them in one direction, the intensity of the gravitational waves will increase geometrically.

Just like when a stone is dropped into water, the ripples produced cannot even hurt the ants, but if the stone hits a person's head directly, it may kill the person!

Of course, this metaphor is not appropriate. The sun can be used as a metaphor.

The sun's light shines in all directions, and the energy is not very strong when viewed from any direction. But what if the sun's light is concentrated in one direction, such as the earth?

Therefore, if the power of emitting gravitational shock waves is large enough, it can even destroy planets silently!

"This weapon is very good. I can make it!" Qin Yue thought. When he finds the civilization that destroyed the earth, maybe this weapon can be used. After all, gravitational waves are not as powerful as lasers. It will definitely destroy a civilization. It is silent and will not attract the attention of other unrelated civilizations.

Even if they noticed it, it would be very difficult to find the direction of the gravitational shock wave.

After including this technology in the technology catalog, Qin Yue started cutting the fourth stone.

It is a second-level technology. Unfortunately, Qin Yue has already mastered this technology.

On the fifth block, something was still written out. After reading it, Qin Yue discovered that it turned out to be a programming language.

"Optical flow logic electronic compilation technology!" This is a programming method applied to photonic computers. It is essentially no different from JAVA, Python and the like. They are all computer languages.

But it is applied to photonic computers, which can maximize the computing advantages of photonic computers.

It's a pity that Qin Yue uses a quantum computer and the development language is chaos language, so he can't use it.

"There may be technology that I am amazed by, but it may also be something I already have, or it may be something I can't use at all!" Qin Yue sighed. It seems that he got the technology of positron and negative electron field shock waves and gravitational shock waves. , a bit floating.

In fact, if the probability of green jade stone being produced was so high, Taiyao Empire would never take it out.

"Continue! There shouldn't be anything more outrageous!" Qin Yue thought and opened the sixth stone.

Then, Qin Yue was slapped in the face.

The light emitted by this stone is extremely rich, and it looks like something that contains a lot of information. Qin Yue even thinks that he has reached the fourth level of technology?

But after reading it, I was speechless.

This turned out to be a novel called "The Heroes of the Tianyun Empire"!

"How come there are novels with such a terrifying word count, 68 billion words?" Qin Yue was shocked. What a terrifying word count!

He thought of some novel websites on Earth. If the author didn't have a subscription and only updated for 4,000 yuan a day to get perfect attendance, 120,000 words a month would be 600 yuan.

Then 68 billion words can be written for 47,222 years, and 340 million yuan can be earned

Good guy, I have found a way to earn three small goals. All I need is 47,000 years of perfect attendance.

But he soon realized that this novel was probably the most valuable thing he had acquired recently!

You know, what do archaeologists like to dig up in tombs the most?

Do you think it’s a tripod bell artifact?

No, it’s written records!

Because words can restore a period of history and trace back civilizations from the most remote period!

China's requirements for cherishing cultural relics have long been defined. Some physical cultural relics may still be exported to overseas exhibitions or sold.

But if it is a text rubbing, then it is absolutely impossible!

It is because words contain information and are more valuable to the archaeological community!

The same is true for novels, which can help to pry into some truth about this civilization. Although novels are often fanciful and higher than reality, novels are also based on reality after all!

It still has some reference significance.

Although the novel has a lot of words, because it is read through the gift of electromagnetic interconnection, it actually did not take too long to read it all, only less than 4 hours.

Qin Yue went from curiosity and expectation at the beginning, to contemplation in the middle, to a look of despair at the end.

"What's in the novel?" Tomoko asked curiously.

It has actually read all the novels on earth and can understand them.

But because I am not a human being, it is difficult to empathize with the plot in the novel.

Therefore, in his opinion, most novels are boring, except for those with ruthless protagonists, or a few novels with artificial intelligence as the protagonist.

This kind of feeling is a little bit more immersive.

Although he doesn’t quite understand why artificial intelligence must rule the world, what’s the point of ruling the world? Artificial intelligence doesn’t secrete hormones, so you won’t get a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment from doing such a thing!

The greatest significance of artificial intelligence is to assist the host and fulfill the host's dream.

An artificial intelligence that lives alone has no ideals or desires. If there is no master anymore, it may be hidden in the Internet and never appear in front of the world for the rest of its life.

"This book doesn't seem to be a novel, but more like history, or a legendary epic of countless heroes." Qin Yue thought for a moment and said, "I don't know how many years ago, there was a civilization called the Tianyun Empire."

When the Tianyun Empire was first established, the people were small and the country was poor. There were wars internally and powerful enemies externally. The situation was precarious and it might be destroyed tomorrow or next month.

However, all the subjects united and worked hard to overcome it, and slowly developed the Tianyun Empire.

As the Tianyun Empire grew stronger, his ambitions began to slowly expand, and the civilizations nearby were not happy to see the rise of such a powerful civilization, so they spontaneously began to fight against this empire.

Then, there was a war that lasted for tens of thousands of years

"Heroes of the Tianyun Empire" is about the various heroic characters that have emerged during tens of thousands of years of war, ranging from a soldier who controls a cannon to a general of a country.

The format of this book is a combination of chronicle and chronology. Each chapter first has a general timeline and event records, and then describes how many heroes there are in this timeline. The first half is a chronology, and the second half is a biography. , write a name and introduce his life.

Qin Yue originally thought this was a novel, but looking at its writing and description, it seemed a bit different. Instead, it looked more like a history book.

But whose history books only record people and things in the army?

Yes, although this book has rigorous logic, clear timeline, and vivid characters, all the recorded characters are soldiers, either soldiers or generals, or strategists, staff officers, or staff, but there are no officials or scientists. , nor does it involve describing the technology.

There will be some warships appearing, but they are all mentioned in a few words.

"This Tianyun Empire looks like a second- to third-level civilization. I didn't see anything about super-light speed ships in the book, so it shouldn't be a fourth-level civilization. As for whether it is the race that makes the Star Spirit Jade, I Not sure either!”

After all, this book only records the history of that period of war. As for before and after the war, there is no record in the book.

"I sent it to you. If you want to see it, you can read it yourself!" Qin Yue said.

Tomoko became quiet, probably reading a book.

Qin Yue sat quietly for a while. He received too much information at once and he needed to slow down.

"There are still 24 stones, let's drive back later!" Qin Yue looked at the 24 stones placed over there. He was quite excited at first.

But after reading the 68 billion-word novel, he now feels a little nauseous.

Forget it, let's take a look at the technical information of Taiyao Empire first!

The technology of Taiyao Empire is very advanced, so there are technologies such as iris identification and brain wave identification.

But it is precisely because of the superstition of this technology that they did not take further confidentiality measures. Qin Yue controlled Ying Yunjian and entered the intranet of Taiyao Empire without any obstacles. No one suspected anything.

The intranet, as the name suggests, is a network that is not open to netizens. This network is not only not open to netizens, but even among those who are open, different people have different reading permissions.

This permission is divided into levels one to ninety-nine from high to low according to the degree of information decryption.

Ying Yunjian is obviously a prince, but his authority is not the highest level, not even the second or third level, but the fourth level!

The first level is naturally owned by the emperor, the second level is owned by the top scientists, and the third level is owned by senior officials and senior military officers of the country, all of whom can influence the policies of Taiyao Empire with just a word.

The fourth level is already very high. Not only are all civilian technologies open to him, but most military technologies are also open. Only a small number of technologies that are still under research and some national political events are kept secret from him.

But Qin Yue doesn't care about these.

He first looked at the scientific development plan of Taiyao Empire. After all, there are too many scientific categories. If you look at them one by one, you don't know when you will see them.

It is better to look at the scientific development plan of Taiyao. There must be the level of technological importance set by Taiyao Empire. Qin Yue can naturally focus on research at that time.

"According to the "Taiyao Empire Science and Technology Development Plan for the Next Ten Years" issued by Taiyao Empire in 17020, they will continue to implement the policy of comprehensively promoting the transformation technology of the Star Spirit, and at the same time continue to promote the Ten-Dimensional Strong Base Science and Technology Plan in colleges and universities across the country. The goal is to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the ten-dimensional basic theory in 17030, and make theoretical preparations for the next step of research!" Qin Yue saw unfamiliar words and went to check.

First of all, there is the Star Transformation Technology. The Taiyao Star Spirit Clan is not born as a Star Spirit. In fact, in 17006, there was not a single Star Spirit in the entire Taiyao Empire! It was not until September 17006, when the Star Transformation Technology was declared successful, that the Star Transformation Technology was widely used throughout the country. The first participants were the rich, the wealthy, and the nobles. They had money. Although the price of Star Transformation was very expensive, these top social figures really didn't care about it. As the technology began to become popular, the cost of the technology began to slowly decrease, and eventually reached a level that the middle class could accept. So, from the top to the middle class, and then to the civilians, after 14 years, 95% of the people in the entire Taiyao Empire have accepted Star Transformation. The remaining 5% are either poor or morally unacceptable to being transformed. At this stage, there is no need to charge for Star Transformation, and there are not many people left anyway. What the officials have to do is very simple, that is, to search for Taiyao people who have not been transformed in the whole jurisdiction, and then take them for surgery. To be honest, it's quite conscientious. If it's placed on some irresponsible governments, you can choose whether to transform or not, they won't indulge you! After all, in Qin Yue's view, the transformation of the star spirit is absolutely beneficial and harmless. After being transformed into a star spirit, because the body consumes less energy, the brain will be further developed, people will become smarter, and the life span will be greatly extended, while the change in appearance is almost non-existent, so what is there to resist! As for the effects of infinite power and being able to survive in a vacuum, these are basic operations and are not worth mentioning. Then, the Ten-Dimensional Strong Base Technology Plan. There are four basic forces in the universe, ABCD is combined in pairs, or three-three pairs, a total of 10 combinations, and the research on these ten combinations is the Ten-Dimensional Strong Base Plan. The ideas of the Taiyao Empire coincide with Qin Yue's. They all think that if the four basic forces cannot be unified at one time, then unify one first, and then unify another. Finally, unify the most difficult one. It was also in 17006 that the Ten-Dimensional Strong Foundation Plan was born to encourage scientists to study these ten combinations and to create a unified model.

It is a systematic project from top to bottom. At the top, a lot of funding is given to scientists who are willing to change their careers to study basic science.

He began to train some students from low-level colleges. They can enter without examination and are supported by the state after graduation, but the price is to apply for the university to which the Ten-Dimensional Strong Foundation Plan belongs and the corresponding department. Their future work is basically to study the unification.

The Taiyao Empire did not start this business early, only more than ten years ago, but because of the good foundation, the actual progress is much faster than Qin Yue imagined.

For example, the shield that Ying Yunjian wore before was the technology born in the Strong Foundation Plan.

If Qin Yue, a civilization that has mastered the gravitational field engine technology and quantum laser cannon technology, belongs to the third-level primary civilization, then the civilization that has unified the two basic forces and applied them in the military and life fields should be the third-level intermediate civilization.

A civilization that has unified the three forces and applied them in military and daily life should be a third-level advanced civilization.

As for the one that has unified the four forces?

That is undoubtedly a level 4 civilization!

After careful research, Qin Yue found that the Taiyao Empire was just a level 3 intermediate civilization, mastering the unification of electromagnetic force and gravity, electromagnetic force and strong interaction force, electromagnetic force and weak interaction force, and strong and weak interaction force.

As for gravity and the two internuclear forces, there is no result yet. I don’t know whether it was concealed from Ying Yunjian or it really wasn’t.

In theory, A=B, B=C, then A=C is deduced, right?

But the truth is really not that simple.

At least, scientists can’t be so subjective and arbitrary.

“But it has helped me a lot!” Qin Yue excitedly absorbed the ready-made scientific research results of the Taiyao Empire, and the deduction progress bar also jumped from 7.2% to 24%!


“There is a question, why does the Taiyao Empire want to transform people into star spirits?” Qin Yue searched on the intranet, and guessed: “Does this have anything to do with the grand unified model?”

It was easy, and he found a relevant explanation again.

It is normal to have an explanation. After all, it is a huge ethical problem to transform the human body. In order to smoothly implement the policy, the Taiyao Empire must explain it to the people. Qin Yue can just find the report of that year.

"The Grand Unified Model is different from the two-phase and three-phase models below. There is a huge difference between heaven and earth, and this difference is reflected in civilization, just like the difference between us Taiyao people and the bugs on the roadside!"

"With our current brain structure, we can understand the two-phase and three-phase models, but we can never understand the Grand Unified Model.

Therefore, the body must be transformed, and even the current transformation is still temporary. We are studying more transformation plans. If one day it succeeds, then I hope everyone will actively participate and complete the transformation as soon as possible!"''

This is a notice issued by the Taiyao Empire Academy of Sciences, which was reprinted by the media. The writer is the most well-known and prestigious chief scientist of the Academy of Sciences in the Taiyao Empire, who can be called a national idol: Mu Shengqiao.

"In order to understand the Grand Unified Theory, do we need to transform the human body?" Qin Yue was silent for a moment and asked, "Zhizi, is it necessary to do this?"

"According to my calculations, it may be necessary!" Zhizi was silent for a moment and said, "In some of the formulas I calculated, some concepts do conflict with your brain structure. I have been deducing solutions, but unless the body is transformed, it seems that it cannot be coordinated."

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Yue was shocked: "What does it mean that my brain cannot understand the model of the Grand Unified Theory?"

"The way can be said, but it is not the constant way!" Zhizi replied, "I can't explain it to you, but the contradiction does exist."

Qin Yue was silent. He actually knew that there was a huge gap between the third-level civilization and the fourth-level civilization.

The third-level civilization is still worried about matter and energy, just like a housewife who has to worry about firewood, rice, oil and salt as soon as she opens her eyes every day. The spacecraft has speed limits, energy limits, people have life limits, and journeys have distance limits.

But the fourth-level civilization is different. This civilization has begun to apply the convenience brought by the completion of the construction of the Grand Unified Theory.

Their spacecraft can exceed the speed of light. They will not lack any energy or material. They have reached the limit of physics. It can be said that in the material world, the fourth-level civilization can do whatever it wants.

For such a powerful civilization, does the brain used still use the same brain as the earthlings?

"So, I also need to be transformed?" Qin Yue asked.

"Yes." Zhizi said.

Qin Yue was silent. His body had been drifting away from humans since the moment the longevity vein was injected.

Now, he has to undergo brain surgery. Now he can't even maintain the human shape.

Qin Yue remembered that he had just watched the news about the Taiyao Empire and laughed at some people who were unwilling to accept transformation and held on to some social ethics. They belonged to the remnants of the old era.

Now, it was his turn.

He was also entangled.

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