Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 227 Three Views Area

Taiyao regards the sun as the most important and the moon as the auxiliary, so all the royal warships are shaped like the sun, that is, spherical, and covered with golden coating.

Other warships are shaped like the moon, which is actually spherical, but there is no fancy coating on the surface, just ordinary gray-black.

This color is extremely hidden in the star sea, which is equivalent to having a built-in invisible effect, but this is a habit passed down from low-level civilizations. In high-level civilizations, even with optical stealth technology, this surface color has not changed.

More than 10,000 warships are sailing silently in the star sea. No flame tails can be found on these warships, but if you get close to the warships, you will see that the space around the warships is gently fluctuating like water ripples.

In this fluctuation, one warship after another is moving forward at a very fast speed.

This is also a gravitational field engine, but it is closer to a dimensional engine, which is the one used on water droplets.

Not only is it fast, it can also turn at an acute angle and teleport over a short distance, which is more suitable for spherical warships like the Taiyao Empire.

With this engine, the flexibility of the warship will be greatly improved, and the survival rate on the battlefield will also be greatly improved.

However, on the battlefield, there has always been firepower coverage, attacking countless spaces at the same time. When attacking you, you will also attack the position where you may teleport. It is still difficult to hide, and you can only rely on the force field to bear it.

Although the battlefield has been upgraded, the essence of the war has not changed, just like the gun and shield, which have evolved into cannons and armor, and then evolved into quantum laser cannons and force field shields.

The three views do not refer to the world view, life view, and values, but the three stars here.

The three stars are called Jiuguan, Longguan, Wuguan, and the three views of synthesis, and the three views battlefield is mainly these three star systems.

The huge fleets of Taiyao and Xingyao have been fighting around these three star systems for decades. At the beginning, it may be just to compete for the ownership of these three star systems, but now, the purpose has long become to fight for victory.

The commander-in-chief of the Sanguan area is Zhongduhua, with the rank of two-star general, the same rank as Yao Mingli on the opposite side, and he is also Yao Mingli’s real opponent.

Zhongduhua's command post was on a starship. Yingyunjian's warship drove up and handed in the transfer order.

After he received Yingyunjian's transfer order, his face suddenly darkened: "Prince, weren't you in Beijing before? Why did you think of coming to Sanguan?"

He was a pure soldier who just wanted to fight happily, not to take care of these princes.

If Yingyunjian was not a prince, but just a prince, it would be fine. After all, the prince's life is not life, and he will die if he dies, but now he is the prince!

If the prince died on the battlefield, Zhongduhua would definitely be held accountable!

Hua is a Taiyao family, a noble family, and his status is very high. Even if the Taiyao emperor came, he would be polite to them. Naturally, he would not be very respectful to Yingyunjian, the prince.

Ying Yunjian was not angry either, and said: "As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I was just a soldier before, and it was enough for me to go to the battlefield in Beijing, but now I am a colonel, with more soldiers under my command, and the responsibility is greater. I am not only responsible for my own future, but also for the future of the tens of millions of brothers in my hands."

"You can still make merit in Beijing, and you can still be responsible for your brothers!" Zhong Duhua said.

"But I still want to challenge myself!" Ying Yunjian said lightly: "Yao Ming Li, he is so famous, if I can defeat him, the sense of accomplishment will be..."

"Hehe." Zhong Duhua shook his head, but there was more recognition in his eyes.

After all, the prince who dared to challenge a strong enemy was more or less a man.

"Yao Ming Li is not easy to mess with. After he came, the army was not stable, and people's minds changed. In this case, I sent troops several times, but he defended them impeccably!" After thinking about it, Zhong Duhua said: "I have already intended to borrow a military advisor from the capital. I am just an ordinary general, and I really can't deal with such a smart person!"

"Is there such a thing?" Ying Yunjian asked in surprise.

"This is a record of several battles. You can take a look!" Zhongduhua said, "You are here in Beijing. I don't know you and your fleet very well. If I command rashly, it may only have a counterproductive effect. You can be a mobile force. Your subordinates are under your command. I give you the greatest autonomy. As long as you don't violate military orders, you can take control of the battle yourself!" "Thank you, General Zhongduhua!" Ying Yunjian nodded. This was exactly what he wanted. After leaving Zhongduhua's starship, the four returned to Ying Yunjian's warship, and then Ying Yunjian disappeared as usual. Chen Chuwu looked at Ying Yunjian who disappeared in a hurry speechlessly. After he got on the ship, he asked about it. The prince was actually busy favoring women? You know, after they were transformed into star spirits, the desire of men and women had already been greatly weakened. In order to expand the labor force, some girls were even transformed into men at birth. After all, there is cloning technology to give birth to offspring, and there is no need for women. He just thought that the prince was a little absurd. Fortunately, the two military advisors were good people and talented, and they managed the entire fleet in an orderly manner. "General Zhongduhua gave us autonomy. Colonel Chen Chuwu, you have been in the barracks for a long time. Can you tell us what we should do in the future?" Qin Yue asked.

To be honest, he has fought many battles, but they were either bullying the minority, or using power to suppress others, or playing tricks, or bullying the weak

There has never been a situation where both sides are truly evenly matched!

He did not dare to command rashly in this battle that tested his hard power, so he could only ask Chen Chuwu for help.

Of course, the main reason is that he has no experience. As long as he fights once or twice, Qin Yue will know what's going on.

"Well, with our combat power, it is still unrealistic to directly find the main force of Xingyao. However, we can sneak attack the enemy's rear, such as transport ships. In addition, based on the battle reports of both sides, we can ambush at the edge of the battlefield. When the two sides are about to fight, we It can suddenly join the battlefield, disrupt the formation, and disrupt the enemy's deployment." Chen Chuwu said: "However, this requires the spacecraft to have extremely high maneuverability and concealment, as well as execution capabilities. His Royal Highness's fleet has arrived in Beijing before and fought. They are all tough battles, and I don’t know if I can adapt to this kind of battle!”

"Of course it's no problem!" Qin Yue nodded. The Taiyao battleship's concealment is not bad, especially since both sides have the same technology tree, so they naturally have the technology to shield the opponent's radar.

As for execution, that's no problem.

The second-level battleships still need some automation modifications, but most of the third-level battleships are controlled by brain waves. After Qin Yue cracked the firewall, there was no obstacle to letting Tomoko take over.

With Sophon controlling it, the execution of the fleet will be absolutely fine!

What? You said Tomoko is deducing technology and has no time?

Deduction is a fool. If you have the skills to deduce, why not help win a few battles and get the Mine Far Star!

By then, the technology developed from a single stone will save Tomoko many years of deduction time!

"This" Chen Chuwu didn't believe it, after all, he had never seen it before.

But it’s not a big problem. We can find a soft persimmon first and try it.

"Just him. The Xingyao Federation's patrol fleet only has 3,000 ships in total. Let's fight quickly and see what the effect is." Chen Chuwu pulled out the intelligence sent by the Sanguan area intelligence team and said.

"Okay!" Qin Yue nodded. He has 10,000 battleships here, and if 10,000 eats 3,000, it shouldn't be a big problem!

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